West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jul 1937, p. 1

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Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-Ambleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave . ,»«r. Cypress Park, Catiffeild, Vfhytecliff, Etc. , 8« pw copy »t new»»t»nd5.$1.00 per year voi. x n HOLLYBURN P.O„ WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. FRIDAY. JULY 2nd. 1937 No. 13 CONFEDERATION Twi'iitv otld years a|?b Canada sealed with the blood of sons aiul daughters the Confederation Pact and became WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOES nrioin in the years th a t have followed, she has been „u,. fn fscape the world depression qr the tendency towards PROMOTION LIST S .iiiicrration which w as'its inevitoble corollary. ^ T i l l ' p a ^ ' l which the Fathers of Confederation set their I'lniis was quite naturally mot perfect.- Bickerings between 1 • nu'inbni* provinces arose'from time to'tim e and continued othy Messingcr, Jean Minkle'y, Doris Tickell,-Dick Wilson. Promoted -- Lois, Dawson, Joan Maientette, Donald Miller, Joan Morison, Douglas McCart­ ney, Toshiko Okada,' Chiyeko (TIMING EVENl'S Mil down llie years up to 1914. A fter the War, when Canada . I . .. D£kr Vl/1%* Vi/\ilc»nk 5v\ «v% .n oVio4*r tlieml lierself together to set her house in order in a shat- I'oml and bankrupt world,-the old disagreements arose in an ■ iiifotisHiod 1orm». . . ........................................... ., . ■ The Maritime provinces lost by, Confederation most of iho initlc I hey . had established with the New Englahd states, , w-iuse the agreem ents'under which this trade was. obtained were automatically cancelled by th a t pact. The long train Imil from -tii^'Atlantic coast largely prevented their securing r ^ T i l;FGi^i^ffly~Canadian-tr-ade4o-take-its-place,--and^hat--facr -iiulthe substitution of the iron for the wooden ship resulted ina'coiulition of virtual stagnation which has obtained there ever since. . Hence the talk of secession, which has become so muoh more insistent the last few years. -- Without Confederation there would have been-no Can­ adian Pacific Railway, and without tha t railway there would î ave been no West, a t any rate for a number of years. On the other hand, there is little question tha t the western provinces have in recent years suffered at the hands of Eastern Canada 6\vin|( to tlieir lack of both voting power and ,financial re­ sources. The population in these: provinces is comparatively --■f;pai-se,̂ -theii--resdurces~undeveloped,-and-they--have-not--yet-- ' had tile time to pile up the necessary surpluses of capital. Con.sequently, there has been for some time and still is quite ii .strong .sentiment in favor of separation from the rest of Canada. . ^ From the first Ontario and', Quebec were on broad lines the two ])i'oviiices who behefitted most from Confederation. Their greater population and wealth gave them then a certain control, which, they, have maintained and insisted on=^maih-. ̂ taining up to the" present. Unfortunately', th e y ,have faded to see that the situation, has changed,' so far as the West is concerned. . The prairie provinces and British Columbia may^ . not have the population ,mr. the money in the bank, but the * gieat untapped' resouf^SOk'OTthe laW -^aire'theii^s. - If ' the East i.s not prepared to admit them into a more equal partnership, then-there-is-pienty--*of-both_JBritish'_andijAmerican_capital_l4 g to help them to developT;^tTiat poinfTwhere they can Grade XII-r-Soiumerciul High School Granduaiiqn pir O'kino, Eric Peacock, Phyllis ploma-- 1, Betty Hadwm; 2, Pochin, l>orothy Purse, , Ross Dori.s Lashbrook. Rathie, Arifcnt Ray, Bob Shef- ' Grand XI--Comrni;tcim~H'-- TVetC Barbai'a Sparrow, Cornrian Promoted to Grade XII -- 1, Wallace, A rt Wilson, Eddie Zio - Bonnibel Barbour; 2, Dorothy ski, Isobel Banks, Jojin Colcleugh Burriiston; 3, Winnie Gibson ; 4, Bernard Crosby, Margarqt Curry Jean MoTavish; 5, Lila Reynolds Fill Ellis, Bill,. Gnicey, Mary Passed in certain subjecLs -- l>ang, John Vakentic, Jean Tay- Saturday, July 17th' -- I.O.D.E. Garden Parly o irth e Water­ front gardens of Major and Mrs. F. Bayliss and Frank I'iOwe at 2430 and 2420 Belle­ vue Avenue. BRITISH - ISRAEL 1, April .Fraser;..: 2, , Marian Prebble; 3, Dorothy Sharman; 4, Mary Thomson. ■ Promoted to Grade XI -- 1, Lucille Currie ; 2, Jacqueline Pat­ erson ; Jiv Clifford Tearoe; 4, Katherine Teed; 5, Bernice Ward T Passed in certain subjects -- 1, Jeffery Ajello; 2, Arthur Chapman; S, Jessie Davies; 4, Dorothy Dovaston; 5, Doris Howdle; 0, Vera Kitchener; 7, Barbara, Logan; 8, Kenneth Mc­ Nair. Grande IX--Special lor, Diane Watts. Passed in certain subjects --» Della Allen, Joan Allen, M argaret Bil^l-Mildred--Bosquet--'E s th e r- Clarke, John Coleman, Robert Collum, Olive Davison, Pat Pag­ an, Howard Griffiths, Isabel Hodgson, Mervyn Jack, Edith Johnstone, Dotecn Kerley, EVa Murch, Lewis •"■Wrisberg, -Eric a wonderful opportunity to study .Franklin, John Leyland, Wilfred this .subjeet with one who is an Lindsey, Alice Lindsey, Jack authority.. Young people e.s])eci- Lynn, Josephine Marshall, Ern- ally invited. ' . 'riu! regular Monday evenipg meelings of the Dundarave Branch o f , the British-Israel World Federation will continue as usual aU Marine Drive and 25th, during July. The speaker each evening will be Mr.s, Brercr-:. ■ ton ~of "North "Vancouver. Her .series of talks* is entitled ; "The Bible in the Heavens"; The Signs of the Zodiac will be studied in turn, beginning with Lucifer, the Dragon." This is est, Morris, Mary ̂Mac A rthur, Marion MacNeil, Violet Parrott> Don Reynolds, Dorothy Sangster., Dorothy Sayers, Moira Wallace, I'HE ',.1 HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN - Passed in certain, subjects.-- - ttr j - rr nr 4. 1, Irene Turner; 2, Lorraine- Wheelwright,, Speciail jGommercial Completed speciaFCommerciaT Course following Matrfculation-- 1, Geoffrey Bradley; 2, Anne Clegg; Florence Gracey. Promoted to Grade XII Recommended --■ 1, Bubbles Margaret White, Helen Wrisr berg. Promoted from Grand IX Recommended--̂ Pauline Greer Barbara Edwards, Joan Luke, Norma Minions, Gloria Murphy, Isabel Nutt, Doreen Thompson, The Home Improvement Plan, as e.stablished by the National Employment Commission, serves the double purpose of improving Canadian homes and of furnish­ ing employment for. Canadian workers. During the past six years us ,a result of the. depressiqn many "willijig .stand on tlieiiL-owji-feet.--Somethmg-alsoJvilL have-to-be-done. Toivi±[ET\feBtime ̂ p : remain content for ever4n a state of isolated stagnation. -It is extremely unlikely, if not unthinkable, that Can'adai Rhoda Turvey. Pronioted -- George Allison# have spent little or nothing on Bernard, 2; Sheila IMwards ;- 3; u Richard Beard, Sheila Black# ^heir homes by way of mainten-; Paul Jagger; 4, Breiida Wicking. Gordon Bradley, Phyllis Branch, ance^charges or improvements. rPromoted -rr L'l^feggy Ander^ Audrey Cave, Mary Chappell,' :-*Uiider the new plan ■- they» canf̂ son; 2, David Bloxham; 3, Joyce Marion Cummings, RoFertxCurry borrow money for these pui*pos- ' Buj*bridge; 4̂ ^ o r o -th.\^_^^ t__Maiy*-oriaJDaHe,.Uharjes Gi*aham, _es-frpm_the-hank-aL3I4y)^^ '̂ T^Betty'H'D^deh,' BTETli^rH'otlg- Courtney Gray, Margaret Htl- discount .ana pay it back by 7,-- Gerald ' HookKam.;_; 8, born, Laureen-JoneSi-Marie^K-a-zzjnonthlv-ii::imstalme-nts.^i::=A-lmQ Victor wamoto, Phyllis Langley, Plor- any improvement, alteration or _so_n;.. may .split up ipto three separate do^ninions. - '^ ^ th.e Confederation Pact was made only to meet the conditions then existent, and its signatories had; no intention of its being a perpetual'^agreement. The^e has been too much stalling ' already over this m atter .on the part of our governments, lor the fafct remains th a t Confederation will have to be re-written, '̂ nd the°sooner the 'better.. ' - - Johnson; 10, Donald MacKenzie; ence Knight, Eric Lashbrook, addition is included, the single 11, Marjorie. O'Donnell; 12, Jean MacLeod, Will Nicol, Mar-_ exception being-fixtures-wbich. -H-arry^R^-koFt-l-Sr-Jb'a n - ^ -- ^garet-rStep^henson7--Erne&t--Say-- ^aije4^movabIef 14, Walter Parker-; 15, Shirley ers,-Marjorie-Turner, Batty Mar- In this issue will be found a Parnum ; 16, Elsie P artridge; 17, entette, Maureen M artin,. Robin, half - page adverti.sement, in Laurie P a t t e r s o n 18, Audrey' Martin, Helen Miller, Moria Mac- which is given a brief resume of Richardson; 19, Joan Sparrow;, Leod, Nora Osborn, Ted Reiser, the terms under which home When that time tomes, the premier of Canada and those of Ontario and Quebec, upom whose shoulders the success of 20, Joan Thompson; 21, Kenneth Beth Simpson; Billy Simpson, owners may borrow as well as a ■i^rnon; 22, Vincent Alma Skerton, Gldda Stamatis,. list of ju s t what is classed a.s an' P asse^-i iTcertaiir~subject s - = -- R o y ^ a :^ l7~E w lyT T T urv^ Mrrnprovemenl under the 'l^anT the conference will'-chiefly lie, cannot do better than follow the example cf wise old Mother England in her dealings with her daughters, who, by "giving them everything, has"kepf alL 1, Julian Ajello; 2, John Allan. PromotedTto Grade XT Passed in. certain subjects This advert1.semtfnt, which EUROPE m . One often sees a man take charge.or be given charge of a ;business_nearing--collapse-4)o-save--it--from -bankruptcy-- Qf-- nece.ssity he is given or is allowed to assume dictatorial powers, but he only, remains-absolute ju s t so long as he continues to1 ...... ■_ ■ ■ _...... • /r. . .... -I..*.' . _•- ' _.T-i_.1... - ^gf^Teachjan^eyamjfcnf -th is-in-the nationaLfieldr^nd-mnst^ Recommended -rr- 1, Jim And- - erson; 2rH elena-G legg3,-G har- les F o rster; 4, Allan. F o rs te r; 5, Sylvia H arris; 6, Lorraine Hol­ den; 7, -Moira Jones; 8, Bob Kendrick-; 9, Wilfred Lennox; 10, Clifford Hill; 11, Jack McDonald; -12rSusan-McLintock ;-13,-Bever­ ley Robinson;' 14, Jessie Wris- berg. -_Pi:am©ted-=J)i)reemAdd-ypJu JUmd Clements," George iJowm^. will run twice, is being paid for Dorothy Greenwood, Marguerite by a number of firms dn the Jonvik ,' Robert--, Kelly,_..D_ail4 S__Iines_of work affected, whb^solic- . ..ctii-- if-L L>llia I I I IjLLT̂ . XA\./l.VLy,_ V - conthfQs to~mak€ .a'showing oFTfep down. DietatorsT^how^' ever, in any line seldom .if ever do the last. They have ^ b ^ ^ ̂ t '1 • .."1 . : ' -- • • 1 ̂ ^ n A. » 4* ̂ 1 T Smith, James Taylor, Eric Ajello it the patronage of home o^wners. Douglas Barbour, Donald Br^m- . Their names appear in alpha- ner, Eric Broderiqk, John Coney, hhtical order in the advertise- R uth Downing, Stanley Green, ment. Blossom Herring, Carmen JiOhn- . It should be explained that son,_Petei"Xayton, Audrey_Luke, ^the£r_^Home _Improv_emeriL-.Pl.an Keith Colqahoun, Marjorie Committee wrote the Reeve re- Knowles, Lloyd MacDougalJ, garding a campaign here in con- Barbara~Perkin7Tommy'-Rippon,-:--nectibn--with~the-Planrsuggest- John Robsony==J^.orma=Wa^,=- _ing tha.t the localJBoard oLTcade , ' ill aiij; uiit! sem oiii .11 e v e r uo u ie laab. xncjr im vc uu knockwl down, and therein lies all the dynamite in Europe today.. _ ___ ' ____ . -Lx However much w e may ' dislike" Commimism-and--all its- " EdbertrWii.soTirMaTgareLVYoml---hphJ^ubHcTTieeting7-Th(frReev'< ^ o r T e Brealey, A udrly B urL field. ■ _ - handed -the letter to the West .T y V Vyf UlOXllV̂ f V/lXlXll VI11 * OX X1 ' works, we shall have to adm it th a t Russia has up to now been the main deterrent to H itler and consequently to his Italian Man Friday in ' their m a d "Careers. Mussolini alone would have been" wound up longago^ Always has Hitler feared k̂ ussia and her* huge well, trained an'd equipped army. In this connection it will be remembered that he'only coveted the Ukraine but he occupied the Rhineland. . Unfortunately--the--Russian-appears to be p ecu lia rly u s- hart, Kay Davies, Jack Froud, Margery Gee, _Cynthia. Haslam, 'Ronald Hawkes, Bilh Henshaw, June Mehaffy, Betty Funk, Vic-' ' tor Black, Dona Cave, Dale Erik- sen,j-D-Qrfi.thy ■ Jackson, B ^ ty TromotedTCpnditiqnally='!Yô " ---- Hitt--xvusaiai i -appeal b tu wc - ceptible to propaganda and corruption, which is probably why death a.u_IS the penalty .exacted, and ,now the' Russia of the ^®'®beviks seems to- be going the same way as did the'Russia .01 the Czars in the -Great War! Anyrgovernment which finds - !t-nece.ssary to execute its best generals and others highest in „ councils for traitorous conduct is tottering, .more especially When the canker has spread fa r and wide'among its-people,- arrests would indicate. ' j r-- shikq Hoshino, Sadako Koboya kawa. , Proinnoted to Grade VIII Recorfimended David Ma- _ . Jean Jones,. Ruth McLeod, Margaret Gamage, Norfnan Hay, Takeshi McMillan, Ross Minions, Phyllis K'Sfaoka, Edith Lindsay, Betty Perkin, Don. Poole, May Ray, Nairn, Louise Messinger, Pat Claire Richardson, Albert Seeds, Milner, Ruth Parnum, Billy Reid, .Joan_Sharman,_ Janet JThirkeJI,__Jacqneline J^nce,_Mary.JWikom Paul Thygesqn, Maria van der Promoted .Vancouver ~Business'"Men's""As- s'oeiiation,. who, on account of the difficulty in getting people 'to ^urn out to meetings in the.sum- m ^F-rthought it would be best to handle the m atter by way of ad­ vertisement. They are, there­ of ore, its sponsors. • LEGION NOTES rh, arrests wouiQ maicate. ) _- - ' basis of the plot was the establishment o f a pro- military 'dictatgr.cthip in Moscow. which'^oTjld'Xiyve' tnsurecLthe neutrality of thfe, Russian army, thus leaving 61*ni3,T]V7' Qr\QTn : . _ _ __ L C hem exL gerie i^U m P ^n ___ . . Murie] Harrison, the Canadian Legion, W estVan- Gracht, Roderick Vaughan, Jean. Do^rothy H a , r v e y - S m i t h , -- couver-Branch--will--be--held--at- Vernon, Patty Weeden. ' Holderi/Bert Jordon,JCakao Ko- 8 ̂ p,ni. tonight in the Legion Passed in certain subjects -- boyaka\va, Catherine Leaman, Hall. .A full attendance of mem- Peter^Barr," Bill Dickinson, Ken_'~ Tom ~Littlefordr Joan "Logan7T-bers is.'i?eqwsteH ; ^ neth-Foote, Pat Galbraith, Don- Catherine Lowdb'n, Gordon L y n n ; ;-- aid Gillies, Peter Greer, Stanley Mary McLeod, Lois Minkley,---OFFICIAL ELECTION COUNT James, Betty Leaman, Herbert Connie Dobson, Marion Parker, -F inal official returns for the Parrott, Patsy Morton, Pat Al- Marie Robertson, Valerie Smith, provincial election in North Van- bniTiMarion Currie7H^oIaFMarMer^Car-lrT%ygeseri7BeterA-jelie,-Max- '■ "W*- eiTnany and Italy free to gobble up Spain. Stalin's s.udden ^ud execution of■ his generals arid other \ officials is • p to have nipped i t in the bud', but it is d o u b ^ l whether TAri have made any material change in the situation,_sinoe_ i*cmain 'a Russia so disunited as to be perforce Marion Dobson, Dez ElgarL ^Allan, Jack" .Atwater, Howard follows : Steeve.s# 2749'; Leyland, A rthur Knight, . William Mcr BariKiur, Leslie Brooks, Nancy 2386; Turner, 1847; Loutet, -Crum, Donald McKenzie, Dun- Caudwell, Diana Chapman, Ted- '1522, and Whitham,. 25. -There c a n McTavfsh,'Jean Nairn, John- dy.. Climie,. Kenneth Cole, Loi.s were ninety-four rejected'ballots X. , 771---- .. ----- C dvin,i Joyce Coney, Muriel making a total vote ca.st of 8623. Russia unable, to send Assistance the of the Spanish Government is' apparently- only a - • pt weeks. And a-P^ascist controlled ..Spain must within ' ' (Continued on Page 4)- Parker, Ewart Parnum,_ Dick Skga, ken Shellkrd, M uriel Wil­ lard, William WilsonJ Promoted to Grade X Recommended -- Berma Ad­ amson, Jackie Climie, -Gerry Ciindill, Mariott Magbun, ,Dore Crosby, Peler Crawford, Marion . . .F o r health insurance 4942 Dundas, Margaret Gibson, Gor- voted in favor with 2972 again.st. don Greenway, Dorothy Nelson, There were 680 rejected insure P a t . Stainsby, Don Thompson, >arice . ballots. AbsenfeLT^bfes' -Eva Turvey,/V ictor Vaughan, totalled 626 both fo r candidates (Continued next week) and the plebiscite. * • i