West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Jul 1937, p. 2

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Si!gi|ttW 2 t h e w e s t v a n h e w s . 18. 1937 ■#** a- I i 1 ...ir« K T .y A N -0 itifm .W R « ^ H . R#v. HUlia W rifbt, IllnUUr ft4a.» 7;1& p..», Sunday School and Slbl* C laii 10 «.m. Btranftrg A VUitora Waleoia#. P" l" (i It » Hair Styling *■>*'11115 HKC KKrr OK <:HI( KKHMANKNT WAVI58'* 'rill* ullimaU* «lylinK of tliu COlirUK* »H tin*.Hint COtlKldlT" litioM In mir Hhop.. No jm-Tih- lUH'Ml in U Hlll't't'HM UnlllMH it i« cany lo net yourwlf. , fiUAU'l'/uKl SOMMKit'S Nut- iinil I'l'rinurufiitM uru Iho clioici* of the Hollywood MtaiH Gvoendolyn 's . ^ Beauty Shoppe - Cn^utora of KxcluNive Kermanenta. 154(1 Marine Drive' wc«t 117 'V '" ' . : : ' BAPTIST CHUKCfl ' * * ' .JMittiatei'" Itev. W, L. HcKay« B.A- ̂ B.D. Bundiy ,|^.rvlcea . . . 10:00 a;ra.--<;btlirch Scbbol in*« cludinif Adult Claas ' l l a.tti. & 7:30 p.ro,--PreacbiiMf Servicea, A hi'ttrly welcome to all - x HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchesa SCNDAY, July I«th, ut 10 u.m. Sunday School and Ynunu Pt*o|de'a Bible Cltt»H BUNDAV KVKNINC a t 7:S0 (JOHPKIi SKUVIOK S|ii'tikerH:' , MKHSKH. UA'ITBAY and CAMEKON I IIKBDAY at B, p.iti. JVuyei' Mild -Hlblo Study, All oofdlully welcome. „,,.WE3T.yANCqUVBK _ Christian Science .-v..'r,*-̂ --Society.... CUUECll KDIFICB 20tb and Baaiiinialt, BoUybaro . This Society i» a Branch of The Mother Church The F irtt Church of Christ, Sclentiat, in Boston, ̂ Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m, S unday , Ju ly IHlh. S u b je c t: " h 11 ' l: " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetinir Wednesday at 8:16 p.u* ■The public Is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetintrs. W E E K -E N D S P E e i A t S - a t G W E N 'S r,t) Kl.OWKHKI) IMQi'K & UNEN DUESSES, including «un-tan luuks ' :■ , , ■ ■ ■ HKAI, IJKKS.SK.S $U»ri. Clearing 10 D^NCE FROCKS m $1(» Our Salt- continues .'ill July. All Beach Apparel slushed. All .Millinery reiluced. Exclusive Models arriving daily. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive ' West .50!̂ ' D R . G . D . H . S E A L E D.D.8., L.D.8. DENTIST liay Block, 14ih and Marine Df. . Olllco Houro 0 to 0 p.in. ' Evaningtt by appointment. Phone West 72 • ■0 I5atal)iiahed on North Shore ' 25 Yearn (Kady Asaistant) HAllRON BUGS.. LTD, jfunecal Birectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 vlmcouverxPurlors r>5 Tenth Avenue lOast Th'QTie~P'iriTr"11i4- IJNITKD CHURCH 2lHt & EBqufm nlt Ave. Hev, HiHis Wrljrh>, M in is te r .Scrvicc.̂ i next Sunday at 11:0() a.m. and 7 :30 p.m. > Sunday School at 10 a.m. ArrangemeiitH have been made j'or the Annual Sunday Sch(>ol and ("onKregatlonal Picnic, p i s will be held on Wednesday, July 2 l.s l,.a l Eagle llarbdr. Huse.s will he at'the Church at 2 p-Hi* b a p t i s t CH U RCH Min itif • |{(!v;AV..L. McKuy, pastoC 1545 Duchess Ave. CHURCHES OF CIHUSIV SCIENTIST ' The. pa.sior will speak. Sunday nan'iung on the subject, "A ligion ol' Hearsay, and One of Kxp(.»rience;" and in the'evening "The Chri.stian's Attitude To- Hollyburii Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive PhONE WEST 583 -fVHdSHDr-Hr-HOR+E- wnrdH Amusements. 'rile church .school will meet at 10 o'clook. 'l%ire are classes Tor every, age including the Adult Hibl'o'Class for both men and women. • , , ■ • 'i'he prayer- meeting is held each Wednesday evening.at 8:00 -()!(*i<>alC:̂ ---------- --=----------- "LIFPT' will b(rthe-.Hubject of the Le.ssoii. Sermon ifi all Churches.of Cliri.st, Scientist, on Sunday. ' ' . The Golden, Text is: "H/?w 'that the dead are rai.sed, even Mo.ses shewed a t th e bush, when- he called the L«»'d the God of Abraham, and th e God of Isaac, and the God pf Jacob. For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto Him.' .(Luke 20: 37, 38).' . .Among the citations which comprise the .Les.son - Sermon is the following-from the .Bible: "For as the Father hath-life in H im self; so fiath IJe given to the Son to have life in Him.self." (John 5: 26). . The Lesson - Sermon also in-- cludes the following passage, from the Christian Science text- book. "Science and Health with CORlkESPONDENCE '1\) the Edil(>r, 'I'he West Van News. Dear .Sir:--May I, a visitor, say, tiiat I, for one, think "Suba-, daV's" "column tho' most out- ' standing feature of a very inter­ esting little local iiew.spaper. lie's got the "Butterfield" .touch, and lhat'.s "Bomepin" lo write, home about,--so 1 don't think he need mind what anonymous correspondent,s say re his Eng­ lish. It's O.K. any way.. .Anony­ mous letters are such SCURVY things anyway, as they lay others openjjj unju.st suspicion. I luipe, "Subiidar" will continue to,write his squibs" and bring, a.s he says, a .smile to tired faces --and soinetinie.s'bored people,-y- and if he'll only dip his pen in . chu.stio ink .sometimes he'll'bring a "grin" to mine. .: I don't know from Adam who '•'Subadar" is^so-I am pnly-tak-. ing- up the cudgels against an­ onymous writers as an intere,^t-- ed reader of your paper aiid 'his • colurhn. . .• Thanking you, if you think fit .to publish.-this, I remain, 'Yours sincerely, A venerable old Scotclmuin purchased a little radio set. A few.days' later his friends a.sked him how he liked it. "Well, it's aw richt to li.sten to," he replied, "but those bulLs are nae so gud to read by." HI' • C o n n o r Q u a l i t u W ash ers -SINCE IB7J:V Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Bak^r Eddy: "Father. Eternal L ife; th e,. one . M i m l; the d i vine ■ Principle, opmihonly called God." THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH (Mrs:) PECRTYTHATRXTON On Monday, 12th July, the„ ^iSlVANTHONY-'S CATHOLIC- " ^"CIIURCIT ershio Of the Wor. Master, Bro m RrrvT^WT^jTMTlhiyyPasior 'WV-^phoi-nr West 540 ' - Orange Hall and proceeded to l*icnic '(iroimdH, 'IVimiH CourlH, BaUiiiig. Bouiing, Kluhing, 'IVa-rooiuH, Sandy BencheH, (.'ottugaa for rent by Month or Week. ; ' . Sunday Services ̂ ^ Low Mas.s-- 8:15 p.m.- High ,Mas.s ami Sefpion -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. ■=Catechism"an(l Bible Class-->2:00 the celebration which was held in North Vancouver. They ioi-n- --gcrgUson*s TRUCK LINE I.v̂ Weat V-aii.T S a.m. & .3i>.ni. I.v. Vancouver* 11 a.m. 3 ppin.̂ I.v. Van., Halurtlay.s, 1 p.m. only' Weal . 85. _ - Doiig. 429 p .in . 7 " Week-day Services^ ed with the-brethren of Vancou­ ver 'County Lodges in ' Mahon Park, where the large gathering- was addressed' by several prom­ inent members o f . the Order in British Columbia. In. the after­ noon a program, of sports was DUNDARAVE Confectionery and Bakery Goods Tobaccos. Fresh Milk and Cream Affeirnoon Teas served NICE FRE .̂H, STOCK ' - 2 4 7 4 M A R IN E D R IV E ' MRS. AUSTIN, Proprietress : $ ^ 0 O = d d w i i - 7 f | l a c e ! ^ ^ ^ K e m ^ K K a s h c r ^ -- inypur-lidm eT Balance oh easy terms. BROWN & MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE WEST 366 Memlfers Associated Radio Technicians of B-C. Ilk Ma.ss -*-̂ 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction ^7-:45. heltl under ideal weather condi tidns and in J.he--eA^ing---a--4^i^ Saturday^-'-- ConfessionsrT 330 to .,8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev.„ F. A.Jtamsey. Sunday, July ISth-^'Prinity 8 . 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.-^Matins and Sermon. -7-4-t5- p:m^Ev^iROug- orowd attended the dance in the Armoury, bringing to a close a -very ehjpyable day for'those:whb" vyere present at the celebration., The local brethren are remind­ ed of the very important meet­ ing to' be held in the .Orange Hall on July 20th, when matters of vital importance will be dis- cus.sed. -CLUBJVIEWS -Dion. Mill, Fir. Dry.........,„:?5.00 c«mi Bu.Hh Fir. Dry..... $5.50 rord. ~ Fiirnnce"ii6^Hentor'"Hjockri • ;----- • uml Fijvplaci* Fir..,, $ i.00 cord .Bnrky .Slabs..... ....... $4.00 cord' "Slab-s & Kd^iags 3 f'ortls $U Alder ........................ $5.00 cord To|iH(>il Htwk Manure Dump 'I'nick Work. CHAUblE THOMI'SON -West 58'2 ' Weal 582 TH E West Van News Published Every Thursday DEATH OF MRS. Mx\)lGARET r - BRJCE RIT/j . MrsTMargaref Bryce Rit2 of Victoria, who formerly resided, at 1912 Inglewood Avenue, pass­ ed away" on Wednesday of last Week in the Jubilee* Hospital in that city after a, short illness. The deceased, whb was aged 53 years, is survived by her hus­ band, tvvo daughters,' Helen and 'Jessie, and three sons, Gordon, Jack and Alan. The funeral ser­ vices were held last Friday jat 2 "p.m. in Victoria, the .'Rev.' William Alan officiating.' -- Publiisher - ; k; i ■* t BGROVE-- Phone West 363 : Business and Ptiitonal Office: 1704 Marine Drive ' - J___ PhoneAye8L363- CUB NEWS The 2nd Wolf-Cub Pack will meet at Pauline Johnson Annex A.V.■ July 16th. 7-:00- I ■'t;( A '̂ 4;4 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1,00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail p.m. -this week, and it-»s-hoped- that every cub will endeavor to attend. It is regretted* that the time had to be altered ifor this meeting, but "Akela" knows that fort to be there. "Do-your-best." The 3rd Pack .met in the Light house Park at Gaulfeild ' 6n the 7th, two would-be cubs attending. Next m e^ in g_ pn._ 14th, same time and placb fnumphed in a league .match againsP North, --Wnebuverjon^SundayTThe-score being.-672. " The detailed scores are. âS' fol- lows, West Vancouver-Earned first-- Men's Doubles Griffiths and Jordon: lost to Siddons and Longley, 8-6, 4-6,. 3-6. ' Nutt and Marantette beat Ames and Wyard, 6-4 ,' 6-2 . ̂ Ladies Doubles - Mrs.- McNeill and Mrs. Searle beat Mrs. Stoker and Miss Stok­ er, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2; Mrs. Parkes and-Miss-Gliffordv ,beat Miss Cooke arid Miss Hodg­ son. 6-2, 6-3. . : Mixed Doubles McNeill and N u tt beat Siddon and-Stoker, 6-3 .4-6v-6^ BUYS HO ^.-SearJe- and-- Griffithsy^ b ea t' Stoker and Longley, 1-6, 6-4 , 8-6; Clifford and Jordon beat Hodg­ son and Anies.,6-2 , 6-0 . Parkes and/Marantette-lost to y k e -a m P W y a rd r l^ - 6 . ̂ League standing to d a te :/ XT tr Lost .Draw North Van. Club 1 ' i West Van, Club 2 l i Capilano-CIub - . . . . i 2 ' One match yet to.be'plaj"ed. 1 ^ ' c. . "i .* ■ ■ • I