' '■ '- ,i " " ' " * ' ^ fS"* %■■■■■ tc,»̂ ' •» i*'- :i î t̂ii!'■H 1 Si:"■- ■ 'Ifc'-< ' t 'in lr | | ", : ill' :i-:i ! Bf S';) diS('J: :1I#' :1'i 1 III'̂y? 'I ■ f c ' ' -® ] • m :f34>i:' U ; I f i ' B:f'.'w-5"'7--'. pjiii|s'lr :tl- f i : i ' : fl-' 5(K^I$5«gs i! ■ 'sj- li' "1 ll'i If :e'j- :Yjf-it'-" ct̂ r •: • Si ^ ̂I 'm'. V 3 -,r 'T-- WB8T VAN UNITKl> €0imC0 R«v. Hlllis WH#bt. MlnitUr Sfiuouijijr StrriM ll:Ifi «,m., 7:10 p.m. Sunday School and JBiblt a « i i Stran««ra A Vfaitora Waleom*. Condition gour hair f o r y o u r Christmas Permanent IftMilUiy huir ik tho hiiKiM for (}»« hu»t <'»,h of uny httir Btyle, No c/iifruri' ciin h<* Httructivo if the* iiiiir (K (lull and IlfidoflH. 'riK'i'i* Irt JuHt lim(.' for ono or two r('-rondltlonlni<' IroutmentB lo'foM' <!}iriHl»aa«. 'riirn with a l>uart f'crinanont and ii ehie liairHtyh* you will ho all H(ft for th(' holiday. HcuHori. Gwendolyn "j' Beauty Shoppe , OcatorH of lixcluHlve I'crniancntN, 1546 .Marino Drive WcHt 117 BArriST CIIURCII ' Miniatcr > -w:- i» •' McJCttf«• t t j u B .a Sunday S trvka i » a.m.--Church School in*' H a.m. it 7:80 p.m.--Freachinif Servicea. A h e a r ty w elcom e to a ll DR. G. D. II. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST liny Slock, 14th and Marino Dr. (Ifllco iloura 0 to 0 p.m,.. SvanInKH hy appointment. IMione Weat 72 HOLLYBURN HALL 14 th and Duchesa ritlDAY, Nov. I2th, a t7 :l.'i p.m, l.ANTKKN .SMItVl(!K , for JtoyK and (llrla ( 'onducted by .Ml£. JOHN UAK' Hl'NDAV, Nov, Mih. at 10 a.m. •Sunday School and V'otiiJK i '<*oplu*H Hihin CIa«M SiJNDAY, at 7:80 p.m. flOSJ'KC ADDUICSS V Kvani;clisl 'I'homaH II. I.accy, of WaHhinKton, !).('. Comic anil 'hrinK your fric'tTd«. WEST VA.VCOUVEK C iiristiaa Science Society «... w KDIVICB * 20th and BBnulmalt, lioUybure This Society i." a Uraneb of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ. ....... ScienUat. in lioston, MaasachuHcU* Sunday Service: H :8() a.m, . Sunday, N ou 'm IuT 1 tU«, Subject: "MORT.\l4^ AND IMM()KT\I..S'; .Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. 'restimony Meeting Wednesday ■ , a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend' our services and mcetinjfs. R . P . B l o .Mendier of the V ancouver H ea l E s ta te E xchan tfe __Forgln ip ah ead ! N ow Sole Agenite fo r : Pemberton R edty Corporation Ltd. IN WEST VANCOHVEK AND NOUTH'VANCOUVER Re,al Estate Insurance Investm ents T ra n sp o r ta tio n , Telephones : W est Z1 T rin ity 1 2 7 1 IINITEI) CHimCH Lil.st ami KB<iuimaU Avo. Rev. liilliH VVriKfht, Minister ST. ANTHONY'S CATIIOUC . CHURCH Rev. ,W. J. Millay, PuMtor ' j^hon.e West 5dp Sunday Services Low Mass -- H:in a.m. Ma.sfl.and Sennon -- 10:11) a.m .̂ ̂ ^ Rosary and Bcmulletian -- 7:45 PiHl. Caiechi.sm and Piblo Cla.s.s--2:00 ■ p.m. ' Week*day Services C. JORDAN > - First WINDOW SHADES -- VENlin'IAN BLINDS -- WINDOWS WASHED Our Prieda are rlKht., 1 . Let UH .sfjul a man to irive'you an CHtimute. VVf Clean and'Repair. Rhone: West 719; Res; West. 7 I-L-2 • West Van Blind and A w ning 'Supply • l^MtahilHhed on N o r th Sho);o' . 25 Y earn ' . ' (L a d y 'A aalH tunt) HAUUON BROS. LTD. IF u n trn l i i r e c t a r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 W est S ixth S treet Phone North 134 * Vancouver Parlors. 55 Tenth A venue E a st Phone Fair. 134 F ridays-- Rosary, Benediction , . . -- 7 :4 5 ." ' Saturdays ■-- Conles.sions-; 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIEN r isT 5 Hoilyburn Dressmakers ,1890 Marine Drive ______ _nhONE_WEST_583^______ MISS D. H. HORIE Sunday Service.s: 11:15 a,ni. and 7:15 .p .in . Sunday School and Bible CIuh.s Mass^-- 7:Q0 a.m. at 10 a.m. . " . ■' ̂ ' .̂....." 'I'lu.' Fxplorer.s will m eet Mon day at .7 p.m. 'I'lixls (Irouj) meet' 'Fue.sday at 7 p.m. • ' . , C.U.I.T. m eet W ednesday at 7 p.m..... Pnfy(iiMneetinj^ Wedne.sday at -- ---- ' 8 p.m. ̂ ,, "MQin^ALS AND IMMOKT- (3i()irn ieet for practice.Thurs- ̂ A L S " will be the siib.jcct of the (lay :it 8 p.ni. . , , * L(.'.sson - Ser-moii in all (^lurches 'Oil .Sundiiy a "Kemembraiice o f 'Chri.st, Scienti.si, on Sunday. Service" will be held at 11:15 'fhe Golden'IV.xl is, "Because ' a.ni. , ' ye are sons, God hath sen t'i'orth The ohoir will sinir.the anthem the Sp irit o f II is Son into your "Souls of the R ighteous" (N oble) hearts, crying, Abba Father. R. Wv Froud will sin g "There W herefore thou art: no more w Is No Death." . ' .servant, but a .son; and if a son, "In the even ing the choir will then an heir of God, through sin g two anthem s: "W hat Are . C hrist." (Galatia'ns 4: 6, 7 ). Tht\se?" (S ta iner), and "Those A m ong the citations which fl:.hii.igs"-Sh.a-IHiintzboBierdRacê ~:'rr~GiiPipgdse=tbeil^ssorL..-S^ C o r p o r a t i o n o f t h e D i s t r i c t o f W e s t V a n c o u v e r VOTERS^ LIST, 1938 .Voters' L ist no.vy in course of preparation . ,See th a t your name is included if oiitit[pd to vote. ^ . SPECIAL ATTENTION.,-- N one but reg istered , deed liolders and registered agreem en t for sale ... holders are placed on list. W here agreem en t is r e g is - ' tered deed holder cannot vote' on sam e property. - „ A greem ents or deeds, m ust be reg istereil a t the , Land R egistry Office, Vancouver, B, C., b efore the The List is Closed at the end o f Novem her , 'w*'. ■ . ' ' ■ " - A Corporation the narfie of „which is on th e vo ters' list shall vote only by its duly authorized agent, w hose shall be filed , w ith the Clerk o f th e M unicipality b e fo re ' the end of Novem ber and who shall be a resid en t o f th e Province and a B ritish Subject o f ,the full age o f tw enty-on e years; and such agent shall be entitled to vote for th e corporation from year to year until h is appointm ent as a gen t is cancelled and the Clerk has notice of the can cela tion . ' Hoilyburn, B. G., 12-11-37. ■ WM. H E R R IN , M unicipal Clerk. EXPERT J l A O I O - l i F l P A l R & ^ K H A SO N A B I.il: . WALLY GRAIG (Ovt?r 11 Yeius' Experience) fc- 2117 Arifylo Avenue Come lo church and worsh'ip the follow ing , from the Bible and -pray. "M oie th ings' are "And let the beauty o f the Lord . w rought Jjy prayer than th is <̂ i>r God be upon us: and estab- world knows o f." .. ' lish Thou the. work of o u rh a n d s - The m onthly m eeting of the th e work, o f our -̂ WffWTS7 -bf--tlTr'^UTYi1i^!-t:i^ ---- will take place ouJEuesday,., 1 6 t h ( P s a l m s 90: 17). ■ = . instant., M rs.'K ush will be in - Le.s.son.- Sermon also FUEL SUPPLIES WOOD -- COAI. -- SAWDUST -- l.)ry7r;"" " $r)7r)(|-em̂ r _ JMUl Fir, Dry.............. $r).50.cor<l Heater, Furnace ami Firoplace BlockH ... ? l,25 eor<i Slabs ami Edgings.....$8.75 cord ;l cord.s l o r .....a.$11,00 M ill - ru n E d g ln g .n ......$3.60rcord . 8 eord.s f o r .......,,.$10.00 - SAWDlJSr Place youj- order now for S e p tem b e r an d O ctober de live ry , C H A K L IE T H O M I'S O N M il B ellevue Ave. W est .582 - W est 582 charge; the Word for answer to hichide.s the follow ing passage the roll call is "Redeem " and thcLChris^ Science tex t- i\s. K erfoot will take the chap- H ealth w ith... :!..o f..tlie-Stud>L Book. A conh a 1-- ^ Y ^̂^̂ U ^ ..§fU^turej^ /ita tion Is extended to . all 'Man, governed by Ml -ter Have You Seen Our New Truck? Some people tell us it is a handsome niece of eauinment stopped in your. lane. W E ST 3 9 SA W D U ST -- W OOD -- ̂ N o rth 94 KNILL'S FUELS . NORTH 9 4 COAL ' -- HOME OIL FUELS 513 Lonsdale Ave.' invitation ladies interested . BAPTIST CHURCH HRevrWirfnd"LrMM^ay ' 1545 D uchess. Ave. immortal Mind. i.s always beauti- fill and-gyand. Each succeeding " ' || year unfolds wi.sdom, beauty, and holiness."__7_____________ NORTH-SHORE LOCAL -------------t-OHNCIIxDF^WOfMEN The pastor Avill .speak on "The ' Thii Mm.fiv .t i o .F ru its o f l/ove ," in the morning, cil o f Wonum will L nm T f ~ A ^ilorv tn Lh^A-pLilHrcn will olmi 01 v\ onKuj Will hold their reg- cc, "H eroes and Compade.s" will Vano?uvei^"'on --Alondâ r̂ l^th-insta^n t,liT"2 'iL ^ THE h i g h l a n d s 1.393 M a rin o -D riv c Whore (imlid 1"o«k1 I.s Sorywl." Thi.'( e.stnblishment is avuilablu during the winter .season for pri vate partic.s and (irganization moetings at_reasomfble rates. THE W e s t V a n N e w s PubliH hcd E v e ry Thur.sdny P u b lish e r 1?;;-I^ tO V E O R dV E r vice ,_be th e even ing s ubjeet. T he ordinance of baptism will vSchooLwill be hold at 10 o'clock, prior to the m orning services. --There are c lasses for all ages, in cluding an adult mixed Bible class. ' The Y ouiig People's Society will meet on M onday even ing at 8 o 'clock. Mrs. W. L. McKay will g iv e an address on "The B ap tist M ission Fields in In d ia n G eographically ," - T h e prayer m eeting on W ed nesday a t 7 :45 p.m. ' S trangers and v isitors are cordially invited. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH " Rev. F." A.- Itam sey T BARRADELL'S ■■ ■.J .. ■■ i CLDSING OUT November 14th--Trinity XXV. 8:00 a.m,-~Holy Communion 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon, jRcv. H. Darby of Reading, f u r t h e r R ^ E D U E T IO N S LJlOtll Last Day o f Sale Phone West 363 ^ Bu.sine3,s-and Editorial Office: 1704 Alarinc Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: Lonsdale^Avi^ ^ England. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Wedn,esday, 2:30 pmi. -- Ingle wood W. A. S C Francis-in-.th^Woods.e Caulfcild^ Lots o f A rticles Suitable fo r Gifts Fixtures for Sale 9:45 a.m .--^Matins and Sermon.. Stofie forw ent $1.00 ^ year by carrier; $2.00^ y e a r YOr is having a hbuse b u ilt 'a t f>y 21st and Mathers Avenue. 1 1528 M arine Drive c'li r-f--t ># " V