Ws'l 3 O!W30i-* Be Modernize T iiU e® t*van tafte -o f;the --- *t -- ■ -- homk i m p r o v e m e n t l o a n ,; I t it now. Wo are here to serve you wiUi 30 years* experience Bupply- " ing the right material for the job. ŴST 199 ASTBURY lumber CO, LIMITED • NIGHT CALli-A . ROLLO, West 672R m » i i M Local and Personal W hatever Yoiir Doctor Orders l.'iKi .M;(,ri»P Drive Phone W est .710 .„,^j..pfju|.'ri5M)S, ' EASY CHAIRS,'; OITOM ANS, STOOLS a 1 Low Prices. Built in Uie'British Way. i; II ..i/iriiii' Renuirhig French l*olishing Loose Covers "' ilruperies ■:* Window Shades Curtain Rods H O L L T F B O R N - D A I R Y ^ , 1702 Marino Drive .• We do n o t know w h e th e r P a ttu llo will ge t b e tte r te rm s, b iit we do know you will get here BETTER ICE CREAM. sa n d y :. COVE ■ Miikcj «ANDY cove your tjumlay'.s Itomlezvous; Parking -Grounds.; -Group Picknickey.s catered to; A poach of a beach; IVa; Light Liuiches; " • ...... ... $5 D ow n places a N ew W asher in y o u r h om e! Balance on easy terms, \ P. D, 0 . CAFE , --" Bes{"Quality-Food'Used;~Silex- CofFee with^ a .,,reputation for goodness, j---;', ^ ': You I will ehjoy'- 6ur 40 cent Liinch ajid, Dinner. We special ize in Home Made Chicken Pies., 1512 Marine W est 616 SAWDUST- SPECIALS ■3 units fo r $10.00 Bulk .....3 units for $8.50 Stock up while prices are How. 0̂£)D1SEEC1AL&- Mil] - Fir.-^dry:........;*.. $5.00 cord Bush Fir ........i..... $5.50 cord Fui:pace and Heater Blocks and Fireplace Wood $4.00 cord Slabs & Edgings.:3 cords $11.00 Alder .......... ;............ $5.00 cord ,/u . M., Wiiit'berii of Nt*w York und H, Brabham of Monlreal, both of the Ihiblishera' tluido, are slaying for a wook '(#twu at the Claohan. '« «• * * Ernest and Franci.s, twin sons of Mr. arid Mrs. Morris, 17th and Fulton Avenue, met with a seri ous accident last Thursday, at 17th and Haywood A\"onue, when the pillar of the bicycle on which they were riding l)roke otT at ̂ the top of the front fork, precip itating both of them on their head on the puvertVeht. Francis . was' very badly cut and bruised, but Ernest sufTered a fractured skull and is still very ill in the North Vancouver General llos-^ pital. : Miss ITo'icart and Ml.sFX." Pat- tenger, both of Vancouver, spent the week end at-the (/lachan. __ .< ... .m . ' li Mis.s Helen Stevenson, 1919 Bellevue.Avenue,, left lust week for a m o n th 's visit to Toronto.■ '• 4c ■ 4( , A new.shed,for ferry freight, has been erected "on the float at Ambleside Dock.■ ' V', ♦ , n* ..... Mrs. W i Blair, 1527 Gordon Avenue, Mrs^ Grant and Miss Ruth Blair are spending a holi day at Selma ParlC ' -I.*,. * . ■; Mr. and ' Mrs. Hvalsoe of Portland, Oregon, are occupying their summer home- W aterfront. at 28th and The „ Hon.. S ir.J)onald ..Boyd, K.C.I.E., lx'uder of the House in the Legislative Council of thev Punjab and Finance ami Home Member 'of. the Government, and Liuly Boyd were the house guests for .several days recently of Mrs. B. 'M. Grady of "Beach House," 24th and W aterfront. Sir Donald is a brother of Mrs. G. Alexander of 2539, King^s Avenue, and with Lady Boyd is on his way homo after thirty- seven years in India. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Grady asked n few of hei' fidends . in to meet the honoretl guests a t ■ the tea liourand in the evening they were entevtained a t high tea at the home of Mrs. A. C. Bagloy, 1912 Inglewood Avenue. Mrs. G. Alexander and Mrs. B.- M. Grady .were joint hostess es Monday evening a t the home of the latter to a number of their • frieiidd at ah iiiformal diirice iii their honor. 'A special feature was the artistic solo dancing of̂ ; Mis.s Nettie Nichol of Variodu- v e r .. During the evening Mrs. Bagloy announced .. the engage-' ment of Miss-Julie "Pyiie to Mi*. Cecil White. Miss Pyne was .the recipient of a boiaiuct, the. pres- . entation* being made by Lady Boyd. A very enjoyable' time was spent, dainty refreshments • being .served during the evenirig. . ,»(«■ * ♦ , ' Mr. and Mi's. H. Dry of Regina have moved into a house a t 2195 Fulton Avenue. ♦ 111.,.,#. .... ■ J!sIels-Nalson--has-niov.ed.^fjffl]lL Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prup. ■ ' Phtmc: West 323 FREE DELIVERY ItUl Marino Drive . Stratton's BAKERY ' ' ' }" I'Vnil und Meat PleH, ; All. kliulH of CuokieH Apple Turnovers .ilotiftlinutH Et;eles Cakes WetIdInK X^akes a Specialty Wo make ovorything^ righ t oil t li0 pI'o.ini.soa, F.i'osh, I.)ai 1 y, fro u i, lirst cUiaa ihgrodienlB. Note Address: ,14()8 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 -Topsoil - Rock- .̂ ̂M anure r Dump Truck Work CHARLIE THOMPSON _ \V^sC-582- - . West" 582 A bridge has been biiilt over the P.G.E. track tor connect 26th Street with the waterfront. .■...... • Mr; and Mrs. Smiley and daughter have rented one of the Clachan cottages and are now in possession.' ♦ ♦ * The Rev. F. A. Ramsey and Mrs, Ramsey, :hoth of whom are convalescing from rpoent iflness, left ori-Monday for a short.visit. Mrs. Adams a t Bishop's Garth, ;^ m o n ,-B . Gx- 2195 Fulton Aveniie into a house at 1373 Haywood Avenue.1̂ l|< l(c- - O' . . • Miss Kilby and Mrs. Rorison of Caulfeild, entertained at luhcheon last week in honor of Mrs. J. Dodd Allan of London, England, formerly of West Bay. Covers were laid for eight. " H. Byman arrived from Prince Rup'Srt for a few days' visit with his-sister. Mrs. Paulis of 1277 flpllyburn Theatre 'PIlUR.SDAY,' FRIDAY & . SATURDAY-MATIMEE '.IIIMe fOth, MtlwVi 12lh -Marine Drive; L.O.L. 2990 CONNOR Miss Helen*. Stevenson, 1919 Bellevue Avenue, left on the for qiialijty a t lo Wjcpst 29th M ay for Toronto, .Ontario, for a-m onth's holiday_.__She will; also visit Hamilton and Syracuse N.Y., before returning home. - Carl Johnson, brother-in-law of-4VIrs-.---Pauiis-- -1-27-7-^Marine ̂ Drive, was admitted to hospital -last-T-hursday, ,--------------- ----- • The regular meeting of the above lodge will be held on Tues- T5f h--J-u nc7' at-the-hoa^(^L8--- p.m. Srharp. A f ull attendance o f members"' isT.equested", as mat- -- ters pertaining to the 12th July will be discussed; Refreshments will be served a t the Close of the -meeting. -- -------------- ---.-- ; SOFTBALi; * He- !(! . - S I N C E lB7ts in Wedding Cakes. | Decorated your own hontip. by-expert_or-- will bake and decorate cakes by ordei'. Reasonable price. G. HERRING, 14th & M athers BROWN & MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE . WEST 366 Members Associated Radio Technicians oi^B-C, Miss L aura ,Fraser, a _gradu:_ ate of St. Paul's Hospital, is a g u es t, _of Miss . Wilhelmina O'Grady, 2091 Esquimaft Ave W AI.I.ACE BEERY , ERIC LINDEN *OLD HUTCH* ■ also "MANHATTAN MONKEY BUSINESS" BAT. EVENING & MONDAY June 12th uiul Mth , _ FRANK McHlJGIl - JOAN BLONDEI.L ^THRETMEfl ON A HORSE '̂ •' also BACKYARD BUOAI). _CAST"--'̂ ' . . •• "HOW TO TRAIN A DOG TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, . .Tunc *16ih and JOth > DONALD COOK -TheiLeavettworl Case.'-1 :::::: ^ (Once only a t '8:20) - also _ ~ 'S lf t lN G ON THTi: MOON' nue. Sunday was the far this year, and the boats and buSes-hacLa^.ery ,bu^'to;_e:t:A ]t - Frank Wa^tker, 2455" Ki(rig's the. .beaches "t'rom; Ambleside Avenue, has left for a ten days' Beach to '"Horseshoe Bay .were ;iishiTrgnfip~toT^milips""Tliv^^^ ̂ W itr bathers "and pic- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bennison ^ari'd faWily'ofTles Moines, rowa7," who have been spending the last - two weeks with Mrs. Bennison's -siirter, MTST-fr.-Crickmay of-H 12^ Girls' League. -- The - girls league- has been-in- operation since "May--27th r- a ■ West Vancouver's 'entry , the M rsA lfV eriinn ,M rs.A :H ib - IXL have won two .and lost two, Me.rcier arc -details are as delegate.s to the (>mv(m- May 27th--Redwings 12, jXL^ being'hcld--^-:-t-hc Fairview ' -- --Bapt-i st^Ch-urchzm̂ ancouycr. . 5 May 3 1st^ IX L 22, Forsts 5;. * ■ ______________ ^ June 3rd--North Van, Mer- chants 5, IXL 4.[-- siirter, Mt̂ . J . Crickmay Duebess-Avenae, have retuTHgd _ ----- nickers. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH MUSICAL SERVICE; SUNDAY, JUNE 1 3 th , at 7-15 p.'m. to Seattle, where they, intend making their future-home.-" "Mis"^ Gladys McMillan of Van couver, was the week-end guest of Miss Margaret Wat.son a t her home in Caulfeild. ' Published .Every rTluirsday - f e r r y LENDING" LiDRARY CLOSE LTO; FERRY DOCK . Rates--50c a month; 3c a day. Take a book to read on-the perr-y. CARDS - G IFTS - STATIONERY Mr. and Mrs. James Eckman and their family of Vancouver, spent the week-end at their sum mer home^ at"-Caulfeild. _ . ♦ * ♦ - Mrs. G. F . , Cromwell has re turned to the city afte r spendig -the-past--few--days-at-Gaulfeild- as the guest ofTMr. and Mrs.. Robert Leishman. Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland and som have arrived from Edmon- ^ 'Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone W^st 363 * Business and--Editoriiii Oitiecif 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 36.3 New Low Summer Sawdust WEST 3 9 Rates Effective Now " PHONE FOR DETAlbS-- KNILL'S FUELS Saturdays--Half day, pnly. .Order early. NORTH 9 4 ton^and are fRe guests for ia"few" d a j ^ f Mrs.Taulis, 1277 Marine ' DriveT . - ; 5i __JX L playj,n North .Vancouver.: tonight. • Home game.s are on Monday nights arid suppoi-ter.s ' are asked toTurn out. Men'.s League Tritons broke even'again last week losing to Willamson's Dairy last Wednesday-by--the .score of 9-1 'and winning on Thursday night LynnW.ood 10-5. Tonight at 6:30 p.rn. William- ..son'_s Dairy . play ' Triton .s. A ;-- ; large~imrnout is de.slired as a $1.00 a year by c/irrier: $2,00 a year 'good game can be expected. ' - by mail Under aiispiccs of ST. STEPHEN'S IN.GLEWOOD W.A. ■ bn Thursday, June 1 7 tU, a t-2 .30 p.m. J _____ »t the home of Mrs. G. H. Ja'ckson. 1370 Haywood Ave._____ ISforth Vancouver Oflice: 123 L onsdale.A ve.- Afternoon Tea 25c .. Home' Cooking, C a n d y . . ' Musical ProgVamme, 5̂,6 V -EXPERT- ^atch-and-Clodc r e p a ir in g ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) , . ,1522 Marine Drive BE" ADVISED, fool the rrioths. Have, yogr yvinter clotheg dry cleaned at W est Van Cleaners befere putting away for surpmer , ^ ̂ '