West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1937, p. 3

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1937 IliliiiiiiiiOT MtiM Be W is e a n d . M o d e r n iz e f T ake ad v a n td g e o f t h e jjOMK IlV |P R O V E M E N T LO A N ltd d»i it DOW. • We are here to serve you with 80 years' ex|>erience supply* " ' in^ tli6 right material for the Job. • Ĵ ASTBURY lumber CO, LIMITED WEST 199 ", CALLS-A. ROLLO, West 672R For the BEACHES &> ir.li; Marino Drive Phono W est 710 rilKSTKKPIKLOS. EASY XHAIUS, (m O M A N S , SPOOLS at Low Prices. Built in the British Way. ....... .vi-rine Hepairing French Polishing L(M>se Covers ' -5" Window Shades Curium Rods Needle Point Mounted la&lU- BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES ' ■ ■■■ ' ' ■ - ............ ■• ' ' i ' ' ' .'------- - I ......................................................................................... , . . . . ........................................ .. ̂ ' .• W est Vancouver N O T IC E Si.. Parents, or Guardians of pupils intending to enroll for the first .Mim0*in--VV.esLy.aDCPUV.er-.SchQQls-.a£ter„.th.e.*jtumrncr-holidaji5Lftf;e requested to notify the Prindpal of the nearest school before the , end of June. . ■ , ■ ■ Beginners in the primary grades will be accepted who shall have attained their sixth birthday by December 31st, 1937. There , . will be no enrollment in February. . W E S T V A N C O U V E R B O A R D O F . S C H O O L T R U S T E E S Miss Feg'jry Thomas was the- house guest of Miss Margaret Watson at CuuUieiltl oVer the week-end. # * *1 , 1 T. Brown of Brown & Munton, is attending the U.O.A. Victor convention in the Ihinir Springs Hotel. ■i* * Miss Belly . Holdsworth has arrived from Califm'iiia to join her mother, Who is wcupying a suite in the Fortune Cup Inn. :■ Mr. and M rs.fc . S. Chad- bourne, ̂ 2212 Marine Drive, have moved into a house at 2282 Iiir glewood Ave. " The Rev. Felding, who has, been staying a t 1300 20th St., hiis left to return To Toix>nto, Out. ̂ 'K< " i*i H*' . .......' O' ' ) Mr. and Mrs. Perry, 1456 Ful­ ton Ave., have- moved to Van­ couver. '■ ......... Mr. , and Mrs. E. S. Pearce, who formerly resided at 19th l m ( T m n n e T ) r m i ^ way back from the Old Country. ♦ ♦ ♦ " Mrs.' Williams hasibougM^-^V house at 25th ami Bellevue Ave., and with her daughter has taken ijo.ssossion. Mrs. Grace Armstixmg. of California, has moved into the Wollen .liouse at Cypress Park, where she expects to slay for the summer mouths. Mrs. V. S. Logan,, who has been living, in the city, has mov­ ed back to Cypress Park, III . 4i 41 Mr. and Mrs. G. J. D. Wollen of Cypress Park have left to spend the . summer at Arm- , strong, B.C. _ 4< 4i 4< Mrs. Harold Symonds, a cou­ sin of Mrs. J. U. Holt, and her frieiid Mrs. Elsie Shaw, who liave- been spending the- last month in West Vancouver, re­ turned to their homo in Vernon last Moiulay night. • , ' ■ Hi • 4< m ■! > Colonel Belcher, 1519 Clyde Ave., is a patient in . the North Vancouver General Hospital. Hathiiig Clips--Prom lOc lu $1,00 ,Smi <;ias»eM--Krtmi 15c to 75c Sun Visers, Water Wing.s aiul Beach Balis I'icnic Plates, Drinkihg Cup.s, etc. Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KEU. Prop. UOl Marine , Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DICLIVEIIY . Stratton's BAKERY Fruit ami Meal' Plea, All klf^is of CookieH Applj} Turnovora DoughnutM l*>cIeH Cukeu Wedding Cakea ii Specialty ' Wo nmko ovorything right on llio pi'oniisoa, Froah Dally, from lii'Mt claaa iiigrodlonta, Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 ,rI... Mrs. F. X. Hodgson ()f,;Amth !er Island is paying a snortPender visit to Mrs. Walter Gourluy, 2322 Bellevue i^ye - ¥ o u ^ i ^ 4 : r i e d - t h e . r e s t ^ W ""̂ rNow^ tr y , the BEST. HOLLYBURN DAIRY 1702 Marine Drive .41 i|»' . ■ * ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sawyer of New York, are occupying the Bulkley house a t 26,tli 'and Bel­ levue Ave. -4r------ ------------ r Mrs., Rim.es and family of VancoUjVer, have moved jn to a house a t Wing's Point. ■ ' r > ♦ 4= ' ■ ' - Shower lit honour - of Miss Eleanor Brine, popular brido-olcct, of next month, Mrs. Norman Mac- Neil and Miss Phyllis Clifford entertained with a delightful kitchen shower a t the home of Mrs.'^MacNeil, 31st and W ater­ front. 'l^e iw m s were tastefully decorat(^ . with early .summer flowers and the gifts to the bride were present(nl~"by 'littlcr LEGION NOTES SOFTBALL Girls' League Engagement . ■■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ : ' , ■ . f- The engagement is announced of . Margaret Taylor, ,e I'd e s t daughter' of Mrs. M.. J. Wrisberg The regular meeting- of the I I.X.L. won their »last, two of 2031 Esquimalt Ave., and the' We.st Vancouver Branch of the games, defeating Forsts a t Con- late I^w is John. Wrisberg, to Canadian LegioFFwill be held a t .federation Park, last Thursday, Mr.^ William lloberi O'Neil-Cle- 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in th e --- 27-7 and f^orth Van Merchants ments, yonngest.son of Mr." and LegiondHalJ.'7:------ .": ■ ~ ~ afeAmbIeaidb?PaM ast-M gnd^y-- M-Ps=TV=A^lemoiiTs-GauIf-eildTr The pi opo.sed Legion dance 23-14. I.X.L. have now won four :phe wedding will take place -•-annouiiced-for-June- 30t]L_LhaS::^r-;^^^A-^S^rJu^^^ fPT- . i-q-uiet-ljfeTn^uly-.-:-- been indefinitely postponed ;until got girls games on Monday * * *. the llooij has been resurCaoCd. " • Ambleide Park a t rp ̂ honour Miss Eleanor Brine Barbara Joan MacNeil and Joan Elizabeth Brown, TTiose present included Mrs. Victor Griffiths, who presided at the urns, Mrs. Fred H. H. Parks, Mrs. Wilson Morfitt, Mrs. John Lidster, Mrs. Ted Grout, Mrs. George Nutt, Mrs. Duncan^Fraser, The Misses Jpsie Leyland, Eleanor Ixinnox,' Ehined Morgan, Nellie Searle, Elv'a McCurdy, Doris Clcathero, Sybil ^Chapman, . E. Maycock; Winnie Dorchester; Nellie Fal- coner, .PhyUis Leckie and~ltTTl1t Blair. ------- - RoIbiuinLOieatre taTlllIRSDAY, FR1DA.Y & , .SATURDAY MATINEE .luni,' 171h, 18th uml lUtli HOIIBY BREEN * • . MAY ROBSON " Rainbow on : the River " T. ■ also. OUR (JANC in JYIIH K_j»IJ\jC^H-RINGEU^ SAT. EV.ENJNCl & MONDAY ..Jiino IDth ami 21 at ..6U-3£Ljp,i|u ■mid^K'"A:lfred'^'Searre"who a rc , Shower TMis.sT^JT-y-AVeedotTenTerf:ainc EDWARD ARNOI.D .lOEL McCREA" ' "■Come and Git It" (From Edria Forbor'a Novel) ,r- . V iil.so "HOLLYWOOD PARTY" "WHEN 1 YOO HOO iN THE VALLEY -'PU-lTSlryAŶ VVJO 1 )N ES DAY .June 22iul.ji,ud„..2!k(l "The W oman KLeoels' Mrs,. Buriiie has moved from '.'The Gables," -W est Bay, to Vancouver. ̂ - p . D , 0 . «;a f e ---------------------------i%=EGod-«sedrTSil€x- Goffee with a reputation- 'for {goodness. ■' You--wi U--enj oy--our--4 0--cent-- _ L^uncliLaiidJDinner.__W,e_speciai=_ ize in Home Made'GhicTcen P ies.' 1512 Marine W est 616 Men's L ^ g u e , Tritons also won . their last two games - defeating Red k White a t Confederation Park, June 9th, 15-5 and Williamson's Dairy at Ambleside 'Park last a t Ambleside Park Tritons play Lynnwood. Tritons have iiowL shortly to be married,' friendtf of the affianoed ;gathefed as a sur­ prise party at the hom'e of Miss Brine on Wednesday evening. A most deligfitful .time was spent in games^ knd competitions, at itjge-TsT^witich the-gueste^T la s t S aturday 'af a miscellaneous shower, in honour of Miss Ca.s- tell. The'gifts were pre.sentcd by : Miss Norma~Mi n ion s and M iss Helen- Wrisberg. Among-those preseht were; Mrs. Stapleton, The Misses - June- Mahef-%-r-J<ian - (Once only a t 8:20) also "One FrightencnTN'uHit" honour were 'presented with a'\ tontite'-ftotrrHampT--M Vi ctor Vernon, Helen Wrisberg, Jean -Nairn, Dale__Erik.sen._lB.eU4L woh four and lost four games. Griffiths appropriately voicing SAWQUiST SPECIALS Sacked .................. .3 units for $10.00 .....3 units _fof --$8.5jl 3CKStoc up prices are low. WOGD^PECIALS HSlilh--Eii^'-dry:;::-:::" $5;00~cbrd' Bush F ir .................. $5.50 cord - Furnace and Heater Blocks Land I'lreplace Wood $4.00 cord Slabs & Edgings„3 cords $11.00 Alder ................. ........ $5.00 cord Topsoil - Rock - Manure - Dump Truck Work CHARLIE THOMPSON V West 582 . . ■ W est '582 K.W. $ayory 1443 Marine' Drive ::__ Ambleside Phone West 340 Evehing4^West=-lf43- Listfngs MfiinM Real Estate Finance and the good wishes of those pres­ ent who included Mr.' and' Mrs.. Gordon Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Vic­ tor Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Ecclestone, Mr. and Mrs.- Ted Grout, Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nutt, Mr. and Mrs. John-Hidsfef, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morfitt, Mr. and Mrs.. N.- Ma.cNgil.-.^ r ^ .__]VL_H a rd ^ -_thef^S£S-SVbil-C^ ^ _ D or-Ĝh estfir^--RuHi-f-Blam, Eleanor Lenn(fx,^trosiej Leyland, -Flya-McGurdyT-PhylTis-GliffordT; Eileen Hampson, Doris ,Cleath- ero. Rose Norton and Messrs.. Gtorge ̂Henderson, Dan Demp.- sey, CeciI'Whiie;"'"trerrY'"^ dale, Dick Tilley, Roy Whitaker, Gordon McGee, Basil Angel, 'Jim _(Ilornish and Phil Brine------ ... Blair,'Lola Markle, ^anet'Thii-. -kell~Gynlhia-TIaslam^K-a-y-DH-y- ies, Ma.y Ray,"Jessie Wrisbei'g, Helena Clegg, AudriJY..BurkharL, Claire Richardson, Mildred Bos­ quet, Maria van "der Gracht, Margaret McMillan, Joan Shar- man, .Muriel V Shellard, Jessie DaviespNorma--Minionsr^Bevei-- ̂ ly Robinson, IVIargery Gee, ILir- bara Lo'gan, Rita CurricVPhylliH Perkin^M^'ionr Dobs'onf==Do-na- " ■ W êeclen,.' MtrV Sinks »» Fireplaces- Floors ' WEST VANCOU VER BUILDERS' SU P i'LY ^ WcHl 560 2153 M arine Dr. , Cavê ̂ Ernestine Hollyburn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive PhONE WEST 583 MllSnSrT3T"H rflO R 1E Weeden and' Patty Weecfbfi. NOTICE TO OUR READERS WEST VAN. BUSINESS - MEN'S ASSOCIATION Wedding Cakes Decorated: in your owil home .by expert or 4̂ 11 ..bake and decorate cakes by -order-- Reasonable' price. • He r r in g , 14tK & Mathers Disabled Veterans' ASSN. (1921)- Meet^ on Second Tuesday each ' . ' fnonth IN THE FERRY. BUILDING' A ll Ex-Service men eligible, ^ifhp.r fu ll or associate.______ At the meeting of the West Vancouver Business Men's Asr sociation held on Wednesday of 'last'LW'eekrnn^the P:D;Q: Gafey- 1512 Marine Drive, it was decid effi^folloking.tM..custom, of other organizations, to discontinue the .jn^etings-..untiLthe._begiiiiiingL^Q£ Any householder not receiving copy of this paper on any and each Thursday evening, is .re­ quested to kindly phone us> at- ■We^sT363nhtofder th a f the omis­ sion may-be corrected. We shall esteem any such phone as a fav-- or, as it is our only way of che6k- _ing_up_.oii-oui' deliveries?. Our boys have-strict instructions, to TJ place a paper on the verandah >T||ll^ >N cW S of every house on their routes. -- ;-------- --Editor. ; Qrganizalidns and others are respectfully reminded that the" dead-line, for news^and other reading m atter is 6 p.m. Tuesday for the; issue of that week', this being done tO' help "our boys in making an earlier deliyery. The dead-line for advertising copy remains the same,, namely, noon on Wednesdays.--̂ Editor. New Low Summer Sawdust .X' 'WEST' 3 9 Rates Effeetiyr Now R H O N E F O R D E T A IL S KNILL'S FUELS NORTH9 4 September, unless some m attej;^ of importance should arise .de­ manding -immediate attention, » EXPERT W atch and-Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly .with Birks Ltd.> Montreal) 1522 Marine D rive The pupils of Miss Margaret McIntyre S '̂ will be heard in' ' R E C I T A L "I -in-the-Legioh-Hallj-at 8,15 p.m. ON. MONDAY, JU N E 2 8 t h Assisting Artists-"" The Romany Singers.', . ; Admission 2Sc. J • 1,-;