West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Nov 1937, p. 6

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, f"̂ '*;. ̂ <5v?( -, *Ŝ ■ M fA5tv«'̂r / -1 R<*2f',f>»pta.<"f̂I 1 1 > J f ; r i fl 'd' • . ,'-|'| ,̂ :vj- f «);■ iC"'-"" r ̂ I y 'I' i(id//-' "v-. !l1' ■ ■-P■•■f' h l1 *, L, > I !• f,l I - v̂ , *-'. y.. 'fi. ^ »i«iyi»8li>iii m m m m m m m m m m m um ^ ^ -........ , ^ « ....... * „ i„ ,^SMITHS MARKET RED AND WHITEPhone Went 44- HPKCIAI^S - Ked A W'hh<* llmnd TOMATO JUICK 1 10 Vi «z. 'I'lriH 21c; 12 Tl«u» 58c U*mJ & Whiu* CUT (;k kk n b e a n s E ilm 'fender and SlrinKicHN. 2 H«;uaf Tina ...................... 23c 10'd A Whlt«' BKAH. Hievc 4 2 No. 2 T in a ...............................25c Kt'd A Wlilte 'fOMA'fOKS 2 l.urice No. 2 Vi Tina ............. 23c HOMAN, M E A l^O r. Jttck«4»n'« for lleiiKh, Uttr^e pkl. 20c KOOICH.'f HYKUI*. 5 ll». tin . , 32c JijHt line for niukinir your .favorite Candy,. : COFFEE -- Aunt Mury'a........Ik. 25c HE!) A WJIITE KOUF SALE : H<*d A While Brand '* fOMATO . VEUKfABUE' Vmir Choice ., 3 'Tina 25c 0 TIiih . 4 U c : 12 Tina ., 05c O.X'I'Ali,, CEUKHY, CUAM ClfOW- DEH, AKFAHAOUH, CHICKEN with HICE, CHEAM OF MUSH. Hoorn, Your Choice , .'I Tina 2Hc (i Tina ̂ 55c; 12 'fina , $1,05 .Serve Hed A While Soup 'foduy, DEATH OF W. K. HAV .i'.W.'E, Hay'ptifieci away ,yt?«tt*r. Avemi©r in,"hi0" Tint; year.""-He 'leavesVlo mDurrr Hi'h' 1<>s« nin .home,'and Mrs, ;A. L.'Athertim, ■■ of ■■'■North ■■'Vancouv id' ;■■"<>»(? "-son, ■ James of North V'aiicouver; a ■jiater, ■-•Mrs#;;:,- JamcfsCaiia.w^ ̂ . .of: ,,Vancouver,'..^: and , . ' Georife Hay, hen*. 8IKUHN HOASTS from Prime Funeral servfcis will b«y held Slcer Beef, per Ib.............. 25c on Friday at 2:30 from the North SIltl-OIN Tli> nOASTS from Viuicouycr chup. I <.f Itm™) I'rime .Steer Beef, per Ib. 2fc i"lw ni.nl «. II e ' made-in Capilaim View ( eino- MIHK FED HOIUNG FOWh tery. jier Ih. ...................... ........... . 24c ___ _̂____ '---------- U a m ta b ^ r - ■ / P h o n e . ' •-- W e s l-4 4 --" '" ' M e a t s -- P h o n e W e s t 3 7 0 * KIIIDAY AND KA TI ItllAV.-Nov. 5th and Otb M E A T S Jefferies.' Government Inspected Only P O R K ^ Y E A L D E L IC A T E S S E N 1 store at Hollyburn, next Theatre ,HAMS COI.D MEM'S OF ALL KINDS PHONE WEST 3 SHUULDEU BOASTS of VEAL per Ih, ...... Hie F IN N A N H A H n iE . p e r Ib. 17c SM OKED riL L E T O , p e r Ib. 18c K IP I'EKS V........... .2II)h. fo r 25c M11SIIBOOMJ5, per Ib............ .'{5c Beef, Pork, I,.anib, Veal .EiiieHt ()uality I BESH FISH DAII.Y TOWNSWOMEN'S Gl'ILI) 4 APPLES--Snow«,. Jonathans, Grimes Golden .13 lbs 50c ■ Per box $1.39 St.'BOOl, HAND CONCERT HUII,I)IN(M*EUMITS, $;!0,040 ' Mra. G-drdon Jh'll. one of tlic two ladicH cho.seji (n .̂ injr in 'he Coronation Choir in Wostmiii" .ster Abbey, will In- kik'sI speak­ er at the next fnoolliiK-of the Town.swomen'a G.uild, Novembm* 5th. Tru.stee W. N. MeDonald will also speak, his subject beiiij,'- "The Metropolitan Health Work Now in Force_in- the Local Schools." The Dominion, Ib'oy- incial, and outstandiiiif women reports will be read. 'I'he Voung- er Guild will meet with the Senior Guild. It is reciuested that |,fuild membei's bripf: their member.ship cards., Service L U M B E R Q uality SASH & HOOKS .SHINGLES Fl.Y WOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE AgentH: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO. LTD. 15ih'& Marine Drivie Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS . I'jic rate for ClaHsifiod Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 ceiilfl. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all class], fleds are payable strictly in advance. _ / Keniemher. Classifieds in the West Van News get immediate results. Inglewood Auditorium wart lilled to the djyons hast PViday (•vcm'iiK for th(! concert Kiven by (he Went Vancouver School Hajid. A very fine j)roKrani had been prepai'ed by the boys, which wa.4 Kr<mtly appreciated by the lai'Ke audience, a.s were al.so the danciiiK a^d eloeption mjinber.s by the two asHistiriK arti.strt, and-tlie HoloH-by individu-- id rneinberH of tlu* band. I,ms I month 18 permits were is,su<'.d by the Municipal Hall for a to Suy It With Flower.-! , 1 r c>n i\ f \ A i \ 4 - 1 c ' • Afr. Justwed; "I waul to k'c'1 a nice till ol $30,040, piU t.icillai s of buncli ,of roscij ,̂',fbj' ony wife. How W'liicli ar<! as follows; 9 dwellings much wili thejl cost? ij52H,5.50; 4 gai'age.s, $300; 4 ..ad­ ditions, $940; 1 alteration, $250. 'I'lie total value'of permits is­ sued this year upAo the end of Oc(()her. \vas_ $454,190. ____ _ 7" SOCCEB l4isl Saturday the W est Van­ couver. Merelumts . lied Fraser Cafe at Sapperton, the,.score at the end of Hu* game being 1 all. UoM.s Smythe. ])iit West Vancou­ ver in the lead hut sljj.ortly after- ; wards Fraser Cafe evened the count. , This coming Sunday, Novem­ ber 7, VVe.st Vaii(X)uvei' Merch- SwiiiK and ithylhni .lud^jc: "Dt) you mean tb̂ fell mc< Llial man Htraiiglc!^ a vvomun in a balli'oom' w'itli iiiorc ,than 200 poople pi'cscnl.?" • » « WitncHH: "'Yc.s, your hoiiSr, Every­ body tliougbt they were dancing." Florence (married man himself): "I can tell much bettor if you'll describe the nature uhiJ violence of the quarrel." ft Was Ever Tiius! ' , " is your brother about again aftei' ills Jiccident?" "No, and won't he for some time." "Why?' I thought he .had only minor injuries." ■ ' "Ay, he did have, but compensa­ tions have set in." I'oor Dud Miss .Snoop: "WJiom doe.s the baby re-semblo." tin Ls - go to--AlJltots f ord~t'oHxi Ifi 1 k a leagiK? game .scheduled there. George .Slmw, of. Ogden, Utali, charged with,running- by a atop .sign, won a .tw<,):.day, suapfnide.fiuJ .̂stmUmGf^ -- Mr--l-eck-i- -̂ -l f-L-hi» ve-beon"in'fornred~ correctly, he get.s his beautiful eye.s from tny wdVs fahiily, and hi.s weak I'hin-from mine." . ; " Safety Finst Mrs.. Figgor.s (with njew'spaper) r "Do you know, Henry, that every time you draw your breath someone dies?" ■ Mr. Figgers; "Well, I'm sorry; but -f-eant--lielp-itr-If I quiLdt:awing__my_ breath I 'll die, too." .SAVE MONEY on your lund clearing. \ Have expei'ience and equipment. Rush Jobs wanted. West 252-L. - - NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical belts, ulteratioiis, Mr.s. MacAulay, 1018 . Esquimalt, West 408-R. ______^ FLOOR SURFACING---«J. Suther­ land. 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. ' . ________ ■ WANTED--Modern Apartment, Sit­ ting room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath bv elderly lady. Phone .West -4.30-R-i.-___________ :_______ HOUSEKEEPER -- Wants position, good references. West 6G2-X. RESPON,^IBLE Young Couple would look^affcer house during owner's ab­ sence. Willing to pay small rent. Phone West C27-R.. BOARD ROOM with nursing care • available. Delightful surround­ ings . on waterfront. .Registered nurse. West 86-L-2. - HAND WOVEN- SCARVES made to order in imported hoiTie.spun_-̂ QoLs.̂ "\\̂ ll"nTalcc~lTrve]y~ChTistma^gifts~ West 714-L7 WOMAN WANTS Housekeeping Pos/ ition. West 328-R, LOST, -- Parker fountain pen, vicin- ity.l7th and Haywood. West 310-R. MONUMENTS -- For Monuments and Tablets phone evening for appoint­ ment. S. Fraser, North 1059-L-2, LEGION HALL FOR RENT -- Meet- ings, Parties, etc.,:, moderate rates. -Phone West 184-Y. F. W. Rivers. MARCEL SHOP -- ̂Thermiqne Steam Permanents. Only beat, materials- used. Expert operators. Phone , West 304, Royal Bank Building.■ r ' , V-'- ' ■ ,, ■' CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North -8U-R-2. _______ . GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solici- * tor, 1447 Marine, by appointment only, West 403; <510JHaatings.Street Seymour '4199 afternoons. V ELECTRIC and Mechanical Toys, Juvenile Autos, Wagons recondition- --ed.--West-Vancouv^Machine-Shop-- 1449 Marine.: -A--))ur-.son-adv^m'l ising -goodi^^tD- sa-le- when' he, cxpluimkl to the judge: '-.stated; ">Ioney returned if not sat- " I here were two ladies with me, whicl; isfuctory." Someone ap4)lied for the made the front' seat, crowded. J was ̂ rolurn of his money, and the reply he too inodost, to reach over and shift iot,*eived wa.s; "Your money i.s quite gears. Literary Digest. .satisfactory, we'll keep it." ttiBffliDtDiBiPMmmtatiaujmtmMfflmaiffifflffiiiKBffifflkrtfifiiM - i ■ ^ Wanted to See the Depreciation "Most intere.sting," .said the sweet jnotorcaiv..sales- "and now show me fhe depreci- ation, please; I hear it i,s heavy in these cars," "A.S a matter of fact, madam," re­ plied the opportunist, "We found it a -■ WAN'FED -- source of worry and had it removed." _ References. FOR SALE. -- 1500 feet of 2' x 4" , and 2| X 3", new, cheap, also first • cla.ss drum heating stove suitable for Ridge. 1012 20th Street. -- : MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heji'ted car; passengers fully insured West 512. Reliable general help.- West 436-R-3. W. H. VASS,"Chiropractor; Suite .4, Hollyburn Block. ^ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust -- burnei's. intailed; furnace Tepairs: Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822. INSTALLATIONS--EHectric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson, West 1D8. POINTS TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE 5S I DUNDARAVE LIBRARY, 2476 Marine Drive Rstablished in We.-̂ J Vancouver Five 'Years. ■Nj'W Bpok.s . aro add<'d evei y inonth, and are p<»r.soiially selected by <Kp She Was Wise ' j "H' says hero that we haven't reach- r cd the millennium,"'-said'Bob. "What ■ m__th_c millenhinm ?" ___________ UG HLy_eX-I> ERIÊ ^ wants position; nice cook, reliable, good with children,** sleep out. Box .11, West Van News. XOJl_SALE. FURNISHEDt IND^UNFURNISHED- Houses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, and acreage for sale. Lawson & Pride, -■ -1T04 Marine, Phone West 55. Owner SUBStnUPTlON: U5 Cents Per Month. .SLL1,S .Magazines, Gifts, Novi'llics, .Stutioneiy, Cards for all occasions, .jj Personal i^iristmas" Cfirds from $1.00'per dozen. ."Well,'\replied his sister, who was Tncyccle, goS*^.tonditiom^ FO R-SA LE---One-British India rug- n high sehnnl f,.p^hmnn "Tfo fu„ aftemooiis. 2312 Marine Drive. x ru lu .?s-just-the- ____ same as a cenlonnial, only it has more SKIIS For Sale, pair- 6 V2 ft. '^ h "' ' skii.s with harness, like new, $6.00. West 194-T.. TO OUR READERS I>OST -'^ Saturday evening, vOcti^ A - 30, black leather'hand bag contain- -- ^Any[Jlj)ijselloJaeiLnD.tJ:ecei-Ving___ JPX__nioney__and..cards4'_Cora F.. Ed-- a copy of this paper on any an d__ IV .'Reward. Mrs. Edmands, FOR DEPENDABLE'L A e N D R ¥ -S m ¥ ie & h a v e ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative^ Phones -- -^West 69UL or North . T H E W A W A N E S A M U T U A L ^ IN S U R A N C E C O . Has been Growing "with "Canada for 42 jYeaA Now carries Insurance for 150,000 Canadians. LET US GROW WITH WEST YANCOITVER. y $8 .00 per $1000 _____ for th ree y ea rs on. Select Private Homes and Contents. P. C. GlBBENS & COw Ltd. 1473 MARINE DRIVE \VEST 704 Vancouver Office: 254 East Hastinsfs St.» Seymour 2235-36 quested'--to -kindly-nhoT iP - n«-. 'West 3t)37in order that the omis , Sion may be corrected, '"^e shall esteem any such phone as a fav- or, as it is our only way of nhppk- ing up on bur deliveries. Our boys have strict instructions to place a paper on the verandah 01 every house orf-'their routes. --Editor. : PAPERHANGING, Painting, expert workmanship. W ill; exchange .labor for battery set or what have you? West 596-R. CLEANING, Pressing, ^Dyeing,"Alter­ ations. Repairs. 'West Van. Cleaii- ers. TrScott. West i e i:------- -------- good mechanical" condition, excel- lent tone, reasonable.- West S6-R-2. FERRY SHOE REPAIRS--For first wgr kma nship-com e"~in=-and*iret-~ expent . adyice . from the man who 380-X-l.,, does the work. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363. WEST VAN MESSENGER SERVICE * - JIM TURNER, Proprietor S m a l l a n d L a r g e F r e i g h t , B a g g a g e , E t c . P i c k e d u p a n d D e l i v e r e d d a il y FERRY SERVICE P H O N E W E S T 5 Residence Phone WesT245L before 10 a.in., and after 6 D.m. To the Mill, Yes! To you, No! incidental _ it is an impernWe w the senousness a t our command -- to as much as you can. imperative peed. We are urging you arrange for your sawdust, store with all WEST 3 9 SAWDUST North 94 WOOD -- FUELS COAL -- n o r t h HOME OIL F U l^ S 513 Lonsdale \ Avet. HOOVER VACUUM with attachments - good condition,- $20, or trade for ^ood.sewing-machine.-rOlO-Bellevue Avenue. West 93-R. * ____ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- School'Supplies, Notions, Stationery Hardware, Paints, Oils, Turp.s, etc. h ig h g r a d e b o n d s and INSUR­ ANCE--- George; Nuttj c|o Riddell, Keenleyside & Walsh, 808 West Hastings, Sey, 4491; Residence West 73-X._______ ___________________ m o t h e r l y . Refined woman wishes large furnished' warm room for winter. ' Apply giving price and phone. Box 12j West-Van-News. f o r s a l e -- Aetna Oil Burner for range, perfect order, $25.00. West 375-X-3. ._________ y _______ __ e x p e r ie n c e d w o m a n sapts housework Hv daV. West 260-R. " * RENTALS -- 6 rooms modem, $35; 5 rooms partly 'furnished, $25,0_Ql New 5 room bungalow, $35.00, and ̂ others. Building lots for sale on terms. R. P.-Blower & Co.,.Vest 21. . - NEW HOMES G O V E R N M E N T ^ . LOANS prnall Cash PajTnent, balance as rent, including payment, taxes, water rates. Constructed under expert: supervision. Inquiries ipvited. C. J- Archer Ltd., West 225, Sey. 5954.