< lJl-J!"<-. .» f... .r- -I -» .; t HB" ■'w E g r v x 'n " m »w i?' M d - ""' " ' M o d e rn iz e '" '^-T flke^advantateM Q ilJli^ home improvement loan ' J if now Wo are how to iWvo^you with 80 yoiurfl' experience supply. *nd do u . matorial for the job. ASTBURY lu m ber CO, LIMITED * ' ■; ' NIGHT CALLS-A.R0LL0, West 672R <♦'<>;« >T< »1* i\i >T< »T< k|i |7̂ »̂0 1516 Marine* .Drive Phono West TIO niBSTBUFIELDS. EASY CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, STOOLS at Low Prices. , Built in the British Way. . Repairing. -:- French I'olishIng -J- Loose Covers Window Shades Curtain Itods "Hc'COVcriiiK' ' 9ft. To the C itizen s o f th e N o rth Shore: . , .'."'IV ........ . . ... .,. ; 1̂ May we use this medium to -express our appreciatipn to the many, friends and supporters for their assistance in this successful campaign. ' . D o r o th v S te e o e s m "C.C'FyCom M r s . E d g t K e M . T u r n e r wishesjô jtok̂ ŷ Shore workerŝ and votefi who supporfedTierHiididatur̂ • -^ -4 ^ a i^ th e -re c ^ n t^ k c tio n Ti- Mr, and Mrs. S. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kemp are spending six y ^ r s in England Andrew Stewart, a t Dollarion. and are occupying a house at ♦ # • 21st and Argyle Avenue. Mrs. P. C. Andrew, has moved * p from '?The Gables" into a house Mrs. M. E. Fry, 22G4 Ingle- on Creery Av^rno.^. ■ wood Avenue, representative the Rosicrucian Order, stat& Visiting at the Guest Cottage that the organization intends to^ and Holiday, House at' Sherman, erect in America a duplicate of over the Victoria Day week-end, the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, to were Misses Blanche and Maude be used as a temple for the Stewart of Vancouver, teaching of the mysteries of the ♦ * ♦ order. The actual dale of oon- Mr. and Mrs. J. dePaa Murray structioniwill be announced later, and family have located in West , * ♦ * Vancouver after an absence of Mr. and Mrs. F.,H. Smyly have, several y^ars. . .moved from 925 ^2nd Street into ̂ v / «i-i, , t,# • a house at 2303. Mathers Avc- A* Webb, 25th and Marine nu(j. Drive, who recently underwent ♦ ♦ ♦ an operation,-is making good Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Prest and progress in the -North Vuncou- Miss Celia Prest left on Satur- ver General Ho.yital.* day for a motor trip, which will . . ,■ , take them across Canada to Mvs. W. W. Colclough Montreal and south to Florida, family have moved from The, They have had built a specially Gables" into a house at 26ih and designed caravan trailer with all Mathers, A venue. ^ the latest convehiences for the . , trip, and expect to be away a t , and Mrs. U.,D. 1 urvis and least six months. children of Vancouver, hi\ve * * iK ....... moved into the Kemp house, a t Mrs. F, Griffiths, 1312.Argyle Sherman', for the summer Avenue, has moved into a house oionths. ̂ ^ ̂ ,, a t 1230 Argyle Avenue. ' „■ . .' ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong . J. S. Hxiram has moved from of Saskatchewiui, are visiting Vancouver and is,, occupying a JJrs. A rm strongs sister, Mrs. house a t 1766 Esquimalt Avenue. Margaret at^Sherman. •_...)|( .♦ ....................... .. - ......................................... n/r J n/r T -ĉ Frank Tearoe isjbuilding a iiew.... -'Mr; and Mrs;-J.;E; Gondomand " , - ■ v - ■i/jfy- . T-TnvwnnH Mary, 1766 Esquimalt Avenue,- J 6 th .and . Haywoo^, have moyed into • a suite at avenue. ^ Appleton C ourt ̂ , ' Mr. and Mr.s. F. J. Lettner and 1 -.' n T fam ily ,. 2327 • Bellevue Avenue, Mr. and M r^ C. L. Hilbo moved into a house a t 12th ' and family, 2627' Lawson Aye- TvrflHne Drive ' nue, have .moved back into their T r * ♦ ̂ ^ home a t ,2327 Bellevue Avenue. - Steadman of ■ 1 Vancouver, are occupying the + Cutler House a t 24th and Marine.to Sherman, for , summe.r , months. . - _ ------- _ __ ♦ ♦ , ♦. T,/r' ' J t/r ■ vA - n ■nr.vvrov M rs.' Banzie, who has -been Mr. and Mrs... ;A. G. P ^ ^ a r Beach House,, 24th^ ■vHave moved, from, . 1 8 4 8 for -=A-venuer-into-^ar--house^t=2227 Snriire' island. ^ ' Inglewood Avenue.. ................S - '06 • s "S S Od ■ : r*Hl ■ i 1. . -On .:.r )06, - 0 "' ' 'Pw4■ Gi l4 J 1 ' Upu 1 "' m '06- ' C3 ■ - . 0*' o •' ■ 'oS . > ' O ■J 'Q ' A m bleside P jiarm acy W . L. K E R , 1'iop . 1401 Marino Phono: Drive West 32B ' F R E E , D E L I V E R Y Stratton's BAKERY Fruit and Moat Pies, ' All kiiulH of CooiiioR Apple Turnovoru bouKlinutM I5cc1oh CukoH , Wudding CakcM a Specialty Wo niako o v o ry lh jn g r ig h t on Iho p roniisoa, ErcKh D aily , from firs t c la ss h ig ro d ic n ls . " Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 _ Salt Spring island.♦ ♦ ♦ ̂ . Ti/r«v,-io„ ^Mrrmd-'-Mrsr-Lieon^rdHtfeR-o^ A-son was b ^ n last. Monday have returned from their honey- ?ir Paul s - Hospital fo nioon and are residing a t 3277 Wallace Gillman, = conductor of MaHtip Drive * - ' ^ie-Aveat-V^neeu-vei^^^ral-So---..^------- -- V - -.tr--^ -- 7̂--------- Hollyburn Tbeatre THURSDAY. FRIDAY . &, • SATURDAY MATINEE Ju n o .'Iril. J lh and 51,1) DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, .Inr. ELISSA LAN 1)1 , "AMATEUR GENTLEMAN" ' " u i,s .r " ; ' "IjlTTI.E POi*PA" . "OUirGANG" ' ■ **A-TcmGTri!:GTr"-- P. D. 0. CAFE Best Quality Food used; Silex Coffee with a . reputation, for goodness. , - , . --You wiir~enjoy~^our- 40 -cent- Lunch and Dinner. , We special ize iB, Home Made Chicken, Pies. 7 , J ; ^reV, a id Mrs. Gillinan.. Amy BouShqr of the U* will hold thoir Id̂ st niGGtin^ . Dund3,r3,VG Libr&rv spGnt .tho SJ. ^̂ 1:1 Frank McKenize of Saskatche- holiday-week-end visiting friend.s Miss E. M_ Philip, 2303 Belle- ^an , is visiting the Hg^rlin s a t • v irforia v u e ! A venue, on Thursday, June Sherman. ' ' __J_____ :_____ l Q̂th, a t 2:15 -p.m. There will.be ----------------*-- - *.____ ------------Vf U I N hlBr^TiDWNSWQMT^^- an election" of officers and ,re-? GUILD 1512 M arine West 616 K . W . S a y o r y T̂44B lilarifie D r i ^ ^ " _______ TAmblj^ide^-. r ̂ - Phone West 340 ^ejiingSf West 148 v,̂ V--*--- ______ Mfss Emma Robbins of yan- 2__pQi^s-Qf-^hehry-earis-wo^ wilLHe__e0^Hyeiyrspeftt-the-Jast7week-end-- :----------------------- _̂__________________. .. ... giveVi. ■ ' visiting Miss Campbell a t Sher- The next regular meeting ol . . ^ -- -- 2̂-- ., ; jnan. . " the Younger T o w n s \^ e n 's -- -.--Mi'S." FvvErTArmstrong,_ 1185 »-- *. r ♦ - - Guild ivill be held at the ClacHaii . Esquimalt Avenue, has returned Mr.. Dingle is having a new Thursday, June lOth ̂ at 8:15 froni a v isit at Kamloops. house- built at 15tli and Hay- p.m. ̂ _ ■ * ■*■ * -wood Avenue. . . - ' A. special invitation is extend-^ ----- -A-tson-was-born--last-S.aturday------------------- *-- -- ---------------^ed-to-all-members-of-lthe-Towns^ ' a t 'i^ofth Vancouver General Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart, .women's Guild. The speaker for Hospital to .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. formerly of the__^ndy Cove the. evening will be Mrs. Cromar Rae, 1443 Duchess Avenue. store, and earlier from Calgary, Bruce who has chosenJournal- ^ ̂ * .* . * have a wee son, born a t the isrn '̂' asJ ie r subject. Mrs. A. L. Mrs. Bagshaw and her son, of Vancouver Gfeneral J o g ^ __YoungT-ydll also..b€_prese.r]i_jn ,iJi7ictoria^-.areJUsitingLher_dauglk_pitai-aboutJ:3!a^^ fet«===30aaa -ter and-SQiiriiLJaw,_-Mrs.-aiid Mrs. - . ■_*- .* * - -- - --__-̂ ,,cgglLingj__̂ ,______ -- R. V. S tuart a t Sherman. - Mr. and' Mrs. F. H. Chapmaii,,^ The girls are o r g ^ i ^ r a 801 Keith Road, have mov_ed..into ~ home-cooking and handicrafts a'house a t 1012 20tHStreet. . stall. ' - , SAT:"EVEN'jNC-nr"]VtCN-D:A-Y-' . J u n e 5 th 'a n d , 7th ROBERT .TAyi>OR ■lOAN CRAWFORD "Gorgeous Hiissy" . a lso ^ 'MICKEY'S ELEPHANT" CORONATION PICTURES -T U E S D A Y & .W E D N E S D A Y -- -- J-unc--Sth-rand--0 th--------- G E N E R A Y M O N D "Walkiag on Air" f ■ (O nce only, a t 8 :20) a lso --^N 0B01)Y ^S-F0X )L^^ S6' 1"̂ ■/« Decorated in ŝiajr-own home by experfeaor . wilL bake and decorate cakes by ̂ order; Reasonhblb price. " G.'j HERRING, 14th & ,Mathers S A W D U S T - SPECIALS Sa^cked........... 3 units for $10.00 Bulk -3 units for $».oU Stock^up -while prices are low. WOOD SPECIALS ■ Mill - Fir - dry...;.......$5.00 cord Riish F ir .................. $5-50 cord Furnace and .Heater B t e s ; .and Fireplace Slabs & -Edgings-S cords $H.O0 Alder ...... .......... . $5.00 cord Topsoil - Rock - Manure Dump Truck Work CHARLIE THOMPSON . West - 582-̂ h--- Weg-t 582 tB42 MARINE -DRIVE ' WEST 300Mcmlicrx A.It.T. nf li.fi. --=------------::--3(c---'■* Mr. and Mrs. F: H. H. Parkes, 2227 Inglewood Avenue, -have moved into a house a t 2257 Inglewood Avenue. rfv-'- * * * Mrs.^Tl. Harrison, 1750 Belle- - vue Avenue, -entertained last Monday afternoon a t a delight- f u r g a r d ^ 'te a in honor of her, birthday.- Refreshments' were served from the teA-table centred with a birthday cake, decorated^ " w e s t V A N C O U V E R .T O W N S W O M E N 'S G U IL D PLAYLET and MUSICAL EVENING in T j iE C L A C H A N TOMORROW, (FRIDAY) y a t 8 p.m. Refreshments S ilv e r Cojlectim i r a m m e r 5 a R a t e s E f f e c t i v e N o w N e w L o w S u m m e r i f e w d u s t PH O N iE F O R D E T A IL S fi north-9 4 SatnrdaysT--Half day "only. . Order early. -in mauve and yellow. The guests were: Mrs. E.^Themen, Mrs. G. Allan, Mrs. N7 Wniiamson, Mr^. - R, Barclay, Mrs. G. Metcalfe, T-Mrs ̂D. Ford, Mrs. B. Noble, Mrs. i H.' Bosquet^- the -Misses Betty. Metcalfe, Margaret Johnston, 4 .Betty- Ann Barclay, ^ n Allan. - ---------- : EXPERT Watclr smd Clockr _ j ie p a ir in g - ; T. CHRIST^SOl^ =--=-{ fdrmerly-JWith^Birks 'Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive w e st -VANCOUVER AGRICULTURAL 14 t h Inglew ood ifig h School Saturilay , June 12 tlir 2*30 p.m. a d m i s s i o n f r e e V)