West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jul 1937, p. 5

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~ 'P 7T THE WEST VAN NEWS Be Wiŝ e and Modernize ^'ake advantage of _ h o m e i m p r o v e m e n t l o a n ' -- mi(j do itjOWW. We are here to aerve you with 80 years' experience supplying the rjghj; material for the jol;i. a s t b u r y l u m b e r CO., l im it e d WEST 199 NIGHT CALLS-A, ROLLo' West 672 R C O N C R E T E C O N T R A C T O R S Land Clearing Excavation Work Sole Agents for aujmok c o a t w a t e r p r o o f c e m e n t ija in t TEAROE & SON,.p"- " 7%^ 2476 Marine Drive .d u n d a r a v e l ib r a r y Circulating Library of N ew est Fiction > Subsi'i'iptioii 50c monthly or 3c a day. Short terms arranged for visitors- MAGAZINES st a t io n e r y GIFTS Local and Personal L,. ' ' ,,, * ; Miss Helen Stevenson, HHD Miss Jean \V aid, the Misses Bellevue Avenue, has returnetl Ilhonda, arid Winnie Porter and from a visit to Toronto and Alan JBeresford, all of Calgary, other iHistern points, who have been holidaying at the * * * Guest Cottage, Sherman, left on Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin of Van- ihur.sday to return to the couver, have moved into the prairie city. They motoivd both Green house at l^ ih and Marine ways. ■ pi.iv<5. Miss Eluned Morgan was host- Miss Harriet M ontserrat of ess recently jyheii slie entertain- Vancouver, is staying at the ed at 'Glamour," Travers Ave- Guest Cottage, Sherman. ,line, at a miscellaneous shower. ' * ♦ * ♦ in honor of Miss Gwendolyn Salt-' Mr, and Mr.s. Baron" of Sas- marsh, whase niarringe tO Mr. katchewan, .a re ixicupying ,ii Ji. J. W. 1 hillip.s ol Chilliwack house a t Capilano. • takes placec on July 10th. Mrs. _____ ____ W. J. Saltmarsh, mother of the bride-elect, poured tea, and serv­ ing were -Mrs. Kenneth Bower, Miss Mary Mik\s and Miss Mar­ garet Thornton. Mrs. Mope has moved' from SUNBWRN r«»T<Mi Butter -- t'arron Oil Ihtguontiiie -- JuitroUa -- Tttugel Nuxxeitia (Cream him! SuttUn ()U Ambieside Pharmacy W. L. KKU, Prop. 1401 Marine • Phone; RHre Weaf 823 FHEK DKLIVKIIY Setu'le--Brine Word has beeji received of the marriage on Monday, Juno 28th, at Calvary Presbyterian Church, Long Beach, California, of Miss Eleanor Brine, a graduate of tlu> University of British Columbiaj BRIDES SEE J A C K S BEFORE YOU FURNISH CHESTERFIELDS, EASY CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, STOOLS at Low Prices. Built in the British Way. . * lU'-mering, Repairing. Frepch Polishing Loose Covers Draperies Window, Shades'- Curtain Rods Needlepoint Mounted Cushions , iriVll iMjii iiie D r i v e ' ^ P h o n e West 710 H. A. ROBERTS LTD. announce that'■'-O'*' .. ■ .'*■ ■ ■ ■' ■ . • ■ ■ ■■ , . ; ■ MR. W. K. SUTTQN, formerly manager West Vancouver Sales Depaitment, has left for England, and Mr. G. V. COLE is now Uu;ir-sole I'epresentative. Seymour 7477 West 177-R ^ W a n c o u v e iM n t ( ) - a - h o u .s e ~ n t iT 2 8 2 ~ ^ n d T laiTgH teT"o Duchess Avenue. F. E. Brine; , IVoiity-second ......."h... * , ♦ D. ' Sti'eet, West Vancouver, to Mr. Duncan McTavish, 16-year-old Alfred Searle, son oif Mr. Fred son of Donald and Mrs. McTav- Searle, Twenty-eighth - .Street, ish, 15th and Ottawa Avenue, West Vancouver, and the late member of the*.Western Junior Mrs. Searle. Rev. Dr. McLeod, Baseball League, left this morn- was the blficiating minister, ing on a twelve day trip with T'he parents of the bride, and Vancouver Maple Leaf Baseball her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Club to tour, the International Mrs*. P. De Mont of West Van- circuit, a fte r winning first prize eouver, attended the ceremony, in the recent competition A r the "̂ "he bride-chose for her. wed- bost essay' on a ba.soball game 'hng a sm art tailleur of whif)' played between Vancouver Maple «hark.skin with navy hat^ ain'l Leafs and Yakima Pippins. ♦ ' ♦ ♦ Mr; and Mrs. W. Gentleman and family, 1263 Haywood Ave­ nue, have moved into a house at 1280 Esquimalt Avenue. StraR on'jt BAKERY Fruit imd Moiit PicH, . All khidH uf CookicH Apiilu Turiiuvcrai DoughnutN Kccloo CnkcH WtHldiug CakcH ii Specialty Wo make overytiung right on Iho prondHt's, FreislrDallyi from llr.st elass ingredionts.. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone . West 27 accessories, the bride's mother also favoring navy and white. Fpllowing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Searle left for a motor­ ing • honeymoon in Mexico, fol­ lowing which they will make their home in^West Vancouver. Gomplimeiiting^Mrs. J. Parker Mrs. A. C. ,Bagley and daugh- 7G1 20th,Street pi^ior to her de-, ter,, 1912 Inglewood Avenue, parture next wejek to visit rela- have nloved to "^^ancouver, where Mrs. J. F. Rankin of New Glas­ gow, Nova Scotia, was a recent visitor of Miss Campbell at Sher­ man. - ■ ■ *■ ■"* Mr. and Mrsl j . Peterson of WEST VANCOUVER LAWN BOWLING NOTES This week's fine .summer weather has provided the local turned to her home at 2047 Gor­ don Avenue. iro rD T E r saw eight games completed,.and ' the playdown for the Oakland __ i, ^ .Doubles had,three games played. . Miss- Verna " (OiK't! oMiy .at S:Z0) " .LEAN AIM'D UR TI.EJUi.E IMU VIA RBI f A-L1 Balhirig, Boating, Fishing, Tea^xi)onis,_Sand.y-i^Beaches, r. w t . ^Vaughan 0,5 June 21st, to receive * 7 : Cottages for rent by Month or. Week. TILING Sinks > Fireplaces Floors WEST VANCOUVER BUILDERS' SUPPLY West 560 2153 Marine Dr. , - . „ Men's Singles ' .__Miss'-EtlLel-W-eIls,.August bride- u Pres. Smith .beat Mr.,Mehzies elect; Mrs. P. G. Wells and Mrs. ' ^^®hy beat Mr. Partridge- J. S. Yorke presided a t the tea >etarv and educational sec- jjr . Jay beat Mr. MeCannell table retary and Mrs., J. L. Lang ap- Mr. Black beat Mr. Eatock pointed c o n ^ n ^ o f League of , Mr.. Collom- beat Mr. Sewell Nations OH'-the-Provineial-Ghap---iMr7̂ Bfucel3M^rMr7MaTvi?vSMt^ "IF YOU COULD-ONIjY ------- c o d i r '-^ ' SCIENTIST "ter executive. The date for the annual garden Mr; Masterman beat Mr. Fultoh" -party has' been set for July I 'Tth , The game between Councillor "GOD" will be the subject of in the waterfront gardens of - G i^y andTIrT^l^artridge was the. Lesson - Sermon in - a l l Major and Mrs. F. Bayliss and particularly exciting, th'̂ .score- N t n v : UNDER Home Improvement Plan F. V. FINDLAY lluroid Pennanent Roofs -^90 ' 21st Street Roofer;* ~ R . B . C R IP P S 2361 Marine- Drive Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Mr. Frank Lo\ye, 2436 - 2426 Sunday. - - Bellevue Avenue. . The Golden Text is: "To th e . .Meetings will be adjourned only wise God our S.aviour, be . until the fall. glory and majesty, dominion and ------------------- ^ power, both now and ever." RECITAL BY PUPILS -CJude--l: 25)t r - _ - . ~ ' OFTMISS MeINTYRE ' Among the Citations which; ing going end for end very close and continuing for 32 ends to finish with the score o f 22 to 19. . In the three games , for the ■ Oakland Doubles th e following are the resu lts: Gisby and " M ast^man"7 Banks and Bruce: - comprise the Lesson - Sermra is The piano.and'violin pupils of Jay and~Robson bea.t Black-and -GdJe^-- . Mar gar et McIntyre and-thc^-- ..... . , - 9;'?L!®.'̂ ',f ,? ?"b eg in n e rsrT E sT "S Mrs. .SneI-7^®7*5-^5«^ heat Ful-- forget -not all his benefits. 'Who gj^ove gave a very eniovablo re-^ t_n-'and Hamilton. forgiveth all thine : iniquities; d ta l on Monday evening in the green is now in better who heaJeth all .thy diseases." Leg on h X T^ • condition than ever and (Psalms 103: 2, 3 ).. ■ , ^ t h y one, The S s puphs "™- The Lesson - Sermon also in- duce exciting contest.! The play- cludes the following passages and^ decision in ' their playing. from the Christian Science text- nartiriilarlv hlcaqintr fpflf Tourna- book "Science and HeMth with t " U ^ n r n u m " e r r i v 'l2Th" " ' -Key to the Scriptures" by Mary fUg. string ensemble rdH a ̂ - Baker Eddy: "Instead of God ^folin solo^ by S ^ M a H o r i e ' ^ ^ /n v ita h o n i.s; extended to sending sickness and death, He Murray ̂ old p l i e r s and the publicc to destroys them, and- brings to - k f Von greens,lip-bf irnmortalitv ' Ihe Komany Singers of Van-iigbt immortality. _________couver, who were the assisting artists, were, heard to advantage in Hebridean and other folk Some Stories -- wfiw (m- make a '.speech and beg-an by saying: "Gentlemen, I'm more ~/itTTfor~the scaJfoltl~than LIkT platfonn."̂ ~l;nkc4i the jiar.son who began his oration With: "J miss man.v of the clear face.s I . used to shake hands with." , l t 's-eRsy to blunder when-TTnfnTexcited but you never get excited when you go to Srhith's till you ccjunt your change and say: '.'Hey Smith, i.s that all good Tobacco ■costs?" ------------------- " ■ If it's .Real Estate you want- r r - . . . ( . 1-- r;--.. l . ' f--'-- i _/ u *■» . y '- 'w . w « i i i u you.JwouJ(]"poss'ibiy, go to 'C; .IT Archer.- If it's Tobaec.o, go toI v'j1v'A»,?..X X iv/A .XD DcIUCJ,/ f ■ O bU jjmlt}fs_.and ,i.ust. liuy .A'rxfyle. Ask-Ch'a'rlie what' he thinks; ' " Your'jjld pal, . ANG-U.S. SMITH'S SMOKE SHOI'S West Vancouver ' . T Ferry Wharf ' Hollyburn theahe FRIDAY & ' SATURDAY MATINEE .luly 3nd and 3rd T (\HAS. RUGGI.e s ALIUE BRADY , " MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" also ■ i)O W N U N D ER TH E SKA' SA'l'. EVENING & MONDAY... -.Inly Urd 'and bth - • .lEAN HARLOW T W ILI/IAM 1'OWELi; ' ; " MYRNA LOY SVENCEIt TRAGY " LIBELLED LADY" TUESDAY, & WEDNESDAY *' , .July lith ahd Ytli EDWARD ARNOIJ) " CRIME AND PU N lS H M E N r JUNK ' We buy Bottles, Rags, Metals, Furniture, etc. Highest prices paid. PH O N E W E ST 91 BURRARD JUNK CO. • songs,/also in a number by Elgar, in. which they were ac- ..companied by the string. _en-- semble. ' ; . , At the conclusion of the pro-. gramHVfoB=Mrfn;t^?^ce==and^ WHY ARE W E SO BUSY? ■ becaiTiii/'L busy as-they can be delivering 100-% Fir Sawdust, storintr 5l '̂ "stomers believe us when we- urge the advisability of "t.../.. ■ ; yotir bifts will hold if necessaiw, add ,ternpor- space. 7 Hie a ir -- why should you be caught West 3 9 ~ KNILL'S FUELS Saturdays--Half day only., Orde,r early. NORTH - 9 4 S nelgroye were: th e recipientg of bouquets. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING* -T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with: Birks Ltd^ Montreal) ,7 1522 Marine Drive E U E L Mill Fir, Dryp.,..:;.,. ...$5.00 cord Bush Fir, Dry.. .... ... .$5..50__cord Furnace <K-.HeaTeF^ldcks ____ and Fireplace Fir.... 00 cord Barky Slabs ::T:77.$4.00 cord Slabs &'Edi^ngs.... 3 Cords .$11 A lder....... ......... ;........ $5,00 cord Topsoil - Rcjck - Manure Dump Truck Work. CHARLIE THOMPSON West 582 West- 582 Hollyburn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive ^ _ PhONE^EST 583 M I 8 S D . H. H O R I E ~ -- - - THE 7 West'Van News Published Every Thursday -Bublisher ' F. F. ̂ LOVEGROVE - Phonfe West 363 Business and Editorial Officf .. 1704 Marine'Drive --------Phone-West-363 North Vancouver Oflfice: ' 123 Lonsdale. Ave, $1.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year ' ___ I _____ .By'mail. ,. . 1. .