West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1937, p. 4

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June 24 PI ?I T' ... I/I' i f P h o n e W est 46 RED AND WHITE Phone West 46 ^ f e a t « - . . P h o n e W e s t 370 S P K C lA h S ~ F H IO A y AND S A T t IU)AV. JCINK 251h & 2 « lh Iti tl ^ wiiiu* c AT.sn*. i;f-o*. M . I5c SCOUT NO'l FS On sSaturdsy, June 12lh, th»* boys of the 2nd U'A'.'st VaJH '>UVf r IVoop were entiitaiiKiJt to i*amp»fire sup|K-r l>y tin* scuuls and cubs of the 'h<l Wt-.st \ un- v¥F'Grdri))"'"iit" Pail Sol'^iiy,-.lhe Pro\im;ial Coinnu.s- I(«<1 X VVIiift* I'KAHH. M(uul (in 15c HltlvpiM.luMy^JOpt* U«d K W h h f I'OHK '{in<l IlK A N S • 'ruirial^i Sauct*, .1 (itia 25c ("\P "' Itfd A W hiu- < A H H O 'IS A i'E A H 'I .So, I tit'H 25r Kcd A Wliilo I'KAH, 2 N't*. 2 IImh 25c .Kirvi- I - 'l'cndcr and Hweef. J fid A Wliilo (;ol,llK N COHN All Idi-al Side 2 No, 2 liiiH 25c I I A l'I 'V V A L K r i C K U i t i , ' .Swel l or Hour, 2<»*oz. jnr 25c Miiiiiiiiio>,ii'H 'joitim* '7;Aii<rrv;' "7 VarifileM" Hum iitid Hiiitcr, 5finl, l.oiidon 'I'n-acli*, .Mult, ('reniny l.iriirin', KkK <nid 51ult, per III. 25c l*ri ri*:i> WIIhAT Cipalur pkt. 'Jr IM.I'.M JAM- -Niilioli, pun*, Mli tin 35c MAZOl.A o n , l.lli. till 25c ( (m N lil) IllilOl' I III. tin 12c l(i'd A VVliite COri-'KK, l-lb, tin .l3c Wi-iiirM (;k a i*jo j u ic k Mi-diiim Itollli* ' . 2itc WAX I'AI'liK 2 pJirludH 15c III nIiccIn'Io piiciiiiac. % l U f t ? A CO'ITAUU IlOU,S. Ih. 21c & 2Ce PJ( KIJ:J) J'ONUUK, per lb. 20c HltUAS'i'llwMVni....... per lb. 15c SHOl'CDUK LAMIC per lb. 2;ic SW IOKT PIC'KLKI) , SIDK POKK..........per. lb. 25c IIKINZ HUCK PICKLKS, (.MuKturd and Sweet Mixed) I'cr lb.............. .............. . JIOc IIKINZ DILLS ...a fo r 10c VLAL LOAF (North Star) I'cr lb. 25c F u rrcn F U 's iio n f y & Sl'ICKD DAKL'D HAM, I'cr lb.................................. 00c (;i;,M in i: s f k in (; l a m b , (DLMN FLI) BKKF, FORK and VKAI. -- FINKST (UJALITY. Hid A W hile T O II .K I' T IH S U Ii ,l liiri'c roIlK ................. 25c B u y f r t | m y d i i r i t e r v i c e S t o r e ^ X t c o s t s n o m o r e ' .;- -"'- ' ' ^ 0 p r | j y i ^ e p i o i i e ..., ' •...^"7 ■ .Hioiicr, and o th i'i' hcliH*{| lo m a k e th e eveiiiiiK noi liHc- ly to be Koon .IP ryon on by Uu* b oys. On S a tu r d a y , . / him* l!Hh. tlie b o rtlid ay o f th e l' imI Tr(»)|i, liiey and th e boy.s o P D ic .'bd Troojj and ,Fa ok, m e t at ll'iily ln in i l<»r a m y s te r y h ik e , w b id i touk Ihi* boy.s to F o r t Mt-lon. A ltliou^b rain .som ew h at damiHsi th e pro­ je c t , th e bby.s n.ei' abovt* such th in g s a.s weathei". and a w onder­ ful t im e wa.s had by I'vcryone. Durinjif th e v\a «'k (Midinjr Jun e HHh, th e fo llow iiip badges w ere earn ed and i.s.suod: I'atra! ,Ia'ad- er KikI. Vauj^hn, 2iid class bad^e; Second Jam e.s M arkb-,'2nd idass ■ badKu,; S c o u t (jler.ild Jones, (.'yel­ ls,! and liau ndrym an ., Inve.stiture.s: At CadlCeijd, Jhfd' We.st- V a n co u v er Troop <»f -Hoy- Scoul.s-- J u n e l l t l i , Kric Fi'ank- ;lin , J a ck -M ichaluk. Lob (iildi'- >mei.st(*r; J u n e 171h"-- lle c lo r R o s - , s i t l i ; O ti,.b o a rd SrS. CA'nth ia , Howe Souml... 2nd..West; '*Va) 1 cduVer ip, lu^n A\ ootis. . JEFFERIES' S uperior Meats Government Inspected. Only HAMS i a m b BEEP PORK v EAL COIJ) MEATS OF ALL KINPB -s- OELIi^ATESSEN 1 store at H ollyburn, next Theatre FHONB WEST 3 Service L U M B E R Quality HASH & 1)00K.S .sniN(iiJ*:s I'LYWOOOS l.A'J'JI THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS HOOPING WALLBOAUD TILE . SUPPLIES AKcntii: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANeOUVER |,UMBER CO. LTD. 15th & M arine Drive Phone West 115 C L A SSIFIE D A D S ITie rate for Classified Adrertlsemepta is 2 cenU" per word, niinlmum 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all clas«i- flods are payable strictly in a^^wce. ......Hemember Classifieds in the W est Van News get immediate results.•r J** *C <!*■***<*** lIL£!S2£2Siii£i6StiiÂ2teti (Jood huntiiiK and'a lot (if fun to I be new .scouts. HOimCUI/niRAL ASSN. NOTES ( apt. ( J. Arclier'.s Coronation 'IVophy )in' lo bad wealJKu^f.tind- the lack ofenlTie.s in the June Show Capt. A.rcfi<u* ha.s jirraiiHed with .U lo-- M <) |i|-i (i| j 1 (u ra I-- Am.soc iation- i^ardcn and how and wlien to do it; suoii a.s "plants be.st adapted to U'csi Vancouver .soils," "W est \'.;uicoiivcr Soils and - How to M;ik(; flic .Mo.st of Them." biiddiiiK ' (.Jirysanthenium s aiid" •Micliaeliniis D aisies/' .etc., apd a number o f " (ither valiuible in-c formalioi,! INSTA LLATIONS--Electric UepaiM, convenience outlets installed. J,. H. Paterson, West 108. NORTH SHORE i.O( AL . COUNCIL OF WOMEN JUNK--We buy everything of value. Phone West 91. Burrard Junk Co; MARCEL SHO P,-- Thermique Steau |»ermanents. O n ly b e s t materials used. Expert operators. Phone ■West 304, Royal Bank Building. T he r c K u la r m o n t h l v m e e t i n g L A W N M O W E R S S H A R P E N E D o f th e N orth Slim -,.'I.ocal Coun- Specialm achine; repairil, parts. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Old Couni- try -way. Guaraiiteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano North 811-R-2. ̂ ' <dl o f W om en w;is lu'ld M onday a ftern oon a t the hom e of JMrs. ■ A. K; -Y oung, ..Mill and K in g's----A-- - i" I'J"Tr""Tn.. .. .. West Vancouver 14-19 Marine. Machine Shop, for a sp ecia l c la ss o f {innual hed.s liiid out in C oronation co lors; T h ere is .still p len ty o f tim e for ('V4*rymi(! to, test th e ir .skill. T h e ju d g e s jio in ts w ill b<( d e .s ig n .25 '; , <|uality 25 ' ; , a rra n g em en t' 25 'V , e ffect 25 ' ̂ , K n try is fr(Jc to, r('.sid('n ts o f W e st'V a n co u v er and e n tr ie s m ust iH^^jn-t+irrhands o f th e -seen d a ry hy S ep tem b er . !)th. 'lJuV aw arti. w ill be ni'ade a t Ih e ex h ll)itio n in Inglew ood .School on S ep tem b er 11th . F u r­ th er p articu lars m ay he had from Ihe secre ta ry , J: W . I'ark- - i ns<>fi7-AV-es-t~̂ 2H(>--i{7~*-- ^ --"dimcly~'ropicK"EvenTng'*-'Will ;̂AW(7nTk?̂ wjnTTh<' ])r(\sT(rqit,/Mis.s be open to all members and their • F; J. Sfbvens, -in' the chair, friends. ' ' . BLUE DRAGON INN, Whytecliff ' 'Teasriiinchesdinners-i-Partics-cat;:- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust • Burners installed; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdalej ̂/NorthTVancQuver. ered for by arrangement. If (h ere is any su b je c t an yon e .would lik f to h a v e di.scussedMie' ())• slie is in v ited to con tact the secretary a.s ear ly as po.ssible so th a t 'th is su b jec t m ay be. in ­ cluded b efore the p rogram s are jilleij. ■ • ■' _ • , - l t is 'su g g ested th a t thi.s be cliinu.'d arid iKit .in . th e garden note book. •L Arr'ange'ment.s ai*e now being made' for a series of "Timely in g;s """Mif ri irg"' Siyj^ • V Jack Li I tie, w ho form erly re- ■sided a t 25th -and M arine D rive. Tfied^reeeir^ In con n ection wi th the H om e Im p rovem en t E xh ib ition being .held in K .P . H all, NoidTi V ancou­ ver, on ..T h u rsd ay ,' Friday and S atu rd a y o f th is w('ek, con ven ­ ers to c a te r foi' A fternoon Tea ,i'Q l)e serv ed undi'r the auspices, o f th e L o c a lC o u n c il w e r e ap- - p o in ted ; T h u rsd ay , Mrs. Rdbin- son and M rs. H anlon , jo in t con­ ven ers;' F r id a y , M rs. A.' .E. _ ^Tiling; S a tu r d a y ,' Mi.is E,' J . S tev en s. T ea will be s e n 'cd each aftern oon from 3 to 5 o'clock. BU RN ISII E l). A M ) UN FURNISHED _ JTou.ses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, and acreage for'sale. Lawson & Pride, ' • 1704 Marine," Phone West 55. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solid-, tor, 1447 Marine, by ai)pointment only, W est 403; 610 Hastings.Street Seymour 4199 afternoons. WEST VANCOUVER BLIND AWNING supply free estimates. Phone West 74-L^2. ■ HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Op­ tometrist, Optician, Wednesdays ; 10:30 to 4. W est 458-R for appoint- ■ ments. •- • , CARPENTERS -- Remodeling, re­ pairs, alterations. Western- Carpen­ ters, West 65. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night. Passengers fu lly insured. WestBI2 HANDY ANN SHOP--2242 Marine . Drive., Beach hats, ankle socks, > notions--stationery," .buttons, etc. W. H. VASS, Chiropractqr, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. - tember, October and November. . T'hc-sf Mrs. Reggie C artw right, 23rd iW LBFltm Tue luis Teilifiled fi'om .a trip to Victoria. . . Mr.s, F-. X . H odgson , who ha.s b een ' the. g u e s l - tiilAJ-rs-.--VWi-l-heF Gburlay, 23"22 Bellevue Avenue, ha.s "Tiiturned to h er hom e J£Xyit_Q4J.lC.K.:-,iJAJ*K--He-ve r-al..^^t-er- , ..J^ront properties specially pricec See these at once. C. J.' Archer BRIGHT AIRY ROOMS^'To Rent ia comfortable home neto ferry, board if desired. P h o i^ W ^ t 288-Y. -Lt-d;/AVesjt-^-5- iin t, per quart 95c ($1.25 value). House Paint jier7gaiJjQnb$.3;25"C$4walue4;^^ Paint Co Products. Agents, West ection' of the advisory staff of Ihi.-̂ Association and will consist' :of a series o f talk.s and tlemon- stra t.'on.s'of autum n work in tiu*. W au gli W yllie h as returned to h is h om e a t ' G len eag les a fte r sp en d in g fh e past few w eeks in th e E a st. . -^■tTth-R ender' Isla n d on WANTED--Pupils for...,̂ .,Q!q.ss,.-lĝ -̂ Qils.-25c,.Jhr tap dancing. jt!so...,p.rivate. '-"Inquire at Handy Ann Shop, 2442 Marine Dr. Vancouver Lumber Co. Ltd., 15th and Marine.^West T 1 5 . - -WA-TERT»RESSUBE' RESTORED No cure, no pay;; llaecal testimonials. West 188-X. FOR QUICK SALE -- Chrysler 70 . Coach, good condition, $115.00 cash. West 133-L-l. .i.,. Ilkery Night "44-1 er 7 and All Day Sundays DiMance/'̂ ^C lieapestj O l l i ! :. ■ . o ■TW*̂ >pllci-'to-botĥ 4atiOTT-ta=St'3rtlOT"imtr PersoiMo Perison Calls. %flepsK-oT4aBd^t .7 ROOMS -- Newly decorated, furn- PBB-UUrriON8 V7' ACANT. - unreserved. ' surveyed Crown v yimls wftj be pre-empted by Uriti.sh over- ----- " ^ Marine Drive, splendid-view-over­ looking hills and sea, .$15 monthly, $5 pej- week each. 1702 Marine;-- FOR S A L E -- $2,000 buys cosy bung; alow close 23rd and Waterfront, 6 rooms . with front verandah, includ­ ing bathroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, large front room with fireplace, also ■glassed in2Su.nroom.' or' se^ G eorge Gourlay, afternoons or evenings,_________ ____ ^ ,11 -- ;"̂®;--yeerB--of--»ge,--anxJ~tjj' ilii-na,on declaring .Intention to iinush subJecU, conditional S o m e n t i g h t a n d S u n d a y R a t e s for a three Minute Call. -- A/S.Vs.t.-aA-sXiV ̂ VANCOUVER TO Calgary. ... -Chicago ■"ICnnilb.dTfr" Montreal Nanaimo,.. N elson..... ' ~Now"-York San Frandseo StratUt? ...... . _-\!!^toTia......... T.. W innipeg......... > • ■■ ■■:. . Station-to- Station [ Person to- u-'Person ......... >1.30 - .L2fi : ^.30 ; 4.7R. . . .......... .60 ' 1:05 4.25 ' 6.50 • . 1 , V > it fc'f'i.'V* : .65 : 1.70 4.60" f . 6.76 .'-o' 1.85 2.S5 ,60 . 1.15 ' ' ■t: . 1» r* 41 • 4.00 ' - -6;00.----- ".45 -.75 .......... -^,425- bocbmc;. Ut-nce, .occupation and ■improvement: "̂ *̂" full information ooncem lnr Pre-pmn- tkmj la given in Bulletin No l, L.,mi Pre-enipt Land." copies or <v ) ch can be obtained free of charge by iiili re.s.sing the Department pf Lands, .,Vlc- tiu . ^ovlnclal Informn-'tion. Victoria, or aaj Ohivernment Agent R.i! c Q r dflw lU--I>e--grsn t od- -FO It-R E N T :=-JuIjrnsr.. . 6 room s'" pai:tly furnished, modern, good loca­ tion near Ambleside Beach. West 511-R. FOR SALE -- Piano^radio,.Westing- 'hous'e^iroiier; stove, dak fable (gate- -leg), and buffet. M ust'sell. West ,.411-R. " l'T)R KENT -- Modern fo,ur-.room un. f t " 'i i i - " h e d b u n g a l o w ; c l o s e t o f e r r y . • K e r r i s d a i e 1 7 6 6 - L . ROOM AND BOARD--Private home, garage; near beach and ferry. West 449-R. huid lullable for ntrlculturalcoverln'8" 6n"Iy"̂ within reiaonable duitance of road'̂ ŝchbo* **"®*' Is nbi|»-- '-ALi_c4Lry.tog_̂ ^ C-AR. I'OR SA L E -- ̂ ÊSssex Coach 192? Licensed, good condition and tires, \Vest_320_-X___________ •$125. -FOR SALE--Tientsin-rug-5--x-8T ex^j cellent condition. 1436 M arine, 9 to 6. -8-000-fecn ie f acre j r e r t .o f that-Range t^d-Com mUsloner ol die Land Re.cortflnfl DlviAirm in h'Olt SAXE"" ̂ ■All-wave Pilot'Raditi^ _:JiuiTemt.jnodcL^nap468r-West%e-X- WANTED -- PaTi^ f^ m o c u la r .S f^ :::^Fbo'wdr^'PBbne " lorms obtained from tho Commissioner. W est' v w w u lu p to d i. Pre-emption*, must, be: occupied for five ■ -... RELIABLE GIRL With references- ,wants^ position-- as West 445-Y.-----"T - ^ housekeeper. ** ImP/pvemenU. made to value ol clearing and eultl- "*̂®*'* * Crownurant can ,be received. ' Pre-em'ptlpn* carrYtiig part time nnnrfi lions of occupation ird a l « V r K l . • rales in effect from 7. p.m. to 4 .3 0 d.m. Sunday rate^^ effeit |from 7 p.m. Saturday to 4 .30 a.m, Monday B. C. T E L E PH O N E C 6 . PUBCHASB CMt LBASB Application* are .tMoived for purchase nL "ii«»«rr«d Orown-HIsfî I arable), land U ts per acre, and «ecohd- class (graslng) land. «3.M arr^ ^Information la given In Bulletin A js -ABSENTEE jOAVNER-writes'request­ ing immediate sale beautiful •% acre -View lot. Can be subdivided. Let us 4h.ow you this an J then make an otter. C. J. Archer Ltd., W est 225. FOR RENT-^Nicely furnished-house­ keeping rooms, ' Lawson & Pi'idC) 1704 "Marine.' Phone West 55. WANTED, Wood carver cas-ional work. West, 710. for oc- • partial reUet meaaure. Kinds may bo' acq'uiiid b7'^5I^a«" ta"t'enequal Instalment*, with t t o flratna^meni are paid when du* and Improvtments are made during _th-*__ftm -two_year* ef_-^?. less Ihan 10*. of tho apprataod value. ■ Mill, factory at industrial *1^*'-m . Umber land, not osotading 40 acre*,* tho ^ d l t " n?invludlng- payment of atumpago, Unsurveyi^ .areaa. ~ aor~oxcoedtns 2o laerej .may ;be. leased: as bomesltes.-condi­ tional uport a dweUlng betair W ***** hoiwg irMamed after » n a .lm p ro v ^« i5 oondltion* m T t im e to preserve eggs is here. We f- l^ -^ o c l^ f t<r̂ 6 gallons. Crawley & Barker," -FOR SALE -- 1931 Graham Sedan equipped with heater, good tires, fine shape," $375. . Motor Service, " W est 614. Hardware. fulfilled and land baa Men surveyed. I îr gracing ajsd Induidiial Bornose* ' S a*mtndM'^f^?l'SSr tT C / -varying cpndllTons. "Annual • m onthly' 11 ' PHorlty In graiV ' Rf®*,;-** *® resident-st^k110°^ «socla--iipns for̂ range- management: Free or partlRlly free .pemtts avaOahls for settlen ^mixr* and ^ Disabled Veferafij5= ASSN, (1921) Meets on Second Tu"̂ sday each month IN THE FERRY BUILDING " oBgihlp, either fulTor associate.! LOST ■-- Gold chased fountain P̂** cap. Gyroscope on end. Phone . W est 299-R. ____ --7EOR--SALÊ ^̂ ^̂ i:̂ =̂ elescope::rl̂ C) leaves. $8.00. Wdst 59-Y-3. W.A. CANADIAN LEGION , PjlSTGO u-;n Ivf'ff montKly mfeeting belhelita t 2:30 .next Mon- quested that every member try to be- present, as there will be ^ A u g u st . FINAL WEEK Pre-lnyentoiy SALE RADIOS from $6,95 REFRIGERATORS W ASHERS from $54.50 Kitchen Ranges Range Oil Burners "Easy -Terms.- FORStS LTD. - W. N . MORRIS, Agent - 1476 Marine Dr. West 711 also a t (56 Lonsdale Avenue North V^ancouver Noi'th 526^