West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jul 1937, p. 3

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8tww#igiii T H E W E S T V A N N E W S 3 AUSTIN DELIVERY Vou art? as close to us as 3 our telephone. ...... oiir Qiiifk Service ■-- our MessenKer Boys a re waiting- to serve, you ̂ M il'US'.ini', a Package of C igarettes , a Hriek of Ice Cream ,--there nothing { iiiiit i-xl'cmled to approved accounts. CU NNING H AM D RUG S T O R E S We.M :«7 158II jMnrine Drive ST. S I^H E N -S CilUKCH T E A an d S A L E FRIDAY, JULY 23rd, in Parish Hall, a t 3 p.rti. H„ni(-cuoking, Garden Prbdi^co, Ico. Cream, W hite Elephant, Etc. B urrard L a u n d ry L td . LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVB ANDERSON, W est Vancouver. Representative Phones >-- West 69,1-L or North 1310 Only a Doll has Sawdust Brains! Hill niiiny a I'itiKon had saw dust' oh Iiit< miiul liisi winteK Till' '<lull" 3 11-0 0 0 1 h asn 't changed; the .Dip.an Cun-ent hasn't swung inland overn ight; w inter will eoine on'scliedule in a few riinnllis Order Y our SAW DUST Now from Knill ami DON'T liiive,sawdu.st on YOUR mind next, w inter. WliST nifsA W D U ST KNILL FUELS NORTd C O A L . WOOD 9 4 HOM E OH. FU E LS SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES On UE-COVERING FU R N IT U R E and LOOSE COVERS l.'ilG'̂ Marine Drive Phone W est 710 Chesterfields ' - Easy C hairs - Cushions - O ttom ans - Stools Draperies Window Shades - C urta in Rods - Repairing French I'oli.shing - N eedlepoint M ounted - Life P reserver Boat Cushions Ne.xt Sunday, July 25th, members of the Vaneouver Nat­ ural History Society,'tvill visit the lake area of Holly burn Ridge and local nature lovers are in­ vited to join the party. Details may be secured from H. G. Sel- , wooil, West 670-L. * , * *■ Mr. Robertson of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clachan.4i . * * Mr. and Mrs; II. G. Rourne of New Hampshire, are the guests of Mr. and' Mrs. ..Sawyer, "Dreamy Nook," '20th and Belle­ vue Avenue. , Mrs. T. A. Spencer entertained at luncheon on Tuesday, at her homo "Westdean," 21st ipul Mathers Avenue. ' ' .H< ♦ ■ i|< ' , Miss Jean Mailn'st)n of Caul- feild, has as her hou.se guest, Miss Kuthmuliue (Voimvell of Vancouver. - id Id ^ Mrs. Wfiddell and her tlaugli- te.r have been the guests I'or the . surnmei; months of the former's , otherTiaughier, Mr.s. h>.'A. Rob­ inson, 2897 Bellevue Avenue. id Id id On. July 19th about th ifty friends from NoiTli and West Vancouver gathered for a' gar­ den party at the Rotlgers' home, 18th and Lonsdale Avenue," Nqrth Vancouver, the ooeasion beiTig Billy .Rodgers' 21st birth­ day .r V V»»*, * ' Professor Vernon Way, Pro- ' W. I^efui'gey,' who was the fessor of Greek Archaeology at - guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. . . TT I. M. McLean, 2120 Bellevue Ave-Duke University, North Garo- .Hina, U.S.A., accompanied by> his, ■ mother and sister from Edmon­ ton, Alta., was a Visitor to his cousin, Ml'S.' P. Â Walker, 2455 • Kings Avenue. " , nue, has left to return to. hiS home- m Saskatoon. X ^ ^ a v p r y 1443 Marine Drive ----- A-nrbleside~ " Phone West 340 Evenings, West JL43' ; 4 . . '■J .'ivi, ■■■ Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Woods, and Miss Dorothy Woods are occupying their summer h(®tine at Shermari. V ■ , id ' Id . H. Robinson has .moved into a house at 968 15th Street. ♦ * ■ >d' . Mrs. D. MacN. Thomson, 1150 Esquimalt Avenue, left on Sat­ urday by motor stage for New York, where she will embark for a visit to England. She was ac- Silver Wedding A. very, pleasant evening-r-was y. visii/' w jLiingiiajiiti. ■ unv wevo c*.̂ - spent at the home, of Mr. and companied by the Misses Lorna --MrsT4Iarry,Gleed on July- 14th, jpaTV Thomson who will go on the occasion of their Silver, as far as New York, returning Wedding Anniversary. A beauti- byway oLMontteal and-Toronta. -"ftiLKttdV-tear-set--and-sil-ver-bu%=---q'l^ey'-expeo^ here' ,,-ter dish -were-presented by some the end 'of Aiigust.' -Qf-the- .̂.u.&&ts.lj^mQn.g....thDsa i.n-:------------------- id-- * *. Mr. andlNirs. J. A. Grant of Salt Lake City, are visiting the former'.'̂ mother, Mrs. E,, A. Grant, 1527. Gordon Avenue. , . * * * A meetiifg of special interest will bo held in Kerriadale Pres­ byterian 'Chin\!h at 8 p.ni. on Friday, when Mist^s?Gertrude Kollo of '2317 King's Avenue, formerly of Medicine Hat, Alta., will be designated^ by the pixjsby- tiM'y for deaconess ^york at Brown Vale, in Peace River. Miss Kollo, who has recently graduated from tlie Deaconess Training ScIuhiI in Toronto, will leave tliis month' Tor her new held of service. ♦ Id * J. Richardson, ;25th and 01- iiiwa Avenue, lum mrtved into a house at 1590 Inglewood Avenue. Id - Id ■ d . Mr. and Mrs. Sloan have moved; into the York house at 16th and E.sifuintalt Avenue. ' • . Id d d Mi', and Mrs. 1). 11. Hill of Pori Townseiul, Washington,, who "formerly resided liere, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marsh, 1487 Gordon A ve­ nue. ̂ . Miss . . Margaret Milborn, a bridesmaid at the McRae - Os­ borne wedding which took place yesterday, 'was hoste.ss at a beach party and supper to -a ' ligroup of sixteen of the young participants at the' Guest Cot­ tage, Sherman, oiv W ednesday, ■^eniYTgrJHlrTlth; ' . ♦ .... • ♦ . ...... " The tank of the acetylene gen­ erator, which was being used in connection with the removal of "the rail's from the P.G.E. track between 23rd and 24th Streets, blew lip on Saturday morning, the force of the explosion breaks ing the windows of some of the houses in the vicinity. G. Sund­ erland, 21st and Argyle Avenue, was. badly burnt about The face, arms, and chest, and is a patieiid,- in the North Vancouver- General is O E L I ŷ E R A If. yi»« ai'o ill tt liun-y for Driiir 3foro w ahta'jihono ........... W EST m All di'llvory oi'ilcrH oithor lariro or small aro i)roiii|»tI.v ami rourti'ously atloiulod to. ANBLESIDE PHARNACY I). S, Montainio DispciisiuKr Clu'iaiat Cortiflcil Cry.Mtnl Finish DEVELOPING I'i PRINTING Wo will rail fur ami dollvor your pii'tui'os. Stratton^AKERY F ru it and Moat IMoh, All kinds of CoukioH ' - ' A|)|ilo Turnovora IhniKliniitH EccIoh CiikoH WmldiiiK Cakoa a Spodalty Wo nuiko ovorythlnjf r ig h t on llio lii'onilsoH, Fresh Dally, frohi first oliisH ingrodlonts. Note Address:' i 14(58 Mafiiic Drive, l*honc West 27 ■V,:«M. Hollyburn Theatre .'THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND ■ SATURDAY MA'l'lNIOF "Muly 22ml, 2.'{r(] and 2-lih .lACK BENN,Y, GROUGE BURNS "The Big Broadcast. of 19.37" vited' w ere; Mi*, and'Mrs.,Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Stehelin, Mr. and -- Mrs.-Barclay, Geo. .Perree, Mar- gareU; and Walter McLintock, Charlie Lix, also B.' Robert^oir and B. Sloan of Vancouver..' * * * Hospital. Frank , Tearoe and J; -Kingiitom, J h e _o wner_ofithe_,gen-_I . y ■ ■ . «' ■ * 1 1 ̂ . ■ i 1 .G!*HtOl'j uUJ'il L IJltL" nqrso"badly, the former, coming oilt of thp hospital Saturda.v ' The Rev. ,J. ¥ ' and Mrs. Dingle of . Vancouver,. are spending a holiday-tn West Vancouver, and are occupying a. suite at Appier ton Co'urtT - ' ' - Brenda, ' of . Whitecraigs, Glas­ gow, Scotland, entertained at theHReof--Garden-of-A^ahcouveiL night,■ whi 1 e 'the latter left next: day. Miss Etta Gower of Courte­ nay, B.C., is the guest oFMr. and MrA.^C. R. Messinger, 1500 Mar­ ine Drive.-----. :--- ---- i|r »|t -----~ ' V also ) LAUREL & HARDY THICKER THAN WATER SAT. EVENING & MONDAY .luly 2Uh ami 2(5Uv GARY COOPER .H5AN ARTHUR "The Plainsman" also - ■ , I "THE EMPIRE'S h o u r . OF GLORY" (The Coronation Ceromony ac tu-- nrlTy:'taken • ihsidirTlie AlTtHjyr;-. , ~ .July 27th and 28th ' , " ROBERT TAYI.OR -(tlYhĤ --(i!AltB0- "C a m ille 9 9 -Two Shows (Owiiy' to extreme lertgth, short subjects make-up the time). . ON Any make BRQWN & TVIUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE WEST 366 .Mciiilicr.s'A.n/r. nf H.O. R ate s A re L o w e r N ig h ts a n d S u n d a y s Take advantage'of the low Sunday and night rates for long-distance telephone calls. The night and'Sunday rates;-which-are-the-sarne,_ar.e_ in effect on week days from 7' p.rh. to« 4.30 a.in., and, on week ends From 7 p.m rSaturiday, to 4.30.a.m. Mom day. • Any night or anv Sunday, the rates are cheapei. Hotel, on Friday, the 16th, at afternoon tea. The guest A were: Mrs. J. B. Levland; Mrs . R. Froud, "Mrs: Partington, Mrs. Leslie Barker, Mrs. D. W. Gra­ ham, Mrs. George M. Hiighy, Mrs. C. Hailstone, Mrs. E.- A. Robinson, Miss Barbara WyaU, Mî TVT'aTy Bradshaw, Mrs. A. B. Edwards,' Mrs. A. Brundrett, Mrs. 'J.--MacPhep6ri, Marine -Drive,- entertairted'^ miember.s_of Mount PleasanUWXJTT.'U rec^ t~ ly at luncheon. Mrs: R. Stead, vice-president, presided _at_.a_ short business meeting, and the next session will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Short, Ea.st Eleventh Avenue, Vancouveiy PATRICIA DAWSON DIES IN AUTO ACCIDENT .EH M A 'i-John, don't you think w e should j..have the roof rc- n we_ .siiouju fuivij ■ Liiu i-uwi. ly-, n sh ingled while the w eather is jij B. S t ^ n s,_Mrs. IsabeL Russell. Mfs. Cbrafie Gray, Mrs Mrs.-A. Gleam,- Mfs.-T-.-J-.-Brett. Tn the drawing of the'place cards" 'Mrs. Ley land, was the fortunate whiner of a beautiful oup-and- saucecr. i * * Mrs: McTaggart - Cowan of North Vancouver^, accompanied- by her daughters, Miss McTag- gart-Gowan and Miss Pamela are staying-at the, G,ue.st (lottage at Sherman. ' ^ ' * ' ♦ Sft Last '^ursday morning a Vancouver.aulo cra.shed into the fdr-p' nf "the rock" on -the morth took place last Saturday alters side of Marine Drive j u s t ,east _Q.f_lS_andY Cove^ One side o f the "'car wTs'cTusheTThroug^^^ , . length, the-driver sufferingifrom were very largely attended, were. bad-Ctits-ahd^on<mss^ -- h^d-at-2430-p .m. yes-terday . in Marine Drive, -when' little J.̂ at- ricia Dawson, the"nine .'î eai* bid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Dawson of 1452 Duchess Ave- . nue, was knocked down by an auto -driven by Mis.s Margaret H a r d y , ̂ S U . 20th . Street.. The oitr was stopped within a few feet, and, although first aid was administered by Miss Hardy, who' is a nurse, the little girl passed away the same evening »in the North Vancouver General Hospital without recovering con- .sciousness.-T-he sympathy of-the- ^ h o le community- w i 11 -go oui-to her parents in-their great and sudden lo.ss. ' -The~7'funeral" serviceH,---which j?ood? J 0 H N : A splendid Fdcu,: my __dear. You call- ASTBURY'S a t W est 199 and ask them to give u.s an esti­ m ate. -They handle', CEDAR, A SPHA LT and ASBES'l'OS SHINGLES, and we can have a -^pr-icf r ^ - t - h o-<ji01erent-k.indBT7an(l- 'S RompT Asthury Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone W est 199 N ig h t Calls-- A, ROLLO, West G72-R. li i u->i: U ■ >1- n S- S/ __A. h e_adrOn- colli si oh -tbok- pl ace- Saturday_ aftern_ooji_on _ih e__M_ar-̂ ~ihe", Driye at Copper Cove be- tween two Vahoouver cars, one -'Of-which was carrying three dele­ gates to the Pan-P^ific Women's ConfefCn(!e. Two of the dele- .------- B. G. t e l e p h o n e CO. the other occupant had one.of his legs broken. MrsTMacIvor and daughter of Vancouver are: staying, at the ClachanT ̂ " V HollyhitrnT4ailrM:tvW . W. Wood officiating, and interment was made in Capilano Vie\y Cemet­ ery. Harron Bros. Ltd-.^of,North Vancouver7 were in charge of the -f urreraLarrangements;-----^ , -- -- -gates reqelved - rainor--in-j-uri4sr , the third suffering a broken rib, which neces.sitated her becoming a patient in the Vancouver Gen­ eral Hospital... Both cars w ere, badly wrecked;-- . > e x p e r t W atch and Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with BirJks Ltd., Montreal) 1522. Marine Drive . CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Land Clearing - - Excavation Work , y Sole A gents for ' * ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT TEAROE & SON, S4