'V InOWIIIpii ^ Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holtyburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy at newsstands. T)i(f alleged circumslancea Hurrouiiding yoslei*day'n I'aial- itv ill AniblcHidc Beach point to the neceaaity of having an <'Xi)orieiK*e(l lifeguard there, at any rate in the afternoona ami evenings and most of Sundays during the hot weather. 7ju' Ix'iieh is filled with picnickers and bathers in summer liiim, purlieularly on warm days, and, unless there is an ex- iK-rii'noed man on duty esspecially for, the purpose, it is quite vmm'blo for a bather to disappear and-drown before his absencepossiltle , . is noted. While to do so now may be a case of locking the stalile aller the horse has been stolen, such action would reduce h)' ii minimuni the chances of similar accidents occurring, in the ruture. ' ' ■ . ' PAROCHIALISM the Fo]* over one hundred years now Canadians have shared North Anierican Continent with the United States, a people speaking' the same languaige who have enjoyed much moi'e prosperity, amassed far greater wealth, but who with many times the' population have so far failed to jJigest the millions of other races settled there. It was only natural,- therefore, that Canadians should have absorbed many of the ideits and be largely-influenced by the habits and practices of their more prosperous'neighbor.' And among these is the ' narochialism erf which lately and quite truthfully we have > The C-apiluno (lolf and Coun try Club have extended the courtesies of.the. golf course to the Duncan Lawsoii Chapter," I.O.D.K., for an "Open Day," on Friday, August iJth. The mem bers of the Chapter cordially ex tend an invitation to golfers to lake advantage of this very si)ecial opportunity. Further, in formation-may be scoured from- Mrs. James McIntyre, West 58G-II-3; Mrs. K. B. Forster, West_494-L; and Mrs. W. B. • Small, West 638. Transporta tion will be available from the Ferry Wharf for any one requir ing sUme. ■ .. -r A refreshment booth conven-~~ ed by Mrs. Gordon Gray, is also being arranged. An attractive prize list will be announced later. THF BURNING BUSH By Siibadur been aroused by a well known Canadian journalist back, after several nionths spent on the other side of/the Atlantic. . The' IJrri,t€d"States~ha^"with~equaiwuth-been-c'alled-the- melting pot of the nations. It is as yet chieflj '̂- t̂-at '̂ConsciQus, for Michigan has, for instance, little interest in California, BRITISH - ISRAEL (Dundarave Branch) JMr.,JB.ujdiuiiJwilLspe.alcjQnĴ ^ Word has been received that ^the gophers in the dried out prairie districts afe trying to thumb their way from motorist.^ going westward. That story is too rich for my bloiKl. Besides a gopher has enough sense to know he couldiTt ridille the Rockies, and that's ,\Vhat he ' would be up against.l, My bet is that should the little fellow.s decide to migrate, they'll go eastward, aiul, if they-do, that means the prairies are but for good. Which reniinds me that,any man think ing ho can thumb his way from any autoist these days is plunib ' -crazy3----But'you can stop mb.st of them, if you thumb your nose at them, this on the word of an Irish friend of mine who was »-> pugilist and looked it. He said he had tried it out ii number of times,-and had yet to .meet the aufoist who'would not stand on fill his brakes and stop to pass the time of day. But he said Those interested in swimming and diving, either beginners oii advanced, are asked to ])hone Molly Edwards, West208-X. *** 'and neither: feel themselves much conceimed with Arkansas, -much of this the. result of too little control. being._v.estedJn„the_ central authority in Washington. Henoe a very evident and noifey parcchialism, Canada made the same mista,ke at Confederation, although there was some excuse owing to .certain treaty privileges enjoyed I,by" the French-Canadians which had to be considered. As a Chinese Harvard graduate, who -is one of the leaders in the Nanking Goverhmenti-stated • a few; years ago to -a prpm- «day, August'2nd, at 8 p.m. in the '.hall at '25th'and Marine Drive. AHi ^ e invited to take advantage of thi.4 splendid ad- " dress: ■' ' SCOUT NEWS 2nd West Vancouver Troop inent Canadian journalist, "You have given ^your provinces ' too much power. We are trying, .not to make the same mis-_ Thus we have become divided in our councils., and appear g=mere=^o^wiSh.=Oiê =̂̂ earSy- -̂s=the=3'nt6rss-t£ ^At the regular Troop meeting on July ' 20th, Dr. E. Therrieh gave^the boys a 30 minute talk. on the medical, sideyof first aid. .xms:3vas" pariTOUmny: use^ rflre"'bqys~"workin grf none liiTnJicm had' ever got put. of their cars and none of them had ever invited him in. I can't recommend it as a pleas- - ant way -of spending' the- after-- noon bn a highway. You have got to remember that he was a pugilist luid looked it. You .know jn this world it's not so much what you are as what you seem to be that does the tricks If - you don't believe it, brother, ju st anoint yourself heavily with OarHnli/v .hpfnr£> »>..tre. You may "be perfectly - TRANS-CANADA INVES'L- MENT CORB'N LTD. R. Pi Blower&.Company, 1405 Marino Drive, announce iii this issue that they haye formed a comieolion witli the TransjCan- jula. Investment Corporation Ltd. of which Major Harold Brown is ji managing director. The com- liany an;, the sponsors of Traiis- (bmada. sharesj il lixoil trust modelled on British lines. Any interested are asked to kindly get in touch with R. P. Blower ♦.MkinipanyT^io wiR'TjeYfleased to give them, full information. DROWNING AT AMBLESIDE. BEACH buJance^badge. "healthy^and^th'ertheatreTTrayHbtr Mike Tretiok, aged 21, of 1733 Duchess Avenue, was drowned • early last ,̂ night at A-mblesidcr' Beach, his body being recovered/ by the police after midnight, fol- lovving over live hours' dragging. He disappeared after, diving off. the float, giving a cry' as. he ThoydeceasefT^^ IreTETracerrt: one province clash with those of others or with Ottawa, aud all try to pass the buck to the federal authority and vice versa where the expenditure of large sums o f' money is oon- -eet̂ ned-: very Keen Patrol- Leader, the Otters are putting the "out-into-Scout." A patrol camp was held for several' days -crowded, but, if -the.y-let you in "a ta ll , 'you 'll 'Mbh^hav?!^ en tX of ]y from/Wheat.stone, Saska.tcJhLe:=_ wan. --y. - . ^ seats to choose from.- It won't be for long probably, because it̂ is pretty cerLain the. chucker-out DR. CLEM DAVIES TO LECTURE HERE dh Nelsbn'Cire€lc"WiTr all"BcobT-- wtH--btn^ rnent. . And, when you have bounced, please reniember that is only another proof of . the truth of my contention. •iOr.' Clerrri^avic.s, h6tedHcct-ar= Patriotism, the .rock upon which nationhood is built, is essentially based 6 n .giving, not.getting. •,One- gives one's ser vices, i f n ecessaryj■ one's life for one's country with no thought of reward.. Therein lies the reason why the United States has largely failed to nationalise'Tits immigrants^--To the-average yAm-orican, chiefly"'interest^~in~his hbmje-tewn^nfl--s-tater-P^^ riotism is/largely S,-matter-of waving the-flagyand keeping in future report to the S/M date and location of any camp held as Scouts.' This is a rule and must be adhered to.' ' - On Saturday, last,-July 24th, the natitnial holidays:--^ o f the rest his country-is~a-plaee-te- the Troop, had. a hike, visiting / Cfliiifeiid and Point Atkinson "--It has "Occurre,d' toTire tha would be best if someone hoofed I X J X. • V. / 1 * » v.v V V.* ■ er and. radio"°personaIity,- will agaipL visit -West. Vancouver, and will speak iirthe Canadian Legi on Hall. Marine k 18th,.Mopday evening next. August 2 , _com_- :15 p,m7 Dr. Davies be-exploited politically and in a business way for what there- ̂ ■ is in if for hiTn: .Tb<a immigrant soon absorbes this doctrine. and, while taking out citizenship papers, retains in hi? heart his old allegiance, as db'his'descendants for seyerargeneratio'ns. , While we have ai strong national spirit, mqchbf this idea of exploitation has drifted across our borders to the benefit of the few and the country's loss. Our politics can, .scarcely be be run_„on-patriotic principles, and nothing short of war .seems to make us .forget party. Plowe.yer, Rome was not built in a day, and undoubtedly time and circumstances will accomplish the necessary welding process both in our case and -JbaLof.ou-r-mcigbbors--lo 4 Jre-SQatff,̂ -as-d.tJias-jdQ-ne with- other =na1ton̂ iH::::Eur0pe^tcF/#hom-- Ti i sad'vahta^T lighthouse, and a-dding consid-' the KeV. Jardine on to the first erably. to 'the niuddy-condition ; sh.ip handy and sent him home. is being brought to West Van- couver' by Garfield White, who. 11. . 1.. 1..̂ . ... I... V ' . 4 «/• I T)f"i:hB' ĝulFby--bathing7-T- There's quite enough troublearound already-without any per son stirring the people up about who should "be king. The old. brainpot won'f- stand it, you know. The public blood pressure mg the new . injections of socialism and com- Atkmson,'and the Iroop extends munism* and other -isms that its appreciation tô Mr̂ Dawe and something will blow loose if it staff for their courtesy. . - stopped. Unless, Edward Sevie5/fa-^s^iyC3if^.rted;^la-ss^^V^^gpj^^s:^r3fi3^atelfar^^ ^.y A..4C4»J. JiJ'V>4V4 will ' be his chairman, through negotiations made - with Dennis--:: --, . .■ ...--T"-:--rjpfc -r-r-----*--̂ i ----: Three Scouts passed their 1st class swimming tests, and four boys their tree felling during the afternoon. Much interesting in formation was ab.sorbed ebneerp- he'mev^rwanT obtaining their engineer (auto- ed the job, for yvbicfi I don't■ ■■ - .-l ,1 ■ -- ■ ■■ ■ I-'. ■ 1. : 1 ■ • -1 j 4 ■ ■ ■ Bateman of HTis communiTy. The subject of Dr.i/Daviea' dis.- cour.se will be": ' "COMING EVENTS CAS3TNG SHADOWS ^BEFORE," and he vvill answer the following questions: "V^here was *. th e d rou gh t pred i c ted ? "Where are the prophecies con cerning the new financial setup?" "What does the great pyramid to -importanfe-eoming iiniialr c. P. JOHNSTON TO BE SALES ̂PROMOTION MANAGER DEATH OF \ ' . MRS. E. A. McART/HUR -mechanics-badge Appointment of C. P. John ston to be Sales Promotion Man ager, for Western Canada with headquarters at Regina is ,a n nounced today by E, R. Birchard, Regional Manager of' General Motors"Products of Canada, Lim ited.- - - - Transfer of Mr. Johnsten from balgary.sales office a"dds another, executive to' theTegional"^ tab ~ nsnment ̂ recently^set up in to^ake care of the needs ĥe rapidly ex'pahdih^^ " estern Canada /: __________1 -J-ohnston*s- \ Mrs.. Elizabeth Anderson Mc Arthur, 14th and Gordon Ave- • nue,.passed away-dast-'Friday in her 77 th year. She was the wid ow of the late .William McArthur, of Glasgow, Scotland, and is sur- ' wived by one son, Janies- Me-. " Airthur and ̂ n ^ daughter, Mrs. R. R. McCall, both resident here. "Funeral - services were -held- at- 2. Cheer up boys, camp on the 12th. If any other Scouts, who for any .reason cannot attend a camp this year, wish to go to Camp Byhg, with the. 2nd and 3rd Troop, they are invited to give their names to_H: B. Stev- which you couldn't have-.lcicked ens, Group Secretary, or to Mr. ' me into, and iFs up to all of us LynasTGrey, Scoutmaster of 2nd' to get behind him now and wish Troop,*;' n̂d we will drop Troop him better than that. Did, you identity and go as West Vancou-, oyer think, brother,- how you'd blam ê h i m--He 's'-golr t h e ■ wo m a n 7 he wanted after havingsa lot of first choices ̂ 'throwri-at -m.^ea(T ■ for years, so he opght to be happy. I sincerely nope so any- .hovv, and wish him the best. His . Ijroth'er has taken on the .job, t~ 'tary sy.stem "dbwiF/- --'Why-"is "Russians-trend-taward-- the Snuth?" "Are the 'Two Witnesses; in person about to appear?" " What is the sigri- nificanoe o f . '666 '̂ in Rev. 13 : ver Scouts. What abouteit? SPRINKLING --experience" p.m .-last-Monday in WesteVan- icouyer. United Church, the^bv.^ •Hillis Wright officiating, arid iri- "teriri€nl7~wais-":Haad în. Capil̂ .̂ Ot " ith J General. Motors g o e s . back over a number of years. He ,was ^J'-'Some time assistant zone ■'JU^^^fo^~at~Calgary, and."la ter o g .EasteimjCanada rto-be, pi'bniotion -managen-for-the London. - In recent nths he has been back in Cal- charge o f 'th e "'?ales/bf- in known he West, and his appointment nnn/i office will be popular in the field. ' . ' - View Cemetery. Harron Bros. Ltdl of North Vancouver were in charge' of the .funeral arrange- :-mentsF---------- 7-- -- '^ T h e" citizens are-urged -to-be as rea.sonable as. possible in -ihe use of water for'spririklirig pur-. poses. Th"e Council -'desire-.fa feel at being crowned as an .opener'to one of the ' hardc.st jobs on earth, by a man who'd blackguarded -your - brother-- to - the extent Canterbury .had? Nothing" but the blunt end of • the biggest -single-bedded- axe- would have satisfied me; But for 18?" Everywhere Dr. Davies ripeaks,-gr:eat-crowds throng to . . hear him, and the people of-Went Vancouver are greatly fayored , in that he .has found it possible to speak here .for a while on ' Monday evenings. There will be ^sadiriii^sion charge on Monday, brit a silver colleotion will be ■ taken to_<. help'riefray expenses. -The "lecture ■ wi 11" bc~'xmcfer the auspices of-the Vancou ver , Met-,̂ ropolitan Concert; Orchestra, of which Dr.̂ Almond E. Harper- is , conductprrHWA-rWbitey-chairmanT- maintain tne pressure lor uoines- , .. j 4. * p r.\yrAac, '"W~1vrj]l^T067 T5th-Street7 ha ̂ moved to Vancouver. fiV ii«;p as. well asVire protection which is why I think the Rev. snell^of warm Jardine should be sent home. As iS e ^ h eT m ly preTeit a U S tor- the^Arcbbishop of Cantor-: Taut unless ,ab;soluteIy necessary', g fT v ln t i^ ^ a n A ^ le f - the Go'uneil-do hot-wish-to-jnsti---- ' tute rigid regulations witn'limit- known in musical circles on the Pacific Coast, having accompani ed in 1934 as publicity manager, the Kitsilanor Boys' Band on its triumphant tour of the Old Coun __/ -Jrfr.rand Mrs. C.'R'., Messinger and youngest, daughter, 16th and ■ Marine Drive, have left for a trip to Mr. Messinger's old home in Beriv'ick, Nova Scotia. ed sprinkling hours. .Eyeryb^x . is requested to co-operate with Mrs. Nagger; "I suppose-if I were the Council, in thisxequest. to die tomorrow; you'd niarry .some It is surely ^uch better to pardon too much than to condemn 'too much. . other woman immediately." Mr. Nagger: "Not* right away. I'd -take a little rest first." try, and also the Vancouver E1-' gar Junior , Choir on . its Old Country tour last summer: The. citizens pf WesUWahCouvef are urged to turn out en masse to hear Dr. Davies and thus assure themselves ofrha'ving Dr. Davies come Again.' V-'------ : , -L-