'M. X' ff% f '4 - '•' ***■ 'J I • II mm SJf *̂"li' I 4. t" -,:■■ >; i 'll.'. •"j; I :f >f" - A, I ^ 'T .§̂ ~'i' >< I spa-̂ '. n" • if 1'% ,' j«-̂t ( vN'i { U e- M i v' > '.S4->r .-V ,.-,| ,.- f l 1̂' I ' 1-54 - >v j,S .- - 4 ŵ'i'̂' if'ljl i - ■•■%t '4--^"l 4 - ' 'I -iti 'jif » ' vf ■• ',%. >'E > - ""i :;/•■'?; ■ ,V̂ ? , ♦ -? J*'t iI 6- V. iff'J I -Ri-. iS liS f i ip'mgmkmSiT ■» JTIS V r- ' IUr;HaHi Wrifht. Minl«t«r llslfi lum,. 7;lfi p M . Sunday Scliool And Blbl# CliMlî 10 Aon. St»ini«rt A VttitAn Wa1<m»ih«;' F o r P r e s c r i p t i o n P e r m a n e n t s Try a Te Col Treatment T« Col in a Mpccially procc*«?j[̂ oil containinir 2r»'/( Ultra - Vlo- latum which is added to your permanent wave aolutiontHleam- injf healitlii and luatre into your hair while havlnjf your perm* orient wave, preventlfiK dryneaa arid Hplit endn. Gwendolyn's . Beauty Shoppe (Jreatora of Bxcluai,v« Permanenla, 1546 Marine Drive Went ^ 7 v"'-T'"r--'V w e s t v a n c o u v e r Mlniater W. L McKay, KA. RD. Christian lienee \ Sunday Servleci 11 a.m. A 7:80 p.m.--Preaching Servicei. A hearty welcome to all CHURCH EDIFICE *20th and K*«|iii«»»h. lloUyboro This Society ia a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Cbrlsi, Sciential, in Boston, Massaebusetts , Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. HOLLYBURN HALL . 14th and Dticheas .SII.NDAY, Aug. l»i, at 10 n.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible ClasH SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 (iOSPKL ADDRESS Speaker: MU. JOHN REID (»f Motherwell, Scotland TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. Sunday,^August lnt Subject: " L 0 V E " Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meeting Wednesday . at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In vited to ottend our services and meetings. Come and bring your frlenda. TENNIS CLUB NOTES JL S U ilM m IR iaE !|p DRilip IK .■ ,. On UB-COVEHING FUitNITURB and LOOSE COVKR8 15U> Marine Drive Ph^;:W ^t'"7lÔ CusKionn » Ottomans... . « 1.1. P'jiHV Chaira • Cushions * Ottomans ■- Btooln (•h..»lj'riu-w» ■ ̂ - C uruln llod . - Itep.IrTiT*'^ iVtwl! f'Klilnif ■ NcwUffpoi"!- MoUBted • Life I'rMervtr Bwt Cmhloiw WEST VAl̂ CLEANERS W E S T 161 Your c lo th e s w ould b e t h e b e t t e r f o r r e g u la r c le a n in g d u r in g t h e h o t w e a th e r a t W est V an C le a n e r s . MATKICULATION UKSUI/l^ JUi.sulls issued by mcMit of Kdiicaiion at Victorw Shower ___ Borniie Donaldson vi West 12th Avenue, Vancouver entertained in honr of Miss Gar' Miss of X!w U e folliwiiiB HtaiKlii'K of thorne, a bride-elect, at a miscci: ijlltteit" at West Vaiicouver.. laneouB ^_shower,-, when , many o u t . G. U . H . S B A L E O.D.B., L.D.8. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Ohice Houra 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 u n it e d c h u r c h ,. 21st & Esquimalt Ave, Uev. Hillis Wright, Minister ' The Kov. Dr. James S. Hend erson will conduct the usual service next Sunday a.m. The evening service will be m charge of the Rev. Dr. A. o* Keid; starting at 7 ;30 p.m. Betnlilished on North Shore 25 Years ' (Lady Assistant) HARHON BROS. LTD. Jfuneral Bicectora North Vancouver Parlors .122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avemiu East Phone Fair. ,134 Hollybarn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive -M I88-D̂ M._H OR IE: ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Uev. W. J. Millay, Pastor ̂ Phone West 540 Suhday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:10 H* rrisA!i ̂ fT i K Rosary and Benedictioi) -- 7 :46 p.m. „ aa -Catechism and Bible G!ass--^0P_ p.m. . Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. . - Fridays--Rosary, Benediction --7:45 Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 ■ , to 8:30 p.m.' b a p t is t c h u r c h Mihist^: .The Executive'of th« Wunl Vancouver Tchni.s'Club have de cided to hold a North Shoi*e ()pen Tournament cornnienemg baiui- day, August 7th, and continuing till Sunday, Augu.st 22nd open to all bona fide residents (d tm. North Shore; fees iiayahle m aci- vance. ̂ As far as possible, matches will be arranged lo week-ends while the tournament is in progress. .The closing date for the receipt of out ries will be 6 p.m. Friday. August 6th, 1 Jo7. Entrants are requested., to' com municate with the 'Tournament Secretary, __George--N-uit_m ' Bellevue Avenue; West Vancou ver (Phone West 73-X), or iilc their names on the notice board in the club premises. Jt is m>P«d 'that- a goodcsized-eiitry...jv;l.L be forthcoming. North Shore Tennis L eagu e 'Standing " Club . ' PTd W. L: D. Pts West Van........ 4. 2 1 1 North Van. .... 3 1 1 . 1 Capilano ....... 8 0 1 2 MuSh depends upon the result of the postponed North.V^;cou- -veâ jLjUpxtaiioLZgâ n c. II ugh VmcVo'virMariin. KdwanI Meg- iiughlin', Jolin MiicI.co(l, Ifector \1iicRiio, Glen McDonald, Kvelyn n„..h I'anwr, ' Sandy Cove.kathleiMi J a g g e i, Ehiinc Kism^K, . * * * couver is visiting Miss Joyceline Hill-Tout at "Ferndale," Sher-McGowan, Stanley Patterson, Ian Uiehards, Thomas }^ohson, laii Rush, Edith SlToppard, Kath leen Simpson,'. Douglas Watt, John Hiehardspn. " 2. Completed Junior Matricu lation: Fred McIntosh. Amelia ̂ Walters. 8. Pas.sed in subjects written; Kenneth Davison, Margaret Tay lor. (kemieth had ,the .misfor- ■iiinp-to-be. absent for one of the examinations and will have an opportunity to complete his^ T he French B eau ty Salon For Work of Qyality 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 .5" 3 2 standing 'at the August supple mental examinations.) -- -4;-'Passed*1n "certain-subj ects: Helen Edward.s', Ernest Harri son, Jean Hill, Joan Mathews, Mary, Murray, Barbara Wyatt. 5. Donald Howiespn; a Grade .XI student,: was successful in passing Arithmetic' 11 of, the Normal Entrance course... ♦ * V ER N O N F E E D STO RE..........' ; ^ A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers o f AU Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Rev. W. L. McKay, pastor North Vancouver will tie up the --TAhn--Fr---C--Dorohester--com-- pletecr Juhiofnvia^ ac^ Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, ■ Rnthing, Dontihg, Fishing, Teu*roonta, Sandy Beaches, CdttagOH for rent by Month-or _ _______ Week________ -P545- Revj-James Strachan of Sask- , atoon, the newly elected Presi- ,■=. dent of , the 'Baptist Union of ■" * \yill" preaeh' Sunday evening. . The Lord's :Supper will, be admimstered at the close of the; sjendee. The pastor will apeak in the morning on .the subject, "The Lord's Day Ŝpirit.'* The' church aehqel'^wilt .... . playoff between North and West Vancouver, f' Any other . result will leave West_Yancoiiver in the premier position. . • " A- West Vancouver 'Tennis Club Handicap Tournament will commence.' on Saturday, July ̂ 31st, 1937, and continue on week days (other than- Saturdays and Sundays) until concluded. This -cording^n results ̂iust issued from Victoria.- - * * * . Miss Ruth Williams .was suc cessful -in ■ptTsSThg the Senior •Mntriculatioir-e'XOTninations^'at' North Vancouver centre. "EXPERT " .... ^ATOa=i»:î tRS REASONABLE WALLY GRAIG 40.vi&r--Mi^earsi--Experlence)- 2117 Argyle Avenue Engagement Ferguson's TRUCK LINE Lv. West Van. 8 a.m; & S p.m. Lv. Vancouver 11 n.m. & 3 p.m. Lv. Van,, SaturdayK, 1 p.m. only . Weal 85 , . d)oug. 429 meet at 10 o'clock. The prayer Ineeting will be is open to Club members only __ e prayei held on Wednesday at 8 o'clock Entries must be-posted on Ihe Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Castell of Be Imon announce- ISTrSTEPHEN'SCHURCH ^Rev. F. A. Ramsey August 1st -- TrinityX. Club Notice Board not later than 6 p.m, Friday, July 30th, 1937. will S u p p lie s Alill Fir, Pry...... " ....?r).00 cord Bu«K Fir, Dry........... $5.50 cord Furnace & Hl^afeFBloelis™ ^ind Fireplace Fir.... $4.00 cord Barky Slabs $4.00 coni. SInb.s & Edginjfi^ria Cords $11 Alder ....... ..........$6,00 cord Topsoil • Rock « Manure Dump Truck Work. CHARLIE THOMPSON West 582 . West 582 8:00 a:m.--^Holy,Comihunidn. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7;15_ p.m;--Ev^nsong' and Ser- ..mon, r Friday, August 6th -- Feast of- TVansfiguration--Holy Com munion 10:15.' „ gigan«Hte^Vpedgr I'^iulfeHd run concurrently, but.'will com mence Monday,- August 2nd. Entries will be in charge of Allan Forster, and. the closing date for receipt wilt be. 6_ p.m., Saturday, July 31st, 1937. ' CHURCHES OF CHRIST ̂ SCIENTIST the engagempnt. of their daugh teiv Jessie, to Mr. Wilfred Mun ton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E-.. Muntonr 2646 West Thirty-sixth' Avenue, _ Vancouver. The ■ wed ding will fake place on August 18, at 8 p.m. at Ryerson United Church. Rev. E. D. Braden will officiate. The bride-elect's moth er' and her sister. Miss Helen "Castell, have arrived in the city from their Manitoba home to be ■present at-the ceremony. TILING ijinks-^UEireplaces- Flooî WEST VANCOUVER BUILDERS' SUPPLY Uviest-560-- ---2i53-Marine-Dr. J U N K We buy Bottles, Rags, Metals, Furniture, etc. Highest prices paid. '• PHONE W EST 91 BURRARD JUNK CO. J-̂ LQ-VE" will-be ._th_esubject,. "Sunilay, 3 p.m:--Evensong and " - --Sermon.------------------ -- CORRESPONDENCE TheEdifdr.T THE W e s t V a n N e w s Published Every Thursday -Publishor- West Van NeWvS. Dear Sir: --̂ We have from time to time asked that a prop erly qualified life guard be ap point^ for Ambleside Beach. Although we cannot say definite- Jy_that.the. life-oLthe y_oung.man_. drowned yesterday would have been saved had such an official, been employed, the chances are 99 to i against the occurrence 1 of such a fatality. , „ , Youi's truly, j a c k :b o w d e n , President-W ^V^TS^ -Churches-of-Christ, Scientist,'On Sunday. " . . "'The GbldeifTexf ""Be per-, feet, be of good comfort, be of one mind) U-vonnlpfe'ace; and'^he" _God_of_lo.ve_and-peabe-shalI bo with you." (II Cor. 13: 11). Among the citations, which , comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: '■And we have known and.be-' lieved the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that -dwelleth-iiiTove dwelleth in (5od, and God in him." (I John 4: 16). , ' -The- Lesson - Serm ^""alsd~iiF -- We hayfi^buy^ ŝ 4 -aPd-5--roomcdrhouseS"n"ot"'over $1800. -- Ynur-I'n5p̂ ty~FOT~Sare~ with P.C. Gibbens & Co.ltd. 1473 M arine D rive Wesst 704 ' - ..Best Quality-Food used; Silexi,. ■ Coffee .with a reputation, -goodness..... You ̂will enjoy our 40 cent Lunch'and Dinner. We special- " ize in Home Made Chic'ken Pies, ssa SiS Seif3:Sif3!aif3!E3:E3il31fBB H E A R Dr. Clem Davies eludes-the ^following passage Tron]' the Christian Science text book,--"Science arid Health with F. P, LOYEGROVBT Key to the Script4M=ê !Lh-v-jvIariv :SakerIEaaY:--ILfGod-i Love.' ̂ Phone WesL363 Business Editorial Office: . , 1704 Marine Drive • Phone West 363_____ HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday School and > Young People's Bible Class will be held ̂ nt-4 0 More than this we cannot--ask, higher we cannot look, farther we cannot go." North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11,00 a year carrier: $2.00 a year !>y mail~i in Hollybum Hall. At the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday John Reid of Motherwell, Scotland, will give a Gospel Address. Tuesday , at 8 p.m. prayer, and Bible 'stu^.' Vancouver, Mrs. J. S. Woods- worth ôf Winnipeg, and Miss Belva VVoodswortlT of Vancou ver were dinner guests of Miss P^t\«rson at the Guest Cottage at Shennan. 1512 Marine West 616 CANADIAN LEGION HALL . WEST VANCOUVER M ONDAY A u g . 2 n d , 8.15 P.M. llBJEeT="eOMiNG"iVENTŜ CASTING SHADOWS BEFORE" An, up-to-the-minute re f̂iew of world events and their alignment with -BIBLE PROPHECY. -COMMURIIY-SINGINC, GARFIELD WHITE, Chairman A D M ISS IO N FREE Sliver Collection j ̂ D R ^ C L E M D A V I E S Tune in to DR. CLEM DAVIES, CKWX daily except Sunday, 8 to 8.15 a.ni SBS:QSS SiS® E3B rUS