West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1937, p. 3

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H"vO TIC E-r>B e S lic e t o y i s | t t h e Home Improvement Exhibition at K. K ■4th **"iChei»torfl«>ld, WORTH VANCOUVEH •?- ■ Ju n e 2 4 th , 2 S th .a n d 2 6 th , "S r fo U M M r ADMISSION FREE,................. A ST B U R Y L U M B E R C O , L IM IT E D ŷ£5T 199 night calls,-a. ROLLO, West 672R ^ •< X X X X »Kx:xstb<MM0fltmMffima8i^^ ̂ .. .■ ■■ |- - .■■■I -- - --i .............■- ;■ W: BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES ' ' ■ * ■ ' ■ ',■.■■ . . « ■ W est Vancouver ™ i W ^ T V A ? r N E i ^ 3 N O T IC E . ■ * ■ . ' ■ - « Parents or Guardians of pupils intending to enroll for the first. • time in VVesl Vancouver Schools after the summer holidays are requested to notify the Principal of the nearest school before the end of JunCi *■ Beginners in thd primary grades will be accepted who shall ; liave a'iaincd their sixth birthday by December 31st, 1937.'There v̂ili be no enrollment'in February. / ' WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES C. A. Woud^of CuHfonna h as. moved into a house at C'ypress Park for the summer, W, Sowden has moved from* th e city into a hmise at 594 16th S treet. ' The Rev. F. A. Ramsey and MrvS.,Ramsey have returned from a short visit to V'ernon, B. C. , w." ■ ̂ , * ■ ♦ ,. ̂ ^ S .'T. Arkely of (•aliforniii, is occupying a house at Pieacdillv, Caulfeild. , ' ^ ♦ Id F rank A. Walker, 2455 K ing's A venue ,, has returned from ti 'fishing tidp to Phillips River. Hi ' Miss R uth ■ TIoldsworth lias arrived from California to join her m other a t Ihe h'ortitne Cup Inn. ..................... . 'H< ■ . Hi J ............ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jillings have purchased the P e n y house a t T45G Fulton Avenue, and have taken posaea.sioii. ' ' Hi ■ * ♦ Tomorrow .1 will be no 20 minute p.ni, service on the fer­ ries, but a half-hourly service will be luuintained. Throughoul Stiturday, June 2()th, a half-hourly service will be in operation. The two above changes are clue to the Bona- helle's bein off (hp rim for the annual government steamship in­ spection. * - l(l Hi . Miss Gwendoline Hodge spent the last week-end witli friends at Powell River; I ■ H> Hi Hi The m unicipality has had the beach cle'ared on the east side of ' Dundaravo Pier in front of the ■~t31achan. Miss- Madge F arm er has a r ­ rived from Kamloo])s to spend . the school holidays a t her hopie, 2507 B'ellevue Avenue. " Hi . " Jack Porter, Leader am i Busi­ ness M anager of the Calgary Boys Band, is visiting his aun t and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Angus P H O T O G R A P H IC -- S U P P L IE S KII.MS -- Kodak & ARfa, VfrichtroMU- and l'U*imrhrom«* .....lK'u4o|)liiglt ndTtidw^^ KiitarKcmoDlH Ambleside Pbarmacy W. L. KKK, Prop. 1401 Marine ' Phone: Drive Weal 823 PRKK PEUVEUY S t r a t t o a 's b a k e r y I ■ .... Pruit and Meat PIch, All ktitda of CuukioM , Apple Turnovera DoukIiiiiiIh PWIoh Cakea WvddiiiK CakoH a Specialty Wo nmko ovorything right on (lie prom Isos, Froah Dally, from llvst cIn.sH ingrcdienlH, Note A ddress: 1468 Marine Drive, • Phone Wc.si 27 SEE J jA C K S BEFORE YOU FURNISH (!llkSTEIiPIELDS, EASY CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, STOOLS Built in the British Way. French Polishing atjjow Prices. I?.: ,.iii(>riiiLf Repairing , Frenciv Polishing Loose Covers ' ' DraiH'rics ' ' > Window Shades -:r Curtain Itods i Needle Point Mounted Cushions 151(; Marine Drive _______ • phone W csl 710 L'. C. Rci,dj]f..San(iy-G()ve^\di<^--^>JIi^^ 1^80 Dlu^lu^sa AymUmw.- a p a tien t in the N orth V a n - , M r T T ^ e i ' wtis ficniniasi, sum-is ______ ....................... . . . couver General .Hospital, ., is ^^^er w ith his band and they were slightly improved. royally entertained by the local . * * * boys band and others. He would The death ocourTed last F riday be glad J o meet the m em bers of in her 'TTth, year of Mrs. Mary Ihe band again. H av e y o u b e e n i n t r o d u c e d t o P A R ^ 'V A Y ? _____ '*The Cream of the Town*' ___ \ Pints 25c. Qyarts 45c. Seven Flavors h o l l y b u r n d a i r y ' . . - 1702 Marine Drive A im ounp ing C h a n g e o f BUS SCHEDULES Bilective Friday, June 25 ' • New summer .schedules will be'ip e/Tect on ■ Pacific Stage," Lines. Donald Miller on Monday caught an 8 pound halibut while fishing from a boat off h is home- a t 2670 Bellevue Avenue, using Edm unds Walton of Vancouver, who form erly resided a t 19th aU'd Bellevue Avenue. Funeral services were held .on Mbnday ,a t St. Jan ies 'ChuTch followed by c re m a ti^ ^ She i.s sury-ived- by. ~twT)"(raughters, Miss B etty Wal-' ton in th e city ' and M rs .. M. S tephens of Los Angeles. ' ♦ * Hi • . The Rev. F a th e r F. Nash, son of Dr. and . Mrs. A. C."N ash of 1897 M arine Drive, is spending a holiday a t Qualicum B_each. ' ■ . ' , H= ........ , Hi , • ■ Hi , ♦ ■' It . I ' The, ferries will maintain a Iialf-hoiirly service throughout Dominion Dtiy. The first Ixmt will leave Ambleside Dock at 6 a.m. and the last at 11:50 p.m. TKcrfirst"boat"from"the"City~dock" will be at 6:50>a.m., the last boat leaving there at midnight. West Bay buses meet all boats. The Sunday service will be maititain- ed by The upper level bus. fidlybiu:ii Theatre. ■ THURSDAY, FRIDAY • SATU Rl)AY M ATI N I # - - : iluiio 2'ltli, 2511: iiiul 2(fuK PHIL RIfiCAN EVELYN VENABLE ^ 'H a p p y G o L u c k y ' uIho "FEDERAL AGENT' SAT. EVENING & MONDAY ..IuMc>-4J()U,it and ------- MERLE OBEKON BRIAN A HERNE Bellas---Winning A quiet m orning wedding w as. Bill Denniston, 23r'd and Jef- solem nim l on June 16th a t F irs t •foB-onvi TTiiiforl C!Viiiv*pVi ixrVipn, .TfiJin Anlv TorrompltH-̂ mf-en'-m̂ ^mn-see. new4ime taljle or. phone West 132. a lig h t hook and line.- W e under-.. ,,^ferson "Avenue, left th is week U nited Churchy when Jean, only s ta n d jh a t halibut seldom appear .fo r Penticton, B.C., w here he daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. in W est Vancouver w aters. : expects to spend the sum m er. W inning of Vancouver, became "* Hr "♦ ' the bride of Mr. Thomas Bellas, > soji of Mrs ,B. BqllaS; W esf Vau- . /T .- -L- 1 / f " hriHp w orp n 0-Own 'Pa® c Stage L ines. MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVER" underw ent^an .: operation a t the Vancouver General IJo.spital, has ]^ 1 J rn e a T o T i^ ^ "Marine Drive. 9k ' r ■oouver.;.TlTeTbride woi*® a gown o f w hite w ith a corsage bbuquet lof pink carnations. She was at- Ten^ed~by~h'ersiBter=Tn^aw','iMit^^ K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside. Phone West 340 EveningsrTVest T43- Listings Wanted Real Estate and SAWDUST SPECIALS ...........3 units for $10.00 - -3 . units for $8.50 otock up while prices are low. -WOOD SPECIA L-S Mill - Fir - dry........$5.00 cord- gush Fir .................... $5:50 cord •'urrtace and Heater Blocks and Fireplace Wood $4.00 cord ' alab.s & Edgings..-^ cords $11.00 - .................. ^5,00 cor-d -----Topsoil-- Rock -M anure - Bunin-Truck Work •----- --- ^ ̂ CHARLIE THOMPSON W e s t .'-,82 - W e s t 5 8 2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Re Proposed Amendment to the Notice is hereby given that pursu­ ant to' the provisions of the- Town ^ --^Ia-nnjng--Act-a,J3i££tiBg--of--tbe-Geu^ Kec.lT.ai cil' Of the. Corphration of the Dis.trict ' of- West Vancouver will be held in the Council Chamber at the Municipal ♦ J; W.- W inning J r . Mr. Bellas Kevan Savoryrson of Colonel . was s t ip p ti r te d H ^ 'and Mrs. K. W. Savory, 27th and ' O ttaw a Avenue, is re tu rn in g on Bellas left i o j . i th e 7th Ju ly from E ngland. Vancouver Island. On th e ir return- th e y Will make A Pianoforte ..and Rhythm> their h o m e-a t/0 4 1 Clyde A ve- w ill- he g iv e n a t 'B E L O V E D EN EM Y ' . , _ also "THE ROMANCE ROBERT rniRNS^- " COCOANUT CKOVE" "COI.ORFIJL OCCUPATION" . TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY .June 21H.li and fiOth 3<iRAN;CIf3zLEDIiliJ5JU: " MY AMERICAN " ^ I F E '̂ ----------- 4 - 0 11 c e - u n . l - v - u t - H - :2 .Q A also "GRANH EXIT" nue. A fternoon Tea A delightful afternoon wa.s i-Mr.s--W-' 8 :15 p,ni. tomorrow^ ( th e Clachan by the j unior pupils , . , . o f M a rjo r ie R. :M G G illivray, a s - -'Hall7-mh-Steeefr^nd-Esqui^^^ -- $bmt^t^fieForJrDrATTrippr^spenlron7Tuesday--wJien-Mr.ST nue,-on Monday, July 5th, 1937, com- . ^ ̂ * ° ------- ^K.-W obdcock e n te r ta in e d a n u m -- - . "S " L e n d m e r t t r z o n a rB V Mrs. W. L. M cKay' and ' ™ No. 478 in respect to the lots between j:+f jg V o r y Jane left la s t T hurs- W aterfron t. -.Several piano 16th and 16th Streets situated on the ^ n igh t for 't h f E ast, w ith ' selections were given a t inter- ^ ' vals by M^ TILING iWtiks----Fiwplaces-- Floors " WEST VANCOUVER - nUILDEItS', SUIM»LY ' West 560 215.3 Marine I)r._. h h m ed S tV "' a b t t S r i h e r e ~ M rs H arw ood H i M a tth e w s , M r. '^ M r ^ 'T 'K a n k in e -it is proposed he .toned es -M ultiple M cK a y 's m ^ter w h o ĥ ^̂ ^ ^ ^ d e d a tT h e f e a t ^ io '^ m r i i ; - sistmg^h-e-^lme3s-tveI•l^:■^^^rsr 'Multiple Dwelling District" " instead o f " One Fdmily District" as at present. visit h e r m other in Toronto and a V 1 n/r a I rt ri-.-/, - All persons who deem them selves Î - Ypung and Mrs. S. Low) 1 0 . -affectM =i3F^the-:proposed-amendment-=¥--Yaikn0t.jetjOl_UntJ,_b^te.mber,-- T h lT g u e s ts = in d iu le fc ^ ^wiTl"b'e afforded an Opportunity to' be - - - -- hea?d -by the Council on any • matters -rrelatmg; theretor......... , ̂ "of^orth: .Vancouver," are'^fumT - A -copy of the P ^ ^^T g^f^gL ^^^,^_^m .ering_at^^ ....._JL, Titray be inspected atirhe^Tinrcip^l .tlall " . . ^ from 9 o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m, t-, n- i ^ each day except Saturdays when the M rs. A.~ D . CoJlie h aS '-m oved office'closes at 12 o'clock noon". fr o m V a n co u v er intO' h e r own- Dated at West .Vancouver, B. G.-,-- h o u se a t 2946~W 'est ParlCTJarleV" This 23rd day of June, 1937. * * * >- ' . . W, HERRIN, -n. - * Municipal Clerk. Engagement --TAn i-iAVyi TiTTt'iii- --■'6 *-rrvv-rT7vu- Bagley,.IW^rs. .TJ. B...-CTarIand, Afi's._iD r.-aiid M.xs, ;W. M.. C. xvynoCjh t? - Tvifi'ci' tivrnV.CCMI.re.,. - Qes, MrST D.-^M^-J-avishr Mrs, J. Van der- Grach t, L. Ranklne; M rK ".Aj E;: Young, Mrs. S.,Lowrie,*'Mrs. G: Alexan­ der, Mrs. C. A- Dean,' I^r.s. Wm. Denniston, MTSr--r.-^-K_Harr-op,-- Mrs. J. Glover,^Miss Stephenson, Miss Peggy N ightingale, Mrs. CD^ORATION OF THE DISTRICT t OF WEST VANCOUVER Ti/Tv. r'A/r"v .r"w " V ;+ I,* Laidlaw, Mns. E. Gallilce, Mrs. Mr. , and Mrs. W., K itching, h . W alker, Mr.s. A. Bingham. ' ■7SE,ADED~TENDERS7 'afe"--invited 1448 A rgyie Avenue, announce th e engagem ent of th e ir daugfi- ' te r M argaret (P e g g y ) ' to Mr. OUR RAINY SPELL . fo r the purchase of the S S t n d the S.E.% of.D istrict Lot . .W e st 4 th . A v e n u e , V a n c o u v e r ,. ' T h u r sd a y , 1 7 th , 1 .3 2 in ch e .s; 1067C to which the M om cIH ity wih B .C . T h e w ed d in g .Will ta k e p la ce , F r id a y i k h 0 5 1 in c h e s ■ Js.suo-Baed .j iithant ..c,;.Yenants, - , ( iu ie t ly .in .,l u ly------------ ^ ^ ------------ ^T ilverv 'd ay s in 3 e h a s Had i t s ' Tenders 'must be delivered to. the undersigned by 9 a.m. ,June 29th, 1937,-and-must-be-.a.ccompanied by a_ certified cheque for the full ampfint. .Highest or any tender not necessar- iI_5tiaeeepte,cU-_ CURRENT EX^NTS FORUM The C u rren t E vents Forum share , even a fine day being fol­ lowed by a rainy n igh t. The.se figures are for.. Duchess,. Avenue, Hollyburn. Rather Lose Hiŝ Purse! - r don't know what to say buir I'll say_ it,--JicdoesnA-inattcr-a. tin tack whether you'ro Scotch, English, Irish or Chinefie if you ~S^oke-at~~a]l~~you-'ll~iiever-know- the meanin,g oY a real smiyke pntiL you've picked .one of 'Srhitff'.s faiffous blen(Is .ol-̂ r<7f?ae- co and filled your pipe, Oh!!=>, H arryJ"] i stVivi^rduT bMt^u stTJ ̂- er is an Aberdeen -man who says he'd rather^lose his purse thari£ ̂ miss - his "Cariboo" blorul. 01r~ -- brother-come-on in antl-I-lI-gTye-- you a "free fill" and a match, , and you'll feel like a Bank Pre.s-, r ident With his wepk'.s-wages in his pocket,- If you monkey- around with Jack Paterson's work you .wilt possibly get a shock, but you . won't get any f.|hock if you call at Sm ith's for your Old Country "7' Brand of Tobacco,' t Your old Pa), - ■ ANGU.S SMITH'S SMOKE SHOPS ̂ West Vancouver ■ Ferry W hirl .. i ' -J. N.' E rn est has moved into^ a house aU2486 Bellevue Avenue. . W. HERRIN, Hollybum, B.C., . Municipal Clerk, •June ,24th, 1937. ' ' . ' West 3 9 Low Summer Sawdust Rates Effective Now• f , P H O N E F O R D E T A IL S KMfILVS FUELS Saturdays-- H alf day only. Order early. 'NORTH 9 4 th e sum m er vacation period, which will be some tim e in Sepr, temlier. wJien all member.s wilLbe .notified. - ' ' - ^ EXPERT W atch andf Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., M ontr^l) , 1522 MarineTJrire ~ PIANO RECITAL TBy the pupil8"df lJR 8. CHARLES BURBRIDGE at the Studio, 2^09 Marine Drive, on _=__ F r i d a y / J u n e 2 5 t b , - ^ a t - 3 7 3 0 p . m . Assisting Artist-'-Mrs. Hamilton-Srniith, Elocutionist. 7 7 : ^