West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jul 1937, p. 2

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jS-»*»,.nsW} .*,-•« .• ' :' ■ ■ ■'■ ■■' ■ ' '■ ■ ' •'. ':•, v.SV"v". ■'- ■■'■ '"■■O' v «'4#< ■- ~̂ ^<.---«r-fc*' ' ^ . • '̂ '■■'.■■■■ ■ ■ ̂ ■■ . . . ■ . ■' ,,,.', ,/v ■ ■■ .■•■*. .■;■■■ ' '̂' . ,\. ^ . . , July 22̂ :̂iiaf Special Attractions! ' v \ \ 'v ^ ii i rf> luia ]{l,ArK TAFFirrA s u m $0.1>6;----- NAVY aiuj .HLA( K TAFFKTA DKKSSKS t t M ; BENGALINE COATS SH,K MAJiQl/KFKTTK (OATS, Navy, Black, and Brpwn, $0.95, lar̂ ,- juid half Mi'/.i'S. * ™,,, Wnrri' I'Ol-O coats $x.S*5; J2 only TWLED*SUITS at $lli.0() a m , MlUdNI-iRy SLASHEIA.^ S.M'MJT I'OlfCll initl (lAltni'jN FROCKS $1.95, $3.95 nnd $4.95 and nj), GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 17.'{() Marine DrivtĈ * ' 562 thp: w e s t v a n NP̂ WS I "'WaST fAN UNITEII'CHUBCH Rer. mint WHght. Minister IS f,v f r ' 8uad«y SerricM I t i l B *.m.£ 7:16 p.m. Sunday School and Biblt 0 tM 10 a.tD. Strangara A Vlaltora Walcoma. For Prescription Perm anents Tre a Te Col Treatment BAPTIST CHURCH Miniater Rer. W. I-*. McKay, H.A., B.B- .........Bandar , ](K(J0 a.rri.--€hur<flT, School m* eluding Adult Cla«» n a m. A 7:30 p.m-- Preaching Service*. A hearty welcome to all I ' I ' 'JV Col in H HiK'fially proceHHwl oil ronUtiiiifig lire/, Ultra • Vio* latiitn w.lii«'ii ih added to your ,permanent wave K<,lutitm,Hteum- ing f*eulth and Iiistie into your hair ' while Jiaving your perrii- aiieal' wave, prevejiting dryneas and Mplii endn- H' Gwendolyn's ̂ Beauty Shoppe Ureulora of KxcluHive PerihunentH, 1540 Marino Drive WcMt 117 ■. HOLLYBURN HALL l ull and DuchcMM SI NDAV, July 2.5tli, at H) n.m. SumJuy School and , V(mng J'copIe'H Bible CIubh HUNDAY KVIiNING ^ 7:30 A (Io«pi.d Service will be eondueted by » KVANtiKUISr FOItBKS .MfUICOD of AuHlraliii rUh^iDAY a t H p.m. ^ J'rayer and Bibb: Stu<ly. Cunie and bring your friends. WEST VANCOU ViGK Christian Science Society CHURCH KDIFICK 20tfa and Eaqiiimult, llollyburn This Society a Branch of Th* M other Church The F irst Cborch of Christ. Sciential, in Hosfnn, Maaaachuscjtts Sundoy Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, .lulv :/n(li. Subject: i " 'r iU TH" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. 'I'etitimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to ottend ,our services and meetings. W. V. A. S. HOLLYBURN DAIRY, 1702 Marine Drive We now eater to Partii'S at .Special Prico.s.' Any llavor, our own I,.,. Cream made l<. your order in galloim or individual containers. (Twenty-four Hour Notice! Please) T r y our DOUBLE-HEADER CONES STKIKHS AND IIK;HI!AU.S i ■ '■ l ) R . G . i ) . / / . S E A L E ̂ - U.U.S,. L.U.B, DENTIST - Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Olllco Hours 9 U> (J p.m. Evanings by appointment. Phono W#Bt72 " . UNITED CHUKCH 2-l.sL & PLs(iuimalt Ave, ■ Ituv. HilliH WriKhi, MiniHtcr A .spccijil mpHiiig of tlic W.V. A.S^^^ will !>(' Ik'I'I -"I HiiiKlariivc..........■■ ■ ■ - ■ I ■ ■ . * K j I ... i :*) Smith--WrisbirR In Sty-Jiimes Pre.sbyUir.ijin iCNtablislied on North Shore 25 Ycura (liudy Asslstunt) IIARUON DUOS. LTD. Ifuneral Sitectars . North Vancouver I*arlor« 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue. P̂ ast Phone Fair. 1B4 . St'i'vice.s m*xt Sunday at 11 :<K) a.m. and,7 :B0 y).m. Suiidfiy Sdliool 'J'1k; Rev. Win minister of SI. Andrii (Jhurch, North V . he I he., .siK*akeV at the rnorjiniK Hid'vicce next Sabnatli, Tile minister will preach, in 'tlu! evcinng.' I 'ml mimnu'V 1 lu' 'ridtnns nitidtj - .................................. ,;,,Mhiv t<> e-ultu.s: Church,. Bellingham, Waslmit!-. Rieron Snmbiy. .Inly .-ntli, a( .» j-f,,.'([,<. pu rpo.se of play in tr ton, at 2:45 p.m. on July 15th, P.fB. . . ./'(ini'ible-header vvitli the Lake Reverend James M.- All those intercsli'd in swim-' ' . . . Wilson 2nd WEST VANCOUVER SCOUT TROOP M 1111 u 11 i I * j / » ̂ ,i-.. lie ivitons welcome aiiyoiie^de- . îriiiK to Jiccompany theni; The only charpTc will be tor the mini- <; i.'vriUMK. ........ _ ' I ■' i 1„.;;\ conliid invitation is extend- On 'ruesday. .Inly IBlli, the tab to id) .stTankef's find yi.sitor.s Sciiuts of .the S<'('oi,id West Vfin- lo wiirship with I'i.sdn VV.est Vail- tiu-ir'Wiaddy United Chin ell. rneetinjjf at, the I'auliiie Johmscih "A'nnoxT' eouver ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH .Rev. VV.'J. Millay, Pa.slor ̂ , Phone We.st 540 ■ ' "'J'h e-- tTonp-- wtd eo ined- Miiim cost ol ti'ansbortaiioii". Hill Gentleman, [iiui the^lnwii nianag'eri Bill Swan.son, will handle applications for thi.s pro­ jected trip. rtV • j__1 .u.at Thur.sday ■ week the I n - . ton.s outhit the Red & VVhite team for an 8-5 victory. Albert V » 4 4K;i>.yV/A w «««.«■ VI iTIUt,** kenzie Smith, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Van­ couver. 10:15. .7 :45 Hollyburii Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive PhONE WEST 583 Sunday Services Low Mass ---8 :1 5 a.m. High Mass ami Seimion - a.m. Ro.sury anil 'Benediction ■ • p.m. " ■ Catechi.sm and Bible Class--2:00 ]).ni. ' ' : .. Week-day Services Mas.s --- 7:00 a.iii, -- 7:45 •. Saturday.s --- Confessions; 7:80 -------- ---__1-- -- back Rover Seoul llevaii Savory, who has returned from Bnglmid, ..rm^nr Bevan gave -a* very interesting Masterman, m his tii.st talk on his experimice.s while ance-at the plate this s Cc S , over there.. Mack Miunions be- bfC^a ® ^ came a brave on receiving his centre, nf- ^ second class badge'. He is now three; ruiis, which pioved to be entitl(?,(Lto carve a totem for the . the winning margin. J - y- hoad 'of h is'sooiit stall'. ■ V" walked eleven, gave up . 1 V,, 1 ■ < i' ." hits one a homer, and still won David Black was investeil as 'game. Good' support, and ■â scout and is now entitled ^ coming at the w.eai the scout hat, John , S ^ ^ the ...decisive rifl was accepted into the troop, ,, . . . - -How- are- the-patrol- m c e t i n g s . _ _ t r o Y i h c m l " -T m in m ra l'o n fn V b y sT ^ The French Beauty Salon For Work of Qyality 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB '̂ -Phone West 9 Y--iVfercHants 24-3, and now await Fertilizers of All Eiiids ̂ ., the final playoffs vvith the semi-_ y .j?.henn^ ever last week end w'ere Miss Pauline, goof} a .team as any in the city, .-b arip.ê r̂, . Mis.s. ,.Na.n. Riincie...-.and.-- Builders'^Supplies, Miss Grace'-W.atson.. I'icnic (iroiindk, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, 'ren-jm>ms, Sandy Beaches, l.'ottages for rent by, Month or ■ _______ Week.______ . _ ' - Mniister: Rev. W. L. McKay, pastor -.,1545 Duchess Ave. LOCAl. COUNCIL OF WOMEN 'and should.have.'no trouble with the'North Shore teams. • • ■ The pastor's .subject'Sunday School *at Duncan, Vancouver Is ing uTBiYErzyBii?r:V4YnwTnTi ^lamd-hTiK-been-arrangethfor-Sat YOUNGER TOWNSWOMEN'S - The trip to Fairbridge Farm "■ GUILD ' ' -Ah-Jmembers--W-isliing_t'o_take_ /i JE'er'guson- T R U C K L IN E _Uv._W-cHLAan._ 8 a.m. p.m. I,v. Vancouver I'l a.m. & 3 p.m. Uv. Van., Saturdays, 1 |>.m. only West 85' - Doug. 429 Ihe Bi-andios,'̂ ,?iul in the »nlay, Ausust 7th, leaving Van- ing ho will comjjteto lus senes couver-at 9 a.m. Those wishing 30 a V b u f f iX i Ambfe _^ ,n^r-he™ A t.U tedo«^f-J .esusA ~t" ^ne i j ..lu a.m. Dus tiom Ambie- EXPERT - RADIO REPAIRS REASONABLE IALLY CRAIG -- -(Over 14 Years' Experience) • ai'eakiniT>n- ^ - h r A t i u S Mrs., !;. Ficldes at West' FU E L Mill. F ir. Dry;,„..... ....... $5.00 cord Hush F ir, Dry...... $5.50 (YTriT" Furnace & Ilea ter Blocks and-Fireplace Fir,,.. $1.00 cord B arky"Slab.s...................$1.00 cord SIab.s & iMlgfng.s.. .*{ Cords $lPi Aider............... . . '■ $5.00 cord TopHoil - Rock - Manure Dump Truck Work. CHAULIE THOMPSON West 582 " West 582 Jesus 'i\)ward the^abliatb." The Church .sch(H)l will meet at AO- o'clock and we are glad to have visitors in every ses.sion. The prayer meeting is held̂ , each W ednesday at S 'o êUjck. • 198-R. is ret]nested to bring her own lunch..' ------' ^ ST . ST E P H E N 'S CHURCH Rev, F. A .JH im sey " ~Jttiy'25th 8 :00 a.m.--̂ Holy Communion. 1 1 :16 a.m .-- MaOiis and" Sermoie -7:,15 p.m.-- Eveusdng and Ser- S t. Fnincis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild 0;45 a.m.-- Holy Oommunion. CAKi) Oh" THANKS AVords cannot expre.ss oun ' dco}) appreciation of the niany' acts of kindness, messiiges of symiyithy. an<l beautiful floral oiTerings, which we. have re­ ceived from our many friends .̂ 11 nd neie-iihops--during--<mr--sadr: 4)'etvnvvment--iiT-Tlfe~fnŝ f̂-.-our>ererv. ■ . ___ hemved .danghttM',-. Patsy; J. F. Geddes has moved into â house at 244G. Haywood Ave-.. ..IfV*. ...nue. TILING Sinks <* F ireplace^ Floors WEST VANCOUVER BUILDERS' SUPPLY West 560 2153 Marine Dr. MR. and MR.S. SID DAWSON,. ... .................. .„_-._and F.AMILY:„. P. D. O. CAFE Best Quality Food used; Silex (■Ajlfee wtTli a~ 'repu lation fov -goodnessT 40--sej^2.1 ---------------- . ■••■-x-vr----- x j r v x c x t .Lunch-and Dinner. We special­ ize in Home Made r.hifkpn Pipi:Home Made Chicken. Pies7- ---J 2-jvi ar irie"' * West 616 J U N K :JV£Uea>L3ottles,-Rags,J^eto]I>, Furniture, etc. Highest prices PHONE WEST 91 BURRARD"JUNK CO: CHURCHES OMCHHIST, SCIENTIST I w m m IF e s i V an N ew s Puhllshed Every Thursday '•TRUTH" will be the subject of the I.aisson - Sermon in all Churcihes tif Christ, Scientist, on Sunday.. .. " 'The, Golden. Text is: "The truth of the Loril ondurclR for over. Praise ye. the lAu'd." G*salms 117: 2). ' , Among the citations vvhich comprise the LessoTr- Sermon is" -PuW+Mwu' the following from the Bible "For the Lord is gCK>d; His - }•<: Phone West 8G8 s Businos.s and Editorial OlTicc; - 1704 Marine Drive Phon^Wciit~8fi8 ---- mercy is everlasting; and His (rulH" endureth to all, genera- A t ions." (Psalms 100: 5). , .. The jLes.son - Sermon also in- eludes the followings passage inodiLt he-Ch risHan_,S_cie ncje_ te book, *'Science-and. Health v̂ith' -̂ ... HEAR D r. C lem D avies CANADIAN LEGION HALL rWest Vancouver M onday, J u ly 26 tlv 8.30 p.m. S U B J E C T r - " P a n - P a c ! f l r - P o r i h T h e g i a n t s A r f S s i iS g ' f o p G o n f l ie ty - R USSIA! ITALY! J A P A N ! COMMUNITY SINGING GARFIELD WHITE, Chairman ,Li ' ."1; ' -f' Key to the Scriptures" by Mai<y L feaker Eddy:- "Truth.is immor- <4 tal ;. error is mortal. Ti'uth is ' ' ______ limitless; error is limited. Ti'uth $1.00 n year by carrier: $2.00 a year , i s intelligent; error is non-intel-' fL by mail Ugent. -North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave, D R . C L E M D A V I E S ADMISSION-25c. Children in r Come Early Lecture given under auspices of Vancouver .Metropolitan Concert Orchestra, Dr." Almond' E. Harper, Conductor.-- TUNE IN TO DR. CLEM DAVIES, CKtVX S to 8.15 a.m. Mondays to Fridays inclusive. . Read his interesting talks in each issue of Western Canada Radio News. l i m j» p p .^ l l i l