Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--Amhleside, H olly burn, Weston, D undarave fl.OO per y«AT. Cypress Parki Caulfeildit Whytecii//^ Etc* news«und«. Vol. XII HOLLYBURN P.O .; W EST VANCOUVER. B,C., TH URSDAY; JU N E 17th. 1937 No. 11 EUROPE Amid all the welter of cross currents, crises and confer- . .s wliich together have constituted the news from Europe n»cent years, there has been observable a conflict be- !u. H-n two main forces,^ both of them, distinguishable by an mivirenl inconsistency in their very consistency. ■ That' conflict, of course, has been and is between the force r ncacu. represented by the British Empire backed by France ■ 111 inactively by Russia, and tha t for war, composed of Gei:- !l anv,'ltaly anddapan. _ , ■ The inconsistency of British policy has lam in its, sudden 'u itch from disarmarfient to re-armament to enforce a policy nfne'ice France, with her clearer racial appreciation of reali- ?i J and'with not even a .river to protect her eastern border, never suffered from any illusion. She was perfectly willing, viv 'inxioLis to preserve the peace of the world but she realized from the beginning tha t the pen had no force except its wiel- wore a sheathed sword. It was their helplessness to save lesser degree have shoWn a certain hesitancy lately in their dealings with a re-armed Britain. Russia, armed to the teeth- but engagê } in a vast speial experiment and with a govern ment very .far from safe" in^thb'saddle, as recent events have abundantly proved, has been firm, for peace but from a lack of internal,security rather inactive in supporting such a policy. On the other side Japan has pursued openly a course of territorial aggrandisement by force'pf arms. It is Germany aiid Italy whose policy has displayed such apparent inconsist ency in its very obvious consistency. From the first bptli have '"in^tedUirtheifTiesire-for-peacerhave-expressed-theiirwilling-- ness' to acquiqtsce in .pacts'looking towards that object,, have even joined with other nations imseflforts directoed to "the pre- ' veiition of war, such as in the pathol of the seas around the " Spanish coasts. But also from the first, sometimes openly as ' " in the mattei' of the Rhineland and Ethiopia, and sit other times covertly, as inu.their assistance given to the Spanish ip- surgents, they have ever been, out for territory and for blood, r Already it has netted them much land and they are apparently still determined that Spain also' must be theirs, else why the" recent dispatch of largely^increased German navalJforces to Spanish waters? t - -- -- - - - - - OGn«e(i'uently,Jf„we.dQ not \yis^;tp be deceived, we niust watch, hot their sayings and doing^' oh the stageV'b'iit their a'cLroiis behind the-scnes77f6r-it-is-t-here-f-he3^arerWor4aHg-^f^ tll^iFactual ' ' . - The i ^ l struggle^for SpiaifTatidTieac'e is yet to wme. I. 0. D. K. im iTlSa-lSH A EE ' Those interested in swimming and " diving, either beginners or advanced, are asked to phone Molly, E^lwards, West 208-X. ♦♦♦ ' ■ . , .. ' ' 1 ............- .. f ■, ■ W.-C.'T. IJ. - " " ' ' • \ ) The annual meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance ■■ 7 Uriidn'""was"~held~oir"Thursday- ■ afternoon at the horhe of Miss Philip, 2303 Bellevue Ave., with a large gathering of members and friends present. A fte r'th e ' usual h 'usihep the annual re ports were read, .showing that the work has made steady pro gress both in the senior and the ' 'Y" "branches. .. District life ...membership pins were present ed to Mrs. Chapman arid Miss -rPhilipr The election of, officers fo r the coming, year followed and the members learned With great re- jgret th a t the president, Mrs Hibberd, had f e l t : compelled to resign from ' the office she has held so long. The members of exexcutive appointed were "Hoiii ' President, Mrs. R ush; Presi dent, Mrs. Richardson; first vice Mrs. Beamer; . second vice Mrs. M errick; treaiB ur^; Mrs. Chap man; ' secretary, ' Miss "Philip; corresponding" -seoretary.i_j\lrar: TENNIS CTJIB NOTES WEST VANCOUVER Baldwin; devotional secretary, Mrs..-Herrin; sick visiting- com mittee, Miss Beveridge and7Miss T ln lipr^Y ^^eaa^rM i^ "~T H e' meeting (C'losed"wftlrarde^ . lightful solo: "I t's Quiet. Down Here." rendered by Mary O' Donnell, and a pianoforte num ber by Mrs. Wilson, gold medal- 'is t from Qalgary Conervatory of Musicr Tea was served on the Mr.s. iH errin--p r^ id ^ ing at the urn with Doreen Thompson and Gloria Muiphy as At the regular monthly meet ing of the Duncan Lnwoon Chap ter l.O.D.E. held on June Vth a t the home of Mrs. W. Gourlay, a letter was read from Mrs. Went- mouth thanking the Chapter for the flags presented to the C.G. I.T. of Alert Bay, for use in their coronation festivities. Mrs. W. B, Small reported the "ti*ee planting" ceremony which 'tlie Cub Pack held a t Memorial Arch on coronation day. .Mrs. W. Dickinson read letters from the following organizations of West Viuicouver, expressing their de sire to donate a tree, or shrub .to be. planted at the Arch in the^ "fa ll: The*. Naomi ChivpterOrder - of Eastern Star, The Towhsvvo- men's Guild, West Vancouver L.O.L., Toe H,-Disabled Veter ans' .Association, 1st and 2nd West Vancouver Troop 'of Boy Scouts, ..'The West Vancouver Girl Guides.' Cakes and sand wiches were^ provided by t h e ' members for the picnic held a t Amlileside Beach for some one hundred children from the Pro- ̂ -vincial--Sohool--for-- îhê H-Deaf-- Dumb^ and Blind, which was sponsored by the A.O.T.S. of West Point Grey' Church. The date for the annual gar den party has l3een set for July 17th, full particulars to be an nounced later. ' At the close of the business meeting Mrs. Small .introduced Mrs. R. J. Sprott, first vice-re gent of the Provincial chapter^ , who told of the work of the':!^n ' .Pacific Women's Association; .emphasizing the need, o f these •: conferences and stressing par- ticularly the importance to Can ada of the forthcoming one to V 4)e--held-in-Vancouver--in.-Tuly.- 'Plio'regular Monday evening in'ei'ting of the Duiidarave Hraneh of the B ritish' Israel World Federation willbe held on June 21, at 25th and Marine Dr. Spt'aker; Major Crossley. "Tlie Coninion Sense of British Israel", (Gnlations 3). All are (v>rdially invited. COUNCIL NOTES t'lWr* ' V. Nightingale came before, the Council re sidewalk and road oiid at 25th Street, also diree- lional sign to Dundarave Pier. lie was informed the matters meiitioned ' would bo eoii.sidered by the council. ̂ " Deeisioiron m atters refem 'd ;lo: . V 7 1. The Engineef to 'be asked for an estimate of black top side walk. ' ' 2. The Engineer with power to acl ̂ in regard to the. removal of one section of the seats. - ' 3. R epairs to road ., -I'-ijig-pr-ogram-.------------ -̂----- . 4'. T r i a n g 1 ,e within Heach to be cleared of Tljijitge \r I'Qcks. The Engmeer with poWeir*̂ to act. "" ■ . 7.' ■ H. Walter made application to the Council re proposed subdi vision of the N;E. quiirter of D. L. 1064. . .R eferred to the approving of ficer with power to. act subject to 'th e bond and agreement be ing satisfactory to the Munici pal-Solicitor. ' .M rs.'K ay Willis, .provincial d i - - In regard to th e ' A m b ies^^ l^arjc improvements ,the Council, instructed the- JSngincer to re- pOT.t^rm^'theTrostToYlatT^ cohi - A team of eight players,7four men and four ladies, journeyed to North Vancouver on June 13 to uphold local; honours in the second scheduled contest of the NURSERY SCHOOL On Saturday, June 12, Mrs. Cecil Claxtdn entertained a t tea, graciously asisted by Mrs. K. W. Sav6ry, and by Miss Jane B ea^ -were bn the losing-end-of a-score-- occasion-wa-s~taken"to -bid~fare- of SIX matches to two. Stiff com- well to parents of pupils of the petitionjy^encountexed all the way, particularly in the Men's • ■ ' •*'* ™ serviieuib rector of l.O.D.E. girl guide com-' panies was also a guest. A spe ̂ cial eyening- meeting will be held at the home o f Mrs. H. Vaughan. 2621- Bellevue, Monday, June 21. a t 8 o'clock for the reception-of new members. plete the work/ t h e I iu r n in g b u s h By Sudadar SCHOOL NOTICE and Mixed dou]bles,;ahd this fact should make'the return game on July 11th at West Vancouver all the more interesting; Results follow:. MeiTs Doubles -- Siddpns' & Normington (N.V.) - beat Hen derson and Dempsey (W.V. 5-7, -6-4r 6-l-^-^rifftths~aird"" Angei=" jW.V,) beat McLachlan-.; and. ; ivtcmiiian in uratixy 6-2;-"2-6j-6-&-- "^"^pioneer'dnsHtuti'On' Ladies' -Doubles--Mrs. Mac- Tvr/̂ nfi ahdT;to introduce Miss-Ruth El liott, "of Nurserycraft College, Vancouver.. The West Vancouver Nursery , School in its present home will close at tho end of the current term ; and its. activities will continue, in September, un der the direction of Miss Elliott a t 2397 Bellevue ^Avenue. Her- 'selTTSIP^uafe'^fThe^ McMillan Nursery- School, the HOLLYBURN HALIr A notice appears in, this issuei from the West Vancouver of School Trustees requesting -. --------- parents and guardians of pupils , Sunday School and Young intending to enroll for the first People's Bible Class will be held time in the local- schools after hs tf^a i; at 10'a.m. next Sunday, . the summer holidays to notify June 2'Oth, ;in Hollyburn Hall, the principal of the nearest There will be a Gospel Service school before the- end of Ihi.s -at 7:3Q-p.m. next_Sunday..when ■ m'Ont b - __7 If this rain goes on much dongeiYwvc^baB-dlHia-ve^lTr'ydu^ to . building arks like' Noah, in spite of the large choice of John-Rejd will be tho speaker. Be'gimiers in_ the primary :Haeh-Tu€5day^during-JaH^at78^-- mountain tops round Vancouver which might afford dry roo.siing places. I've< always'been inier-7 ested in the' story of Noah. I can imagine the old boy ham mering away a t what was a Queen Mary .in."those 'days and, ail the rest of his neighbors standing around and razing him about the old..coffin ... ht;--was Neil and Miss Clifford tW .V.). beatTMiss Barton and. Miss Stok er (N.V.) 6-2. 6-'4; Miss Cooke and Miss Lanyon (N.V.) beat Griffiths and Miss Leyland: (W.y.) 6-4, 6-2. " Mied Doubles -- Siddons andv Miss Stoker (N.V.) beat Demp- and Mrs/ MacNeil (W.V.)'7 H 6-4; Normington and - Miss ' liarton (N.V.) beat -Griffiths and Miss Clifford (W .V.). 6-3, - /vr̂ Ga^yon and Mrs. Lanyon Henderson and Mrs. U e S 7 7 M - ) '« - 3 - .6 - 3 : Me- -bea (W .Vij wilUom m ence-onThiw^r^^^ ment, and of MbntessoriXlollege, London,"Miss Elliott is known, in the feity as a trainer of Nursery ScKooFteachers. She will"7place in charge of the new school. Miss Armour, whose pleasing pefson- ality' made a happy impression on thlise meet her. . B. a e7 c6 okingi ? DEM()NSTRATI0N p.m. Alexander 'Simpson w ill~ tain their sixtTf^bi^Fday' by giv€^an"interesting-and--instruc^-Dec€m,ber-3TstrT937rThere~w1ir tive lecture-on---7The-Feasts-of-.L be no enr6Ilinent-in--Eebruary:~ tlie_.Lord," .illustrated by a cpl- ---------------- -̂---- ored chart. Come and hear him. COMPETITION FOR' building. And. no wonder, he was --on^dryT^ntlTT^tgam after bmng sewed up for forCyT "days "With ^alt creation-^and-no- ■freslh-s.Vegetables obtainable. So bey brother, under the samSBrrcumstance.s. CHILDREN RECITAL BY PUPILS OF- MISS MeINTYRE ijie re will be a cooking dem onstration by the Home Service Department of the B.C. Electric Company tomorrow, and Satur day;' June 18th and 19th, in tire T 7 ̂vv. v .; 6 -3 ; . M( ^acpian and Miss Cooke (N.V.) day; June l» th and lyrn, in me Angel and Miss Leyland B . C ; Electric store a t 16th and Ivv.V) 6-2, 6-4. -------- - ----Marine-.-Drive. SpeciaF features '.The Annual Club Tournament wilTbe the preparatidn of frozen JlLLOmmence-onJ-.heJVest Van- deserts and summer cooking. A reciT® wilPbe given by the pupils,of Miss M argaret McIn tyre a t 8 :.15 p.m._.Mpnday, June '28thrin the'ife^ion Hallr The"^as-' sisting artists will be '.'The Rom any Singers". Full particulars o f'the program will appear in jqur mext issue. Admission, 25c. EAGLE HARBOR GARDEN PARTY "̂ 5 un .auiy 1st next:- It i continue till completed.'-- that the finals will -- TEe'W omen's Association of 20th July 4th. On-June West Vancouver United Church WpTsf 5, .^p^I'Club wilhentertain'^areThOlding^a-garden ^ friendly the^grounds of Mrs. A. Chjitqn s leae-iiP ^Illsi.is_not_.a:i_residenoe, 15th and are Va ^*^1 enthusiasts • Aye;, on Thursday, . June7-24fh,, Shar7f upholding North T h e pubUc are cordially invited.^ e tennis laurels. ' „ Admission 25 cents. .. Eagle Harbor- has opened for the summer and- indications point to a busy season there_this year. It is an ideal,place to spend a holiday, there being picnic grounds, tennis courts, bathing, -hoating,-fishing,_t:ea=rQDms,.and: sandy beaches. An a u to ' road leads off Marine Drive right to ' the'beaches. (Cottages,/can also- be obtained for ren t ■ by- the month or week. _ The Duncmi~Lawson Chapter of LOiDTET^have sponsored a -cornpetition among--the- Vaheouver School children rela tive to the Coronation. The -Competition- consists- of-a--book- called "The Coronation Album." Competitors are divided into three groups with a prize for each group: (a)' Elementary Schools--Grades 4-6; (b)/Junior High Schwl; (c) Senior High -School. Prizes to be the same for each group, namely, |5 ahtT^a medal to commemorate the oc- casion. I came acros^ ̂ the following . a_dyertisement in the recent is sue of "a Canadian daily: .."Re fined chauffeur "wanted. One with' some knowledge of piano playing." It is the first Time 1 --ever--heard--of- a - chau f f eu r-s - duties moluding fAstructing the family kids-in playing'or in en tertaining the guests. Seems like' advertising"for a" bartender ' who can preach, or a soldier who knows navigation, or a' police- -man who is an e^qiert burglar. I\ should think th a t when anyone knows all th e wavs of keepinur an internal combustion engine . Rules:--Book must not' con- from 'stalling just-- when a per- . sist of-more than T 50 pages in son wants to go ahead and_ all competitor's own'hand writing, -its devilishly complicated mech- J t will be judged according to anism, it should be quite as .originality used in-general make-__mach_as_one-man_ca' nbe_expect-.- up; history, neat̂ ^̂ ̂ ed to keep in his'head a to n e pings, iIIust.rations, sketcljies, time. I suppose the cook" in that 7diagrams and pictures all a r e ' advertiser's house has to paint peimissable. T hecom petition--The roof, and the housemaid to^ closes on September 15th, - --:-^repair the plumbing. '