West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Jul 1937, p. 4

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" fe ' " 'î % V <C '»■? f V f ̂ '- " ' fet>r->.w 1 ̂ ;rf(f<lfM*fV tJ.-!«»-p̂<-rW -V 4, j mm *̂Mf. mMlii i»»#Wlli|iiii«<̂^ HMW'jsirrrra THE BUKNiNfi Hl-HH By S u M ar P h o n e ;" WeNt 46 , ^ R E D - A N D ^ W H f T E - - ' - f > « e . . •-------- ------------------- ------- W e st 46 SI*EC1AI..S MKAT |*AH'J KH--lIrdluiMlV 6 U rn Z&t H< Mr«l VarhlHM U> |{»-d A VVhitp Hrniid 'I'OMAIO JUK-K ;{ UNO*, tin l.ady (icKlIva COMI'I-KXION SOAI (uKi* *'** rK /U U . W n ri'K KOAT, I raktiHi 17r |(«d iSi Wiilti* COKI'HK I'uuiid tin .m 'I'ry i( ift'd CANNKI) |•OOI)H Itpd A VVhhr PKAH KIpvp 1 - _ • 2 No/2 liiiH , ...■• Hit v«' N»», 5 2 No. 2 lJni< 2Ik ItMJA WlillpHI'AtiHKm with cht't*i*f iihd 'I'omato Kuupp; 2 )♦»•»/>* tliin IHc Hid A Wiiilp Hrand SOIJI'S luniiHo and VPKPialiU*, 2 tinrt Ifif SintKDDKI) WHKAT |»kl. 10c ( ()H N I* I.A K ICS--K «'lloK K*K. M e a t8 - --P h o n e W est 370 FUlOAY AND H A T I K D A Y , July l«th and 17U r •MEATS; 2 l'k(h 15c "Ask aboiH I he l.arut* 10 x 11 Vi Inch I'ltKlC ( oronaiion iMiotoifraph. SIIO im CN IN t; -- Hwifl'a Jewel . 1 III, ( , 'a r lo n .............. ............ H f, (■'A rSlM ' . . . 1 2 *0 /,. lloUlc Oc WJM) HOSIC I'AKTUY I 'l-O m t Silk-Sifted. I'iicKhI in H. C. ■ I0-II». Sack ........ Hcd A While SI'ICICS -- Cinnamon ( 'lovea, (iiiiKer, Mace, e tc ...2 tiiia 15c lIuckerJleld'K 1'ANCAKIC ri-O lJIt l.arxe 2 ()'0 /.. I'K't...... ....... -- . 11c CAMI' MAI'MC SVUlil*. lO-dz, jUK l!5c FHIMF HKIOF l»0T HOASI'S from ................... . . IKc per 11). J.ICfiS I.AMH. Top SpriiiKril). 30c SII0rM )KH LAMH, 'I'op Spring: per II). , ................ ' ' 30c IIUHAST OF VEAL, per lb. 10c ( 'O rrA fiE HOLES, lb. 24c & 2«c IMCKL-El) TONOlJE, per lb. 20c SWEET FICKLE!) SIDE FOHK........... per lb. 2.5c HEINZ HULK IHCIU.ES, (Mustard and Sweet Mixed) For Ib. ■ ...,■...................... 30c HEINZ l)IId.S..............3 for 10c VIvAL LOAF (North Star) ' For Ib. ......................... 25c FLE'I'CIIEH'S HONEY & SFICEO HAKEI) HAM, For II)......................................... 00c (;HAIN f e d H E E F /f OHK and VEAL FINEST QUAUTV. SCOUT NEWS 'riio 2ii(l' Hoy-Sfout 'IVoop mot I o n lli<' 5th, and tho ovcniiiK was haiulod over t o th e ' Di.strioi 'Seonler, who a.s tlu; old-HCouior of the troop had'^heoii invited up for 1 he livening,. Comiral opinion of the hoys \vas Ihal it was the ho.st irieotiiiK that ho had ever run.. Six from the 2nd and one' from Hu' 3rd, went to variou.s point.s upon „the North Shore on -■ their'r lst""e»las.s--eami)inH-tests,- , wduh; 1hr<M! of the 2nd itassecl (lieir tree felling, and others ... wurkod .on various points . tt>.. wards 1st.and 2nd cla.Hs badges. 3'here are .still .sonic returns about (:amp^notJn. Will.parenbi phrase-co-operade'by sending in their pormi.s.sTon at oneo? 'rh is ' ' will eiuihU? pri'angomeiits to be -- imi f 1 ee< jm m od atlon. _t m ns.^ lio'i'ANicAL No t e s FOR JULY One day in .July is enough for nmiory to be enriche'd'forever it only with the sigh t of sumnier flower,s^as seen in contnist w ith th<*ii' iiatiii'al surroundings of .waliT, g)-ass, foliage.and sky. -■ Eve.rything,... what.soever ■ of b<*auty i.s seen at it.s be.st by '"virtue of contrasting surrouml-' i.ngs, A precious'gem is seen to "peidetTioii only:in i t s setting.'----- At. this season of the year_a most ri's'tful lull in nature ap­ pears-to take place. Even the hills lie w a it in g -to receive^the shadow.s' o f 'the clouds that slip, like- h in ts,' from .shoulder to shoulder. 3'he'se clouds,' like everyth ing else have a great riohness th is month, so proudly. portation and also give; some idea as io what funds have tX) he raised: q u iv e r w illi in tensity , th ro w in g -p a th s of-kdiostiy Ai-adiance -on-t-he- It looks us if Amelia ha^ suf fered the fate of rno:.t lonp dist­ ance fl^Vrs who lau ing th e gam e. Still ■'•in' i"*'| .som ething towards killing it ami that is good. S)h- iia,s' not died in vain. For the first time m m,v wandering roumi the eityrp.;i\<-- ments I have heard <*xpr<*ssions of {irsgust at the,-.*- i'xhdntions. It was the million dollars sjauit by the U.S. in trying to locate her which has got und<*r people s skins. They thought, and lor once I thought tin- same, ol how much starvation und misery might have l><*eii allevialixl by this money. 3'ho.'-e who insist'on getting thrills from g<nng uii m th«* ail- for long .distanree runs should go sit on a was)). 1 hat would give them alj tla ̂ thrills and elevation they I'lsjuiiv li't'e of co.st to anybody. I don't (luite like the way in which all the Dominions are claim ing that their view.s in Uh" ImiKii'ial (/Onfennice prevai ed. Sounds to me too like; the bdlow in the Gilbertian opera who pro­ moted everybody to the top ol the'tree. It remiiul.s me,.too,_ol a girl in a cer.tain boarding house r7>nce inhabited who ŵ as a great attraction to the younger of the men'i One bight three ol them "in succession came to me­ in my room and told nu; she had' accepted them.. I Was iilea.sed at the news 'given m<' by the first, the .second announcement kind of made me .sit up and woiuler w h eth er the old ear drums were .going bn ̂ the blink, but a t 'th e third ! wa.s much pleased, 'fhe ^girl w as a wonder, knowing a.s "she did and as 1 did' that it was "bn 1 'ir^TnolK • a 111*ifc ti p n' ~o i r t h g' ' part o f the three, Stjil, I didn't fancy them sm earing marmalade over one another's face.s .next m.orning at breakfa.st . while I wa.s in the vicinity .wifli a new 'suit on and not paid for,.it being a moral certainty they would be spilling the ^ a n .s then to all hands. ' They had just-xeaohed siiisiTTrr̂ fC-î ( jo v e rn m e n t Inspected Only COLD MEAN'S OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN ilitore at Hollyburn, next Theatre I'HONE WEST 3 Service LUMBER Quality there IS . HUILDEUS' SUPPI.lKs .SllhNtibhS NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING jq .yw on iis ouaLity WALLBOARDlath yuALiir J., :■ . ■■!' AgcntH: ■ CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. V^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- LTD. L5lh & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 G L A S S I F I E P A D S The r i le fot ClaH.sified AdvttrUsemcniH la 2 centa per word, miniimini 25 fcnlJi. kxcept in the case of thoB.c having roKular. acconnls. all' * . i <.11. S.a 'n̂ triu nHivublc strictly iw iidvftncc* Uememher ClusHiliwIs in the .West Van News î et Immediate n>siilts, V.. CIIIMNHY SWRRI'IÎ C -- Sawduat luirm-rs intallcd; fui'iiaco itPHU'S. i'iuim- C. Mfldriim, 111):,! Lnn.'̂ dak* North S2J. RELIABLE WOMAN lias ono day open, cleaning. Call A. I,, "V' 'njrs Wdst U7-X. " ' • ' INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repalrst convenionco outlets instulled. tJ.. Paterson, West 108, __ _ ENGLISH PRAM, ,$8.00; good fdn- dition. Mr.s. McNamare, llfir) Mlh Street, We.st 'Vancouver. • LAW'N MOWERS SHARPENED -- Specdal machine; repairs, . parts. '•̂ W'est' Vancouver' Machine , Shop, M il) Marine. FOR SALE -- 8 "ft. Rowboat, oars and rowfocks, $9. West 272-L. JUNK---We buy everything of value. Phone West 91. Burrard Junk Co.- BLUE D.RAGON INN, Whytechff -- - Teas, lunches, dinners; Parlies cat- "■ .ered for Ijy arrangement. PAINTING, PAPERHANGINC;, DEC- ORATING -- For economy and satisfaction, phone F. C. Ualgleish,' ' West 574-R. I'URNISIIED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent-- Houses, Lots,-and acreage for sale. Lawson '& Pride, 170-1 Marine, Phone W e s t'55. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents. Only;; best materials used. Expert ■ operators. Phone West 304, RoySl Bank Building. WEST- VANCOUVEIt BLIND ~& CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- AWNING s u p p l y f r e e estimates. fry way. Guaranteed. Brick and P h o n e West 74-L-2. . . stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, ------------------------ ^ ^ North 811-R-2. CARPENTERS -r- Remodeling, re- --------------------------_ ' ..--------------- pah'Sj alterations. Wesfeth Carpen- CHIMNEY' SWEEPING.-- Sawdust ~ : " Bumors installed; furnace repairs. 'Fho 2nd TVoop Court-of-Hou- 7h"Av]rs" lmldTHT" rhG' honte of Proop-Liuidm' on the m orning <)f water that i.s blue, here and themJ*uiried (i;i 1 ikeTanrhsh^ 0(1 silver -- ̂ a pei-fectioii of con- cording-^y, to save the '.suit, I --a.sked--them -back--tb-m y--r-oom,- -Phono--G7-dVIeldmnb-il03" ;̂farr^^ .the" i)th, Several', bright id.oa.s ubiere they all spilt the" beans J:ji_each_/)tiien'.at the same Time. There \vere three gasps, 'and it HANDY ANN SHOP--2242 Marine North Vancouver ---B r i ve.- --B each--ha tsr=--ankIe_^-_socks,-- notions, stationery, buttons,'etc. To<4k4d--S()--I-ilw : -a"-' ■ fi-g4t--4-ha-t---jk '=F()R. "SALE" -- , Telescope table, 6": - leaves, .$8.00. West 59^Y-3. G (JRDON'ROBSoN ; BaTristec^ol ici- tor, 1'447 Marine, "by ...appointment only. West 403; 510 Hastings ̂Street Seymour 4199 afternoons. ' came up for di.seus.sion and will •be' put into practice at, once. Hoonl (Jerald Jones wa.s promot­ ed to Patrol-Leader of tluvOl- ter.s, as froin (into, 'rifcTHrd Tr i t < j i i t h e U t i l;i'(t "I ruop nun an ctiit upon "a spur overlooking ll(.>we The wood.s are u'l^lheir prime, but' before tin* end (>f- the month --alas] there will be- signs that Nature is on the\vane. Several, of the spring pfant.s that ha'd struggled after hkwsomi'ng.- soon• 6 -i -T" ■. ........^ , grabbed the water j ug' and got' ready to drown the wrath out of them. Th(in luckily one saw the point and laughed, ancL the first thing I knew they were al! laughing. Lbi-dJ I haTe-neven. FOR SALE -- 'l-Rooin House;, nite location, 653 ,20th SL West'272-L. " HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Mannc, Op; ti tometrist, ; Optioiah, Wednesdays 10:30 to'4 . ' West 458-R for'appoint­ ments.FOR SAI.E Player Piano, bench, rolls,' good condition, ,$1:00. West ' '139-L. ■ Houndi- wbeii-Hemy -Martins wat Avilt under tin* intluence (if a hot sunshine ; -but niit Tso those invested. T<>Rvlher with a visit -i ng--Scou teiM-roiivtlu'--Ji4r{l--V-a H- l()rtunate.ones whicn bloom later and.are borne, in, marshy places, -.seen men laugdi so much before or .since. Incidentally they and the girl all .sLaye(] Dll "art that MASON'S TAXI -- Day and niglft. Passengers fully insured. West 512 'YOUNG IMAN \Vanl.s Odd Jobs or Work of any kind. Phoi1e-223-L. W. H.; VASS, Chiropraetpr, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. couver 'IVoop, tho boys enjoyed a hush hike in the gloaming, ending with a story in. the hand-, carved and panelled living rooin of their Scoutmaster, ' Several ttX'it-A' were passed during the 7 " week; auii all" hoys-invc'sted a montli Jigo__ are, now ready for their 2nd class badges. 'Die 3rd ^^/Proop liaven'Lquantity.,. but. are aleter.mined .io..im.ve. tju a li t.y ---- ions will-do the same.-- lidnds and streams, OiUJ of the most conspicuously bwiutiful (>f native water-plants--- = - = = is the pickerel weed, so-called bg- .causc--it is .said-^that picker<3ls - - lay their <yggs among the leaves. | l i 0 N p i^ c It is found growing from Nova „ ____ . ' ̂ ~ Scotia to Ontario'in mud, in the shallows of still waters. Tho bright beauty of its long spike.s c.d* hliiei--i^a^e:d-llmxx:rs; setjfp tft boarding house" and were quite jfood friends. TTiopethe Domin- .FOR SAIiE .Crossbred 10 weeks- J-- ôld--niale_puppies^All_black,-hancly_,_ -smart, will be small d o g s ,.$3.00. C;';:Bi-uce Clegg, top of 22nd Street. PRIVATE or GLASS TUITION by certificated commercial teacher; be­ ginners or spbed. 12.35 Duchess___ PAINT SPECAL-^Porch PaihV per quart 95c ($1.25 value).' House Pjfiht per gallon $3.25 ($4 value). Canada Paint Co.Products. Agents, West Vancouver Lumber Cor~Ltci:; l̂f)th" .and Marine. West 116. a distamm wall, lyrliaps. suggest Always watch the man behind "dTeTmTfrtr frtTnTrrr'you. lOvery man has a right to b<' conceited until he is sucoes.sful. .."Disnieli. "Ktc.*' is a term us(Hl liy wril- er.s'to express what ,tiu*y. lUm't know,' etc. r-.y ■ - <:>,•> --------- f .'iV, r - m m m NOTICE Organizations, and others Jire Tespectfully mpiinded tliat the dead-line for mnvs and other reading, matter is UpaiTrl'iiesday- ._f()ipth.e .issiie-otlJuit w.eetrJliis,: being done to-help ouj' 3>oy.̂ ̂ iir 'making 'an eaidior (ielivery...... . The dead-line f<>r advertising copy ramains the same, namelv. noon on Wednesdays.-- Editor. , larkspur; close" actiuaiiilance, Jiowever.'wjll soon reveal the dif- fereiuie,__ ________ Another lo^er of damp places is the gorgeous, purple loose­ strife, of. European origin, with its brilliant spikes of large magenta flowers,^ A-very attrac­ tive and .beautiful plant as well as most interesting, because through Darwin's study it has assumed.an important place in his theoretical origin of species. WEST VAN. STATIONERS Next . door to the Royal.Bank -- A cbin- : plete line ;d;f stationery,- books, mag­ azines, greeting cards, household supplies--Ih-ices -Right. Up-to-date - -Lendifig- Libraxy: rajles-Goc-^Tuemth--■■ WATER PRESSURE RESTORED - No.cure, no pay. Local testimonial.s. '■ West 188-X. . ̂ • R EA L E S T A T E ----- ^ 4 17ji .Marjne Drive Wo.st 70T . l5T3c.daily',r--W-̂ --iavite-sumfnei- FOR RENT-^Nicely furnished house- '.I keeping rooms. Lawson & Pride,' --̂ .tTOT Marine. Phone-West 55- - IN S U K.ANOl-Hn- alPit^'Braniches-- Our Rates are Uow, but Our Service i.s Swift and Sure. quarters for reading-material. Sat-.. -- isCac.ti(m_g.uarante'ed-- Whe'ifrenew- ing magazine subscriptions Think - vf ami'give, us .your business- it co.sts you no• more and helps us. 16S0 Marine. Phone West 687. '*What is a cannibal. Tommy ?" "I don't know." - '"Woll:-if"3 'ou ate yourTmother'" :;a nd:father,iwhat-_wou Id yombe ?"" Ah orphan," . . WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range LRepairs; . Sawdust Burners \\ ILIi - SACRIFICE High Quality Tenor ifanjo OuHiL, .$15.00." Phone West J 5. ' " . D isabled V eterans' "ASSN;- (1921) Meets on Second Tuesday each month IN, THE FERRY BUILDING All Ex-Service men eligible, either full or-associate. ; . SUMMER COACJIING for backward pû pils pf.̂ all grades and matricula­ tion supplementals. . Rhone West 36 Children ̂ often act like their parents in spite of evtiry effort to teach tliem good manners. ;&'! :: Tfe C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S P .D ; 0 . C A F R n o w ABOU'rJl'njating--Your Pantry to a new bread box this week? See our window. .Crawlev &' Barker Hardware. , L ■"Usst Quality Food used; Silex - Coffee with li reputation-"for goodness.. ' ............. - - - - . Y'ou will enjoy our 40 cent ■ Lunch and Dinner. We special- m-H pm e--s\Iad6-Gh'icken-'Pres7-~ 1512 Marine West 616 xl:ltO:OM BUNGALOW; large living loom, fireplace;-full plumbing; love- dy marine view. Close to Ferry .wharf; price $1,250. C. J. Afche'r Ltd. West 225. SPECIAL Inside F it............. $5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL r Phone North 620 "r TO OUR READERS ?Land Cletiring - ' Excavation Work ■ ■ ; 'i'07Vi 1; i p -ARMOR COAT WATERFROOF CEMENT PAINT T E A R O R & S O N p h o n e w e s t 8 4 d ^ O T lN U - ^ P o r aU kinds of" printing phone West Van News, West 363,. Any householder not receiving a copy of this p a p e r oh any Burrard laundry service O C < r\X T TTT . ______ FOR d e p e n d a b l e ___ ^ * *' I^ P fe se n U tiT ernones V\ est. 691-L or North U3 lo each- Thursday evening, ,is quested to kindly phone us at West 363,- in order that the onus-. ; sion m ay . be c o r r e c t e d W e shall esteem anv .miplkpliQiie-aŝ a or, as it is our only way of'ch^ l^ ing up on our deliveries. Out boys have strict instructions W place a paper on the verandah of every liou se on their routes. . . . --Editor. -I - L i l B i 'Cl,:-