West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1937, p. 2

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5-. -<« I .■'̂C r-' - < • „-> '«, v,7iA>">-f̂ -i*J<»(> ^ .i'• t*-"?̂ A,.»<» , /ll ,̂-,- |. UO>.r*('̂ 1>̂O.t» • .Ifl >to-r»»««f'V-f-- jS.ffsi',,̂ j-,i>vi'«.'Wi|;jii"<' I W EST VAN UNITED CHURCH Rtv. illillj Wî #M.JHljditeT . , ^ , , BuaAAf Scrvire* U;16 fc.ru., 7:16 p.m. Syndfcy S<^bool «nd IHbJ* Clfc»i ■ 10 fc.to. ■■■■-'. Str*nir«J'« A Vi«ltori W*Icomfc. UAI»TIST CHURCH n i(? r ^ r ir ^ ? K i/r a x ; PROTENize Bundaty B«rvkeii 3 0;ou a.m-- Church School In- dudlfsjf Adult Clfcifc 1! a m. '& 7:30 p.ro.--'Rreachini? Bx-rviĉ '#. A hearty welcome to all your next Permanent I/ave a Wave o f Huat Beauty It will lie "oft, (intdral, lahtiiiK and \ i i \ n - iiair vdll Im- mi Ix-Ucr imiditioli llUit) csi'i Ijif'iire, l.ct ll.h tell you mote iihoiif^ J'idIcii tfic i('Voliilitjitary now li(|ijjd tontainini^ Ui<' II tiynumic him ■ I'll iniii^' l•l<•m<'M(̂ . o f llic litUr It* }i-)f. .\'o m ade/ what (niiililiiiii your hair is i/i. wo .t an j^ivc you a jUTiiinii- • III that will till ill ,\ou with ils 'lovc- jlljCl!-. y ■cI ■ G w e n d o l y n y B e a u t y S h o p p e (!r<'iitorH of 'RxcluNive I 'er'tiiunentH, 151(1 IVIaVinc D r i v e Weal 117 HOLLYBURN HAIL j ah !M)d l)ucht«K» SI NDAV. June 20(h, al 10 am.. Sunday School and Votjtin: l '<ople'« UihIc (3aHH SI'NIIAV KVKNINC at 7::i0 " (iOSrKC SKKVK'lv Sja'«l<er: MK. JOHN ItKIH i ; , \d | | 'I'l'KSDAV duriiitr June at >•'■ p.m. .Mr. Alcxtindt-r Siini>- i<on will ĵ ivH an inli'rcHlinii: ,'Mid imstiuctive lectunj * (in "Tlu' I"('aKt.H of Uu* L u rd y il­ ia, (rated hy a cohtm l chart. ( ome and iK'Jtr him. WEST VANCOUVER ChristiM Sciehce Society 20Ui fciuJ B»quUnift. Holly burn . This Sociity is a Branch of The Mother (/burch The F irst Church of Christ. Scientist, In Bo.iton, M assachusetts Sunday Service: 11:3U am . Sunday, .Itiiie 20th Subject: " IS r i m I '.MVKHSK, IN C U JD lN f; MAN. KVOLVED HV ATOMIC' FORt'i:?" Sunday School at 1(1:00 a.in. Testimony Mct/tintf Wcdnesdfcy a t 8:15 p.m. The pubUc Is cordially In­ vited to attend our Bcrvicoa and* meetinitH. ' T h e J iir e w 1 9 3 7 Airajn Iead.s with a new perlorniance and a new Low in co.st. •"-^Sealed freezer unit, irivino odor-proof frozen de.̂ .soif! and ice cubes... Complete line of models from Automatic interior li^ht. *^O ne piece pressure .'<ealo,i top (odor and moi.sturo.' proof). Full Porcelain lining,, , Hydrovoir for keeping voge- tables crisp and market, fresh. •i' D R . a . /L 77. S E A L E } D.D.S., L.i).8. ' I DENTIST Hay Block, Ml.li and .Murine Dr. ■Ollico liijijirH 0 to 0 p.m. ' FvenhiKH liy iippoinlmont. Phono VVoHt72 _ (IM TKI) ( .in iK C Il 2I.st (fe-Esfjuimalt,Ave. ' R ev. IlilliH W right, M inister . ^S um lay-. S e rv ic e .s ' L l i l b a .m . an d 7 :1 5 p .m . Sunday School at 10 a.m. Slrang(0 's and visitops w el- --r*- ---- ST. A N TH O N Y 'S CAI'HOhlC CHIJRC'H ' Jiev.' W. J.'Millay, Taf̂ tor - Phone We.st 5d0. Sunday Services Low Ma.ss ■-»- 8:15 a.ni: High Ma.ss and.Sei'nioii -- 10:15 ' a.m. K(jsary and Benediction -- 7:4o $ 1 7 9 ^ "> % * t Ask about biif 'Use-As-t^pii-Pay" Plan BROWN Su M U N TO N 1.512 Marine. Drive West :iGlî Membor.s Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. BAPTIST CHURCH M': j ( KHtahliHlu'd on -Nj/rHi .Sliore 25 VearH . , "■(I.ady AHHi.stant) • Minister: lii'V. W. L. McKay, pastor .15d5 Diichess Ave. HAItRON HItOS. i /r i ) . jfuiternl B irectors North Vancouver Parlors ' 122'VV(7st Si-xtl) Stre(]!t , . '___PJione-North -124- y VancouvtM' Ihirlors V 55 Tenth Avon no East Plioiie Fair. KM "Christ atnr llm Cadarei'ie De­ mon i.ae" will he the pastor's siih- jecl Sunday morning. Aytory to the children will- also he a' fea- iiii:e (if tlie'moniintr seiwicre. The (hitefjhism and BihhrCla.ss--2 :00 • • p.m."" • . Week-day, Services Mass.-- 7 :00 a.m. - v ' Fridays--Rosary, JMnediction -- 7:45 Saturdays -r- Confessions7 :.2() to 8:30 p.m. " NORTH-SHORIr-LOOAL------ -- COUNCIL OF \yOM EN .evening subject ŵ ill he "A Soul's Siiicide",. 'i'he service will- open with l.lie usuahhn'ght sing-song. - 'p)i7 r-yWiig-lK'(>'p ' vvill clo.se' their meetiiiijs for the season by liojdhig a l/ampiet at 0:30 p.m. ., d'liT' prayer meeting w ill'be iu'ld on Wednesday, f 8 (Pclock; ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey -J u ne-20th--dlri n i-t->M̂ The J'e g iila i' monthly, meeting of l.iu" North Shore.Local Coun­ cil of Women will he held al the' home of Mrs. A. E. Young, 14th and King's Avenue on Monday afternoon, June 2Lst, at 2:00" o'clock. TliP e.xecntive will nieet at. 1 :.30 p.m." 'ri).c' jjastor will continue his I:' VERNON FEED STORE f.̂ A. C. BKAKDK Phone Weal 9 IWobd.CCoaJ.r Builders' Supplies senes on the History of/the- (Jiristijin Chhfeh, Strangers are eordially welcome.___ ( T nU D R E N 'S CORONATION ■ 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. J0:00 a.m.--Flo\Ver .Service, - 11:15 a.m.--Matins jlnd Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--EvAn.song and Ser­ mon. ... . , : The " Calendar Tea for mem­ bers and (heiriViends is -to' be held at the .home of Mrs. ,E-. H. Jupp, :2015 InglewooTlyi'm^Wed-, nesday,r June 23rd. ' St. Frariicis-in-thc-Woods, CauJfeild ® ' . .JL:0.0 p.m.--Evensong aiid Ser­ mon.. nMTSTT-Plelrher;---Ĵ -57-- 1̂-ngle- wo(.)(l Ave., has left,to .loin her ■■ husband up The coast. ■ ♦ >1: .■.............. .. ..... A daughtej' was' hoi'n last Fri­ day :it -the North . Vancouver Genei'al Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. L. W pttoi(nee Grace Tite) of Capilano.- ' ' The last regular meetjng of the'season was held oh June-8th, at the home, of Mrs. Faiilknorj 1344 Gordon Ave. Interesting. reports were read, showing good progress during the year. The matter of a picnic was discussed and it was decided to have one some time in July. ■•The socciety presented-Mrs. . Foaulknor with a life membership --irHdie"W";C7TTUTnn~appTedatioiT~ "of her'helpfur-iriterest. - At the close of the meeting dainty re­ freshments were served by the hostess. . "Ian Manning spent-the'week­ end with Alex Cameron at-Gaul- feild. 1 A coloi'ful p.r()ce.s.si(->n i'lnd most enjoyable performance of a :-<4iildV-eriAt̂ Ki"ojr:rHt7tT--̂ Wdh' -vvrtc-- ne.ssed hy llvise whp attended CHURCHE.S OF CHRIST : ' Scientist ___ v~HycD'agfî . 'iTe 1 IF't̂ ir^rifgrsd in the AnneV" (Tf th( tr Paiiline. "Is The "Universe, Including .-Mau.-Rv-olv(HLtnr-At-omhi-]A)r(to-7--', VVomen's Association of the VVest. Vancouver United, Church GARDEN PARTY 0/1 the grounds of Mrs. A. Chilton^resident:.ej__15th and Inglewood-Ave: D n lS S ^ ^ T ^ jl in e ^ ^ a i; ^ ' ..... ......... ' ...... ...... 'hM ; EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS -IĤ ABfKN-A4lŴ WALLY CRAIG vtT ri 5 car.'T Ivxju'i'ioni.'i'.) , 2117 Argyle Avt-mio- John.son Scliool. The children of' Grades 1, 2 and 3B succec.ssfully (Mitered into, tlu.\ spirit.. of the sim p lified coronation cerenfdhy, the roles ht'ing lilh'd a.s follows ^ThrniiglT l̂eiftTOri-^by^Tre--̂ -will be the subject of the Lesson Sermon " in all- Churches" of. Christ, Scientist, oi\ Sunday. The Golden.-Text MS :--"Behold, the heaven and the heaven, of heavens is the Lord's thy 0od, -Hie--earUi-jfdso. -W-ii],t_aJI thnf BurTard L au n d ry Ltd. ■ FOR DEPENDABLE LAUNDRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative . Phones -- West 691-L pr North 1310 ils): King George VI,. Ifnrold Kir- chner: Queen lOlizabeth. Marion -t h e (D e u t . .10: 14-)- mi JUNK \V(' Imy Buttlus, pngs, Mot/ds, (Me. Higlic'st p iin 's |i/»iil. 10 N10 ̂ VEST- 91" ^~mtfnrA ui> J iink a >. Wodds; I'rincess Elizabeth, Vlr- g-iniii Ward; Princes Margaret Jtose, Mtiry : Queen "MoHnnvVirginia' Krik.sen; Prin- c(}ss Royal, .June Garland: Arch- •liishop of Canterbury, Colin Bis- set; rrATclTbish op of York, Jlef- --hort-Jpbnstonei~Dean .of - Wost- , minster, Keith - MacBeth ; Lord _Gjie,a £ Cbiiaiherljijji._ l̂la_vLi d Aniong Ihe .'citations which conijirise the I-/esson-Se_rnK)n is y th cD'oilmvtng^f roniTt-lieTBi bl^ --WEST VAN - . Sheet t̂aPWorks"- l*houo,W c»t 39 Ftirnnco and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners S m ith ; Duko" of -E idster ' Dnive" Norfolk, of--Glrnfe Dems Clement; Duke Jliliy I T(>-VViiLls_:__Ead, Jttey intferr '̂e yve ̂not all one father ? HatmTrbtDttie God created us?" (Malachi 10). " -The Lesson-Sermon also, in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book̂ ___"Soience and Health, with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God creates'an(I -gownrs th r universe, including --Piam-Th e-u n i vei ŝe-is-fd-lecMvtt-li^ of of "Kent, JJiDim= Ferguson's TRUCK ONE Lv-AVest'\'an. S a.m. p.in. 1 .V; \h*uu't)tiv<'i- Il_a.ui..&__3. p.uu. 1. ;Lv.' V/in., Saturdays, I p.m, only W fst 85 - Doug. 128. ' wckkL Buddy Garland: Duchess ('f Gloucester, Ijiuiso Boldrick; Duchess of Kent, Betty-Jane„ ' Cole; Caiiopy Duchesses, Mar­ garet Thompson,Marilyn Mor­ phy, ' Mary Addison' ' Noi'iva Whitesides: Trumpeters, Kevin Shannon, Robert Sissons, Jack McNeil. Soldiers, sailors, train- bearers, pages, Peers and Peer-» esses. Tea ivas servecLfoLLcLwing_ spirif-ual idea>;,'nvhTeh"He"'̂ volves"̂ ̂ and they are-obedient to the A"Iintldrlial niaj^s-them," c a r d o f THANKS THE WEST VANCOUVER M.IY DAY COM.MITTEE \yislu's to thank all organiza­ tions, binsiness houses and the individu.als who 'contri­ buted in any ,way. to the great success--of the May Day festi­ vities ------- the retiring .procession. THE W e y f Vail N ew s The Professor: "I am going to" speak on 'liars' this niorning. I'tihli.shiMi Every 'I'hursday Publislicr F. l'\ LOYEGROA'TL How many of you, have read the - twenty-fifth chapter of the text­ book?" All hands wentup. "You are the very group. I should ad- - dress. Thi're-is no twehtv-fiftli- chapter.^ " 'Mrs. F. E. Armstrong, 1185 Espuimalt Ave., has a--tongue Oiictus, which has bloomed for _t.he first t iine i nitheisix-jor-seven years during which-iChas been in her_poss<}ssion. The two white blooms, which are large and bell ŝhaped, came out from the bud m^nr-iioinyf-t-heMieavy tropiv ' _____ Phone AVest 363 Rustitcss and Editorial, Ort'ioc: • 17iM Marine Drivt* Phone West 363 North' Vancouver Of/ice: __ 12:i L«n'«tlaleWv(,\_. __ $1,00 a y/i'ar by carrier: $2".0() a year by mail cal odor froin-themi-filling-Hi^ Picn 1 c G rounds,--'IVrniis- Four Bathing, Boating, Fishing,' T(ca*rooms, Sandy Beaches, XoU^ge&Tor..tejit,J>y Month or Week. room. SPEUAL inside Pirr..̂ r..̂ ,.T..$5.5p̂ p"eT'coTd- Slabs with Bar.k $4.00 per-cdxd t .Slabs & Edgiij^s $3.76 per cord 7 - / ' SAWDUST FRITAM'S f u e l Rhone North 620 ' iiS a