West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Sep 1937, p. 1

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" T1-»| m.lHPiHIK ^ ^ t ̂ • * - IW(gq|iiilJ|ii|ftl|;!#il̂ ^ uam m :^ - fvfr-> --«»•.- '1 .1 A w eek:l7 ^ eWspaper Circulatipg in the District of West VancouverrfAmbleside ̂ Hollvburn^WestOki, Dundarave ,,.0 0 per year. V Cyprcss Potk, Cattifetidi W/tytecli/f, Etc}:"~ rSi Vol. X I I h p l l y b u r n P .O ., W e s t Va n c o u v e r , b .c ., T h u r s d a y , sE P E M B T fiR 2hd. 1937 N o. 22 C H IN A ̂ Sii' Huj^he Knatchbull-Hughcssen, the British Ambassa- j,.,iUuXJiiiia^a-^ llen.a-v ictim to the.general dishonesty^iir iiitcinalinnyi affairs, Which came in with the League of Nations. I 'revious victims were the'Ethiopians, and now the people, of Spain.and the Chinese., There was a war in Ethi- ipia, as there is unduobtedly war in Spain and China, but, ,be- U E G A T T A A N D W A T E R C A R N IV A L T H E b u r n i n g b u s h B y Siibadar N O T IC E On"Baturday,^ 4th, at 2 :30 p.m. the W^est Vancou­ ver Swimming Club are,holding Uhtir farther notice thoee de^-f For years I have been meriting siring to telephone the editor of people who make mb-^\Vell, the this newspaper re ads, etc,, old digestion won't keep pace and liope for the best, knowing that the worst is happening. There are no declarations of ^war~..any longer, while con-, llifts of the,most h'oirible kind rage an,d peoples lose their" cmmlrios and liberties to the have-nots, who have flourished ('Xtardingly under this ostrich system. Many pink and highly . ĉi'iilrd notes are sent to these latter. It is stated therein, wlion'a particularly raw incident has occurred, that stern re- pi isals will be taken if such again occur. Other notes infonn. Ih'oin that their conquests will not be recognized. .And what., do I hey care,? N o reprisals up to date have ever been taken, ' and ihe culprits have the territory. W hichds all that matters. - flow long is the farce going to be allowed,to go on? How long, I'or instance, is Caiiada gbing to waste money on the .mipporl of the League of Nations, when it is so obvious, that (lid laiiiir, so far from stopping wars, has been only a pro- , nVitiM'of.tbem? . . . . England converted some mud .flats into one of the great cilii'!! of the world, now known as.Shanghai. She spent mi 1- linii.s of pounds, on its development, which development has Ji^coirof g reat benefit to the Chiile'Se. T oday it is largely in " ruhis a.s the result* of an invasion by the Japanese, made by ihcnrion the flimsiest of excuses. ' Japan has few natural resources, and as a resplt she'is peculiarly susceptible to economic pressure. The exertion of siich pressure now by the" British Empire and the United Stales together would!bring her present invasion of China to a .sudden full stop in .short order. O f course; nothing but the x'vont could determine the riskS'^^of war involved-in such action, but' then Japan's reckless .course in China and the eiiually reckless actions of her allies in Spain -- all indications point to synchronized action between them based on a com­ plete understanding -- ̂ must inevitably bring on war, if con­ tinued. " ' ■ ■»■, '- No great powerr'more particiirarly The British Empire, ^-omposed-as-4t--is^ef-so-many-racesi-who'dookH:o-The~Britisher-- a Regatta and Water Carnival; with my disguest. They want a a fine and varied program of thrill.i they're out for a thrill. A races; diving and comic eVen|s thrill is the only thing In life; have,.been arranged. The Club and, if they ran into a real one, IS being assisted by Molly Ed- they'd die right there. W hat wards and her ^rgup. In case of they want is not a thrill but n events will be postponed nice pink frill round their necks, until Monday-~|j*'bor Day. The To get soused to the eyes and dance at Hollyburn Pavilion has squirt round in a car at eighty been cancelled by the manage- miles an h ou r, is something to Vnent.of same, as it is under- boast about for a weekt 'This stood that their contract with oily is full of them, and I'd like their orchestra would not permit to shanghai the lot to Shanghai, holding a club dunce' on Satur- where they would got their fill, day night (where there ^ould be Pm sore, brother, for I've just a sharing of the earnings). I t had a couple of them in my room should cull him between 9 and 10 a;m. at West 55 and after ̂ ).n i. at West 363. U R m S H - IS R A E L (Dundnruve Branch) There will be no meeting of the British - Israel Federation, Diindara>?e Branch, next Mon­ day, September 6th, in the hall at 25th and Marine Drive. H O R T IC U L T U R A L S O C IE T Y L E C T U R E is quite possible that a arnall olub dance mdy be held at the Clachan Hotel. prattling about their-hectic ,do- jngs, and I 've almost got ingrow- First of Autumn Lecture Series In Inglewood School. - ing toenails from sticking my Sept. 7th, 8 p.m. S P R O T l' - S H A W SC H O O LS feet in the cai*pet trying to keep still. Plenty of thrills have come my way, and I never looked for one of them, like everybody elseThe -Spro tt- rShaw Schools open for the fall term on August who's been up against' the real ~~ 30th-jind»< September--7 th.--^ e y -- stuff. -One.of 4he -worst-iiJ- to -sit- are well known for the excellent in a hole'in the ground expecting business education given to those every moment to have a c6al(box" who take their courses, and their bounced on the top! of the old students are always in. demand, bean. Why, you feel just like a The head office is.situated at 812 flea .who has jumped into the Robson Street. Both day 'an d middle of a herd of stampeding night dasses. For further par- elephants. ̂ . . ticulars kindly refer to the ad- Septembor in the Garden," a short paper on timely topics, what to dOi an() how to do it, by the A.dvisovy'̂ nfqgiit|t<?6#' '8.:15 p.m.~ J ' ■ 'i> -■ ---'Soil--Chemlstiy irP /M odern - Gnrdoning,'" by G. H. Crabtree B.Sc., N.D.A. A h igh l/ im- vertisement in this issue. C U R R E N T E V E N T S F O R U M as their natural protector^can" afford to be-continually flouted pn sea and land. " It must either take seme Term of drastic action or go out of business, since it rests so largely on pres­ tige. Unfortunately the G reat. War~seems to'" have taught us nothing. We niuddle along imjjie same old way, trusting tHat our luck" wilT carry us through, ak it has done in the past. *The seasorjt'̂ Hop^ing meeting 61 the - Current Events Forum, will'take dace on ThursdayTSep-: Like most bachelors I have dw ays been so interested in matrimony that I have never cominitted it. Down in Cornell University. they have been sjii ing 4he subject just likfe' they -study-microbes~and-otherthingS7 highji siructive subject for / every garden lover. ' 9:06p.m.-- "Bulbs -- Depcndiable Vari­ eties and Disease.Control" by Prof. F. E. Buck of the.AgrK cultural Dept., U.B.C, Ahoither valuable topic, for our friends. C A N A D A P A C IF IC E X H IB IT IO N i^ e w ry = c o T fip le te c l7 ^ h e ^ w liir tT tember. 16th, at ■ 8 p.in. in .the old school on 27th Street and Nelson Avenue. F The opening subject for dis- cussion will be. "A Public Util-"' And luck does not. come to any man or nation'continually without some effort. . ' ' ities Cbmmission and Its' Rela­ tion to the' West Vancouver Transportation Problem." ' A s there -is'^considerable inter- ' est in the question, of, a Public Utilities Commission for Great- "^rVahcpu.ver the'sUbj^tTlrrJfa and, I hope they are wrong in broadcasting studio in the Man- some of the ir cqnclusiqns. ' Take ufacturer's Building will be one the one th^t husbands with at of the most popular innovations least $150 a month or savings of of thp Canada Pacific Exhibition, something between $500 and , August^ 30th to September ,6th.- $17000. a ' year have ' a-better ■ "FThcyLisands of, fair-goers will■year' chance of happiness. What=4)rice that; girls, and the love in a cot­ tage we have all heard so much •about? Is that all a dream and the .Jew"the best bet in a race -fdr-»a'̂ ir4^™hand~a^nti[--hea-i-tr?-- glass-- part-ft-mn You know^I .always thoMffht it studio, was my faĉ e that caused all , ihe Modern in design have their first opportunity. _of viewing radio., artists in action before a microphone for the pro­ gram »schedule of CJOR when they watch through the double of-- thtr^mod^l- con-particular application - to this vc - ,li . .1 j ■ j •local problem,' offers a good field my face that caused all the Modern in design -and for debate. The future transpor- w?meji in my vicinity to look ihe strucction, entirely sound-prwf, tation problem as between the other way,-but-now.am-nol'-sure with ajwciali remote control' ferri.es^an(Ohe_Kuses.:b*er_the_»" 'i'll "?*' broadcasting / equiprnent, the new bridge; the exaot relation of with it. The old brain four^room studio will be m oper- has been struggling_with the ation from 10 a.m. to 10 p.n;i. problem, and no conclusion in (laily, s sight. I f it goes on, r il have to. gram s direct from the Exhibi- the latter highway to the three authorities, Municipal, Provinci­ al arid Dominion; .and the rela- tiqiLQf-the. whole 4o a Public Utilities -Commission,! taking„_^a,^«_^,:.p^„,^ into consideration how the latter^ M K ST T iU K B lc iD G L should be composed,- the person- write to Dorothy Dix. TO R E S U M E T E A C H IN G tion grounds. - More-than 100 artists will-par- tioipate in 40 programs. ~The- regular broadcasts of Transradio News will be relea.sed-"each day _ * 5 _ _ nel, ----- -M rsTrrCfaarleg-TEmhiiflgcrran^ Eagle Harbor giiff^Fisherman's Cove w m be c d v e r c ? '^ ' '^ "'^ h < t c a c h i n r d f The_regularlbiisinfissl-preced--- r.1. - ___ _ recess on -Tuesdav. SeriixhThering the meeting w ill" decide the ^^cess on• - Tuesday, Septemher mipstion of future meefino- btudents are prepared forquesLion .01 luture meeung 15 r* M R S r S N E t G R O V E R E S U M E S H E R T E A C H IN G places; subjects, etc. A ll those interested in the subjects ,under discussion are heartily welcome at- the Current Events' Forum. examinations and the B.C. Musi­ cal Fstival, if desired. ; Her N O T IC E Organizations and others are respectfuHy reminded„th,at_the dead-line for news and other reading matter is 6 p.m. Tuesday for the issue of that week, this being done to help, our boys in making an earlier delivery. Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove will re- pupils have'^on 100% successes same the teaching of the violin at the Toronto. Conservatory of anjl piano next Tuesday,__Sep- Music exams "with first class, tember -7lh.-- Her pupil.'r have honors or honors. Her studio is been successful in the exains of at 2309 Marine Drive, where ' the Royal Schools of Music, Trin- parents and Others interested , ity College, London,. England, are asked to kindly call or phone ' and the Toron(o-Conservatory. her at West 88-X. L E G IO N N O T E S The next general meeting of- . the branch will be held on Fri- The deadline 4or advertising day September 3fdrar8"p.inr"A ' copy remains the same, namely, full attendance of members is nojon-on W ednesdays.-rr-Editor.____ vequested;;_____ =__ _̂__________ Younger children are visited at their homes. Any interested may obtain full particulars by kindly phoning her at W est 210.L. MRS. c . WILSON TO R E S U M E T E A C H IN G '^Eagle HarboF Mr. and Mrs. W. - R. Rathie have irioved' from 1576 Argyle Avenue, into^a house at. <2512 Haywqod'FAvenuer: H O L L Y B U R N H A L L 4Vished on Him-..oiicu un iiini - - ■ "Visitor: "'And wot was you think- -hf 'what is your' in',-o f doing . wiv your boy, Mrs. thstone *}*h ^ath Sm ith?'er of Seven: "My ' dear, T m Mrs. Smith: "Well, 'e's that fond sure, but I think it's : a griridr ' 'o f animals 'is father was thinkiri' of - F ' / ■. - making a butcher of 'im." Sunday School and Young T>ey s B l b i r a a s Y w i i r C T d 7 -̂ ' Mrs. Clara Wilson has resurh- ed the teaching, p f piano and theory following the summer re­ cess. JPupils are prepared for any_ Success icln't you ever feel the thrill of limbing ̂ the ladder of success?", "Sure I did, ma'aiiL_JBut the sentries caught trie as I was going over the wall." * ■ r a t J t t a ^ e ^ ikinday^ptem:^ Any inter- *n Hollybnrn-Hall, At «gted are asked to kindly call on the TiSpy m. aervice.n^t Suh-. or phone her at her studios at day bright Ctepel testimonies 2586 Marine Drive, phone West will be given by various breth- 237-B, or at 665 West 12th Ave- ren. T u e^ y ht 8 p.m. prayer nue, Vancouver, phone Fairmont and Bible study, 2647-L, , V-.'n' ' V ( T. ■" "Y ^