------------™ -- 1-1 ' ■• I hmM «M» mmm OIKGER ALES ,' BATHING CAPS PKESCHIPTIONS ic e c r e a m and SUPPLIES t o i l e t ARTICLES MAGAZINES CIGARETTES* " iind manr®tl»ar ItfeittS pJ^ffipUrahd fihfteffully. Cr«»dit «xtend«d to approved accounts. CU NNIN G H AM D R U G S T O R E S j Went !I7 '. ' . . .."'............ ,-...... -......... ..........",., W-7P t a N O T I O E I \ W e are pleased to announce .that w e have formed a connedion with ,he t RANS^CANADA IN V E ST M E N T C O R PO R A TIO N Ltd., and will be very pleased to discuss this investment with any interested party. r R. P. BLOWER 1̂ CO. R eal E s ta t e a n d I n s u r a n c e B ro k e rs 1 4 0 5 M a rin e D riv e , W je s t 'V a n c o u v e r W e s t 21 B u rra rc L -L a u h d ry X td .^ ,̂ SW.ab. ê u n d r y s e r v ic e DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver 'Representative Phones -- West 691-L or North 1310 SIX MORE WEEKS OF SUMMER 'It st'cms a shame; but this isn't Honolulu. In a few .weeks' time you will liĵ ht the furnace. Will you. have plenty of sawdust for your, winter supply? Is KNILL your, dealer? Don't Jet the mosquitos mis- load you -- v/inter is not far away -- do something about it NOW. I f : KNILL FUELS X T ' SAWDUST -- WOOD' -- COAL -;r HOME OIL FURLS. North 9'i 513 Lonsdale Avo. Mr. Evans of Vancouver moved -to(lay-into-aJio"use_at_19th_ay^ MarinrDrive. , •* * * ■ L.O.L. 2990 The regular ̂ m ' above lodge will be held in the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eager, Orange hall on Tuesday, August who have been living for several 3rd, at the hour of 8 p.m. sharp,* years in Kelowna,-B.C.,- have re- and all members are asked to at- turned to their home "at 22nd tend in full force. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. . ^ and Fulton Avenue. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ' Miss Editeh Patterson of Cal5 gary, js visiting Miss Campbell at Sherman. Mrs. J. P. M. Piukham enter- tained Monday afternoon at a small bridge and tea party in her home at Caulfeild. The guests includetl Mrs. Douglas Dewer of New York, Mr.s. Angus MoAllister, Mrs. John Redden, Mrs. Jack Bell, Mrs. Young, Mrs. ' W. A. Adair, Mrs. Neblott and Mj\< j . D. A. Tripp. Mr.' and Mrs. W. F. Stevenson and daughter Doris, of Calgary, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rannels, 1139 Marine Drive. ^i|i/ ' * ik Dr. C. ,J. Clayton ami family . from Northern Ontario and Wal ter C. Clayton of Washington, D;C., are visiting Mrs. and Miss Clayton, 2818 Bellevue Avenue.■ ■; ■■ -■ .■ IH'..' .»k ■ . ■ : ■ ■■■ Mr. and Mrs. A* Copo and Miss Sheila Cope are summering at . the Suttie Cottage at Shrman. Dr. and Mrs., Leslie Marshall . -13th Avenue West, entertained at a bridge dn honor of Miss F. .̂Gafthorne and.Dr. Harrison. Reeve J. B.'Ley land was un animously elected as a GoYornor of the; British Columbia-Cancer Foundation at the last meeting of the Board of Directors. This institution is,-interested in edur. cational propaganda, cancer re search work and. is affiliated with the British Empire Cancer campaign. Mr. and * Mrs. Geo. Esmond White, Miss Francis and Miss Edith Mary White have.return ed to their home in Medicine Hat SECOND NARROWS BRIDGE TO CLOSE, The draw span of the Second Nar- _rows-Bridge._\vill be lifted for the "pinp'ose'of"anniral̂ ovCThaul'"and"-r€- . €U t o u i « i r l iu x iie 111 Mr. and Mrs. Dongmuir and after spending a week at Sher- daughter-arid Mrs. Bateman, and man; '- - daughter, all of Vancouver, are ' * * ♦ guests at the Clachan. ■. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow and -- ----.'..__L- ...... _ ------ -- - _ - - 'Jla.u.efVvt'iV,' Vi O.V.O - l>«ori .QWiiW/1. .̂.. Miss Dora Campbell of Que bec, has been visiting Mrs. Ethel West, and Miss West, and has now left for her home, stopping with friends en mute at Winni- Muliicipaf Clerk W .H errin wiln Mrs. Herrin has mtprned from his annual vacation and has resumed his duties at the Municipal Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Leaman arid family of Cypress Park, have moved to Vicioria. I. T. Meglaughlin, manager of the B. C. Electric Store here, is on his annual vacation. •k * Ik Miss Barbara Allwork, agent here for the *B. C. Telephone Company, is taking her annual vacation.. ♦ ■ Ik ♦ ■ ' The lire brigade on Saturday afternoon put out a bush 'lire which had started at 30th and Ottawa Avenue, ' Miss Edna Leslie, is" visiting the Misses Black at Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, 25^2 Bellevue Avenue, moved on Fri day to Vancouver.★ ♦ ♦ , Mr. Marshall, who has been staying at the Fortune Cup Inn, ha« returned to the city.♦ ♦ ♦ , . ' .Mr. arid Mrs. Clark of Vancou ver, spent the,„week end at the Clachan, 'Mrs. G. A. Pol'd of Calgary, . spent last week with her sister,* Mrs. Wm. Blair, 1527 Gordon Avenue.^ '.( ■ ■( >k 4c Ik Frank Cullin and Bob Blox- ham have returned from a holi day sailing trip up Howe Sound.> ' _ii« . >(( ♦ "F, .TJixdaf nn/T Vji«-aio.J--iiiYTWr9 laiĵ ^42-Marine-Drive,-are: holic"" ^ miPJBIRmIRI 'Jwlm JKiV': * if you a -burry for I>ru»f Store wants phone WEST 323 All delivery orders either larj,ft' or small uro promptly and courteously attended to. ANBLESIDE nU R N A C Y D. S. Montague ilispensing.^ Chemist CortilU'd Crystal Finish ' DKVELOlMNd & PRINTING We will call for and deliver .voiir pictures. JSlrattoayAKERY HOME-MADE OJMLlb/lkmJr FRESH DAILY , Ten .vai'ieties to suit every taste Meat IMe>< -- AppU'*' Turnovern hka'IcN (.hikes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address; 1408 Marine Drive, ̂ Phono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE J u ly 2l)th, noth an d H ist (JEOIKJE O'BRIEN and BEA'I RICE ROBERTS ' , iii "Park Avenue-Loggert *> also "TWO IN REVOi.T" A (log, a boy and .a c o lt;"co,m- bino to m ake one o f th e n o tab le Dictures o f the y e a r. ' pairs during--the early morning hours -- a rirettv wcddinff was solem- Avenue, have retu rn ed _to _ the midnight) to i i s T S ; ' on the fbll6w=-- mzed-mH;4ie=MoaH-t7Pleasan4-Git=-_^^ -------- -̂------------------------------ ing days: ' ' . adel of the Salvation Army on rnTYino-A of the Tuesday morning, August 3rd Thursday, July 22nd, between ̂ aw av on Wednesday morning, - " 4th Hazel Stratton and James Reid, Municipal. Hall s^ ff is away May-morning^---------- ing up coast on a motor boaC Saturday morning, Tuesday morning, : Wednesday morning, Friday morning, Saturday morning, . .During these hours the bridge will be cln.sed_t.o tra ffic . T h e c o-ope r a t io n '7th 10th nth 13th 14th --Mrs7~Agnes~B-rown-Ke]̂ --rr--w-ho- died recently at Didsbury^ ̂Al berta, was.' buried at sea last Friday off Nanaimo/ in accord-■ ■« J t ■ __...... . .. 1 couver.' The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. J. In the absence of the family M. Stratton, and was attended by on Saturday^i^ht the Captain Flossie Henderson .of . field in Mr. Pitts house at 30th- Shanauypn. Mr. W. Reid--sup- ^^nd Mathers A v ^ e ,;w a s notic- oL th e..P u b iS T ^ t^ "X " c^ ^.... ' • • ̂ "wa¥conducted by Brigadier A. E. put it out alter some oi tne Dalziel. The hall was beautiful-^ furniture had-been destroyed and ly decorated, a'large floral 'arch part of the floor. ^ arice with her Jong" expressed wish, her husband having gone down with his ship twenty years -ago, when it was torpedoed jn- mid-ocearnbya German submar ine.' The deceased was formerly SAT. EVENING & MONDAY . July 31st and Aug. 2nd GLADYS SWARTIIOUT , and FRED MacMURRAY 'Champagne Waltz' "TlJESri3AX :-------- August PATRICIA -ELLIS ^ D o w n - t h e Stretch* also BURGESS MEREDITH ' and MARGO l in "WINTERSET" (Once only at- 8:20 p.m.) ' tion therewith. T * KTJ. BURNS, - Port Manager, ucuuiai.is».i. « -------- -------- NATION-AU H^mBOURS BOARD. VnahiTig a perfect/setting for the ° Vancouver Harbour. -̂ r.T..4-Tr' - c.+f'Qina"nf Vancouver, B. c;, Jhly 27th, 1937. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside wedding party. /The' strains "of the bagpipes-J^yed by Mr._J'._ C. Reston heralded the bride's ent rance. During the signing of the register Captain F. Muttart played appropriate,, pianoforte selections. " - The reception-was held in the „Feter_ Pan Ballrgom, _at ,which telegrams of ISIO 'dftengeiMif'VictoriaraDd- Evenings,- W est-143 Real Estate and Insurance rendered by.;Mr. Tiew ^"d ~M rrFr"Williams"on," while Capt.JMuttart and ̂Mr. Reston gave mirsical numbers: - - -, * The happy ̂ couple left for a honeymoon in the Okanagan and bn their return will reside at 1506 Esquimalt Avenue. Prior to her marriage, Miss Stratton was complimented by two showers; one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sowden, 1137 East 13th, which took the form of,,a kitchen showfeî ; the other at the Mount Pleasant Citadel when the son, Mr. Coulson Pottenger, are visiting Mrs.' Alan Edwards at Sherman.sk * * Recent Visitors at the Guest - Cottage, . Sherman, ̂were. Miss Pearl Anderson- of Calgaiy, Miss ..Arv, wm.T. Irene Johnstop of Winnipeg, Dr. coiCTltulations and Miss Goffin of C^gary, Miss congratuiat ns jy ^tckell of St^Paul. M iiyi^ ;ye==BbiH:i)f Wimrilpeg^ a resident of West Hay for a' number of years. îk sk ♦ Valerie Smith and Ruth Par- "mim âre taking~the" pai-t--of- "fairiei^" in Bhakespeare's "Mid summer Night's Dream" being presented this week at Brockton Point. _ Mr. and-Mrs.-Thomas Th^mp^n, Dale and Arthur, of Moose Jaw^ Mr. and Mrs. Macklin, Miss Isov beP Haddock,' Mi'ss" "Olive' M^ ̂ Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. J. A'. Scott, Rev. and-Mrs.-J. P. Dingle, Mrs. M. McDonald, Mr. E. W. Zingg, Mrss. Louise Livesley, all of Vancouver.* * * 5k. • . ■ Mrs. E. H. Jupp, 2015 Ingle wood Avenue, has received word this week from her son Bobbie .Timbrell, who has been for-the Npast two years on the training Shower 'Miss Garthorne, whose wed- dingf takes place on Saturday evening, was entertained at the Hnome-<^mgg. -E th eL H a y j^ ^ (^ cupyand--saucer--shower.-- he-- gifts were presented in a beauii- . fully.jdCcgratecl peach and green basket. - - , NOTICE ' EMMAj: The man was here from ASTBURY'S today and measured the roof, and we can re-:roof to suit our pocket book. Here are the figures: . 8X No. 1 .Shingles.... .$07.20 5X No. -rShingles'.--$78.00- SPEOAL Inside; Fir..,..........$5.50 per .cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord ^^sj:^E dgm g^3;75 per cord' SAWDUST ;HIITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 the Corps presented her with an Q^^way at Liverpool, that mderdown-and a silver caserole. he has-teen accepted as a cadet WEST VAN ^Heiet MefSL Works ̂ ̂ Phone Wm T"39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners in the Royal Navy and will join. H.M.S. Excellent jm 1st Septem ber.----- -r"------------------- -̂---------- _3\L---WjlkinsoD:_of JBrlg_^ house,*'is visiting Mrs. Kilby- ^ o r iso n and Miss Florence Kilby at their home in Caulfeild The Scouts ow n service has been postponed.- Will all Cubs, 'Scouts; Rovers, please pass the word' along. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Miss Joan Durbin, Headmis- 'tres.s, announces the following successes in the recent depart- mehtarexaminatiOTs; ; - Senior Matriculation >-- Mary ■patrfeiaVGood,' 17 years, 77̂ .̂ ;. - - Junior-Matriculation Bar- "bar¥Good, 15 years, 71-%. .«• High, School. Entrance -- Jeanie Allaln, 13 years. Asphalt Shingles ranging ing from ...7... $131.25 J .0 $176.25; and here are ' / X t i % samples "~".TOHNT" Wel], as"-far ■ as -I'm coneferned, there's only two, we will either take the 5X No. 1 or the best grade in asphalt.. Astbury Lumber 6L, Ltd. PKone West 199 Night Calls-- -- A4 ROLLO, West 072-R OM ANY MAKE BROWN &-M0NTON; 1B42 MARINELDRIVe WEST 3D0" >f(*inhcrH A*H.T* of BXL Land-Clearing, . - , Excavation Work : Sole A g e n t s ~ f o r . . 7-5 arm or COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAJNX r E A R O R , & S O N , p 'H O ^ r w e s T 8 4 EXPERT-- ^ W a tc f i= ^ a a S J G 1 6 c 6 : - ' ' REPAIRING ^ T. CHRISTENSON " (formerly with Birks Ltd., .1522 Marine Drive HfHXYBURN DAIrY, 1702 Marine Drive We are now selling our- ^ PAR^VAY ICE CREAM HARD In Coiieii* ASK FOR YOURS NOW t