West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1937, p. 1

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^ii<iiWii !Wwiî ^ i „) / ' ^'̂ * - ' '̂ •'--wF̂ I r> t>x *• r ^ M " *• 0 i t* J I ii vv *'r-,W*;(!.« ' .*-j>K-'3""T'̂ S'-j<t'»'«'<l̂ '̂ >'-?>» " W"* ••"'/t=ta'»-» .̂ -5 > V ■<»-Mj<>i,.4?s.j,<-i Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver^ Amblesidcr H olly burn ̂ Weston^ D undaravc $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeiid, W hytecliff, E tci ^ P*** «opy »t newaatanda. Vol. H O LLY BU RN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B,C., TH U R SD A Y . jU l^ E 24th. 1937 No. 12 KKCITAL BY PUPILS OF MISS McINTYRE A rocilul by the pupils of Miss M argaret McIntyre will iwf irivcM at 8:15 p.m. next Monday, June 28th, in the Legion unfi Till' assi.sting artists will be "The Romany Singers." \IimHsion'25 cents. The program is as follows: STIUN'O' KNSEMBLE--- . • !' rJ.M vni tn . I, ' . .........;.................................................. ................... Lully HOLLYBURN HALl Sunday School and Young NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS COMINC; EVENTS People's Bible Class will be held A notice api>ears in this issue a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, June from the Municipal Clerk that 27th, in Hollyburn Hall. There taxes hiust be paid to the Muni will be a Gospel Service a t 7:30 cipal Hall in West Vancouver on Giivolto .Sarnbande V1()UNH--Mrs. Snelgrove, Marjorie Murray, Jessie Diivles, Ruth W illiams, Mary Murray, Patty Woeden, Jerry, Jervis, Bill Gracey, N igel Siielgrove. VIOI-A--Irene Gracey. iriCLU)--Alan McIntyre.......... . • i • " DiW'O TKIO--"Wc Go H iking" ......................... ............ ;......... Van dor Vere v " Darrell Rye;, John Hunt, David Barker (Beginners Class: Mrs. Snelgrovc) p.m. next Sunday, when the speaker will be Edwin Smart. Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible study. All cordially wel­ come. - or before the 30th instant in order to avoid percentage addi­ tions. Saturday, July 17th -- I.O.D.K. t;aixleiLj:Tu:txjL>Ltho Water- Iront vgardena,:oT' Miyor and Mrs. E.^Bayiiss--nnd Frank Lowe at 243G and 242(h Belle­ vue Avenue. VIOLIN - SOLO~"Melodic Plainters MARTIN 8TAINSBY . (Beginners Class; Mr.s. Snelgroyo) .Adam Carse NOTICE Owing to next Thursday being Dominion Day, this paper will be published on Friday, July 2nd. The dead line will be the same. HOME IMPROVEMENT EXHIBITION .IIINIOR WKSTONIANS' SOFTBALL LEAGUl Owing to the .school exams the teams have not been'playing'for the hist week but will resume iiiUiifi I rt rM.t.t ifl I f-"'* f "A t the Fair" . . SHELAGH GRACEY - ^ HKBRIDKAN f o l k s o n g s -- ' ' ; V- , Thu Wild Swan « . ; Churning "Lilt , * • Dtuclre's Farewell to Scotland - . ' ' ROMANY SINGERS PIANO--Kfossaise ..................... ..........................:.............^.^...........-....Beethoven Bourree ..................'■................ .........................--A-.................Bach. JU N E GILBERT ■ VIOLIN--Melody ............. ................. .......................................................... Ellerton I NIGEL SNELGROVE , PIANO--"I'hitrata" ...'.............--....................... --....................... .̂........ .......i Bach , "Winding Flowers" .................................................... Reinecke . JE A N GARBUTT ; The North Vaheouver Home Improvement Plan Committee is staging an exhibition in the K.P. aciivilies qii Thursday night (to- Hall tonight, Friday and S a tu r-' night) at G:30 on Hollyburn viz. 6 p.m. Tuesday for reading day. . Exhibits will consist 9f Srlipol gfound.s. The Cards will WedtTesday^noon'^or*~^ll"-^hose'-«»-niateidals----u8ed-^<ii^--"ineet--i4ie"4ie(l--Sox--aHdT*-as-41ui ̂ advertising copy. making home improvements Hod Sox have not won a game ------------------ ; under t̂ he new plan. Free admis- ' ye(, they should be in Gne form NEW Ba k e r y TO B E ' sion. tickets are available and tonight. The boxing class has OPENED BY LOCAL BAKER ̂ will be issued to adults only, but been holding workouts ' eaoli each evei^ing valuable cash at- /Fuesday and Thursday and, a tendance prizes totalling $20 will good, number have been in at- be awarded, there being a. draw- tendance. There is"room'for two ing held every evening. A five- more members in this class, .so minue address on some subject {inyone interested please turn of geherfd interest, to the com­ munity will al§o be given by a ■ ■" the. Mr. Smith, late of the Canadi-' an Pacific Empress liners, vvill open a first-class bakery a t 1530 Marine Drive on Monday, June 28th. Mr. Smith is well known in shipping circles for his supefi- _____ _ 0 ^ ^ . ..iocal "speaker on each ^of V I O L I N - -"Cradle Song" ..............................1.............................. ....... Somtervill^ GERALD ADDY PfANO--Vaises Noble 11 & 15, (Op. 77).......................................... Schubert ELLA COLPITTS VIOLIN--Senates in E MajoE...................... ....................... ....:..Healey Willan MARJORIE MURRAY POLK SONGS-:jr"Nobody Knows the Trouble (Negro) ' "H ey Ho,_ the Morning Dew" (Irish) "Ail Thro' the N ight" (W elsh) ROMANY SINGERS , PIANO--Three Preludes :.................................................................... ........ Chopin PATTY W EEDEN PIANO--"Much Ado About N othing", .... ........Austin "Cossack Dance" , Nash GORDON VINCE VIOLIN-- "Pastorale" ........;.......................................... ;......... ................ Hurlstone "Gavotte & M usette* ...................................... Bach L^JESSREiPAVIEShL r̂' -̂ ~ - gaining attention in the PfbV- three nights. ince and, Sun newspapers for his creation o f . the sugar model which was bn exhibition during the Vancouver Jubilee. He solicits the patronage of. Wjest Vancouver residents. Mrs. J. L. Davidson is spend­ ing a week at her country home at Caulfeiid. out oireiiher of these nights at the club rooms a t-7:30 o'clock. iIit\xt_iXuesdayXth.e_JMrates_jin(L Cards will play at Ambleside I'ark.- As these two teams have both beaten each other the re­ sult of the game should be inter­ esting. Game starts 6:30 p.m. P I A N 0 -- " L o n d o n d e r r v - A i F ' " DOREEN THOMPSON BRITISH - ISRAEL The regular weekly meeting of the Dundarave Branch of the British - Israel .World Federa­ tion will be held. Monday, June 28th, a t Marine Drive and 25th. ■ _]VL^s'.^bslPviiLspea THE IMPERIAL CONFERENCE -lights of the Convention." Tea The Imperial Conference has met and dissolved, and on the face of it nothing seems to have been accomplished. Doubtless much secret inforrhition has been imparted to the Overseas delegates by the British Goverrynerit as to the real position and explosive capacities of the dynamite underjyijr^ the present world .situation; hut beyond that the Cbnferenbc^ Ja;4s-f«kembIbd' a-1h€feting-of-^t-he_^ jjKjjxa±uiM jLxiwMj. ovjiy , _______ - . niuch to afford satisfactioH to anybody: No definite actioh oL ~HAi^==A^reiudH- " .......... -------------------------------------------------------will-be-served-..Ey.eryjme..wni. be____ courses of action appear to have been jecided on anvthing.- ̂ ̂ ̂ ^ - Gnnsndp'rinO' vHltl'f- waa- fUia main f/ VIOLIN--"Cavatina" ................................. ................................................. :.. Raff - ; " PATTY W EEDEN -,-PIÂ CP-- Sonatar-in-^G- (2nd-M o v e m e n t ) ..........■-■:.-.;Mozar-t-- ---------- i-DOUGLA«-WA-TT--- -̂---------------------------- r-- ------- VOCAL--"Ply Singing Bird" '..̂ .'......:.......... L................................................Elgar . _ ROMANY SING ERS : . (String Accompaniment) Considering that defence wa.«=t the main question fo hn PIANO RECITAL. discussed and that,-the British E m pireJsjthejolainJ'â^̂ ̂ peace in t he world today, this was particuiariy unfortunate. -One THE BURNING BUSH Bv Suhadar_____ been bounced" off the old bean from whiskey bottles to police- A piano recital by the pupils of Mrs. Charles Burb'ridge will take place at 3 :30 p.m. tomor­ row- (Friday) a t the studio, 2309 Marine Drive. The assist- fng~^rtifit will be Mrs. Hamilton- hair ie..can jm agine--thp_fihai^e]jQr ies:-ofrFnropp-to}rririir---tThv̂ ii»-^ ir in bewilderment and saying: '.'Now' ju.st. vi^hat do the.se . The'Rbssions have flown over:' men s batons aud it s stood up'to "gjnjthv flrifiod I" hhb. the, strain nobly, but follows: people meam? , They decenved n all in 1914 by a sudden and quite unexpected unanimity of action. Is the family really in Tiroeess of'going to pieces or is i t only another of the ways by which 'Perfidiou.s AIbioin'°perpetually-fools us?' " _--Q£-course^-4jqe--delega4es-JaLOw.and the th inking nari. oC States. There is much chortling and joy among the multitude, --and-also-in the-newjspaper ; of­ fices where much pleasing, copy has been provided.' E very 'tim e an airman or airwoman sits in a too much. their peoples know that-or4^inary=^risideratioti.H-o£_saie^^ apart from the matter of .sentiment, force us alway.s to act NOTICE Program • - together-in any con.tingcncy of peace or war, Bui the rest of The Train'; Galop--Billy Hilborh -Europe, not so versed in the vagaries of repre.sentative goverji- ]V^^TDollT~Littl^Waltz^Brenda" : ^^ment7Tlo~not^appTWiat^ChcTfactnihaF^ in authority with us dare not teke fl,'dfifmit<T stahfl n n t r l - P i M c j i a 51 riw/iuBone. -Hollyburn Barber Shop, Dun- gieep-time; The Bee • _________________ ____ darave Barber Shopj Lew's plane foi'"a"day^or two and keeps Sam's Barber Shpp ̂ ; Wild Rose Andree Stella on going the same sort of thing Q̂ gurs. On _each' of these. _oc- Lorena Lauder. casions it is given out, th a t a ■ae\y-air route is being mapped ' whereas in_ most _,cases i t's .really a ne.w.. bombing- route that- ~ '̂ L5lM 5dkedJn^ or_imprpve announce m this issue that, Gracey. starting nex'U^Monday, the prices ggjjQ^I-jgche fo r . haircutting ih West^^anebii- X co rn ; .Melody- and 25 cents for .children.2̂ This t)rpamingi& Garden Rose ;_The -Mavis Col- us dare not take a'definitc stand until-the actual cri.sis arise.s to' convince the multitud^es they represent of the obvious. We had an example of th irin the case of the War debts. Wash­ ington knew from the first most of these could not and would never be paid. But they could not sell the idea to the American people until' loss" of foreign trade and conseqiumf iinr»tnpl<̂*y- 'm€.nt~l3mdXjQnvm^j^ih« tfieir goveniwen^ ihjefeiieiiS- duel, to,-the ..price.-for_:--- Fair y-<Sf--Woodman Haircuttiim'^in YancouYe^bem g ^ ^ j^ , j ] le ^̂ ^̂ .Jlelda- realized a t the outset. Among many advantages it is one of the prices that rnust be paid for d ^ o c racy ., ^ _Th^RispiTtes and-apparen t lack of-CQhe'aion in-lh(>lRn tis h - dBnipirer-wer€^ladm.it-ted]y-some-crfXhg~mTaiTr-fattoiTrw^hTCh-TTp- kients-fn the reliability 'of th e ' how 50 c ^ t s ahd^^e.ri^"ifTThe jyiXry' Peasant"' (^hunTh.niT) ;'̂ ̂ ^THi'ced'^Gfermany tcTgU'to W F lh 1914. Whereas^our-entry into aeroplane, which comes to the ° Government's minimum wage Juanita -- Isabel Hodgson. the conflict was a certainty, they., figured us not even as a -- "" ' ■ " ^robablrtut~only~a~pcJSHi}7le^^■same"fhing ih the end. Wiien minimum; ToFjourneymen barbers. Minuet .& Brahm's Cradle Song; . Climbing; Gavotte- sey. -Bruce Ram- - tile next unpleasantness o c c u r s , - --'."Henceforth the hours of clos- •it s me.for ai good deep cave w ith ing: will be 7 p.m. daily, except : at least half a mile of-rock above Thursdays-at--1- p.m. and batur^- it. I've got it located and you'll days a t 9 p.riT. ____ rriG'̂ divG into it 'fBrStci' tiiflii • '***"-- ■ ^ anything you ever Sraw "m6ve. ' DECORATION DAY SERVICE Country Dance; Hunting Song-- It 11 be just a plain running dive, .The annual .DecoraUon Day Dorothy Purse. r, adies and gentlenien. No jack service-which was scheduled to En Ronte March; Mocking Eyes pives, or haIfyGayhers=i-doii't-- ^brteld next Sunday, h a s . been . _ Roy Henriksen Boh Voyage -- Elaine 'Twiiley We can only pray the^'lessan has sunk deep and that our Elks' Parade (duet) ^ B a r b a r a present much more apparent disunity m ay.not lead us into Sparrow & Joyce Burbridge. - - the -very, catastrophe we-are_so anxiously.-striving-to-ayoid. - For there was never united. a time when actually we were so . , llT U X o -- --X U V X i V , < x i d u l l C A f f ------------------------- ------------ -------- -- r Know how to sp e in t and it% :norTbd^poned until a date to b ^ a p Musical Monologues by Mrs ? dictionary-A-or any of the nOiiTiced later owing to the_ un- ^ncy~stuft. Lots-jOf thiilgs haver^"cifftainty of the weather. W eitJVancowgcjr ^ 7 ^ ■Ratepayers are hereby notified th a t taxes must be paid to the Municipal-Hail,-West Vancouver,-on or before June-30th,^ 1937, in order to avoid percentage additions. Hollyburn, C., Jone 24th, 1937. W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. Hamilton-Smith;^at the piano . - Mrs. Charles Burbridge. -- The Brooklet (W ettach); An­ dante Op. 14, No. 2 (Beethovr_. en)-^M argaret Hilbom. Minuet in B Flat (B ach); Soh- --atina-in- 0 (-Mo2ari>)-;-Schum- mrlied--(Schumann)., -- Ruth iPar-nurm La Chatelaine (Leduc) McDonald.: Diana Arpeggio Study in D (Cramer- Bulow); Sonata in G (Beeth-: oven) Barbara Sparrow. Soldiers"Chorus (Gounod); Gon- : doliera^(Moszkowski) -- Joyce. Burbridge. 1. The new summer iime table of the Pacific Stages will take effect tomorrow (Friday).* ♦ * ■ ^ W e jt-V a n c o p y e r M u n ic ip a l - F e r r ie s Temporary Change, of Schedule F iid a y , June 2 5 th __Tbere, will_bc. No_20̂ Fninute p.m.- scrvice.- ,.will be maintained, N 5atugdayvjune 2 6 th HalF-hourly Service all day. HalfLhourly -servide- " Bonabelle " off the run for Annual Government Steamship Inspection Dom inion D ay Schedule H A L F -H O U R ir y ^ S E R V lC E ^ AMBLESIDE'-- F irst Boat leaves a t 6 a.m. _ Last BoatJeaves a t 11:30 p.m.- CI'TY DOCK'-- First Boat leaves a t 6:30 a.m. ̂ .Last Boat leaves a t 12 m idnight;' . West Bay Buses meet all ferries. '_________ Upper Level Bus--Sunday S erv ice .. • 1 X