West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Jul 1937, p. 3

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J u b ' l L j S THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 A p S T l N B E tX V E K t • Yoo twpe *« «l««e t® «« m yo«r telephone* - I- ,mr Ouit'k Service -- our MeBsenjfer Boys are waiting to serve you u Pttckaifo of Cigarettes; u Brick of Ice Cream,--there is nuUriOg too small. . ..... Cirdit extemled to approved accounts. C V N N W G H A M D R U G ST O JR E S ;|7 1586 Murine Drive / Mr. ami Mrg. Ktumeth Camp- The H.€s Electric UaUwiity Co. hell of WinnipeK, are quests of Cld., announce that lii order to Mr. and Mrs. H. Dumble, 20ih do lUH'essary repairx to the lincH i' t a> j'*^ 1 1 1 * "m • ..........."M' ' j . ' 9 H I ' 1 . ■ t k ^*.4 aa« ji'kirava ' ' ■'■ ■ ■'/■ ■■■•■I ■■ ■ pd, B e Wise and Modernize _ ____Tiike advantage of the HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Hiul <i<> it now. Wo are here tJ) serve you,with 30 years' experience supplying the right material for tlie job. ASTBURY l u m b e r CO., l im it e d ^ is r 199 " NIGHT CALLS-A. ROLLo'West 672 r' y,«(iX̂ <WUQO.Wll®W W hy Buy W hipping Cream 1 Ose our PARWAY FRESH FR'OZEN ICE CREAM on, all your fruits. It's Delicious. ..... -- ^ 25c per pint 45c per quart. HOLLYBURN DAIRY, 1702 M arine Drive SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES On RE-COVERING FURNITURE and LOOSE COVERS ^ Phone West 710iniii Marine Drive ('IwHtorfioIds - Easy Chairs - Cushions - Ottomans - Stools Draperies - Window S h a d e s . .C u r ta in Rods - Repairing ' French i'olishing - Needlepoint Mounted - Life Preserver Boat Cushions SlrtH't. Mr, Campbell i.s Mr«. Dumble'a brother. . W. G'. Draper, 24th ami Marine Drive, left on Tuesday for a holi­ day trip to London, Kingston and^Dttawa, going by motor. Mr.s. E. W. Strother i.s the guest of her parents,'Mr. and Mrs. F. W. B. Law of Caulfcild. Mrs. Strother comes frbm Btienos Aires, where her hus­ band, Commander E. W. Stroth­ er, U.S.N., is naval attache ;to the American Embassy. ^ . ♦ ♦ * •' Mr. and Mrs. Paish, 2205 Bellevue Avenue, have moved into a house., at 2980 Mathers Avenue. «b, - * ♦ Ik ' Mr. and Mrs' F. ijioved from 3252 Marine Drive into their new hom e' at 124 31st Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Britton of Vancouver, have moved into a house at 2667 Lawson Avenue. m f >k ' ' Miss Eva Draper, 24th and Marine -Drive, le ft on Friday for a visit to Kelowna, B.C.■k 4i Among the visitors at Sher- the current will be olt between the hours of 3:30 u.m. and 5:30 n.iu. next Sunday, July 18th* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Searlc have returned from their honey­ moon and have taken up resi­ dence at 2193 Bellevue Avenue. Miss Violet Clement, vvho has been visiting friends at Pioneer Mines, B.C., has returned to her home at 23rd and King's Avenue Municipal Clerk W. HerVin, who is on his aniiiml.vacation, has left with Mrs. Herrin for a motor trip in'the south. Mr.' and Mrs. Austip R, Baily of Calgary were the guests^ last week of Mrs. A.'Boucher of the Dundiirave Library. ' Miss Dai.sy Brealoy of Beaver- ly, B.C., has returned to" her' homo at 1295Fultoii Avenue for the school holidays. Ik' Mr. and Mrs. Vickerstuir and their small son, are visiting Mr. and .Gillingham ,a l Sher­ man. ' ♦ Ik * . Miss Minnie Rider arrived by United Air' Lines to snerid 'a- Annomiciiig A i'hangt* of ®wiwi'»hip has Iwvu imuUi at tho ANBLESIDE PBARNACY uiul Ou' .«ihop In ih)W iuuh«r Ihf inaimpcim'iit of D. S. M ONTACPH D lK ponaing ( 'h o n tis L IN'lifthh* ProNcriptlnn Dispon«lng I'uti'iil aiul l'i'0 |irii'lry MiHlivhu>n Ih'volopiug atul PHiiUiig . . *A ('onipicio Drug Sion* Sorvict*' PIlOllli WONt, I'UKE PROMPT DELIVERY IMurno WCHt :i2;t \yitli nifovt'iu'o to uboyo, 1 liavo imirh jiloaNuro In ri'i'om- , ini'iujiiig niy hiu'ochnoi* to my ,̂ a,|.\<l oustomorH,, from whoiir 1 'iim Horry to part. ' I, wish to thank overyono for the constant gooilwill acoorthal mo ((luring tho pant four yoai'H.' W. L. KER Mr and Mrs. Harry Dickson of Yahk.'B.C., are spending_the school holidays at the home of Mrs. Dickson's parents^ • 1387 . ■ Haywood Avenue. SANNIE t r a n s p o r t a t io n CO. Limited Horseshoe Bay-Bowen Island A doctor had an urgent call •from a gentleman saying his small son had swallowed his fountain pen. "All right! I'll oome at once," replied the doctor. " What are you doing in the meantime ?" Whereto came the unexpected answer, "Usinig a pencil."" Y AOJI i/v̂ * o -̂/**̂ * UllltCiU jTVU tv man Guest Cottage recently were holiday with her grandparents, Miss Mary E. Stearns of Boston,* Captain and Mrs. -W. J . Kune, Massachusetts, Mrs, F> E. Lathe 1253 Marine Drive. She is tlm of Ottawa, Dr. and Mrs.-AV._A. ' -• Cowperthwait'e of'Winnipeg, Mr. and* Mrs. J. D. McKercher of Longview, Washington, S tratton 's BAKERY Fnilt, and Meat Pies, , AlCkindH of CookieH X Apple .TiirnovcrM DougliniitH IScelcH Cakes . Wedding Cakes a Specialty Wo mnko oycrything right oil I ho promi.NOH, Fresh Daily, from first class ingrodionts. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, IPhone West 27 office manager of thll^Paris Woolen Mills at Stayton, Oregon.- . . ♦ ■ ik,\ , A daughter'was borndast S u n -, ___ . .day-at- the Vancouver General :. Mrs. David,Mitchell of,WfDni- Hospital to Miv and, Mrs. M. W. peg, is spending some weeks a t (nee Mis^ Donalda S. Hen-' n,*Qcf r.r*ffQorii sviPrmfiTi. ;nessy) of 1519 Haywood Avenue _ Passenger S ch ed u le 1937 Ell'cctive .Inly 1st to Sept; 6th ' • Fare 25 Cents. : Leaving 9.10 A.M. -'̂ I0rTi)'=A7Mr Leaving iZHorsestottSfejE 10.00 A.M. Breathing through the mouth is ^aid to be harmful. ..Talking through the mouth also has seri- ms-resvrit^-at-times^--;---------r---r-- the Guest Cottage, Sherman. W. J. Boyd, Miss Pricella Boyd; Miss Freda Bell, and Miss Baldwin of. Medicine Hat, are oc- peupying' a cottage a t Saridy tiove. ■ -- _ , ^TRIKES AND HIGHBALLS ---TVrTvfTrg^-th?r-fl:b«̂ ^̂ Drainer in the -Bast, his son__d ean s ingle. In the elevenlh lie Tritons lo.st to Lynnwood l '2-' 11, last Tuesday week.: Bob Fiddes surprised by driving: in Loye-..-with-the-tying;^ru ilul o last H alt, 01 flTe~TriTith--wHh-ii- Hollyburn T heatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND ",SATU RDAY MATI N EF ' duly 15th, Kith, and 17Uv B1N(J CROSBY ^ MADUE EVANS ' " PENNIES FROM HEAVEN" (li'rom. the novel ."The J'e,)u.'ock Feather") also ' , . ' LAUREL & HARDY - "THE FIXER Ui»PERS" 2.20 P.M, r* M .3.00 P.M. t.5.00 P.M. 5.20 P.M. (iVtO JLM. 8.15 P.°M, 6.20 P.M. 7.20 P.M. 9.30 P.M. Via Hood Point fSaturdayS Only SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS ̂Leaving Leaving ifiowen Island Horseshoe Bay FRENCH' BEAUIY-SALOR For Work of'Quality 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 2435 Marine Drive.-----i: » ik ' * ===^ingled=aga-riT-4-o-^eoref in a belated rally w h k n j£ st lai 'The deijsgates. to the fourth Baii-Facitic ̂ omen's Gohferenee how in session 'in Vancouver, ed to tie the game. Triton.s'idari- pfl:fl new pitcher. Chick McIntosh who wasHhit hard, but showed now in session 'in Vancouver, Willington relieved . .'were entertained last Saturday few frames and e^vening at the home of Mrs. H. - . . . . . , V. Daniell, Barclay Street, at a -9.80 A.M. 11.00 A.M. 12.00'Noon 10.00 A.M. 11.30 A.M. 12;30 PdWT 1.15 P.M. 2.80 P.MV „8.30-P.M-.- M.25 P.M.' 5.55 P.M. 6.50 P.M. 8.15 P.M. 9.20 P.M. 'Via Hood. Point 2.00 P,M. 3.00 P.M. -4.00-P.M.- 5.25 P.M. .........P.M. 7.30 P.M. 8.45 P.M. ....... P.M. EXPERT R A D I O R E P A I R S WALLY CRAIG (0 ver-Y 4^ears'-'-Experiehce 2117 Argyle Avenue = TILING Sinks " Fireplaces Floors WEST VANCOUVER BUILDERS' SUPPLY JVest 560 2153 Marine Dr. K. W, Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside-- Phone W est 34d E venings,;W est 143 Listings Wanted Finance and Insurance is charged with the loss of the - ----------- . - - game, the winning iniiis Jadug reception arranged by the Van- scored..off him. ■■coiLYeiiJBranch, ^Cajoat îan-fWom-- -- Jock Taylor won-a- ten- itm-i-Ng- en's -Press Club., The guests game in North, Vancouver by 7- VP.rf hV.̂ : Jli* iiflillGy ./? ; llrin rr, ' ■4*1'! •! n 'iVl/i 'If-inill.l-were-!!*-- ~ ---- ,5---vv^a-IMng t̂h-i ê--i-H--the 1 enUr, Price,, club p fes id ^ t, and M rs.: one'out, he struck out the A. Cromar Bruce 0^2130 Argyle holding the one run '^-venubrNafional-Vice-President for British Columbia. * * * =wya&=AVon margin established by;the 'I'n- tons in the first of the .tenth. , Thursday at Ambleside, the Tritons lost another .dose .oik;, to Wijliams.on's Dairy. Score 13-12. * Frank 'Tearoe led .the hitters V'̂ itĥ three singles and a dould ̂ as fhe -- «=,----- • team staged a th irty .h it game,. : 1530 Maxme Hector McKenzie of Vancou­ ver, has purchased the Furk cot- tage at Cypress Park. ' •♦ * * SAT. e v e n i n g & MONDAY .July 17th »ikI IDth AD OIJ'llE M||]N.I()U 'SlNfi BABY SINr.' also BU.STER KEA'l'ON "DHTO" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY .July 2()th and 21si; -JEAN-A^imilTR- • ' A d V c h t u r c i i r MahhaUan ** -alHcr 'MAN WHO LIVED TWICE" (Once only, at 8:20)- The recent competition for a name to be given to the new T h e h a m F ^ D p h t jO r a d r B a E a ^ three runs. GhiclrMcTnto^ ̂ who t ̂ . . relieved Percy* Masterman, Wr;^?Keith7 i^ithe^mayor-of--v~tK^Tourth, "is'charge{l-^ith" the^" Goquitlam,^ attended the Orange "losg ., ■ ^ celebration last Monday in North Vancouver and in the evening was the guest of h is brother -Everett -at the latter's home, 1540 Marine Drive, ^ JUNK -- We buy Bottles,-RagspMetals^ furniture, etc. Highest prices' paid. PHONE WEST. 91 b u r r a r d j u n k CO. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE .Phone West • --------- (------- . tTertilizers of~AH-B^nds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies Last Monday, in an away game^. against Lynnwood, Tri­ tons, -with some fine, fieliding by Bob Fiddes and Blair Edwards, arid speedball pitching by Chick McIntosh, won 7-4. IXL girls, had a pbop week,Lefroy--Schnurle ....... .... ....... ........ The' marriage took place on losing an ex,hibition game to the Wednesday evening o f last week City IXL team 18-15, and. a .in St. Paul's Church of Prisoilla ̂ league game against Redwings Martin, daughter.: o f .. M rs./.b y 7-5.' However they are lead- ' Schnurle, 1199 Bidwell Street, :-ing their league froih lales t̂ re- who forhierly resided 'at the--ports-and look good enough to _^Fortune-Cup-Inn,-an'd"^he~late-- repeat as league champion.s. George Frederick Schnurle of ------------- -̂-------- New York, to Mr. Walter E. J. W ife: "Darling, the new majd Lefroy, son'of Mr. Christopher has burped the bacoi^ and egg.s, B. L. Lefroy and the late--Mrs._ Wouldn't^you^ev wit^ " The . cere- Joe Fell Off the Wagon - Joe Murch is an excellent i j ^ g e of mca is,'"also Toli::^ "reason -Jtc--frttH- otr the Smoke wagon. After s m oke-1 css---y<>aKil£-h tul-juH L couldn't resist that wonderful (iroma th;it comes from a pii)eful of Montrose Mixture. You (night as well go to a 'Tin­ smiths for a suit of clothes or to a Fish & Chip ..Store Ĵ or a shave as go to some places for good Txibacco. At Smith's you always get the . best of a lj the ■ best kinds of Tobacco at prices thatHSurprise.you. • Harry Lauder would deal at •Smith's* if: he.lived here. - Your old pal, " ̂ ANGUS SMITH'S SMOKE.SHOPS West Vancouver -t Ferry Wharf_ Snow W aist it ig h ; Roads Im possible: Cold Snap Continues - ^̂ etty - hard-i^cast7~your "tkbughts-six"rrronths-ih-advancei-isn-t-Jt'- -- cassL your uiougL._ ...........- ^ ^ou know, though, tha t th a t's the way it's been for several years -- and . those who dealt ■with KnilF were better served. Order Your Fir Sawdust NOW -- then*forget it., ' . z.' West . n o r t h,39 r KNILL fUELS. 94 J2^_^W D U s t -- COAL :__ WOOD -- HOMEDIL EU EL^ mony was performed by the Hon. the Rev. T. ,R. HenOage. a couple of ios^jT for break- Miss M^jrC'anijfbHil,' 24tli ajuJ- . fast?" ■ ' " . M arine'Drive, has leflr-for -her- Hubby;: "Sure, bring her in." hOnie in Elhora, i^berta. EXPERT W atch-and-Clbcfc R^PAIKINa ' T. CHRISTENSON ' (formerly with Birks Ltd,,^.- 1522 Marine Drive ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH TEA and SALE %RIDAY, JULY 2 3 fd s In Parish Hall, a t 3 p.m . Home-ddoking, Garden Produce,__Ice CJream, White Elephant,! Etc.