»f« 1l"'~t*'H J'!%--T-l«4*' - ̂I .-#» ,njt. <*« *.s,>r!VT«<«i.̂ <m>m pww Vi V- ' ^ ^ f m r n m ^ w m r *, I U! i i i V ? ̂'■'f ,f, i H 'î '-tJ ̂I, > ! i.: r "li' :if;-: [ii'i' |̂| l-r'-"i '!'! ■■ u l; tfX p :^ 5f j TT llfv fe'l ■ i 's ri:Fai- (!;■ •nn T H E W E S T V A X N E W S •# *1 «,_M'|» «# ». i*%**̂r «»**j'̂»*"il,\/ I'h o n e W e « t 4 6 RED AND WHITE Phone ------- -- Wei t 46 Meats---Phone West 370 HtICKH (;OOf) FROM FRIDAY, Nov. Jli lo THURSDAY, Nov. i s ' • BAKING sale IIAI HI SH--AiiHlrHliiin ICkIrii Fill!* ((uHlil)'. ItAIKlNH -- riillfonila Siwhd 2 ll»i.*3:te ('<k O A S I r™Snow y WliJI e Mi*<lillt?i Shr<*d CVyJoti. , >/f ||». Dc WAJ.Nirr MICATK - Wlilli' l*ji'f»*». • »// lb, 19c H11 () in'KN I SC - H w if j 'h J c w cl 2 hill, Curlonn ......... 2.1c ri!kKANT.*j-~'AiiMtriiliaii 2 II»h. 2.1c Kcclcjiiicd. ICINi;. fll'dAlt 2 IbH. 1.1c lirciil for Kkriiililiii); «»vcc c<M>kicH, picM mill (loiiKbiiutM............... .,:. NKW ,SAill DA'I HH 2 IIin, He* Fine fur ilafc cimkicM, AliNCFMliAT ....... . . ||,. ir,c 2 lb«. 23c I lied A WliKc.HAKINi; FOWDKU ' 12*1*/. Tin 17c; 2*// llw. Tin .13c Save fhc-i-olitmiiH fo r va lu ttb lc j ifc m - HimN. ' lied A U'liilc K.X'l'IIAIT.S Me2 II/. boUlc \ iiiiilbi nr Ix'miMi, Hid A While HAKINli SODA !/ II*. pkl, 6c lied A W hile'rAm.H .SAl.T each 6c liuri>o Hound Curlon. Flniti or loiii/.ed. . lied A While Sl'K'KS 2 .N'o. .'i liiiH -I ............................1,1c ('miiamon, Oinjifer, AllHpice, Niitme;; I ioM'H, elc. , lied A While I'A.STIIV FLOUII 7 III. Hack .................... ,'i2c I'K K I,. ( IIEKItII<:.S, I' lN K A i- l'I.IC H IN IiS Crystalized Ginger, per lb. 15c. MEATS MII.K I'ICI) IIOlIJNi; KOWI. per II). ,.......... i 2,3c MILK I'FD ROASTIN(i CIIIUKKN, lb. 32c SIRI.OIN ROASTS from Prime Steer Reef, per II). ............ 25c SIRLOIN 3'IP ROASl'S from PrliiK! Steer Reef, per lb: 24c MILK FKD ROILING FOWL .. per lb............. ..................... 24c SirOULDIOR r o a st s of VEAL per lb.................... .......... . 16c FINNAN HADDIE, per II). 17c SMOKED FILLETS, per lb. IHc k ip p e r s :.............. 2 lb.s. 25.C MLSIIROOMS,. pvr II).. ... ... 35c lO.D.IO. W IN T E R ( ' P A in V iA R D E N Holli iil'tonioon and ev<)niiiic'()f N ovimhIk'!' 3rd ;i c^rowd lliroiiKed , tlio .spacioiiH Oranjjfe Iliill when ' th<; liuiican Law.soii (.Uiapter, L O.D.E., held their "W inter Gar- den Parly." Under tlie cehv'ener- .ship ol' Mr.s. R. A. 3'honip.son '■" (I f 1 r a t i n n 'h a d dK'O I roa r r i e d '() 111 in white w ith nreen foliage and gave a truly w intry background for the .setting of prettily decor ated bool h.s, and afternoon tea 'tables convened^ by • Mrs. W. (Jourlay. i Members o f the Chapter wish' to expre.s.s their most .'sincere ap preciation to the c itizens and' -r nereh a n il^ td ii^ IL -t^hHecti^h* .-.--Jo funl Miss Wilcox and iluring th<M ■"\'(!n iiTg"sJro v^DdiTgliis" J'(̂^̂ ̂n~ .son assisted Miss W ilcox. The young arti.sls on the aften ioon prngra'm were littlii' M iss Ruth l^u num and M aster Jackie-M c- N<'il, I'ach favoring the guesty wil li two piano solos. III. the evenpig M iss Marjory -M urray,.-Violinist, _was_most-enr... th u siaslica llj received, as was her capable iiccom panist M iss Wilcox, the later an,, instructor o f pianoforte here in W est Van- c<3uver. M iss M argaret Richiird- son. }dso a local girl' o f talent , and teacher of voice culture and elocution, gave a humorous read ing, The fortunete.lleus were s plendid and proved a nio.ŝ t pop- C H BV SA N TH E.M C .M SH O W The Chrysantlicjmun ParkT Show w as held in the High School A nnex la^t Tue.-day eveii- ^tlf|rn'h~ipltte"Of *t in** M 'Wfather" of the past few wrHo- there were some fine si>ecim*'n,* nn display, proving beyond a shadow 'of doubt that W est \'aiicouver resi dents are fa s t acqihriJig tlie art o f "Mum" culture. Succes.sful coit'v'O.iiit.* were: r Red Spray.s, pri/e, Mrs. Rhodes; Single . I si. Mr.s. Rhodes; Pompnii. Jiid. .M/'s. ■ Rhodes; Show% btntr/*-. 1>L Mr. Holden; Show , piiil.. 1st. Mr. Holden; Show , nol. 1st. Mr. Holden; Show, whi'e, Isi, Mi'.,̂ . Holden; Rovvl o f .Miim-. 1st, .Mrs. Rhodes; R asket .Muni>. l>t, Mrs. Rhodes; Potted Miini,-*, 1st, f';ii*l. Skeet; 2nd, Mr. H'lrdeii; :!rd, .Mr. jU PP, « HM. Mr. M craggart Cowan of the Tniernatibiial IV.sl llar'deiis; act- , oil as judge and h'cturi'r. giving his au^lience much valuable iii- form aiion on growing, disbud- . cling and'-feeiling oUnuuns^-r-At-- tlie clo.se o f his lecture a very hearty'vote of thanks was gi\*l'ii ,ihe speaker. 3'he subject of starling a ̂ Chry.saiithemuni Society wa.s voiced to such an ('xtent that all interested are asked to get .in touch w ith 'th e Secretary. The' formation o f an Alpine Growers Club is also under discussion by many enthu siasts. ___A ttention was called to the.... annual m eeting b(>""hel(T'in.... InglewH)0(l School Anne.x next Tuesday ev en in g '- All members JE F F E R IE S 'S U E E R IO R -M e a TS G overnm ent I n s p e c te d O n ly E O K K - . i - V E A L delicatessen 1 store at Hollyburn, next Theatre P H O N E W E S T 3 "HAMtSl"- '̂•4'"*"'*' HAM B :s-„JB B E E COLD M EATS O F A L L K I N D S Service L U M B E R Quauty .SASJI ii DOOH.S .SIJINOI.KS 1>I,V\V001),S IrATll THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT " . BUILDEKS' SUPPLIES mROOPING , WALLBOARD t il e ; AgcniB: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LU M B ER C O . LTD. ' 15th & Marine D rive P hon e W est 115 'Hu* rai49 for ClaBBifiod Adyertisementa is 2 cents per word, minimum 2,1 cents. Kxcept In the case of those having regular accounts, all classi- Beds-are payable strictly in advance. • Ucm«mhcr Classifieds in the West Van Nevrs get immediate results, r- SAVE MONEY on your land clearing. Ilave exj)i'riL'iu;e and etjuipiucnt. - Kush jobs 'wanted. We' î 252-L. N U -U O N E C O ltSE T S , S urg ica l be lts , alteratioii.s. Mr.s. .MacAuIay, 1G18 EstiuiiiialL, West dOS-K. are a.sked to attend, as a heavy agenda m ust be handled as well as the election of Directors for next year. I; O. D E. fkuiadiaii W indow-Kakeries l^id.^ Gwendolyn! 'Beauty Shoppe, HoL Jybuj-n Tlitiatre,-Brown &-Mun- 'h A rcher Ltd., PD.Cj. Cafe,' MiicPher.son Service anti (-tH.s Still ion, 2dth ;vu/f-' Mfli'in*' • )rive,. liiiiularavlT'Market, Dun- (laj'ave Red' & W h i l e (H'oeery ^Store, Hollyburn D.airy, 11. Long Fresh Fruit. Mai'ket, Striittoji's liakery luid everyon e who* so generoii.sly supported the "VVin- ttlai*-itt-traeDi-uiv- The regular monthly meeting,.* o f the Dunoan Lawson "Chapter, T.O.D.E., w as held at the home ol M rs,.W . B. Sniall on Monday, Novem ber 1st. T he^ ^apter ac-' cepted the invitation of the Rev, Mr. Ram sey to be pre.sen't at the • -A-rm i s t-i ee--Ba --servi ce--at--Sf- 1-hA)0irsDlTFAClNtr -- .1." Siitirer- lami; 2M1 Mahon Avenue,; North M5S-L. • ' ____________ .MA,S()N\S TAXI -- Day and nighf; healed c'jir;-pas.sengers.fully insured West 1)12,' FOR SAId'i--Black Coat, fur trim- ■ 'Sued, warm, size IG, .$5; al.so bro'wn Balmacaiin,: 0.18, -$3.90. Both- like. new. Suitiihle for sehoolgirLs, West ,1!)1-R. -____________' • ROSE hfeDS, BORDERS prepared ready, for spring.. 'Low winter rates. ' West',7'()3-L. , ter Gardoii Parly" and made it. th e oul.s4iinding succe.ss it proved to be. __ JJie lovel.v c()stu3iie.s".mndokgl-^ by Mr.s. Jame.s Mt̂ (-'ue and the Misse.s Flhel Roberts.'.Josio Lty- = land . ajid--Sy,bil_Chapma11--w eiv-- .shown through the'eoiii-to.sy of Mi's. Kiu).\, who recent,Iv pur- chaod t he lui.siness and will man age the (fwen Gown and Spoil yhoppe.. David Spencer Ltd. Flappin* Shop wa.s re.spon.sibleJ'nr Hie cute garm ents worn by Those di*awing lucky numbers^; n r the Preventorium Cake and lovely prizes donated by th e local -fi luns-^a 11'eafl y--n i e n t-i on ed --we rtr Uie M esdaines.J. R. Allan, W. D,.; (;rady„W . B. Small, W. J. Liang, Henry Vanghn, Robert ̂ W. Frond, F . MucKay Knox, H. Os- trom, M iss Gertrude Lawson, R eeve J. B. Ijeyland and Major J F ^ H y lis ,s .__MrgfT W. B . Small Stephen's Church last Sunday. Two sentries o f the §^oyaI Can adian E ngineers will attend the service' at the cenotaph and im- m ediately afterw ards the official ■.-ilninHVi'r,. 4-1,- ' 'IT"*' :teeesr: FIRE INSURANCE^ ^Added protection is advisable with the added fire hazard of winter. We shall be glad to -qno.Le-y-oii:; rates.____________i_ H. E. WHIFFIN AGENCY Heal Estate ana Insurance 1520 Marine .Drive LEGION HALL FOR RENT - - Meet- ings, Parties, etc.; moderate' rates. Phone West 184-Y, F, W, Rivers. MARCEL Sh o p Thermlque Steam Permanents. Only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone ---- West ' 304, - Royal- Bank- Building..... CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way. Guaranteed.. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. • GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solid- .tor, 1447 Marine, by appointment only, West 403; 610 Hastings Street - . -Seymour 4199 afternoons. ELECTRIC and Mechanical Toys, Juvenile Autos, Wagons recondition ed.- West Vancouver Machine Shop,. 1449 Marine. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sawdust burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum; 1103 Lonsdale North 822. . , - INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, --r^Qnveuience-outlets-installedT-JrJIi-- "Paterson, West 108. SOCCER FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED -Houses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, and - acreage for sa le .. Lawson Pride, 1704 Marine, Phone West 55: drew the Coi-onation Cake vvith lucky number 91. Mr. E. Butter- worth held the lucky number foi* Hve lovoly pwrch oiislricm' aluriJio' housecoat w as won by'-Mrs. John R. SIgniorc o f C\vpress Park. will take place, the regent, Mrs. -\y. B. Small representing" the Chapter. F ifteen trees donated 'by tlie various organizations have been already planted and it "'as-moved that a letter be sent "tbHrhe Man ten N urseries thapk- ing them for their-donation df - -two dozen heather. F ive m cm - 43cr.s---voJ ini te e re d - to - iisw rfh V W : '~ l̂:Srsrr"S.und_ay W est V ancouver Merchants Football Club d efeat ed Abbotsford 9 to 1 oh the la t ter's Jrom^ ground-.. A steady downpour of rain made p fe y in g ' cold - and miserable -on the slip- ■pe-i^y-4iold^I-n-t-he-fiTst-h-alf--^b^ CLEANING, Pressing^ Dyeing, Alter ations. Repairjs.- West Van. Clean- ers. y. Scott."W est 161. BRADLEY & TURNER -- Painting, Kalsominng, Paperh'anging, West 380-X-l. ^ bo tsfo rd scored th e ir ,o n ly goal w hile Percy" M aste rm an co un te r- _ed--fo r--Wes t-V an c o u v e r Twith" 3 goals and Bob F iddes 1. A f te r HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - School Supplies, Notions, Stationery Hardware, Paipts, Oils, Turps, etc. l'"or card.s M rs. Bionne d rew th e f irs t "p rize ; M r. C. L. H ilborn second and MTs. 'J a c k B ooth, lh ird ._ P riz e s J o r th e couples m ak in g - slam s l i la y in g t o g e th e r w ere aw ard ed to M j-s . Jo.seph IT. .A rm itage an d M rs r Fif<r;"""Mrir L J-Teid A. of the Canadian'TrcrimT nn Fiddes 1. A fter GRADE BONDS and INSUR-. -GoromrttoTi~;Aibums wiIl~T)e p re sen led a t th e n e x t m ee tin g of C h ap te r on D ecem ber 6 th . Ih e ju d g es w ere M rs. J . Good- kept--u p-tTie--sam e--steady'"p"a'ce: which resulted in Percy scoring Soals, John Fiddes and V\ alt 'Zielski one each. 'TwojuugfH were Mrs. j . Good- -----'-'iic crtun. ivvo ■win Gibsoir; M rs. G erald Peel "'^re disallow ed- by -the M rs. Dallas P e rry and* th e severa l scoring op- aw ard s-w o re as -follows: S p e d a r prize. Brcndn- WiVl/infr. -at Am bleside Park .;;^)arrow. B etty an d Jo\Ta) G ar n e r and D orothy W arn er, th e yoii-ug-m odels. durin'gvthoL.- a lle rn o o n and ev en in g sliows. w ith - fo o tw e a r loaned l)v .)os T ite , West V ancouver, 'fho piano accompanist.s w ere M rs. L. A jel- prize, Brenda" W icking; High -^m»->iesiae r a rx west E lem entary. Mavis Pagin _TIT-. - TT-i, - ■ ■ Un Thursday.* A i.v,-, -TTot)stai-r-iV-h*K7 .̂ Veil and M ajor B ayliss; Mr. and Mrs. IT. O strom ; Mrs. V. R. China-and Mrsr A .-T h om asrF oL low ing cards and th e prize a- \\*ards, supper w as served under the convenersliip o f Mrs. W alter GomTay. Hastings, Sey. 4491; Residence West 73-X.^________ _ [ _______ • PR IN TIN G -- -^For a ll kinds of p r in tin g phone W est Van N ew s, W ^st 363 .____________ YpUN6 MAN WANTS W O R K ^ny~ kind. Phone W est 223-L. _ eX; 658-L."Trenei -■ Mrs.JTilborn and Mrs. Sewell they oppoS^d^^Ex^K?n '̂^ th . p .-esc ,U ati„ .,„V ScSri™ -^ 18. lation .schol;n*.Tiii»-. '" 6 league leaders Selec) Your GREETING CARDS Early invite your inspection of our full ^M'k'ctiori of ENGLISH and (tOUTTS C ANADIAN- CHRISTMAS CARDS. Cm-xcelled niilywhere for range or pviie. See Window Display. Fo r .YOUR FRIENDS' S.AKE!' make. yi>ur choice now Jo r overseas mail and avoid disappointments. Try Our Modem . Library Service. V est V an S ta tio n e rs an d L ib ra ry Next to Royal Rank .Phope Wdst 687 lation .scholar.ship awarded to Versco.vle Martin- which . will o o ff Friday, Novem ber of m embers m et last Monday to sew for the North A ancouver Hospital Aux-' for Dip Fv/>r.i • diary. , A play- written Jby BervI' ' n m is 2:00 C hnptir^T h^ .sponsored by th e -2 :4 5 p.m "Service-gam e bV th i n presented -------------- + • ̂ c Rondarave Junior Dram - ROOM AND GOOD BOARD for busi ness maii_or_lady.L. 2111 Esquinialt Avenue. Box i4 ,.W e^ Van' News. ^QARD & ROOM--With nursing cate t available; 'delightful surroundings': - on waterfront. , Registered nurse, G. Conquest, Re^tawhile Home, 136' 27th'St. West 86-L-2. at it Society and is -oplendidM"annTv." - called "H is ̂ provincial Echoes secretary,- ̂gave a very, interesting talk on her impres sions of the coronation. c o n c r e t e c o n t r a c t o r s Ijand Clearing - Excavation Work ---- ̂ :: ------------------ - " ARMOR COAT W ATERPROOF C EM EN T P A IN T TEAROE & SON. «« ."ar'ne o«ve ̂ ^ p h o n e w e s t 8 4 WEST VAN M ESSENGERJERVICE ■ _ JIM TURNHR, P r o p r W ^ Tr i^^S^ne leaders. We t̂ Vancouver Merchants aj'e at pre.sent lied for se'oond place with Excelsiors, Maccabees hinri' po in ts be- -------- ------------- ------------------------- • fo kick-off f o r q u ic k s a l e , $1 ,500 '- 5-Itdow cne -niXcels bungalow, close in. C. J. Archer - -Ltd,-W est 225.- - - 7 ® PB JOBS of- any kind done rea.son- ably. Call Hest 5S-X. WANTED -- Girl fo r general house work.' Whole or pai't time. West . 201-X.________ _____________ ___ .FOR RENT -- Ebcceptionaily wejl furnished 5-room - bungalow; Close • __farry.;' Reasonable. West 351-L. FGII-SALE-- --H-Rhiode=4sland=Re4 __ _ hens cheap. Phone West 437-L-3. _ , DOLL'S BUGGY FOR SALE -- Bodj length, 23 inches. Phone W e s t 52^F ^ WAn"̂ TED t o PURCHASE -- Com- -- foitable^HomerTSoIIybui'n-oi--Dyn-.. ^ CARD OF THANKS wish to and the offiFeTs mention of and kindnei ih o X A sympathy thair lo^ „ / U t d \ ^ "d & Z . - " Mrs. thank friends', d a il y .PERRY SERVICE P H O N E W E S T , 5 . Residence Phone West 245L_before 10-a- mr-and afteFB^plHr darave, must be in good condition, medium sized and ipriced about $2,000. H. E. Whiffin Agency, 1520 Marine Drive. - , ' " FOUND ̂ , Scotch CoUie Dog on Oc- tober_31st. -Legihurt by-car.-West. 763-L.