West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Jul 1937, p. 1

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H-,yMS. 4(̂itUl.«4)|>;̂.>/.if.i!J«S£»li.,gî{; irf/1 '■*1.. «A)t 4'rf*' Circulating in the D istrict o f West 'Vancouver--Ambleside, H ollybum ^ Weston^ D undarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, W hytecliff, E tc. ̂per copy at ncwaitands. Vol. XI^ HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY I5th, 1937 No. 15 THE AUTO TOLL HOLLYBURN HALL ' GARDEN PARTY POSTPONED TIk* appulling number of deaths and injuries fix>m motor V .. >i>i(k'iits lias been for some years one of the chief problems oiilri'iitiiig Che authorities on this continent; The annual ill relation thereto read. like^the casualty list, of a AM he same time, large as the figui'e s are, it is really ■r nialior for wonder that the record is not even wor.se, when 'ill 1*1r> circumstances are taken into consideration. ' . T)u> number of cars and trucks in operation on this side „r llic AtlanUc- runs into the millions, every ^one of them ...... PovcM'ing*'TlSilsands of miles annually, and^each weighs any- Ihiii.r between nearly half a ton and three or-four tons. Cap- able (>1' s])ceds up to ninety-fiye miles per hour,^hey are seldom ili ivon at less than twenty-five mil6s an hour through crowded citv streets, suburban roads lined with houses containing ' naniv i hiklren, and long country, roads where .naturally speed- " in'jr i.s the order of the day and night. Although having the ;,s))CL'(i ami killing capacity of a limited train, they do not run. " on i'oadway specially,reserved for them and are dependent' for i)i'oper directibn on human steering instead of steel rails. Uiuler such conditions it stands much to the credit of car • owners and drivers that more accidents do not'occur;, There' . are, of course, some m otorists who are a menace due to natural carelessness or liquor, but the great majority of them > are ■ considei-ate and humane and' do not at'.any time drive to the common dangdr of pedestrians or other motorists. The main problem is the striking, of a true balance be­ tween public safety and road space. ' A , maximum speed of ' twenty-live miles per hour would mean for'all practical pur- __ poses X̂ Mfety for_pedestrians_aad motorists alike, but. wj.th the number of cars in use would inevitably result ' in such - traffic .jams everywhere except in little travelled countryToads as-would eliminate the auto as a means of . transport entirely. It was thought that ipereased speed was the solution,- and the tendency of late years has been in this .direction, . eighty-live 'rxiijos per hour, for instance, being the minimum speed allowed-in'the fa st traffic lanes on trunk highways in , / th e United States. With the same object in view the speed • capacity of all cars wasi increased b y ' their manufacturers. , The result has been the fearful annual Casualty lists from, motor accidents. ' . ~ What has' been oyerlooked -iŝ the fact that any speed ~ over fifty miles an fioiir is 'a s dangerous 'to the driver ^s to ^.^the general public, both _ m otorists and pedestrians, because "^e-idightest-sndtiem=swerve^oir:sudden-diard^ra-k4ng-^t^ueIi speeds is liable in m ost instances to result in a loss of.control 2ld^laiannnfei"e::xegained^:;^Then-nat«mUy^herC-hh^ lision increase out of all proportion to the. iricrea^ in speed. However, -speed -has become - a.-fetich' with .civilized marnfyTodaj^^Wcon'segulmlly^^^^ ■ reduction in the present rates of motor travel will be made, f The solution, i f solution-there be, w ill probably be sought i Tn the construction or reservation "of trunk Tiighways for the use of motor traffic dnly, and possibly in .th e forbidding of the most crowded downtown streets in th e largest cities to the-private car. ' ■ ' ' ' ' ^ -^^A^t-aiiy-i^te7-trf-this^e^hn-ber-qnite--&uref^at--nianTwi4l The GardcMi Party planned by Lawson ■'Chapter, I. There will be Sunday School and Young People'.s Bible Class the Duncan at 10 a.m. next Sunday; July O.D.E., for-Saturday, July 17 th, 18th, in Hollyburn Hull. A Go.s- has been postponed. pel Service will be held at 7 :30 ----------------- p.m. next Sunday, the speakers being Messrs. Rattray and Cam­ eron. Tuesday, at 8 p.m, prayer and Bible study. COUNCHi NOTES CONFERENCE DELEGATES TO BE ENTERTAINED HERE H. A. Roberts Ltd. wrote the / Council re signs at S. W, oprner Those interested in swimming 24th and Marine and N.W. cor- and diving, either beginners or ; ner 7th and Marino. ■ The writer was requested to ------ ^ .conform to the by-law by the Delegates to the Pun Pacific terms of , which general business Conference at present sitting iii signs were not permitted oyer Vancouver will be guests o f the li certain size, and also to m- British Pacific Properties and '• form his conipany that signs of the Townswomen's Guild Satur- every kind were not permitted day afternoon. oh boulevards or public property. Leaving the Hotel Vancouver * * * • -- i, F. D. Ellis wrote the Council re park oh west side of Meihbrial advanced; are asked to phone Molly Edwards, West 208-X. *'»*■ Arch. The Council informed him tijat they were not contemplat­ ing any addition in that area at at 2 oiclock they will cross the Inlet in cars, taking a run along the coast to Whytecliff, and re­ turning to the Properties, finish­ ing up.at the Cottage on the hill „ . , at 4 o'clock for tea,' where they the present time, will be received by the Estates manager, Count Kayserling, and ' VW. :S. Davie wrote the Counc^ Mrs. Cromar Bruce, President of , re lane at D.L. 1055vE':-'^, S. .: ::th -^ G u ild .::f -- ■.....-- -Block..4,_.Lot 5B. ..... The writer was informed that his request would receive atten­ tion;.̂ L. D. Orr wrote the Council BRITISH - ISRAKI. (Dundurave Bhuich) Mre. Brereton will speak each Monday evening during July in lh(i hall at 25th and Murine, Drive. The subject will be "The Bible in the Heavens." All are invited to take advantage qf these splendid addresses. MUSICAL SUCCESSES Other special guests invited are Hon. Martin Burrell and Mrs. Burrell, Ottawa ; Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor,^ Mrs. D o r isS ta in sb y , . .Miss MacDonald of Stonehaven, Scotland; Mrs. Dorothy Steeves, re water service Yourtette DriYe M.L.A. ; Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Mrs. and Sentinel Drive. The appli- E. Perrin Baker, Edmonton; oant av̂ s advised, that, if there Below will be found a list of the successful local candidates in the recent musical exams, the names of . the ;teachers' being given in alphabetical order: ,. MRS. CHAS. BURBRIDGE Toronto Conservatory of Music Grade 6 , piano-rrRuth .I^arnum passed with honors. ' MRS. .F. KNIGHT-HtoGfE Royal Schools of Music Grade III, Pianoforte-- Kathleen Mrs. W. A. Akhiirst, Women's was any demand f̂ or water at the (jracce Collinson (age 7). Canadian Club; Mrs. Thos. Bing- point mentioned, it would ham, Vancouver Local Council; taken care of in the figures al- Miss E. J. StevensV North Shore ready quoted. _ ^ Local Council; Mrs. John ®c(?ay, ♦ ♦ - InternationaljClub :-Mrs. S. Con--___L. D._QrrUw.ro_te^theUCounciL Grade^V, Transitional Piano­ fo rte-- Esther C l a r k ._____ H igher--Grade V, Violin George Albert BfeaIey','hbnOVs. i ■ - w a y 7 T v i r s 7 7 ! r . - B r s m a i l r B u n c M i - n y ^ n y ^ f f - y ) r t i C T i ^ -- - _Lawson._Chapter,__:I.O;D..E, j-und „_Sltreet. He was,adyjs_edAhat^j^ -- Intern^diate Grade VlrPiano^- Invited to pour are Mrs. J. B. Mrs- A. M. O'Donnell. tention. always prefer speed to safety up to that point where he meets himself coming round th e corner.-- - - -- -----------^^ BIvOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Mrs; W ; K; Wbodepek; Walker, Mrs. A. J . Cushing; Mrs. B. M. Grady, Mrs. J. A. Camp­ bell aiid Mrs. James Eckman. ; : Hostesses b t the e p t t ^ mcludO'̂ Mrs;̂ ̂F G; HewiTtrlY^ A. E. Young, Mrs. E. E. Fox, Mrs. A . J ; K ow seT M ^ Mrs. F. Harrop, Mrs. R. Froud, "Mrs. F. F. I^yegrove, JMrs. R. -- ~ ^̂^ ^ ^ ^ -^ F id d e s ,-M rs ,-J .-M o n c rie ff .-- - a small proportion in groups 2 As this" affair has been ^hur- rn Lynes' Gfey .' Wrote the' Council re sign ;at Caulfeild: He was advised^ the Council had no objection to a sign worded "Watch for Children," provided; it was placed in a position, satis- factory to and approved_by the ■forte. " Bonnibel Barbour. , ^ Grade IV, Theory -- Bonnibel -Barbour- " _______ _ MISS MARGARET McINTYRE Associated Board of London,^ ' England Intermediate Grade, Piano -- Pass, Douglas Watt. Rudiments of Music -- Pass, ......... Douglas Watt. nrfHiftn Toroujo Couservatorv of Music , h v C ; n Grade 1, P ia n o -J u n e Gill.en garding closin"^ours in barber J ( ^ r b u H ^ ^a small proporiion ,111 giuupa ̂ ..xx̂ o «.xx«xx xx«« ,,«,.̂ xx x.«x̂ qhons in West Vancouver Mr. Grade 2 , J. iano%-jean uarouu and 3. The doctors have to be riedly arranged during the past ^ ^ ^ ^ w L s r e q S at Passed with honors., of th e se - few-days-members of the-G uild;--f'"^:^-^-'^-T^ ----------- --- ------------------------- __ All administrative com m ittee for Blood- Transfusion Service has beep formed for the North Shore. Dr. W. G. Saunders to'f the- North Vancouver Health prepared for any one numbers at a moment's notice, and must be informed by; preyi-, bus tests of the right "match." While tliere may ■ be compara- i.uxm vcuicuuv«r jieaiLii tiv^y few transffisions during , „ . ̂ me oierit-was uisuucteu lu ii;- quit is chaiiTrian,_Major_RobeR_.thê ye.ar it is obvious __ Queat-SchoolTrustae.Bieh.ardHoii fU- Hargreaves.- 7-25 -East =T3:th7zr.m:urtrtg^ J a g g ^ £ ; ^ ------- ^to„get jn_touch with TCouncji w wishing to attend are requested the next m a tin g o f the Counc to get their ribbons from Mrs^J. to discuss the m att^ . B is^ tt , West "517, at once; as r W only ribbon-holders can be ac- Gordon TEA AND SALE >-&■ RobxSon wrote commodated, owing to the large p ̂ m' .to . The Clerk-was instructed to re- the' hall. r'^^.^fa^^Hei^IbVanc&tivei^^epresen ts --u n te e rs --a¥ a2 aE lb --t o ..m ake.,.-.t)xe..^ Oh FridayJ^^'d July, at p.m. in the Parish/HAIl, the ladies of St. Stephen's/Church will hold a tea and sale of/home-cooking, "^garden^pfoduce, ice cream, white TO-^BOWEN ISLAND the Board of_M_anagement of the . service e f f ic ie n t .I t is to obtain w -- ^oHh-V-ancbuver-^Geiiera'l~Ho's^^^^tho&e r-voluriteeFSrr-TrrC-gcnerall-y-^rrrJ^ERRYiiiSGHEDULE: Pital, and-E/W ; M ^ speaking, from the ages of 18 to _ -Mathers Avenue, W est Vancou- although both under and • --!-- -- ' vec,, represents Toe-H, which is / over these ages are often found another part of th is issue sponsoring the movement to ob- excellent membert o f the "fraG vv̂ qi be found . the passenger, tain an adequate., number of ■ erhity" of donors), that Too schedule o^the Sannie Transpqr- voliinteers to furnish the ser- Ms'3ponsoring the service.. . tatibn Company Ltd., which h a s , vice necessary to the North This is essentially a. service operated for a number o f years Shore. A. McLean, aoting secre- where Youth liasi the .advantage a . ferry seryice between "Horse- tary. of the North- Vancouver ovdr Age. Blood Transfusion is shoe Bay and Bowen Island. The ............. ......... .................... : General'Hospital, is secretary to easy and harmless to the, donor fare either way is 25 cents, the Engineer's reports as follows: the committee and .'will, furnish but of incalculable value to the service providing^ ^ . x . _ . , . Committee, with a view to a of a series of events planned to "m eertTig^jemgar ranged=wi thHh nds-to.r retinr-tjie-PM-isJ?- Committee on an evening spit- indebtedness. able to all parties. * * Mrs. F . V. Whitworth-wrote the (touncil re: oiling at Horser_. shoe Bay. Referred to the Eng- ̂ ineer for oiling program. The Council dealt with- the all information -to th e various^ recipient. By placing it on a ,way of reaching Bowen Island, service associations and indiv-„ voluntary basis the service can .from West Vancouver a n l vice icluals interested in the service, be .enlarged for those who are versa. ----'The importance of ̂ this service ■ -unable-to pay. Who:is-.able^and-^ cannot be over-emphasised and - w illing to save a life when called MISS J. I^N-E--WINS-A..L.C.M. 'the com.mittee is anxious'to ob- . upon? The sole cost and effort ■.---------- tain a large roster of individuals is sending in'names-and having ' Miss Julia Pyne has gained willing- and able tb perform this- blood test made once every diploma of associate (A.L.C.M.) -^luhtarv RPrviPP the ;• ~-- :------ =-- in pianoforte at the .LondtirrCol- -1. Repairs to ferry breakwater,^ ' Laid over until October. . 2. A! H. McRobl3ie's application re access to' Lots 8 and .9,- --Block 2, D.L. 582-- - ------ The viTiter to be advised an * inspieotion-discloses there is: sufficient turn around for cars and. the Municipality ThOxSe - desiring to donate articles for .sale are requested'to 'communicate with any>> of the following conveners: .'T ea: Mrs." Wiltshire, phone Wcxst 270-L-3; . ^ , Home^cooking: Mrs. Phillips, West 218-R; ' - Garden Produce: Mrs. Albi^, W est 64; ~ W hite Elephants: Mrs. Clark; W est 468-R. ' AMBLESlDE^PHAi^MACY CHANGES H A N D S; muiiity as a ,^whole. - Any person . willing to volunteer .his service, .. Mauy persons oall a doctor with any of "wlien all they want is an audi- Lhe above." . " ' ""e'nde. The_d^culty-the-medical ser- lege of/Musio." She' also wSiirtlie" following at the B. C. Musical F estiv a l. this, year: Pianoforte Solo, (o p ^ ) 1st; Pianoforte Ac- companyirig (open); ist. J'lce m eets w ith ih J s to o d t o M - ' T h e re is l i t t le 'd a n g e r o f fo re s t S '® 2 ^ , tusion IS "matcKing" blood- f i r e s w h e r e the only sap present, and Mrs. R. W. J ^ n e of 1294 . of W. Jlerrin on holidays ' ■ Clyde Avenue, arid a pupil of -Then- inf ̂ groups'divided - is in the trees. one'to four, and a , ■ '•--------- ' A change of ownership Jhas occurred _at ; the Ambleside ^have~no funds availaUlTfr-for--Hharmacy7~wlrieh-is~now^under-v the making of further im- the management of D. S. Mont- ̂ provements. ague, dfspensirtg chemist. A . xc xK x>-- -- complete drug store service will The Council appointed W. - be given as before, including the Gentlenmri; acting clerk with the reliable di.spensing of prescrip- ■ lisuaLpowers during the ab.sence tions, patent and. proprietory ' medicines, developing and print-, ing. Free prompt delivery. For in groups 1 and 4 but only " working for dumb guys. Mrs. F; Knight-Hodge, I.U.L.C. He that is not open to convic- further particulars kindly refer- M., rep.resentative-for^the North tion i s not qualifier! for discus- to the/advertisem ent Jn this Shore. _stonr"̂ Z"' isOue. ̂ ' a . '