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All the nations are preparing for it as best they may, realizing at las^ tliat mankind stands on the verge of one of those periodic"̂ • irises, which can only be solved by blood. For the postponement so far of the catastrophe the na- lions can most probably thank, not the League of Nations m>;' the pacifists, who indeed between them ^ v e been mainly . responsible for bringing it about, but that most unpopular body of men, the international bankers, working silently be- liinci the scenes. The latter, being business men, have not done so out of any humanitarian 'motives, but for that strongest of ■il l reasons, self preservation. They visualized long ago, as so , iuw seem to appreciate," that in the wreck of civilization,'Whioh must be the inevitable result of>.any such conflict, would go their own commodity, money. This generation on its part has not tried to. abolish war out of any Christian love.for its neighbors, bdt merely because . they were afraid to face its horrors. Which is one of the rea- ' sons why all such efforts have beeh unsuccessful. J.l However, it is far too late to indulge in recriminations, also it is growing more apparent every day that Japan is try ing her utmost to make us fight, while she is yet strong. That i.s the only possible explanation of her repeated, acts of aggres- .sion, for which we have been especially singled out. She demands the domination of the Pacific, because she thinks the British races decadent and their navy on the down grade, else she, will smash our empire. Also she wants Ausr tralia. There has been a book published, by a Japanese naval - commandei=^entitled-"Japan-ihust-fight--Britain,'-!--iiL--wh'ich__ these statements are made with the reasons therefor. Such may seem ildiculous to us, but they are worthy of study as representing that Japanese thought, which has been trans- ' .Mated jnto_action in the^rei^nt rape of Chma. _ " llie repdrtedlJeman^ ̂ mrade'by'Hitler'"t6 Lbfd"Halifa x'are""" equally preposterous." He-in effect asks for a free hand in Cen tral Europe, so that he may control that continent as Japan . seeks to control Asia. And, having once obtained that control, he would break all his promises as before. Of that there is no question whatsoever'. In any case Britain could not have the war guilt clauses removed after publishing an official stater, ment proving them, up to the hilt, without inferentially admit- MUNICIPALITY BUY SKI AKEA Y.P.S. ELECTS NEW OFFICEUS COMlNd EVENTS A skiing area of nearly 400 acres, including property on either side off,Brothers Creek, has been purchased by the muni cipality as a watershed from the late Edward Mahon estate, the price being $12,000. Skiing will be allowed in the area as befoi*e, but ho swimming will be allowed in the two lakes. Brothers Creek is the main soiirce from which. West Vancouver is supplied "with" water, and the municipality now owns the creek and the property adjoining from the mouth to its source. New Skating Rink A new indoor skating rink, 200 feet by 100 feet, is to be built a short, distance from Westlake Ski Camp at the 2800 foot level. It is expfected that it will have natural ice from early in December until late in March or April. DICKENS' BOOK CLUB ting she had lied. -ItJs-quitetapparent-that-thm^ifelnot-^dihg-!at-aILw6ll XVIFh the dictators:.fn spite of the progress they:have""m'ade7 because that "progress' is costing them too much, and they can not long stand the pace. England on her part has the Hobon's choice of accepting The Dickens' Book Club are offering for their sixth season sketches from "Bleak House," which they wiU stage_ at:8'p^; hexrThu"rsday,"~"Decembe 2nd, in St. Stephen's Parish Hall.'̂ The scenes are laid in London, Lin colnshire and Herefordshire. There will also- be a musical program by Mrs. T. Turner and Mrs. A. J. Gleam. Admission 25 cents. Proceeds will be giyen to the Christmas ̂ CbiJer ^und and ith€CRect6ryi!addition;-- --------- Replacing Mr. Charles Bald win, Miss Anno Hellings is the' new president of the United Church Young Peoples, elected at the annual meeting on Mon day when plana were laid for an . active season of educational, de votional, and social gatherings. The meeting will be open to all young people. i .Ruj êrt Harrivson was re-elect ed ' vi'ce-presi(lent ."ŵĥ ̂ Miss Betty Hadwin replaces .Miss Ĝ nce Thompson as secretary. Miss Jean Warner will_take care of the finances. ' , Plans for this year's activities are governed by a four-fold pro gram consisting of Citizenship, Literary, Missionary and Devo tional, Recreational and Social; Selected leader for each group is as follows: Citizenship to\ be voteej on next meeting; Literary, Mi,ss Muriel Austin; Missionary and Devotional, Miss 'Gertrude Thompson; Recreational and.. Social,~Hillis-Wright,--Jun; Salurday, Dec. 4th--IjCgion W. A., afternoon tea, home cook ing and needlework. Friilay, Dec. 10th--Concert by West Vancouver ScluMil Band, sponsoi '̂d by Business Mcn',s Association.' . Saturday, Dec. 1 Ith--*Cinderella Dance for Santa Claus Fund. Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 15th and 16th--West Vancou- . yor. High Schools' Carol Ser-' vice,' '■ -• VVednesday, Dtk\ 15th--"A Big Night,7 auspices 'West Van couver Liberal Association for Christmas Cheer Fund, in Orange Hall. Monday, Dec. 20th--Concert in aid of Christmas Cheer Fund in Inglewood Auditorium. AUTHENTIC WAR PICTURES FROM SPAIN TO BE IN WEST VANCOUVEl With Anne Hellings in the chair, immediate winter activi ties were discussed. The pos sibilities of donating a Xmas " hamperrwas"brought"before™the members; All were asked to furnish ideas for contents at the next meeting, Monday, Decem ber 6th. Plans for the library project are well under way and will be ooimpleted as soon as possible. Hillis Wright, newly elected :iileâ der: ~ Yof - Tecreation,.^i^^ BRITISH ISRAEL ■evei-ybody , to 'aftenS the soci^' At the Orange Hall, on Satur- .day evening, November 27th, -there"will~be"a-showing-of-the famouFT war picture "Heart of Spain." This ,i.s positively the last appearance of thi.s picture in B.G, .since the film must soon "bê ĵ ept" back"̂ t ' New' YortT oflj^eif^af ■ the- producers. The pict\]i^%«is taken in Spain by Dr, miman Bethune of the Can adian Blood Transfusion Insti tute -and his assistants and is, therefore, authentfc and hot a studio production. The pictures taken by Dr. Bethune %vere sHip- -ped-tb-New^drk-ah d-̂ t-h"ere-eu t- such insults as may irretrievably damage her prestige with the colored races or of entering a war-unprepared. She has chosen -the former, as the lesseirof~twb"evite;"'and"rg: ■preparatio-ns for the inevitable da,y. . With things-as they are, we in Canada cannot do otherwise than follow her example, if we are the same men we profess to be, meanwhile discarding that very popular* but idiotic new formula; which holds freedom to be the God-given right of obtahmblF^or=the asking-and retainahle without TThe regular Monday. meeting of the Dundarave Branch of the British Israel World Federation 29th, at Marinê Drive and. 25th. The speaker is 'Tlolonel V. _E. Pringle, provincial; secretary of the Federation. All are cordially invited. - evening^ every other Monday, commencing November 29th, in -theGhurch-Hail--BadmiiTtwand ping-pong are already off to a good start. T^ese-evenings will , actual .scene.s of the bombing of ■be'̂ sed--te~s timulate~-H'iend'sh'h') and oowTOration with, other groups. It is also hoped to.al and put together to form the mo.st startling and artistic re- produotion of the actual fight- mg in Spain which_h^s yet ap-. peared upon the screen. The Madrid7"irlHrTtepu1:)|1can arm ies tange competitive games for the winter. Stan Gerrard, a former pre.si- dent^nowzpresidentioT:::St=Awt^ ;-Jn action, the everyday, life of the Spanih people, the heroism of the International volunteers, the .scene.s in the trenche.s and in the ho.spitals, the noble and CHRYSANTEMUMS FISH AND BONES Canadian fish foods are im- ■■pDrtant~kmrcŵ ~f~calcium an^" phosphorus, which are essential to the formation and mainten ance of sound ..bones and teeth in the humam body. That is one WEST VANCOUVER - ~ - ^ b u sin -e s s M̂-e n -'s-ass ,?;n- -The-next-meeting-of-t-he-West- Vancouver Business Men's As sociation will be held at 8:30 p.mi next Wednesday, December ...... . ..uiiiaii uuu .̂ iiia-L is uiic l®t,: in the P.D.Q. Cafe, 1512 reason why fish are so'valuable" Marine Drive." Among matters to -in-the-children's dietrOf-eburse," " up-befoi ê the-meeting will- fah ars also rif.h in nthpr TiPalt.h - be the series of . concerts to be Mrs. Bransby White announces in this issue that, she has * for "sale a large iiurhber ̂ ~chrysan- themuffis of many; varieties and colors suitable for at homes,' weddings,? or** birthday parties. Prices range. from 50: cents to $3.00 per dozen delivered. Tlfe greenhouse where the 'flowers m ^ be seen, is situated at 2361 Jeffers"onT"Avenue. ~ PhonenVes't " 4a8.-X or We&t:469.. rew's Uhited in.̂ North Vancou ver, has invited representative.s from West Vancouver group to attend an Inter-denominational gathering-on-Th u rsday- a t--8-T3M?ir -dangerous-work of the Canadian in St. Andrew's United Church, -North--Vancouverr-to-d me UKirrm Medical Unit--all these are com bined to form an unforgettable picture of the horrors of modern warfare and the ruthle.ssne.s.s of "Fasci«t7a^gre"MiorrrCritics~a"gW that thi.s is the mosFmovingand inter-denominational project- TpTofoumd^ecord'^fniiF^ffec^ tHORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION . At-the-last-meeting of the directors the--following names ̂ "Will you_goJ:oJLunchlwith-me- blondie?" ' ■' 'Well, yes and no." of the Association... A full, at tendance of members is request- -ed.̂ -- ------------------------------ TOUNUER' -w^reCsubmifSi^-theruora^ of warfare on a civilian popula tion that ha.s ever been present ed to the public. Everyone who loves peace and democracy should see thi.s picture and those who are:uncertain ~as to "the truth of jijgvmpaper ■ GUILD T̂he"=next='- meeting df^fhb" *'jyhat do you mean, yes andno' Yes, and no foolin'." . And in the old, days a bad man would go around with" niches in his gun handle, instead of in his fenders. Younger Townswomen's Guild ...will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, The^ will be voted on at the annual public ĥ ieetirijg" on Fri- iday-=at--8--p̂ m̂ --̂in--Inglewood- Annex: abwt-Spain .'jhbulcPmcFYaiTW Tffe~cniTrierar-ddesfle-iacTfs not lie."'No admission will be charged but a collection will be "taken for^The refugees,, -the December 2nd, at the hoine of Mrs. A. E. Young, 14th and King's Avenue. CORPORATION OF THE D ISTRICT OF^WEST VANCOUVER A.Y.P.A. TO PRESENT PLAYS Messrs; Blair Clerk, W. Clif ford, A. J. Capon, 'W. T. Sim.s, G. Brealey, J. W. Parkin.son, Lane, E. H. Jupp, S. Paton, E. S. White, Day, Rankin; Mr.s. H, P. Allen, 'Mrs. W. K. Woodcock. homeles.s hungry horde.s who are the victims "of Fascist brutality and for the humanitarian work of Dr. Bethune's Medical Unit in Spain. Court o f R evision o f Voters* List, 1 9 3 8 . XOTICEJs Jhereby . given that a Court of'Revision of the Voters' List.will sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, ^ istrict of West Vaneauverr̂ BiGTT̂ on Friday, the 10th day t-Deoember, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, f^th^pur- St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. with the assistance of the 12th Van-̂ r couver Rover Crew are present ing a group of plays at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the parish hall. ' . . ' Tickets may. be obtained "from, any A.Y.P.A. members. ' LIFE DRAWING PAINTING, ETC. HORTICULTURAL ASS'N ANNUAL MEETING HOLLYBURN HALL Miss Jo Turney, graduate of the Vancouver Art School, i.s prepared̂ to execute life draw ings; paintings or composition designs. Anyone interested is asked to kindly phone her at _West367.L-2_______________1. The West Vancouver Horti cultural Association are holding their annual meeting-and- elec tion of director,s' for the., year 1938 at 8 p.mm tomorrow (Fri day); in the Inglewood School Annex. It 4s requested that all members make a specia effort to, -̂ t̂tep4-on-tlHs-i3eeasic>nT---̂ --------- ]q|« ®̂̂ '̂ cting land revising the' Voters' List -for the year ̂ o8 and to determine any application to strike out the name to Person, 'which hhs been improperly placed thereon, or list the name "of any person improperly ̂ -MliMtherefrom.______ :_______:____ ________________ Munici^i Hall; West Vancouver, B.C., this i«th day ofNovemberT-1^37;~i - '----- . ; WM. HERRIN, ^unicipal-ClerkT-i A lantern service for boys and girls will be given at 7:15 ,p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Holly bum Hail,-when-the-speaker-will-be John Wilson. Sunday School and Young People's Bibl^~Class, as usual, at 10 a.m. next Sunday, FERRY SHOE REPAIRS CHANGES HANDS SEA SCOUT TROOP -Barry-Bigg announces in this issue that he has., recently pur- ehased""th'€~Ferry""Sh"oe"-~Rep1r' A ^West Vancouver Sea- Scout -^oop-is being formed, Boys in- terested may make apnlicatipn November 28th. At the 7 :30 p. m. service nex£ Sunday a Gospel "a"ddreŝ "75vill'"be"'giv '̂"bX"J^Rr McLaren. Shop, at 115 14th Street, from J. McCulloch. He asks for ô he pate ronage of the public, and prom ises them-the best work quickly done,- using the best materials. ~to Ca^. CT̂ A. MacDonald, West 543-L. The first meeting will "be held at the Marine Building, Vancou ver, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Novem ber 26th.