I I ■ I F I iO V IN c'I, l i b r a h i * T o m ^ A Weekly Nevvspapef Circulating in the District of ̂ West Vancouver-'^Ambleside ̂ Hollybur;nyWeston^ Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc, 5c per copy at ncwsstanda. Vol. XII HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. JULY 8th, 1937 No. 14 0 THE NEW ERA TIu! (iiscoveriea of science during the Victorian period ami Ifder and their applicatioil to human life, the extension ' ■ I)j' <-iliiL'ation to-the publni, the oixjning Up of hitherto unex- ^,)l,.ir(l lands due to the improvements in transportation facil- ili< s, and, last but by no means least, the Great War brought III a ia'w ej-a upon the earth. .Men seethed under these new impacts. It̂ was as if the placid humair'streani had ' been stirred up with a gigantic .̂ tic'k. ci'oating whirlpools which jvould not be stilled. Indeed, ' tlu' seething process has only increased with the years until' now the stream threatens to.overflow its banks and embark on an orgy of wild destruction.- , hr thp old days people generally, had little comfort of b(,(iy but mtich , of, mind. Their lives were comparatively ,-;iinpie. for most there was little opportunity of travel or of ' j ising above their circumstances, and, therefore, they ]ook(,'d to the existence beyond the grave to give» them what Ilicv Jacked on earth'. . r ' ' . - . ' Science and education, but particularly the former, largely (io.slroyed this faith in religion, but had nothing to put in its pbtcc.' All the old truths began to be questioned and then (h(> War came along to complete the rout by giving men the idea that the God of love and mercy, in Whom they had ■ formei'ly, believed, was only a figment of the ima'giiiation. • Machines begat speed and speed destroyed thought. A mechanical iige had no tim e,for study, preferring to be 'edu- .•"cated through the eye. It thought itse lf more clever than " tho.st?-which had preceded it and, having already thrown over- boaid the old religions, further proceeded to discount the,' fiindamcjitals of life tapght by the philosophers as out of date. .Today mail is seeking his happiness on earth. It is a ,ha]j]jiifess of the body, to be bought 'with wealth. Greater- - .and riiore physical comforts, less:.work, more,time and r^ioney ̂ for pleasure,, a kind of hip-hoorah silver-spoon round of fun while the machine does m,ost-of the w ork .. And.it won't work and isn't working, because all of it is really founded on the- false principle that things can be'-'Ob- tained without effort and without payment.- . .. Now Old Mother Nature is a very old and "a very wise ̂ and a very tough and arbitrary old lady. .She has been engaged for ages in making and unmaking continents and seas and' ̂ mountain rangeA^Jp, additicyi.. to keeping th e balance true be tween the animal and vegetable kingdoms.® An'extremely busy ̂ old nei\sor^hei^lf,-^he believijS-^d acts op the-principle that - ' strengtlT ison ly , o6tKmeTi"1fiTrm iglr^ She breeds from ̂ "t;heistrongest,idiscarding_the-wyeak-as-w'e-Throw-away-a-pieGe:^ of.useless m achinery.. Men may be the lords of cre^ion but THE BURNING HUSH By Submiar I)EC:ORATU)N DAY My friend, the editor, has handed me a copy of my coiitri Ix'gion,. members,; Wonnm's Auxiliary, i.O .D.E. and all Ex- Service men and their depend- n smeared a number of disiiarag- Hth. /Phe Rev. F. Ramsey and ing remark.s in the*' margins. Ganon d'Easum will ofi'iciate. about the style of my Englishjln Î.lf ddd any. of the above not ba the contribution in (luestion. I .able t.o attend and wish to send have asked some of my spiritual- flowers please phone W. T . At- istio friends who go to, «oaiices wood, We.st J22-L. here in Vancouver, to intiuire Bus vvill leave IDth Street and about the exact whereabouts o f . Marine Drive at 2:20 p.m. Addison, Lamb, Emerson, and the rest of the essay experts, be cause it has struck me that per- Birthday Ihirty Trustee and Mrs. Donald Mc- haps one of them has come down Tavish entertained a large num- 6n the earth again to" teach the ber of the younger set at the populus how to write, though why he should bother with an in significant person like,myself, is beyond me. You know, my un known brother, I don't pretend to write good English in.rny squibs, only just yarn along in Clachan on Friday , evening in ho.hor (d' their daughter, Jean, on the occasion o f her'eighteenth birthday. While on his tour of the International circuit with the Vancouver Maple Leaf Base ball Club, Duncan; the absent the hope that I hiay raise a smile member of the family, dispatch1 1 j 1 ' j 1 i* ' 1̂? "I • 'i ' 1 • ' 1 i 1 1 J'here and there oir the-faces ■•of some weary souls and thereby help them to bear the burden. However, my thanks for reading ...-what I writeJn the night watch es. That, at least, .is something. !)5 ♦ H*' Hollywood holds that Virginia, ' Bruce .has the most beautiful profile there among the girls, and she's got a tip tilted nose at ed a telegram 'of congratulatiions from Tacoma w)iich was received and read,, the -company present also cqnveyjng,.,^ their . felicita tions. -The-evening was spent .in . dancing, delightful music being supplied by Les. Sheppard and his orchestra. Following the supper-' waltz, dainty refresh'-; ments were . served . at small tables on the verandah. The in- Tlio.st' intor<'sted in swimming an'il diving, either .beginners or advimc('d, are asked to ])hone Molly lOdwards, West 208-Xr^** . I.O.D.E. GARDEN I»ARTY The I.O.D.E. Garden Party will.jialp' i)Iaeg on Saturday, July 171 h. ,'it the home of Majoi' and Mrs. F. llayliss and Frank Lowe, 2l;U? . 2'12() Bellevue Avenue, 'rile following committees haye beiMi appointed : ' . Mntertaimhent -- Mrs. J. B. Leylnnd, Miss Marjorie Murray, 'f'a -- ̂ Mrs. .Walter Goui'lay.' l e e M r s . A. J. .Gleam. Home Cooking -- Mrs. Gordon Gi'ay, Mi\s.' R. ,AV. Froiid.' ,Gimdi('s -- Mrs. K.'B. Forster,' JMrs.-J, McIntyre. ■ l*easjui.t Aprons -- Mrs. J. W. .l>aiig, Mrs. C. T. Hilbbrn. (ijiines -- Mi's.'P; C. Chapman. -- k'ish I'*ond-- Mrs.-Gavin Rus.sel- A.s. usual thei'e will be fortune telling, and a bonlii,'e. A ])rogra,m -lia.s- also been ari'angi*d. Admi.s-. 'sion, 25 cents. ■ - that. Up to now I thought such vited guests included: Councillor a nose would wreck anyone's and Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mr. and Mrs. chances ima beauty^how, but i f A. E. Young Principal, apd Mrs; can't ^ h e(s0 ,s at least in Holl.y- J. R^JIdchelj; the Misses May -wood-r 1..0.L. 2'.)i)0 12th Julv Celebration The brethren ■ of the above lodge, are aslcod to be at the plastic surgeon has upset the Bubbles Bernard; Margaret' fhll,- -applecaid;" by"^sayi'ng^4ia't~V î'=~7!^^f®^hy-Uhappelij-J^n-C-Q^shii}gr-- h^s an upward tilt of 25. iQ'Qrothy Dovâ ^̂ ^ -44-i-̂ rgĤ rai-oi-i--f h'c-n loia i iiig-ot- 1.he"l 21l^d uly at the hon t~df~(P2() -armTTTdTftrp-;̂ --fiTie menibei's.are" asked to-turn out in ' full-force they- ai^e-orily- ah insignificant part of_i±, and tĴ tos'e of them w h o do not want to or who cannot pull theiy weight in her ■ gigantic ^cherrie of things she will wash out just as-surely as she washed out the antediluvian rnonsters of the past! degrees against an average, o f . 20. She' swear.s it's the giddy . ton,'Helen Edwards, Shei,la Ed wards, Betty., G ray,' J!qan , Hill, with regalia. as the Lodge will " Parade from the; Oi'aiige Hall and P. C. GIBBENS & CO: ' OPJEN BRANCH HERE CAPILANO ESTATES SELL FIRST LOT ^R7UFGilBens~&^UempajQyJL±d^-- T^e"fh'steT?a:l' who have been in the real estate -■uii(l-insui-ance,-and-general-brqk-- -erage-bus^n■essnnIVancouver-for- the past thirty-one years, an nounce the opeaiing of a branch office- in Ambleside, W est Van couver. • Interviewed today, Thos. E. lieigh, w+ho will 'be the resident manage!' of the local office, Jj-taterl thajL,b,e_JB̂ ,ag„e,xp-e.gting_,a_ -great- i nffux-of-home-seekers~to West VancDuwr. "With the"nat_- ural beauty." stated Mr. Leigh , .vgi' . which the-_Qpening!..ofJTh_e_ Fir.st Narrows bridge will afford, nothing can hold back the future' development of this municipa*!- ity." The local office pf P. C. Gib-' -l>GnK-'<6: Company, Ltd., is-looate'd at 1478 Marine Drive and will --nan(lle7Re.al"Estate, RentalsT In-" ■surance in alLuts branches, as. well as a general financial brok erage "business. The telephone number is W est 704: Capilano Estates was ma'de last week, acebf dih g to in f of ma'tign given the Vancouver City Coun cil by A. J. T. Taylor. This lot is 2 acres in extent and was pur chased over the phone by a resi dent of Nairobi, East Africa, who said' he expected fo return to Vancouver in a few years. Mr. Taylor, indicated that limit. I'd like to« see its angle' when the news reaches Virginia. I should say 60 at the least. 'The elevation of the nose as a means of showing contempt i.s - „ . _ - =en^ raises a laugh, particularly if sometme is kind enough-to-mur=- -mur about tee youth.'■vdth^the strange d ^ c e "excelsior." The elevation Of the boot is°far rnore effective. Nature' has provided for it anyway. Besides, as tee body i.s raised the spirit is cor respondingly lowered^ which . is as it shoiihOie-__; ___7 '___ Kathleen -Jaggei',- .iVJargarc'i Langley, : Marjorie McTavish, Jean Nairn, Marjory O'Dojjncll, Joan . Parker,. 'Shirley Pai-num, Elsie Partridge, Marian Prebble, Audry- Richardson, Kay Simp- .̂ on, ,JPpmtey-> Sharman. •,Io;m join th(!, members of Vancouver County Lodge No, J _in celebrat- ̂ "ing the l'21h at North VancouT ver. For fui'tecu; details ii(i this parafJe'kindly gql, in touch with ; the secrelaj-y at W('st 288-Y, Sparrow, Mary Thom son,„ Joan Thomx)son, Amelia___Wall..e.i::;j,- plans-for the official-sale-of~tKe:^ id̂ ts- -i n . th Qvfip 0-acres-^yaiJable. for.homesites woiild be announc- monthl CHUROHES OF-GHRISIV ------- SCIENTIST------^ NEW c o n f e c t i o n e r y A T D U N D A R A V E - Mrs. Au.stin is opening the -bundarave Confectionery and baker at 2474 Marine Drive on' Saturday of this' week. She will -.cariy â-mje€7fresh--!^bc]r-oif-frnTi -̂ Tectionery, bakedT .goods, ice cream, soft drinks and tobaccos, patronage of the public is solicited. . ^ Collegiate Reds. A dean of women tells us that a rnajor social- difference be tween the collegian of tod'ay and the collegian of 20 years ago* is that'the 1937 typerries to. kiss a-girl on his second date instead of waiting untiT the third date. "The radicals," she says, ' "still try to on their first date, as they always did!" .Bill (viciously-attacking a piece of ch icken): "This must be-an-incubaton-ohicken;T___ Tnp* "Whv*^" ■* ' Biff: "No cHlckeri with a, mother could be sp tough," , -Prospective--tenant - to land- <3 Y^^r~^^^~Ydnn^07to^nni3a"y" ^teool .when you w.ere a boy ?" . i^y son, I- always went to Sunday School." ' "Well, Dad, I think T 'll quit .going- Jt ain't .r ' good either." lord.:, "Nice place you have herp. 4s i f free from cockroaches?"" Landlord: "There isn't a single one around," --------- - . Voice from the a lley:, "Cor- -r^i^iitjiey--are-Pll-marriecL^cL --wil t te e -- 1 he=K ,subject bfThe,.L.Ps_sojQ^S_ermonInT all Chbrphes of Christ, S cien tist,: on Sunday. - ' The Golden Text is: "What are these vvhich are arrayed in white robes? and whence camp, they? . . . These are they which ._bame__out of great tribulation, ., and have washed their robes, ̂ and- made them white .in-'the blood of the Lamb." (Rev. 7: 13, 14). "Among the citations which = comprise thP_Lesson-- Sermon-Js the following from the 'Bibles JRlessed are the pure in-heart:--' for they shall see God." (Mat thew 5 : 8 ) . - " 0 Tile Lesson - Sermon also in- ' eludes the following' passage - from the Christian Science text- iioofc; Brenda Wicking; Messi's. Juliiui "Aff elloTtrudspn-Arm s tron gr B i'i U! ê . Ash, Russel'-'Escott, Pat Fagan, Hugh Farmer, John Fiddes,. I'mil Jagger, Harold Johnson, S tan ,. Lions, Jim Love, Bob McCai't- .n ey ,-H ector McCrae, Hill MF- Crum, 'Glen MoDonald, Ji^jvMc'- "Donald, Rred McIntosh," Angus ~Me-ff-av-ish7-- ^Dunea-n--JVIĉ J-avTŝ ĥ "AlexT"MacA'uIay, PTecr'Masl,e!- Finah; RossTMinions, Bill Pai'kerT̂ ̂ "Harry - J2ahk-er>--Waller Parke ^tatrrte^-ateerB^on--StaTT'"T'ntte!*̂ ̂ -Son^-Herbie RaV. Ian Richards, Tom .Robson, Ian Rush, Jock Taylor, Bill Turney, Viny Wil- liams.on7 'Leslie"WillihgtonV FORESTRY CAMP ON ---------- -^HOlThYRlfTtN-ftelRHrF 7L-Sinclair, R. JTre.wis an(I~Co!i--:T stable Finlayson were p'j'eseht at the CJouncil meeting in L'ererenc<; to'Ridĝ e mattei's. - - Mr. Sinclaii' said he was en deavoring to induce the Provinci- . al Govcrbunent,...jmthbriliei?-. \ p - establish a Foi'esti'y Camp r)U TIdl1yliurn-JlKljg<7aiid;.-W-ou.ldZlllCil the assistance of ihn-CoLuicil iji BRITISH - ISRAEI. _ (Dundarave Branch) ' T- Mrs, Brereton will speak (,'ach "Monday evening, during July, in the hail ...at .,25th and* Marine Drive. The subject will be "The Bible in the Heavens."' All are.. invited to take advantage of these-splendid addresses^___i_:^- regard thereto.- A communication w.as ()rdei'ed ' sent" Io rvirti staiJhK that 1 bo -Gou ne-i 1--vi e wed--w-i th--In vo r- 1 he-- ..sug'ges.ted' Forestry Training Camp on Jlollyburn.Ridge; that,. if such a camp was established the authorities he reripested lo work in conjunothin with ihf' bperator.s of both sld camps (i.e. Hollyburn and West Lake) and Constable Finlayson, and that an endeavor be made to have aiiy_ work carried out to a definite plan which would -be of m utual- advantage to^the municipal cofp- ' oration ancL.the skiing-dubs-.------ -- ?■- have' chtldren." Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy,: "The baptism of . Spirit, washing-tee-body- of- all - the impurities of flesh, signifies tea t'th e pure- in heart-see God ■and are approaching spiritual Life and its' demonstration." ■' It's perfectly proper to keep your head up, but it's advisable 'yniir no.se in a friendly position. ' " \ V - It is selfishness that skims all the cream ■ from the milk of human-'-kindness. ■ • TJntil further notice the U pper Capilano R iver Bridge on K eith ' Road is hereby-, - C I O s e d - t o - V e h i€ n B la c r - T r a f f i t e 7 THE CLERK OF <FHE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER