West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jul 1937, p. 6

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^ . r i^iiirm 4 w aaip>«fliiaBi«M̂ icme!Mxaĉ ^ 4̂ -- F h o i i # ^ W e«t 46 Vl ÎCCIAl.S - „^ rED«AN0-WWIT£̂ -1»4̂ -------------------- vVest 46 M eatH ---Fhom * Went 370 n t l D A Y A N D HA'I J K D A V . J u ly 0 t h A: r o ih " pr tiIf ■'I; f -- V 'L. „ |r " HKK'I FOODS 3 IA V O N N A I8 E , h-ii/. Jar 20r; 10*0*. J a r . 37c H4<J & W hile SJIItIMI* .. tJn 22c CUAIIM K A r » -- Nuhoh, 'A h, tin 3.1c Ited K W hite CAItltOTH A I'KAS ' l ender and S w<n I 2 h(juuI tiiiH 2.1c ItK 'K K UIK N K S -. KelloKK'n , ... 11« (iU A l'K .sr .'rS I'l.A K K S, l»lil. l i e SrU A W IIK im V JAM -- NaiMjh, I'ure New SeaMiii'a In a handy I uml»|er (for yiMir I'Jrnir -'1-2*i»z. Tuinhier 19c (M<*KJ.KS ljH|>|t) vale. Kw h*1 nr. Sour l.nrue 20*nz. Jur 2.ic Sl'IiDICKTIONK Ued A W hile SALM ON, Sockeye, Ab Die; iH ;3f»<' riHII, I'AK'rE--I'rime'h Crnh and 'I'utia *Ah, III! 9c < (U(NKI) IlMKr I, Ih. «hi 12c Ked 'A .W hile I'MAS-- Sleve .1 Sweet and Tenderer No, 2 tin H*c |{ed A W hile W HITE t.D U N 2 No, 2 TiiiH , ; ■ ■ Hed A W hile I'OUK and, HKANH :i iH-oz; tiiiH I'HKI'AHIOn MDfi I'AIM) - - I'rencirM 0 nz. ,Iar I he •Hed A W hile 'I MA pound t4c Save tin* roiipniiH l'i»r Valiiahle I'retnlliaiH. , « 'iS? /ONINt; ACT IINCIIANCKI) ' I 'h c ( 'o u m - i l a t t . l in ir m u e l i i i E - hint M o n d a y i i iK h t ' d(*i,;i(lu(r t o in i i k c n o d ia n ) . f c in Z o n i n g , l i y r l a w N o . d78. ' LAWN BOWLINC; NOTES 'I'Ik ! c o n t i n u e d l in o w c a t i t o r o f •t l ie I a s i .w<M'l< lia,s I f i v o n d l i o o p ­ p o r t u n i t y t o j)lJiy n n i n y KaniOH in t h ( ' lo c a l c o m i x d i t i o i i . s . S c y o r a l v e r y (!loH<.* i tn d o x c i t i i i K finiHho.s '• w e r e o n j o y o il . . " , i n - th (! .sin^ki.s 'c : h a m i ) io n .4 h i p , l iv e Haoio.M vvori? p l a y o d : C o u n c i l - •, l o r C i s b y b e a t M r . ' J a y ; M r . ' n i a c k b e a t M r . . ( . k ) l l o n i ; M r . M a .s - t e r m a n b e a t M r . T i im k ^ . In ,th<r i i t ^ \ t r o u i i d M l'. B r u c e b e a t M r . . M a . s t e v r n a n ; J 're.'4 i d e n l S m i t h b e a t C o u n c i l l o r C i s b y . . d 'hcH e t w o jrarne.s w e r e c o n ­ t i n u e d - t o a f i n i s h , n l U i o u K h a, h e a v y s l u n v e r o f r a i n d r o v e lu i - e n tb i i . s i a s l . i c g a l l e r y t o _ s e e k j j i e „ MEATS pUl.MB BEEF l*OT ItOAS'l'S I roni LEfiS EA.MB, Top Spring, Ih. .*i2c SHOI EDEH EA.MJh Top Spring per II). . , breast of A'EAE. per lb. lOe CO rTAt.E ROLES, Ih. 2lr&2flc |*l( KLEO TONtilJE, per Ih. 2(k; SWEE'r PICKLED SIDE PORK . . per Ih. 2.5c HEINZ BCEK PICKI.ES, (MiiHlard and .Sweet Mixed) Per II). 30c HEINZ OILI.S .J for 10c VEAL I.OAF (North Star) , I'er II). ......... ..............35c F̂ ,ET :̂HER'S^IONEY & SI*rCEI) HAK-EI) HAM, Per II).......................... 60c CRAIN FED BEEF, PORK and \ EAL-- FINEST ()UALITY. NOTICE , urgknizatioiLs .find others are rc.-|H'ctriilly 'renninded ,jbat the de;i(i-lim' for news and other reading matter i.s 0 l).ni. 'ruesday for the issue of that week, thi.s bf'iiig dfjiie to lielj) oiir boys in nniking an̂ egrlicn' didiveryi' 'rile.(lead-line foi' advertising c()py remains the same, namely, jiooii on Wednesdays.--̂ Editor. Fills! I'arnmr:- n( suiipo.se your daugbtei' takes .settin'.up I'xerciscs a lot since she came ' liomi; from (akin' tiiat physicaj oulture..coursp?" , ".Second lA'irrn.er: "I should say so. She sets up all evening and with . a differenl boy friend every night," .Ml'iFlT?rrTn'~1lTe.im v i horn------ T h e r e m a im u g t a in te s ta i it .s in t lii.s - c o m n e t i t io iF a r e --M r. B la c k - #• a h .d M r . B r u c e ; t h e w in n e r h ie e t - in g P r e s id e n t S m it l i in t h e f in a l. S^aopsk of Land Act T H E W E S T V A N N E W S h o e l v b l 'K N ' ireccIviTig fir?«l r a n k iiii p r o f ic ie n c y a n d * la • h a d e r - hi J u n e P r o m o t io n E v a n d n a t lo ii.- . F ir,St R a n k t - r F r o l i e i e m y : E r ic W h it e . , . ^ C la .ss L e a d e r s : !. E r ie \ \ hi e ; li, ( i e o r g e K n ow le .* : r,, tdady.-' W iksoji. D iv is io n II C la s s I x 'a d e r s : . ( i r a d e O b -- I, W illia m H u g e 'V 2, .M arifui L a JM aivhe an d U i - l ia m 'P a y lo r , t ie ; d, N ig e l S n e l- g n i v e a n d la 'o n e W oo(leoek , t ie . C r a d e 5 a -- 1, C o o r g ie E d iiig - to n : 2 , D o r e e n Iv a n i s : •'>, B e v e r ­ l e y E l l is . H o n o r R o ll f<u' I'l 'J ie ie n c y -- C e fn 'g ie E d in g lo i i . , " D iv is io n HI C la s s L e a d e r s ; C r a d e 5 b - H . iio lier t^ F o o te a n d J o y (d r a n w e ll e t |u a l; 2 , J u n e C r e id m a n .- , C r a d e d a -- l , I'lleanor N e ls o n ; • 2-,. H e le n a A ld r e d : ('..'.A u d r e y . Uae.^ I'l 'o f i e i e n c y -- R ob ert F o o te . . ■ D iv is io n IN' C la s s J .e a d c r s : ■ , Crade* 4 h --H , R o se m a r y B o o th P I ; 2 , C e o r g in a . A rn o ld 8*1', 2, V 'elm a I J o s h ie r 82 . j C r a d e 2 a -- 1, B<'v e r ly . M c ( 'u l- lo e li PI ; 2 , N a i ie y F a le k 8P aiid^ ; CIair<> M a c d o n a ld 8i), l i e ; .'L R ob - fh't N'Vliite 8 8 .' - P r o f ic i e n c y -- B e v e r ly M eC iil- hudi. D iv is io n ( l i a s s L e a d e r s ; ' (J ra d o 2 b -- 1. B e t ty I b ir t le t t ; 2 ,i RoRCrl B r i t t o n 2 , ' D o u g la s B r o w n . . ^ C r a d o '2 a -- F, N'in c e iit H e r n a n ­ d e z ; . 2 , V ic t o r C u e ; (b K a th le e n ( io l l in s o n ., , , • C r a d e 2 b -- 1, D o n n a D a lg lo i.sh ; 2, S h i i ' le y M c In to sh '; 2 , P^red C ro .sb y . • • • p r o f ic ie n c y -- D o iia v o ii. Dal-, g le i s h , ' . ' D iv is io n : 'V I „ -■ G r a d e 1-- D o n n a B r o ih e r to i i , p r o f ic ie n c y .' , . . ( 2 a s s ' L e a d e r s : . G r a d e l a -- -1 ,D o n n a B r o t h e r - . toTi; 2 , M a r g a r e t - J a m i e s o n ; 3, J o h n G h a p p e ll.___ G r a d c ' lb -- I, F a y R ic h a r d s o n ; ' (2;::ZTGi-Mri'Xj;wl e n s o m TOTSTmT J e f f e r ie s ' S u p e r io f ?- M e a t s (ioveninient Inspected Only ^ f A*MS"*~"*'7'*'***"1 B COLD MEAN'S ()F ALL KINDS . DELICATESSEN 1 store at H ollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 Service L U M B E R q u a lity ' SASH l)OUKS TmTuc* ic JPAINl c v ( ; i K S THERE IS B U IL D E R S ' S U P P U g s M ' NO SUBSTITUTE R O O FIN G JI AWODI ) . FOR QUALITY W ALLH O A RDI.A'ril tUKUUAUJI .A g e n ts : ■ ■ ■" ■ * ( ANAD A P A IN T C O M PA N Y L T D .' WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 1 5 th & Marine Dnve , Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rale fur Claasiliod AdvertiseinenlB is 2 cents per word, ininimuiiF 2.1 reiilH. Kxcept in the ca«e of those having regular accounta, all classi- (iedH ur'e pajahk atrictly in advance. ' Remember ( laHailiwlB m the W est Van N ew s g et im m ediate results. ■s, ' -------- -------- . ' ........... ' ' " " ....................... .......................................................- ............ - ................... t ) I ' r i l l .MNKY SWKFIMNfi -- Saw dust JU N K --^Wc buy everyth in g of value. I)iinicr< iiitallcd; furnace re'puirs. Phoifl*. W est 91. B ufrard Junk Co'.' ' painting, paperhangin,;, „fx'. AO.Ill A ______ ORATING -- For economy and sa tis fa c tio n , phone P . C. Dalgleish W est 674-R . . <. 'I'Olt SAU*; 'rolcHC<ipc table, 6 Icav'cs-, ijiH.Ot). W est .10- ̂ -J. ' ̂ ' - FOIt SALK -- :} burner oil stove, cniimcllcd back; 2 ovens, .1 gallon , g-alvani/„c'(I can. :i27i) Marine. > __ _ . ' ' --------------------- -- ̂ nil-- M -- DININt; Ro o m SUITK, Radio, Urop- hoad Sew ing Machine; _I.)rop-leaf 'fable; all in perfect co.iditiun. 210,1 .A rgyle Avenue. Ig)ST -- Two $1 bills on Monday, July ■ 5, in or near P igg ly W.igg'ly- Find- (■r please phone W est 141. ' FOIt RENT -- Bus'ine.ssAVoman would like companion to shared home. ° Phone' W est 398rL. , SIIING LER -- Shingling and . re- .shingling. :E. W. Balden, Phone W est 223-R. IN V E ST S A F E L Y in First-cla.s.s m ortgages on W est Vancouver properties. S u m s o f $500 upward carefu lly p laced . E xp ert valuations and se rv ic e .. , C. J . ' Archer Ltd W est 225. '____________. M ARCEL S H ()P "((i(ir Therm ique'Steanr P erm anents.' O nly b est materials used. E x p er t operators. Phone W est 304, R oya l B ank Building. C H IM N EY S W E E P IN G -- Old Coun­ try w a y . ' G uaranteed. Brick and ston e repairSi. Palm'er, Capilano, N orth 811-R -2. C H IM N E Y S w e e p i n g -- Sawdust Burners in sta lled ; fu rnace repairs. Phone G. M eldrum , llD S Lonsdale, N orth V ancouver. GORDON RO BSO N ; B arrister, Solici­ tor, 1447--M arine, ;by appointment T lr g ' w iiV ifor 'w tlt i'LTiTi«Luil;"'\\T\«rP Vbuicouvor i n j h e B. C. Coivipvti- tioii. . In the Oakhiml Doubles vom- piitition tw o gjimes were played. Jake and Beii Kloopfer bcnii. Mr. fbirtridgeJuki Mr. ('̂ illom; -Mr. vLty a444DVlrrv-.Robson brn-t MlB-KMmO.MS [TACANT. uure..served. Burveyed -Crown F AT! LIN E-H)H NSON-SDH 00 Ir I.OSI' -- Reading GliLSses ip hrow n tu i, ,.aviarme, uy appoitumem: ..ca.se, M_onday_night_betvVeen_Ainhle_T only, W est-403;_b l0 H a stin g s Street -~nside~i'arlr-an-d--H ollyburn-Theat-ve.--------SeynT tniFD :90~aft(^6onsT '■ j"-- " ~:V'. :^HlGGlN-BQTH-AMDl522^Marinef-0p7 Findei- -t)hone-- -- Corbett, W est .__.4_72-Y.,^_____________ Mr. 'Ci.'̂ by aiuf Mr. Ma$lerman. The.st* UVoTvimii.iig doubles mod -to decide fluVriglit to play in tlu* BubJeetB 'over J8 7«ara' ol Bge'. 'nhtl by nitent . on declaring Inieiitlon to hecoiiH' prltlfib BubJocU, . cort.clltronal npon rc.sT- dence. occupation andttmprovvinent. ■ :Pull lnformotlo«i concerning Prc-tnni)' "lions 1(1 given "'In Biillelln Nd..„. 1, .Utim;! Hurled "Itow to Pre-empt Land,*' cennes n* which can be obtained free ol charge by nddre.'i.'ilng the Department of Lo'trds, Vic- torln II C.; nur'eaii of Provincial Inforimi- tlon victoria, or any Oovernment Agent ■Hecorsta--mU^lie granted -oovei'lnu inih a .s s ' i-.<;'ti,'ite'r.s'"l ot -"'■Division VIIF- -jTTTre- FOR RENT -- July and A u g u st; 4- roomed suite',_furnished. Phone W est -- ----------------------------------- ŵ.iaa. w .IL̂ W A iitv, Vjp'; t om etr ist, O ptician , W edhe^ays 10:30 to 4. W e st 458-R for appoint- ' -m en ts. - - - - ------ ' • (jradt** 1 -- 1, Virginia' Ward; 2, Barbju'a Xield: 2, Ada Kirk. : . - .Division VII Grade 1 -- 1. Lorene'^Townsdid; 2, (Jary Cnth'r; 2, Betty-Jane eoiupetilion open to B, (', ' In the lldlitla.v ,Rink .Jb'ogrt's- --sive 'rournamehj,, Mr., Wbite- liouse came through in hi.s usutd ' sfyte to lead his rink to victory with a .score of 32 (u !); .Mrs. Jay, 1*. T. Mastermiui and W'. I'arf-f ridgi'" .s'liaring with -him ,Hie cHH'kery prizes, QuRe a number ()f the local "TlJrii 'and'"tmiitimie during -that we<.>k. The members look forward tt) their success with , deep ihterest. _ tund ' BUllAble for a,grlcultnrar purposi';. w it h in readonable dlatance of road, schoul and 'marketing (aciJitieB and which Us nut ttmbcrlHrid. l.e,, carry ing over 5,000 board feet per acre eaitl ftf the Coast-Uam te ami ■ Tl"000" f M tTper""ac"r 8 v^or-lhat"Tl(tts^e" Applleauoh'B for pre-em ptions arc to be Bddicssed to the Land Com m issioner ol- th e 'L a n d Ileeordlng D lv ia lon In *w h ich Uie- land " applied for Is (iltiiated, on printed (iirms obtained from th« Commls.sloner. Pre-emptlonB m uB l 'b e occupied for five .veara and Im provem enU madd to valiie of : ilO per acre'; Includ ing c learing .and ruli-1- valhu! at least five acre*. Irefore a Crow n O rant can bo recelvcd- (*re.('inptlona ca rry in g paxt time cundl-' II PIS of occupation are * 1bo granted. rU U C U A S E O R L E A S E AppUr-iillond arc received for purcha.se of vacant and unreaerved Crown 'liuul.s, -not ' -bclng:r:^i'mbcrl»ntl7= ^ or.-a g r lu m tu f" ■ Grade 2 --1. Julia Clifford; .2, John Oswald and David Smith, -ti e( |_; :î l:;4V'lm-i4m-W-ood 8?----^^---- IN ST A L L A T IO N S-- Electric Repairs; - convenience outlets installed . J. H.» ' Paterson, W est 108.; ' -- LAW N MOAVERS S H A R P E N E D -- Special, m achine; rep a ir s ,: parts. - W est 7 Vancouver M achine Shop, .. -- f-H-9 Marine: - •-- ---------------------- -̂-------- M A SO N 'S T A X I -- - D ay and night. P a ssen g ers fu lly insured. W est 512 W. H . V A S S , C hiropractor, Suite 4, " H ollybum - B lo ck ., . d-- BR IG H T A IR Y ROOM S To Rent in com fortab le hom e near ferry , board --iT-desrredr-TfaoneAVe6t-288.:Y___ Division VI Gi'ado 2--I.- Rita Sangster; 2, Robert 'Sissons; 3, Virginia Erik.sen. (R'ade 3-- I, Margaret Thomp­ son 2. June (.'arland; 2, Colleen Black. Division V (h'ade 2 -- 1, Beverly-Ann MLb-ut-<*sideL'.L2, l T̂-fey-J<->r4̂ md=; BL U E DRAGON IN N , W hytecliff -- T eas, lunches, dinners; P a r t ie s cat- m'e(l"l'oi*"TlTy~aTraiTgement. {" ---------- ----- T Bf ahlel=laadrhl-tS^P<>rrr«ere::auid.:rgectt ĝ •-ia-rrJtmrs: F U R N ISH E D A N D U N F U R N IS H E D Flouises to Rent-- : H ouses, L ots, and acrcage"for sale. Lawson (6; Pride, •*17(,)1 Marine, Phone W est 55. W EST VANC O U VER B L IN D AWN I NG supply free estim aU's. Phone W est 74-L-2. C A R PE N T ER S --- Rem odeling, re- i--..pa i t'S;;-:alJ:erations.---We.ster-n: Cajt;̂ en-.- ■icrs;;7_\\ eStrG5;==4rz-- r ..̂ T: . . . P A IN T SP E C A L -- Porch Paint, per Quart 95c ($1.25 va lu e); H ouse Paint per-gaIlon-$3.25^ ($4 -valiie)--Ganada- . P a in t Co P roducts. A gen ts, West V ancouver L um ber Co. Ltd., 15th and M arine. W est T15.____________ w a t e r " P R E S S U R E RESTGREU - • N o cure, no pay; Local testimonials. W est 188-X. - ; . ■ FOR R E N T --^N icely furnished house­ keep in g room s. L aw son & Pride, 1704 M arine. P hon e W est 55. . -Opening Saturday DUNDARAVE C dni^ctionery and Baker Ice C rea m Soft Drinks Tobaccos NICE FRESH S'rOOK 2 4 7 ^ MARINE DRIVE "'rMRS, AUSTIN, Proprietress .Tlasd (gTaalngl )and. W .W pcr~-TSrr?" K u rlh c r In fo rm ation U -gdren Invnullctln ';, No 10. L a n d Borle*. "P u re h a s * and I.oasr o f C row n' L a n d s '" '• ' A s a p n rtfA l. relief measure, revcrlcd »l(UUl5 may; be-acquired by purchase in ten equal-In sta lm ent*. ..with .the first payment s 'ispcm lcd for two, year*, jiro.vlded taxes are paid when due and Improvements are t>,ado d u r in g the ftrrt two years of not lexs than i 0« of the appraised value Milt, factory or tnduBlrtal sites on timber land, not esceedlng 40 acres, may . ■ be-- p\ircha.sed o r. leaded, the conditions m eluding paym ent o f aturopage. UnsuTveyed area*, not axceedtng acres, w ay be leased a * homesltas. condi- tu-fnal upon a dwelling being erected In _ ^)ivision .FV -- ojzd on--Th oinp- tho first year. UUa being obUloed- after rc.stdence and Iroprorement condition.̂ are rounicd and land boa been snrreyed. For graatng and tnduatrUJ.__purpo.tes areas' not exceeding C4Q acr«a may be t-"leased by one pereon or a company.Under the Oraslng Act tire Province Is. divided--Into--Era*lng--dlstrlcU--and ~ the range administered-under-gracing-rogula- - tlon* amended from time to time to meet varying cortdillona.--Annual=gra*ing-pcr- mils ore issued based on certain monthly, rates per head of stock.--Priority In-gras- ing privilege* U gireji to ' resident stock owners. Slock-ownara may 'form associa­tions for range management. Free or partially free permlU avanabU for Millers -'"earners' and. ttweaSlean, :,SES, ,*a, bna .heed.,:.: son: 2,. Jimmy Smith; 3, Mar- .lorif Mclx-'lland. ' Division Hi G rad e 1-- 1. Nata l ie Walt.s; 2, :Betty Bradley: 3, DarrelkRye. Division II Grade 5--I, Norman Jacksoii; 2, Freda Jenvey; 3,~jBaiTFiddes. ----- Division 1 ... . ' Grade.,6--1, Betty Robinson; 2, Richard* Moore; *3, Ruth 1'ranklin. M / S S JEA L E T TN E R -- DRESSMAKOIG------^ - - - p - p .- Q ; G A F E - ----- Best Q uality Food used; Silex (.olroe with a reputation for gooanc.ss. You will enjoy our 40 cent-:- Lunch atul Dinner. VVe special- i?.e. in l i '* -M a d e Chicken ~Pre~s 1512 M arine W est 616 ■r . ' ' I ^ i . i t : • ' r i 2 6 3 Hi'N vvood A v e n u e . ' Very reasonablt* prices. . The patronage of the public solicited H A N D Y A N N SHOI'-- 2242 "Marine • Drive, .^ o a e h h a ts ,--an k le socks,' ~~~~nuTioiis, s ta tionery;" buttons, etc. LO ST-- ̂ Blue Leather belt for lad ies' coat, on ,14th "Street.' F inder please' phone W est 33-L. ,E.V I'EIM EN C E D ,....Capable.....ClirL^ t o iiiinti baby, part tim e. Phone ^ c s t - (>9-R-l._______ \ , T E R R \ SHOE R-E1*AIR ■ at th e F e n w ^ F irst class work; reasonable prices Give us a trial. SL'MMER COACHING for backward 'pupils of _ali 'grades and m a tr icu la -! Lion supplcm ontals. Phone W est 36 -HOW ABOUT T fw tin g Your Pantry - >9 new bread'box th is w eek ? See , our window. Crawley & . Barker, .H ardw are. ■ ' . 4-ROOM BUNGALOW; la r iT T iv in c ' <^J^Place;-fulLplHmbfhg; Inv ^ 4ST"tt̂ Br̂ Ĵ€-Str-t'l'fD'@==49r= . install a New Range. (BI Burner, L ead ing .M .akes~ ' O o from v a j r -- Installed; in you r jpresent range. EORSTS LTD L W. N . M O R R IS, A gen t 1476 M arine D r. , - W esf 711 also a t 66 Lonsdale Avenue N orth V an cou ver North 525 _ arine yiew. Clo.Sj&-4:olj!m"w Disabled-.Veterans^ ASSli^' ( 1921)-- - . 1 M eets on- Second T uesday each " ' monflT . - . in ; the ferry BUiLDiNG ,L A .lL T E ;^ erv ice m en eligible, • either full 6r lasSociateT- l a u n d r y FOR D E PE N D A B L E -̂-------- *?»*<*% V M l- i lL - J l s r e o a l Inside F ir ................$5.50 per cord s i ^ s w ith B a r k $4.00 per cord Slabs^-tS; Ed^^ngs $3:75 per cord S A W D U S T P R IT A M 'S F U E L P h on e N o rth 620