West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jul 1937, p. 4

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THE WEST VAN NKWS Ju ly 2 2 , m i m iW«1iWM«MIIM»IIBflimffl̂ ^ II | . SMITH'S ~*~T!E!5Phone West 46 PIfohe """ W est 46 SPECIALS S* 'T •■ .,. M APItlCOm--IO|M' llnlv«*« Kguut tin ............... Ued & WhHf ( AKKOTH & l'HAS 2 No, 2 liiiM 25<' TIIHIIJ. HKAi;ni KOAIV I C4jlu« JUf I'INKAI'IM-II--Hlirid .Si«»(Hiior«* 2 No. 2 TIuk „ 17c* i'JKA...A uni M;iry'H I lb. .'Wc* I'IIFI"KI> VVJIFAT- liuaitc r, pkl. «r , HItAN l*'I,AKHK --KHIojfK'nfor licoilUi 2 pklH. 21c: f(«cl A While* JKI.I.V I'OWDKKH , l'iiii"ii|M>t(') Orantfc*. Mini*, ht*mon, Klriiwhorry, t*lr, <i |iklM, 2.'>c n ; 1)111 NOS HmV'c* tiriu* by kl'C'iiiiiK on hand u fc*w niic'kuKCH of lh<'K<* (|iiirk (l»04C*rtH. NAHOH ( iroCOI.A'J H IMIDDINli I'kK.....................' ■ ...... df NAHOH TAI'IOCA IMJDDINO Hkl. *'»c* Ht*d A While* roCOA 'A ll>. tin Ik* '// III. tin He COHNKI) HKICF 1 II). tin I2e MHISTKH I'ASrFr-HeaviT Fine* llaieer A h, tin lie HKD IM.UMH- Nalieeb 2 Nejmil Him 2.'k l'KAI{K,K(|i)ar till ......... ......... Ifec Hc*d &' While* <;ATSIIF ,l2-o/. Hollle* ,, . ■ 1.. . ir»c* M eats-- Phone W est .̂ 70 - KKJDAy AND .SA'I'i KI»AV. Jiity 2.iril K aUh MEATiS PHI,ME HEEE POT UOAS'l'S Ironi .IH cperll). LEris I.AMH. Top SprliiH* H>. SHOCEOEH l.AMH, Top Spring pt*r II). * BHEAST OE VEAL, per II). 10c SWEET PI( KEEI) SIDE POHK per II). 25c |||-;|NZ lim .K PICKLES, LMuslard anil Sweet Mixed) * Per II).............................. •'lOc H E IN / DILLS^ ....... :i for lOe VI:AI. LOAE (North StaV) - Per II). . ELE rCIlEICS HONEY & SPICED DAKEI) h a m , Per II).......... ■.................... ■ , - OOe "■"SPEGTAl-S"" Used VVashet * "Rfebuil t^Beu i W asher. ..... 11*̂ ® N ew W ashers reg u la r $80 .50 54.50 TEaCMS FORSTS LTD. Al'cJil We'Kl 711W. N. MOlii:i.<1 17i» Marla« Or. nlao at 00 Lejn  *'**'*J'r Nortli Vuncouu'f N'ort'* JEFFERIES'Su p e r io r -Meats Government Inspected Only HAMS LAMB UlSKt ruM ii VEAL COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 Store at H olly burn, next Theatre I'HONEWESTS L 1 . ■«j5eaMWB!IW»W»iliW. glWge>**MW|fc THE HUHNING ID Sn By Suliadar CHAIN FED DEEP,; POHK and Â, EAL h'INEST (U I7VIJTV. ' SC O C T N E W S .Al I In* feiHiIar niceliiiK of the 'rile; mail walked into a rest­ aurant, ornate in iLs Ijituristic r- .^... . .. , _ ... - decoration.^ and retdOiiKwith an / "'■."IC.v.d atmo.siTrTere (>l hJRl) pnm s. He Master. Percy Ilawtin. wa.s ushered lo a'^tableoind im - , iireseMl. He showed the fnediately ordered a glasa o f Scoids a*, lar^e pichin*. ol' Kin r̂ , watei*. The waiter l).mpkflit tlie wldch is to he the pri/.e water, whieli the man .swallow- j*' e(>riip('1 itioii. , . , , , , , ■ ' he 2nd I roop are determined« l w ilh <m,. Kulp, and a.ikn,| loi- n„, „ |, in -ih a ir •' another-HlHns-oi--waleri--W hile-- |ia ]l7~ '• , "A the -nWaiter wa.s away, the man , 'rhr hoys an* workiia^ hard for ; took out a .small packa^'e o f lmd>.o': aiid are ()aa'(*rly looking sand\yiche.s:. and spread them on lYirw.inl fo , ,another my.siery th e-tab le . No .sooner was thi.s hjko. r ' .done than a .severe looking in-' 'At ;i |'(■(■•ent emirt ol honor d iv id u a l came to tlun table and"" Ger.'Vid Jones was jiromoled to said: „ Hie rank of Palrol l.eader of (he ■ .." I heg your pai'doii, si)*, hut 0 (('0-.s/ Ala('li Mhii()iis has pa.s.sed th is isn't_.. has .sercond Ha.ss ti.'sts and is . 'Who ui'o .vnu.' m tcm ip led ivncock, the.m an, , . Hod V au gh n , and (lerald .Fones "I am thc-'m anagur," was the ' ji,„| Scouls 'lommy LiUlel'ord;_ . J m p resid^yc^rty . - - ̂ L(-slie P.r()()ks ami Mack Minions 'GTiod/' .said the man. "I wa.s were put (■;nn})ing over the week V ust-goiag-to-send- l-oi'-yoiiT-- -- mid--(TT-̂ irms- sonio oI' j }n r s t -- The bigam ist (j: it irigami.'^t alsMit wiioni thi' papers have b('(*ii talking, must in' a very al- ■ tractive kind of persoirio women or In* cou ld . not iiav<' comniit.tcd m atrim ony as ofii'ii as lie is stip> jjo.sed (0 haye done. \̂l>«'b want to know is what in a man app(*als to a' woinan. There arc very fyw of thejn who do not know some m an ;dl wonani seem lo fall for. Mo.stly the breed only apparently re.seailde i'arh other in b<'ing. the kind tin* men wanti to fall'on . T h at's not jealousy either, girls, although I know that is what yon liayc .sujd̂ al- readv. They do'n't stl'ike us .pist right, th a t's all, ' Now everyone knows the J\inds ol' wumeii who attract m en.--.U sually they arc not, liked by the-, wm icn, I notice. Is that j e a lo u s y C h o r u s by .all the ladfes, both .\'oimg and old iif most decided ti,aies, "Ol coiir.Gj not." The correct aiiswcn* to both (picstioiis is "because." the lat­ ter being alw ays tju* best re))ly to awkwai'iI (iuest imis"e x cep t-in - a court of law, where it will land yoii in the pen I'or contempt o t - court. ' .... : - A man Fold me t h-e. other day lie did not, like, the \vay these Kus.sian.s w ere flyjiig about. Nor do 1. The easiiid' way they .go on .'gives, frfiedthe' creeps. You knovy it's a lw ays (he casual oiies^ wJio are the greatest experts in anythin'g, the kind you , caii't̂ catch until they are looking the Td-hc'i* wa.y. In the interini_°.Yoii_ Servicer L U M B E R QuaUty SA.Sll fk DUOJtS IMVWOOD.S . „ lath ̂ ----------------- t il e ■ ■ Agents: :■ CANADA I'AINT COMPANY LTD PAINT THERE IS BUILDERS' SUPpi.li:,S NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING FOR QUALITY ■ WALLBOARD WESt VANCOUVER LUMBER £0. LTD. 15ih & Marine Drive Phone West 115 c l a s s i f i e d a d s rill* rite for ClaBsifled AdTortiserhentB is 2 cent# per word, minimum 2'i cenU). Except in the caHe of Uiooe having regular accounts, all classi. fiod)i are payable strictly in advance. ^ Remember ClaBHifieds in the West Van News get immediate results: FOR SAI.F --- !̂1*'»<> '-I'l̂ l** Foi'd; c'xrollout mioohanicul' concli- * liuii. Wost .')0!)-L.\,j* FOR SALE -- 14 foot rowboul, needs , slight .repairs, two oars, .$10.00. West ia i'T,R-2. . FOR SALK -- Do Forest-Crosloy Con-, ' solo vjidio. i)oi*foc*t oondiUon, ' snap $l.(i.Ul). -Also olotho.s wiwor and tul)-staM(], '.Apply "Fo'iiJak'i bandy °(.'ovo. - ■__: READ A BOOK -- Love, Adventure, "or Mystery. Ferry Library at' Wharf. YOC ( ANT Del Away Miilhout a law!i niovvoi'-this yoar, and you may h.'ivo to■ replace, that leaky hose. ,Soo our window. Crawley & Barker*, .... Hardware............ ..... ' FOR RENT -- Nice front bedroom for business lady, one block fioni -'ferry. 1368 Clyde Avenue. FOR SALE 79-X. Rowboats. Phone West ,si00 .MANTEL RADIO, perfect con­ d it io n , .$20;, Ladies Brown Twijed .Suit; Black Coat, size 20; Steamer --'rriudv; Bread Box; assorted miscel­ laneous; mail's morning coat, new, size 10. rSuite 0. Fortune Gup Inn,, h'before noon or after G. LOST -r- Black female cat vicinity-- RadclifPe and M̂ EYirie, 'July 10th. Finder phone West 391-Y. LOST -- Bank book containing' two $10 bills. Finder phone West 2(il-Y. l,OCAL MERCHANT has a perman- WANTED- -- 'Ha.ve reliable client wishes to lease unfurnished house;; 2 or 3 bedrooms -- around $30 per ) month. West 177-R. , « I T "isn'.t the'orclui.stra playingV" clas-.s Ic.sts- ̂ w't.rk, lioys! ooksVlirTt the Nort li I'olo is ruled out--a i LCl (Tnd) n 1yd rfcTp 1 a ccHtt~H i c~ n (nvt position open, for an--intelligent, SNAP -New unfinished house (# nergetic Salesman, or. Sahislady to-- gix roofhs; close in; on Upper liivel ..andle direct to consiimer a supjJi'ior bus route; view, $1400*. C. J. grade of goods consumed in every- --j^rcher Ltd. Phone West 22,6. aiomf*.-:Extensive list of jiiistomertv . .. to'cail ijnr^tn opportunTL-y-ixr-uyuro- .IXJNK--We buy everything ot~vaiuB; ish a permahent,' congenial business * ' phnne West,x^ai, -Burrard JuiikuCki ■n,::..thi.s..fjus%gi=ewhi-g-rd&amiMjinUŷ ^-- ......-- ■ ■-------- _ = --We buy everything of value. WEST VANCOUVER LIBERAL, ASSOCIATION Tjrriy-'î iri'̂ eTpihcdTT̂ ctve- .scrap- will bo a nice (loop coal rnino, Thiiigs arc going l-righer: ami liighoi*,- in tljo. "aordplano =m • Box 9.-West Van News. CniMNEV SWEEPING -- Sawdust ])urnei's jntalled; ■furnace repairs..............^Phone G. MefdrtnVf;F North ;S22. PAINTING, TAPERHANGING, DEC- ORATING -- For economy and t satisfaction, phone F. C. Dalgleish, West 574-R. ' . GENERAL MEETING in Dundarave Hali, TUESDAY, July 27ih,-ai 8 p,m, All ,m«mher.H are asked to aUonil. WO rid- 1 i k( > " o viiry t h i ng -* ol so i n- cliuling skri'ts, 1 nolico.- Am-ial ligh tin g i.s now to .tako place in tho strab').*^phcrc. Wo .shall-.iall 'pi*ay thiiy'll i*aise tho ante .some 'nu)i*o anb bomb the man in the nuion ins'toad' of IN ST ABLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed.; J. H. Paterson, West-108. : MARCEL SHOP ~ Thermique Steam Permanents. Only best n̂ t̂erials_ . .used. Expert operators. _ Phone West 304, Royal Bank Buildipg. moi*o crator.s in hi.s face wo'ii't d o -him -finy harm at all, a'nd--I-d LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Sp(!;cial'~ machine;.--repairs;---parts. West Vancouver Machine Shop̂ _ -■1-1-19 Mar-i-Her- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try. way. Guaranteed. Brick and - stone> repairs. Palmer,. JUapilano, , North 811-R-2. ."'l ■■ ■ ■ sooner have the .smile washed off his face than'olT mim^_____ vM'„ BLUE DRAGON INN, Whytecliff -- --î Vaspl-trnTrlres;" di7rn'ni'57"PaTties cat- B . C . E L E C T R I C V B U Y S H O M E Dundarave Pharmacy (fo i' iiKiny years carried on by •.Mr.-.1. Finlayson) has rocenlly ehanged luTml.s, and w ill now be in cha rge o 'f ih e n e w , ownei*- ______ M'.J,. KER tHiicd-y-̂ >l=̂ VTn b Ivs fd ~ -jTiiy-re.ipeel I'uiTy--̂ )Tim̂ ^̂ c'on- tinuaiico of ihe support accorded. "MT?"Fi-irlaTfsa)n-̂ iiutl"'"wcr"'slpFll7irŝ '■in Ukc pa.'̂ endeavoui/4o give you -elTieieiu .-service. ■ Our PKK.S('i;il>TrON DKPART- AIE.NT. especially is replete and modern .and wtL.tako. pleasure in supplying ex.actly what , your Doctor orders. Phone West (J06 Dundarave Pharmacy Phone, Wst 606 ered for by arra.h'^TOent.; CHIJMtNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust - Burners installed; furnace repairs. Phone - G7"MeldrumrTT03d7OTtsdaier ,:North Vancouver. FliUNISHED^AND lllNFURNISHED GORDON ROBSON, Barrister,;Solici- Hou.ses to Rent--- Houses, Lots, and acreage for sale. Lawson & Pride, . 170-1 Marine, Phone West 55. ' for,' 1447 Marine, by appointpient. only. West '403;- 510 Hastings Street -■ Seymour 4199 afternoons. M'EST VANCOUVER , BLIND & •AWNING supply free estimates. Rhone West 74-L-2.. _ ' --■ HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Opv tometrist, Optician, Wednesdays 10:30 to" 4. West 458-R for appoint­ ments. -HANDY--ANNSH O P--224^pM arine-- ^-^®--y^SS^T^*J**">P'®®*®̂ '- " - ^ Drive. Beach hats, ahkle socks, __ Hollybum Block.------------ ------------ notioilsstationery, buttons," et(f." S U-M lyiER C GA CHIN G fo ̂ backward pupils, fj| all gi'ades and matricula­ tion supplementals. Phone West-36 ■IIQM ABOUT T reating Your P an try . to a new -bread box this week ? See our' window. Crawley & Barker Hardware. . ' PAINT SPECAL--Porch Paint, per quart 95e ($1.25 value). House Paint per gallon $3.25*'($4 value). CanadaPaint C&' Products. Agents,, Vest Van(*{juver Lumber Co. Ltd., lotn . and Marine. 'West 115. WATER PRESSURE RESTORED p No curê no pay. Local testimonials. West 188-X. ____ SPECIAL -inside Fir.^-.____$5.50_per-cord- Slab.s with Bark $4.00'-per cord Slabs & l*klgings $3r75'-WT^ r̂4l- SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL' Phone North 620 4-ROO.̂ I BUNGALOW; large living FOR RENT--Nicely furnished house- loom; fireplace; fullplumbing; love- keeping rooms. Lawson & PrU '̂ ly numne view. Close to Ferry 1704 Marine. Phone West 55. ^ ■ wharf; price $1,250. C. J. Archer ----------------------------------------- - ^ . Ltd. West 225. " - 't'VALUE IN THIS $2,fiQQLLi_uys 4 lots on723rd, S t r e e t , all .PRINTING -- . For all'-'̂ kinflfl nf under-cultivation, with-good home, Drintintr vr * fruit'trees and'shrubbery. Phone N ew s, W^^ ^ George Gourlay, West 2. afternoons -oreevenings- .k i i n i i i i G W 2 -3 6 P ^ -G ^ G ib b en s ^ - G o , LtiL̂ 1 17.'1 Marine Drive M'pst 704 ^ INSUR.-V.VCE in all its Bra"hchCs Ouv Rales are Low, but Our ^Service.is Swift and Sure. A H O M E I'^l -home you'waiit (not just-a"house)7 give-u -̂ -̂ ■T to--you ~ no .commissions to pay,.^ _ 1 r 1 - • -- no .commissions to . -Mim-contracf^let. Absolutely personal supervision D'otT* )(gmning to end. I t's-arrb.usijiess with us, not a racket". ■ r. C. S H A R P DIAMOND REALTY 1395 Marine Drive. West 719 __________ ̂ W. H. ,LEMBKE, JT* i i f l f i S p i l i i