West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jul 1937, p. 1

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V -P H O V tN t ' X lB R A l^ ^ . . , : i I ■ j icTor Circulating in the District of West Vancouver̂ ^Amhlesidê ̂ Hollyburn^ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. «« per copy at newsatands. Vol- HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1937 No. 16 HE PAN'1'ACIFIC WOMEN'S. CONFERENCE Tlu> signiHcancc of the Pan-Pacinc Women's Conference, it <t'(.!ms to us, is not so much whether or no it may be (i) accomplish anything of practioal value as the fact of 'tracluallv having come together. Here "are women from a \mnlu'r of countries and of several races assembled to discuss Ih )S(' micstions which' are most troubling the world, the sub- i.t of'will*, of course, being well to the forefront in view of u tindoiihted imminence at the present time. It lias been held as axiomatic that the entrance of women inio L̂ n'Vrnhient is a sure sign of the decadence of, a race. This may and may not be true, but' the general invasion ;by womcii of the various .walks.of life rendered: it ineyitable. So far as government is concerned, it iS'<doubtful whether <V>nrdc sulfrage has up to the present made any appreciable lilTcrciico beyond increasing the vote tally. WOmen generally ■ivv not iieen long enough out of the home to develop opinions ' f their own on public matters, most of them voting the same viv 'is the men of the family, if they exercise the franchise •it'ill 'Many men object to women being given'the vote, and •1 si ill greater number refuse"'to support the candidature of. ■ '„iv woman seeking office. Yet these objectors will have to confess that they could-not do worse with their votes than, the men "and, when not fully informed, on the issues at stakO, they at least have the^serise to keep their ignorance to them­ selves • ■ . ■ Doubtless'with the years, they will acquire more inde- nendence of thought,, and will then become from their numbers • alone apart from all other, considerations a force whose power will have to be reckoned with. One of the many indications*^ t hat they are already on the march is this - Pan-Pacific Con- , fetence. However, in .'this connection it should be remembered that exclusive , of those who have actually ruled,-many have for centuries been the power behind the throne, notably with the Fi ench and British. As Kipling has it, ."Make your peace with the women *. And the tnen will make you L. 0." - Their general entry into the professional and commercial fields is quite another matter. Their impact. there has been vast and far-reaching in its results. Few would dispute, for instance, that it - has largely increased unemployment' ■ among;men; as it will have to be admitted that more and more they are invading tho§e:fields..of .endeavour which were before ' exclusively maiits^ For it is chiefly in those occupations^de- -manding' hard advantage, and the machine is gradually reducing the number" of thes£ndaydb.v::day-.--- - "" But-let us not forger IMPORTANT LIBERAL MEETING MUNICIPALITY LEASE » P.G.E, TRACKS A general meeting,.of the West Vancouver Liberal Association will be held at 8 p.nt. next l\jes- day, July 27th, in Dundarave Hall. This is an important busi­ ness meeting and it is asked that all members make ii special point of being present. Du n d a r a v e p h a r m a c y W. L. Ker, formerly of the Ambleside ' Pharmacy, gives notice in this), issue that he has taken over the Dundarave Phar­ macy formerly, carried on ior many years by J. Finlayson, He •solicits a continuance of-the sup- ' port accorded to Mr. Finliiyson. He would draw attention particu­ larly to the especially replete prescription department. For further particulars kindly refer to the advertisement in this is­ sue. ' The Municipality has obtained from the P.G.E. Railway a lease of their tracks between 13th and 14th Streets and also between West Bay and McKechnie Park. Tedboo & Son have the contract to remove the rails from .those sections and have already made good progress wifh the work; ....... .......... THE WHY OF LOST POWER CORRESPONDENCE Why the West Vancouver Regatta Has Been Called Off. This note is written in, answer • to the request of many , people, who have called at „my home to ask about the swimming this' year.' Swimming, like any other • branch of organized sport,' is conducted under certain laws. In so far as swimming is' concerned, the laws are pretty well stand- Frequent'cause of an automo­ bile losing its maxinvum power vvas revealed recently by Hector Rabezzana, p^*ominent engineer,* who has just completed a new study of; ignition phenomena. "After a few hundred miles 'of alternately slow and fast driv­ ing, deposits from combustion gases begin to form a coating on the lower end of the spark plug insulator," Rabezzana said. "This coating is responsible for the loss of maximum engine power, and for higher gasoline consumption. It can be .remedied by having spark plugs cleaned at intervals of 3,000 to 4,000 miles." ■ Those interested in swimming nnd diving, either beginners or ndvnnced, are asked to phone Molly Edwards, West 208-X. BRITISH - ISRAEL (Diindurave Branch) Mre. Breretbn will speak each Monday evening during July in the hall at 25th and Marino . Drive. The subject will bo "The Bible in the Heavens." All ai'e invited to take advantage of these splendid addresses. HOLLYBURN HALL H. Ostrom, manager of the Royal Bank of Canada here, is back at his office following his annual vacation. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class' will be held at JO a.m'. next Sunday in Holly- burn Hall. Next Sunday, July 25th, at 7:30 p.m. a Gospel Ser­ vice will be conducted by Evan- geli.st Forbes MoLeod of Austra­ lia. Tuesday at 8 p.'m,. prayer and Bible study. Gome and bring"your friends. . ̂ LEGION NOTES •Toi^ne^or-3=-=raetee-4li-vjngv-yoiUi The eminent psychiatrist was showing a party of friends through his institution. To one patient he .said T -------- ------ *John, why do you oontinually of her own volitiohV - She was literally driven-Tfom-rtrbecause- man of the family a sufficient equipment must measure up to these standards. at Bundarave-which - -are Jhe property of--the--West- IhsTstrbh'scm^ "Because," replied the patient, ,"I'm_ the only person in the ^^ole~wid erTWorld--whb--khow^ qjie monthly executive meet­ ing win be held on Monday , July 26th, at 8 p.m. sharp. ' Mr.s. Cromie and̂ Miss Kath- at Sherman.' a.--.-,- ■ ■' -Mi ŝ^UVIargaret-JJaHijiJWas f̂^ Vancouver Swimming Club, have, '^here I m itching. recent visitor in Se'attloT wage td &abl^ him to maintain 'his'wife a n d 'W h te w m • beep in.the ordinary comfort. The Great War, foo, was a. contributing factor by making it necessary for women to fill the gaps in the ranks left by men fighting on the battle fronts. Now many, forced out into life, have found it more 'interesting ̂ than the drudgery of a house, and, are not -anxious to Return. Tlowevef, in sp te of ali~thn"imnsettseH:aflmd-t^he-e^=-- trary, no man or aggregation of nrien can alter the lunda- mental laws pf n^ure. And nature made woman' for, home and motherhood. - How and by_ what means the Old Mother^ will set the balance true remains to be seen, but"th"at s'he^iH do .so there is no doubt whatsoever. and'are very'badly water-logged, i'n fact the north and south floats are now being mainly kept afloat by the decking, the logs being entirely submerged apd after in- re- BQWLING NOTES DIfe CLEM DAVIES TO LECTURE HERE Arrangements have been com­ pleted by Garfield White of Van-• couver, to have Dr. Clem Davies, noted-lecturer-and-.radio pers-On pices have thought?" "What is the underlying meaning of all the cfueial AVorid nibVei^ ̂ time?" Garfield White will pre­ side as Chairman and the meet­ ing is being/held under the aus- _______________ _______ __________ of the Vancouyer jM i_alltwd©^tom^ahd^:V^tGbuy^^f^^dSan-^Gonc^S=Qrche^xa_j^ ==gk6&«@fier -̂4tts:rdymamie-4ectui:^s-~^ îofe=DfeAJmond_^»=I£9£Pi£J ̂ in the Canadian Legion Hall, conductor. , West Vancouver, next Monday --=- evening--July;---26thr-at--8 :30 ":-- -- : -An"All-Around Expert-- o'clock. Dr:. Davies is attracting gghtin' with Willie Smit^*ag^'ff?~How is marks on you ? " ' Johnny:--"Caus^'J- -know-how run,, too." quirements-to hold a sticcessful gala. There-is an 'elerrient of- danger, there, and the -olub felt --t-hat-they-would-not-care^to-take- this risk. Many of you remem­ ber, two years ago-When the div­ ing events had to be oalled^offT' The Swimming Club has been responsible for. years for the mairttenancce of the equipment -although less than five percent of the people that use the floats are members of the West Van­ couver Swimming Club. Still we .frdnir Vancouver pair in . the fourth ̂ round they were drawn on a A week of s'tren&ous bowling, freak green. For 10 ends they from as early as 8:30-in Jhe battled the green, fir.st man on morning till as late as 11:45,at the mat usually finding his way -̂ i4gJi4,__saw__West__Va-ncouver to the jack. Then both skips, Bowling Club establish itself iasf disgusted, appealed for a new week as a club to be respected, green. This request was grani- when it captured the Mercer cup ed,,and from then until the end Jn-the-open-doubles-oompetii-ion-^Banks-did-Tiot-lose-'aTrTend-butr and come third in the Bowser Cup contest, an open rink compe- Tit'idhT during B. C. Bowling the change had" Jjeen made too late and they were beaten by two shots. ' Jake Kloepfer and his rink started" off well in the Bowser cup, Monday, but when' Ben large audiences tp his meetings t in Vancouver and only last Sun­ day, spoke to over 3,000 persons;' who jarnmed into the Vancouver : Auditorium to hear his address, s His lecture in West Vancouver next Monday will be-the one he delivered in the Hotel Vancou- \^r on Tuesday eypning of this week, when over 600 persons I'd kirn. He-will take for his "Pan-Pacific / -Perils -- _-. Jne.--Giarits_ Array ' Mrv ^^ssia, Italy and Japan , -. '̂"1. k® fully.. discussed -bjL. Dr; - Davies, and among many ques- F̂ l̂̂ -ne-will an^er^^rp! **Wha.f Jiinister significance ot the ' . f0 America flighte: "rhy did_ the Russian planes to "My wife told me to take the old. cat off., somewhere and losb it. So I put him in a basket and tramped out into the country about eight miles." .'_..«Well, did you lose the'cat?^" . - "Lqserit ?-If I hadn't followed it, I'd never got back home!" . Definitions - **Eyeci]tive" -r-- A man who Wd' when the floats are in position at - the pier.' The Club actually only --have -f ull -u se-o f-t^ -floa ts- f or-- possibly- two days during the . -summer months when_ regattas, "rare held. Members o f the Club have always willingly given their time to farther the' interest-of swimming in West Vancouver, (and will- continue to do._so)'. This is evident from the fine trophies that many of our boys "and girls have won in outside - competitions,,and for the second year our boys and girls schools relay teams-have held , certain trqphies-won in_competition _a^ ̂ "gainst all other schools from -VVancouver a.nd _the mainland. On ' August 14th, the West Vancou-. ver Swimniing Club are taking week. But probably better than these two achievements is the fact that a West Vancouver rink won Kloepfer took ill on the greeii its place in the test-match to be - and hAd to retire, a substitute played by' British Columbia being found, the consistency of bowlers against the, crack South the rink had been shake n . ___^ A-ffican~-agg^gat.inn-Tiow-Qn Its ' On the--Satur(ray-/d;he_grahd- .vaav-tajh-e-coast,.:^..!-- - pnale.Jhe Barnard Cup, saw five And these successes were won loc^ , rinks competing . for ■ a in the face of the keenest compe- trophy the club has-ju.^missed tition- possible^in H;he"T)rovinoe - three-times. -Once^-they -were and .during the biggest lawn . beaten by half a point, again by bowling tournament ̂played or/' a point and a half and on the the North American continent, third -occasion by two and a halF probably one of the biggest in points. This year the club was the ^ r ld . again "up" on the day but were . During the week there were far below the winning average. 1722 bowlers taking part;"they Members of the club are dis­ played 7268'games and bowled' lightedwiththeresults.espeeial- a ^ a n d total 0^2,013,124 bowls ly since many of the'bowlers an-average distance-of 90 yards-- w«re local products who had re- or a grand total distance of 10,297 miles. The quartette which will repf re^nt West_ Vanenuver_ in the test match and which caine thirdjn the Bowser c^p^qmpri s - "es "Gisby (skip) , Fulton, Mast^- man-and Partridge. ceived all .their instruction in. West • Vancouver, j ^ e local greens have proved to-be a good nursery and the local, e^eri-^ Weed players only too wiiling'to coach beginners. There are at land'm quiet and comparatively -small towns?","Why is Russia Hon m Mongolia ?'f "Why vthe concerted move- AmprF̂ '. flights to ward ^ +• ' push' tos' (3) ., Nippon's "Is th'e North c Coast as safe as peoplq makes/ decisioim quickly - is sometimes right. "Monologue" -- A conversa­ tion betweefi a student and ,a professor.. •̂ffighbr-ow ^ ^ -A :;per-son--e^ their members to' Bowen Island to compete in the Bowen Island Regatta. It is hoped that we will again have Fall, and Winter Swimming at the Crystal Pool in Amncffljverr present several vacancies in the roster which the^executiye would In~'the~~Mi€|rcer~cup Gisby, aod-jr̂r~be~glad-=to=»see=fllJ\e-d=this=season; Gated beyond his intelligence. "Social Tact" -- Making your company feel at home, even though you wish they were. "Sdmetimersilence isn't golden ---•just plain, yellow. -----"' - - r ~ - r_ii_zz I -would apprecTW Iiaving^o-- views of some of the parents. Thanks. < _ - . - ' - - - JACK BOWDEN, President, West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. . Partridge .\vere pAireff and won „ Special terms are usually ar- the trophy by meritorious trund- ranged for. new players at this ling, just a little tpo good and stage of the season, consistent for some of the crack Next b i| event in the bowling -pairs in the province.". „ world will be the ..^ame to be i^-por--a-tnne-it--looked=-as-if--played August 6th-oh West.Van- ^ e r e might be an alPW^t Van--- otmverT-grews-- agaimrt: the couver final for the cup since doughty South Africans.. Speci- -Jack Banks and Cblloin were al accommodatibh is"" being ar- doiiig equally well in their sec- ranged for spectators and all are tion of Hie competition. How- invited to visit the greens that ever, .when they met a North afternoon. N