West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1937, p. 4

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• *• \ . ^ w s r t T S M I T H 'S M A R K E T RED A N D WHITE YOUNGER TOVVN.SWO.MEN*^ G U IIJ» Phone r--" W e8t**'46 P hone W est 46 \ ] ■ ■ * ̂ sf»i*:nAhs tr ' Ij ̂ ( ̂ i f{* ̂ a vviijif H i* A o iii :m »»mi ( |u'4'H(< aiul 'ruMiutu '8ttuct* (in 9c l(«><i K W hitf Kruiid f'OKK ANfl UKA.NH IH-oz, tin Itc tUii K ui.ih* .fi-;u ,v I 'ovvi/ k k s , Hlr«v.lM'rr>, |{ahplM*rry, Loinmi, OruiiKi'. "ir- |iU(«. 9lf I'Al'KIt NAI'KNK. wliiUs iiO (u th? * " Pkl. 9c ( A 'lH iT 12-0/. i»oHl<' 2 for 19c" I'KA UH--HiilvViJ I.argc 2'// (in I9c Kill K While I'KACKK-- Slici'il Mifual (in 19c Ki*d, A W h ile SAl.M ttN--* Hoi'lii'.ve !/;'m, tin 19c I'Oi rm C ..A'uril' Vlary'a l>lh, ha>{ . . . 25c. jleil & White MAIt,MAl.Ai)IV~ , , 1-lh. tin . ' ." 39c SlIKKKDKI) WIIKAT 2 pklw. 19c I'lNI'^AIM'Mv--Sliced,. l.urKe N o .-2 • liiiH ■" ; ;i for 29c I.AKI) S w ill'H Silverlear, l-lh. cartoMH ...... l<ic I'AKKK NAI'KINK, while, «0 lo (he Ked A While I'KArillOH-- HONKI.KHS ( 'I IK 'KKN, 7-oz. tin 20c -J AmI I h7^nr-f(7 .Save Ihe coii|iima for v,a I tin hie ItreiiiiiiitiN M ea,^« --P hone W est 37il FUIDAV AND SAT! NDA V. Jl^S'E IHIh & lUth m e a t s Ml'S. Crom«r*i î uce gyest/spea}(ef .al tli«, JHt't"'* ill If yf..,i'he'i.;;yow ' ilcf ̂ wfFŵ ******̂ ^̂ ̂ thl* aachaii, Thtfr.-fiay. Juih'T"; ,MfS*."Brucfreh<wt' As het' ",/ourmiimm" aiui lu/hi tlH* es t ■Tjf;"lieF'JisteiH.'w of her c*<im*r u.*4 a iieu piiper w>*, BOII.IN(i F0wr>, V/i to 7 ll>H. rTuin both in th<* < en<*h * per lb* 24e an(j Canada, A. ( . ôuuK* .jF F F E R E S ' S u p e r i o r M e a t s Government Inspected Only C O U ) MEAl>i OF ALL EINDS DELICATESSEN 1 s to re a t H olly b u rn , next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 SIDE I*OUK............per II). 25c CO'ITAfiE HOI.LS (FincHt) Per II). . - .............................. Ji'lc HHFAS'J' OF V EA li, per II). I2c IIFINZ HULK PKJKIiES, (Mu.slsircl and Sw eet M ixed) !*er II)........................................ 'lilt* HFI.N'Z O ILI.S .............. II for 10c VF AL LOAF (N orth Star) ■ Per II). ................................... 25c FLF rCIlKU'S HONEY & SPH FI) H AK El) HAM, Per II). ........... 00c Fresli Cod, Salmon and Haliluit ' Daily offered their m eon- veiling the (luiM l>ri<l|re and .social eveninjf <>r a b'W weeks aKo. A plea.sant Mii'iaise iluniiir the meetiiig canif when Drucilla Dawson ;iimnun('ed that ,the Y.T. Guild lia.- its own then'ie .souk, the v.oi'ds of which were' eonipo.sed liy Mii'r̂ , jhfiDe Younji: and the music arranged by Mis.s lionnabr'lle. Harbouf. ■ Plans for sunmiei' meetings are now beinĵ an'an|.re(l, and will he announced at the next nie<4- iiiK. I'ili.ss .Boniaihelle H.arboiir, entei'tained miisictdly with a Service L U M B E R QuaUty .SA.sn & DOOH.S .SlIINCIdO.S l*J.VVV<Kd).S LA'HI THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PA IN T IlUILDEns; SUPPLIKS HOOFING ^ WALLBOAEl) TILE AKcntn: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 render iiiul laNty A Time Saver-Use your Phone and Our Free Delivery ..-i-- )i a-))cdVtrtt?'^olrr""nTtiTlTTr"̂ /mLm'v ' iLi-A VC'w i -This'is Sonif 'J'l)re<' iVorn the'UIIDl.l'. (J IL I 'jN HI'.AN.S--Nnlioh. \Tmii(*<il " MmikI hv. 'I'...1,1...... .r..i fi.uiir ' 2 tiiiM 2 9 c Alu.sa«il o u i le iMO(Ki-i n.i. t uy C LA SSIFIE D A D S I hc rate for ( lassified AdvertiaementB fa 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cent*. Except in the caftie o t thoee having reg u la r accounts, all dansi. fieda are' payable atrictly In advance. , , • """ (fe^'ĉnH>erTniStfttflt̂ rHtt-theAV-ewt.JV.an-dVewte..get:..̂ Uu; well-known compose Bowen, v ' York INSTA LLA 'nO N S--Electric Kepaiw, coiivoniencc outlets iiistalleu. J. H. Paterson, W est IPS,______ / ' ■niF FI,ORAL FFSTIVAL licevc ,J. B. .Leyland opened .'las.s 27--Mr.s, D. McTavish isl, ,Mrs; .Albin 2nd. , " '■ {'.las.s 28--Mr.s, D. . McTavi.sh the fourteenth h'loi'al h'e .s t iv j d 1st. .Mi.s. Kidi'aidson 2nd. of life \Ve.st Vam'(ju,yer Agrieul- 'rural ami I loiTieidturiiF^Bocitiiy The Council (̂ranted permis-: sion for the holding of a Sea (.tndet oamp at F"is}i<'rmaii's ('ove hetween"the,.lnil and .'list .July. .JUNK--We l)uy everything of value. Phone W est 1)1. liurrard Junk Co. LAWN m OWERS s h a r p e n e d -- Special machine; repairs, parts. West' Vancouver Machine Shop, LMD Marine. ' 'M ARCEL s h o p Therm ique Steam T^rmanents. .Only best materials used, o Expert operators. Phone W est 304, Royal, Bank Building. CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun- . try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. -Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. - f 'la.ss 2 !)-^M r.s , Ilu tch iii.so ji- Lil..... xMj n- 2ud m------------------ L'l.st .Saturday afternoon in In- trh'wood Auditorium, also nc- compaiiyinj^-thp JudKe.s.Jn their - tonp Ijiroinri) the municipality, when *1 hey nuide (he award.s in the eolljiKo garden, rockery apd houli'vani .seetion.s. While, pfen- endly .sp(*akinK. ' tlwn- exhibit.s were up to the hiKli .staiulard of . pa.st y(!ar.s, the .sliow wa.s not ' (pdte a.s' lartp* due -to the wet HindiiK and lack-oL^unshine, ■ which lias nuide the-TIbwers late ('l.'is.s :f0---Mrs. CBshy,-ylsl, Mr.s. .McDuinild 2nd. ' {'lass ;>1--Mr.s'. Harriiipd.on Isl. Mrs. D. McTavish 2nd. First bui'glar, aftei- emptying safe: '**Le!is.y-ce-k-t-)n-up-tlie-liaul- to .see what we've pf'd." 'Ŝ )cond burglai': "Aw, I'm tired. Let's wait jmd look in the newspapers," \ PAIN'JTNG, PAPERHANGING, DEC- -(-) K'ATIN G-=rFoT-ec.9nomy-and-sat i.sfaction, phone F. "CT Dalgleish, West 5-74-K. ' , CHIMNEY SWEEPING. -- Sawdust Burners' installed; 'furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale, ~*~N orth""Vancouverr~-- ------------- ;-- , rias.s ;{.*{--Mrs. M. McDonald -- ----- -̂---------- Ist-, .Mrs.'LL-1'. Allen 2nd. ' T An agitator was addressing li BIAJE DRAGON INN, Whytecliir m- Tea.s, lunches, dinners; Parti(3S-cat- - ei-ed for by arrangem ent. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solici­ t o r , 1447 Marine, by appointment only, W est 403; .510 Hastings Street Seymour.,4r99o afternoons. ('lass ;pi--Mrs,' Albin 1st, Mi's. Gisbv 2nd. ■ v '("l;iss';5{)--Mrs. McDoiiaki Ist, Mrs. D. Me'I\ivish 2)id.v . • ■ ■ Decorative Section CI.-iss , 2G-~M)'s.; I). .McTavish 1st,'Miss Frances Jenvey 2nd. ■'(-:]a.ss 37--M-r.s!--H. P AHpm hand o f s t i'ikers.' "Only $ 1 2 a w e e k ," he y e lled . " IJovv can a rhan be a C h ristian on $12 a- w e e k ? " ̂ ' . - " Tfow," y e lled a voice, "can he a ffo rd to be a n y th in g ekso',̂ "- F URN ISH ED AND U N F U RNI SHED -M.ou.ses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, and aci'eage, for sale, Lawson & Pride, 1704 Marine, Phone West 55. HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Op- , tometrist, Optician, Wednesdays 10:30 to 4. W est 458-R for appoint­ ments. WEST VANCOUVER BLIND & a w n i n g supply free-^.estimates; Phone Wes;t 74-L-2. - MASON'S TAXT Day and night. Passengers fu lly insured. West 512 F ir s t F a r m e r : " I .siinnose Ml'S,' ,J. B D ..ey la n d presenka'i ist,'Mrs.. Albin 2nd' ::5ioii^Ji44rgd-lTer~tnda;s--̂ 'M) exercl.ses a lot s in c e she cam e, •<;)rrrL-iVJis.--rviasieiman n . - %_ . bcm3a-M-iiom-Ui-k44)-- t-F^--piiy^^ CARPENTERS Remodeling,® W :_.. ])airs, alterations. Western Carpen-r- •""̂ tTrrsT-Wes-t ()5.' ■-- W; .. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. C la ss 1st, M rs. I)tckcjis()ji 2nd. -FOR- SALE^.S2.000: nice cosy bunga-" DRESSMAKING 4-_.. LadiM:_ Suits,, z--Children^-- Glothesf--Boys^-- Pants.- Mrs, Robbins, 2791 Marine. West liaid.jmjJ)4^^3tl-kd3uss<i3;-^)4^-------- rsT- G i.slr y f 1 stT (Mdtnre coni-se'.-̂" pri/c winiH?i'.s are a-s follow !̂: ;-- Do?res=:-()lion I ' (Uass Nimh Ist, -L.'U. k'ox 2nd, . - . riasH 2--('. S...Boyd '1st. W. J.-- Gliffoni 2nd. - ria.ss 2 - Cco. Niimi 1st, W. ,J. ( 'lifford ,2nd. Class '-11 -- Mrs, Masterman 1-S tT-MTir--(-ri 1 >S<) 11-2 J U L ' (JIasa *k{---iMrs. ,, 1 Juwk.s .1 s t, " Mi'S. G ib so n 2nd . - ' ^ W D i k h t , -Class 4'4--Mrs. II. P. Allen,- Class ' 45--Mrs. Masterniah 1st, Mrs.-Dickenson 2nd, Second T'amicT-r-̂ I-s-hoiild say so,. She sets, iin all evening and wiLh--a--dl-l-femnL--'-ht)y--frien tl- low of G rooms with front verandah, -rmHttd■mĝ «rt■̂ mrcml7̂ ĉ i•chen7'-2-be(L: Jil9£Rz: rooms, large front room with fire- place, aTso glassed' in sunroom. TT^hone West 2 or see George Gouf- 4^ItLNTIN€r ■•■■■■ For-iril-k-ijnds-bf- printing phone West Van - News,-West-363.----- lay afternoons or evenings. ( 'JassM -C cc)--iNbinh-lsI--\VT-7i7---"'̂ P<"vî -- Local-Dardi^ns- t'liff|3i;(i|"2nd. --H-7tfisS't5™.'Gct). Nunn Isi ss amlDpulevards CHlass 40-- kiower gardens: R. S. Dyble, 1st, 78 points; Mr, A Yy ml h am _2 u d, J7_D p din (.s.;_M'is.s- 'if' I'Vrnh; limi. ('lass tL- 3 "Gco. _Numi 1st. Adas.s h--Gcj», Nunn specimen Frame 3rd; 51 points, bloom trophy. . . . - Class 47--Cot (agt*^-gardens: Gla.ss JO--(ieo. iNiiiin. he.st l\fr. Dickenson 1st, 82 point.s;' ro.ses in .show--euj). ■ .- iVlr. _ McArthur-2nd, 7 9 -points; Host*__Nevict? 3rd, 51 points. Class °48---Boulevards: Mrs.Gla.ss ll-:-Mrs. McTavish Isi. Mrs,. Kichardson 2nd. (.'buss 12--U. 11. Harris 1st, W. Taylor 2nd. -- Glass TT73:TlFsr TticTmrcknn -GlerkT2nd--r9-p0mk;r K eh b erg ci'--Tst7-53--points^;-^Mr7 Wyndhum 2nd, 21 points. Glass ^9--Kbck gardens: S. TstvAV. T'jiylor 2ijd. Glass 17- Mrs. Bovti 1st. ^ Irs . D.'McTavish 2 Children's (Jardens--Under IS Yeai:s-_-77.7__sli__ Gla.'iss 17a ~l)cst liose in tliis .stictimi. . . Class 50--Miss AlarV McTjTv- iWr.s. Iviehardson.- ish 1st. Miss Pat Albin' 2nd., - ^ Class 51-- Miss S. Wlioei. wright. 1 st,'Miss Jean GamagI ■'2nd. ■ _ Tempted If Fve foimilod ~A(l;o¥t--w44-h- ah apple I wundor wH'at she'd do today with a, 'packet of. ^'Argy sec le 'tobacco Oh"7 thp prowd.s {gatherboys, around.. Smith's'is_-no_t..tlie only J!obaceo_. s hu}j_in--t o\vh-B\Yt--f e k'- 'lows walk' th('mselyes5,tire(l■ to ! ■ go there; bccau.se they can't get the same kinds anywhere (d.se When you want a ride vou just .say . West 512, Maaon'.s Ta.x'i, plca.se. ' ' : t Hut_ when you come to -Snil t li-Yi-L) t̂ lT3.1uiccot;7"oi'~a'7>ood"̂ pi])o, you 'are. 'not taken for a ' ride. ...Iirst .ask .Mason what- he - thinks t!fG î^g'_yl(r-Mixture----- FOR SALE7^7-tube cabinet radio, good order; snap, $45 cash. West 71-R-;L BRIGHT AIRY ROOMS To Rent in comfortable Jiome near ferry, board if desired. Phone W est 288-Y. 11.ANDY .ANN _ SHOP--2242 Marine lYi'iAua.. Beach-.■hat.s,--ankle--sbeks^ COOK-GENERAL for adult family. West' 86-Y-l. ..FOR .SALE-r-Ghestorfield suite, loose Tmliotis,' station'ery', buttons, etc. covers, $20; W esT 3 2 ir Id--FaJ. - A n g \Ls. •SMITH'S SMOKE SHOPS \hiiTCouver -- Ferry-Wharf IDR tlUICK SAXE=:SeveraL water- JUST A FJiW DECK CHAIRS ANU fninl properties - specially priced.. See the.se at once.' C. .J. Archer --Ltd.W-e-s t--225------- :------■'---------------- stools lefL See them in. our win­ dow this week. Crawley &'>Bafker, Dardware;----------^ ----- ■------------------- WORK WANTED as mother's help. Sleep out. Box 23 West Van. Ne'vvs. F O It^ A lsK f-P iano, radio, Westing- usXjrtmer, stove, uak table (gate-- W.ANTED-..T.0 RENT furnished house Reasonably priced or cottage Box 14 West Van. News. --~ e s t 411-K._______ ;______________ FOR SAL&--New dog kennel. 7 pedi- ;greed~BraeirTV[inorcaT3antams," 1012 20th S-t____ FOR SALE--Wood! or coal range, =^WJtJhl_waterfrontr.,-almdA..ijaew,jk$2L_ Apply 2318 Bellevue. a A1 17 /i-u . r ̂ , LOST -- Brown Eton -coat, zipper I'Ult S A H ^ C h est of drawers, also . ..front, at Tuesdav evening's ball -<mHM;-aiTî d and__ ^ ~ame,-Ambleside Park. Wt^st 51̂ . _ seG-M-5347V2-^-rgyle--A-ver =^=^"*^O R -R EN T=July, funrifhFd""'houser FOR- SALE^--Garden hose, 50ft., $3; electric kitchen. Close to ferry and pedestal fish bowl $3; new enamelled ' beach.' 'West 356-rL. . ' - ~ ■ ' bucket Avith lid, $2;. handsome stone "Border Flotver.8 ~ \ Glass 19-'-Mrs.' 1). .MoDoiiald 1st, Mr.s. D. MeTayish 2n(i. , (.'lass 20---Mrs. II. p. Alien J. Reid 2nd; - - t^iss 22---Mrs. D. Me'Pavish Ts-(. ^liss Prances Jeanev 2nd. - -" Glas.s^23-- ^^rs^A■|bin is ( . ,MVs. H. P-.A IIen.'̂ ind... (las.s 25-- Mi> 1st, Mrs, G isb v 2nd, Mastefn^an yegetahles and Fruits^ -Clas.s. 57~Mrs. D, AIcTavish 1st, Mr.s. Kichai'dson 2nd. Cbiss ()5--Mrs. Kichardson 1st.' . _ __ ___L_____ _ .Gla.ss 68--Mrs. Kichai'dson 1st. W est Vancouver AUCTION pot stands, IS-incJi, $3.50 pair; table-lamix glass shade, $1.50. West . 130" Li.' I'OR SA LE-rLarge wall tent, w a ter-- proof, perfect condition, $7'.50; Bar­ rymore rug, 9x10.6, used'only 4 mos., .$32.50; also mantel, good for ciectre fireplace, $5. 'See 1589 24th St , PAINT SPECAL--Porch-^Paint, per quart 95c ($^1.25 value). "Housfe Paint , per.gallon $8.25, ($4 value). Canada Paint Co" Products. Agents, West' Vancouver Lumber Co. Ltd., 15th and Marine. W est 115. G rand a g g r e g M e -- I\Trs. B . ,.Me'r a v is h , trop L y i S T p q in ts . - Under instnictions from' Cant. L. R.;,W. Beavi.s" of 1257 Clyde -Ave., I "■91 offer-on the piremises aL2;O0 p.ni. on Thursdj^- next', June 24lh, certain and sundry effects, chiefly: ' ~ iel.d suite in taupe, General Llectncc 19^6 jUMyayc,,mantel radio, walnut "china cabinet, small carpet' standard and other lamps 8-dav ™ . * . . . striking, clock, large wardrobe,T*abi- Black Spaniel. Phone )\-A^l-EI)---Room and hoard for .lady, comfortable home for 2 or -terms.-. Mi's..,-- Georgia St„ VancoUvSF;f'̂ not giai.no]ihone and records, quantitv ■ b 210-R,- ̂ -VA --- : r--: / books, cream bedroom W-WTirn n-. -i i- suite >(s|ngle bed), continuous post pi. . daficing. double bed complete, (-walnut -fin-:, C^iss lessons_2t)c hr.; also private. ish), double sprihg-and mattress onlv _at..Handy.AihU rShop, 2442some irooH nicin The yVest Vancouver Directory baŝ jusl.bcen published, including Maps ot West Vancouver, Ferr>- and Bus Time^Ables and General Inlormatiort. Wc.deliver, a free copy ro ckch householder. If ̂ w ^h to receive an extra copy, call at the office, [ - D e w j " P w n t i n g s p p B b u s h i n g 1443 Marine Drive . Phone West 340 ' son e good pictures, sot of Rogers flatware for (>, other Rogers' f lat- ware, bric-ak>rac, cap bed"and housework, I r S pattern bone ' W est"SG'T-r J.^^' ̂ 1G30.-Phone - you china, crockery, glassware, kitchen acces.sones H.B. and other' blaiikeS- t 'bmm pillows, Pullman mg. >h p s toilet .stand. 2-hnrnpn ' June. Annual Ire-Inyentory SALE ■Sensational'Sclim^ance'of ̂ quality merchandise at drastic reductions. Terms can be arranged: FORSTS LTD. „_IW .-N ,-M O R R IS, Agent------ 147ff Marine Dr, . West 711' :tds(ra't^6"Lonsdale ■ Avenue- North Vancouver ' Nor?h,525 , . , . .stand, 2-burner oil .range, kitchen furniture and 7-1 ncidcntak-- all on 'giew ri i orr~ ^ sale. and Red Cover Directory TFJUMS CASH. w. E. EKINS Auctioneer. Lonsdnle at- i,5th North 1338 rniiig of- Residence North 1022 C O N C R ETE C O N T R A C T O R S Clearing Excavation Work AUMrvn Sole Agents for . , ARMOR COAt^WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT t e a r o e & SftlV 1427 MARINE-DRIVE ------------------y p h o n e w e s t ..../