West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Nov 1937, p. 5

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-- C T r e g g mm THE WEST VAN M w k The Greatest Name in Radio i r Model $ 1 3 7 .9 5 ' lllijsfr.ited ' ^ And features-- Long and Short W ave Cathode Ray Tgning............ j 12«inch Dynamic Speaker for I super ione, j Outstanding Cabinet accodsti j cally designed.I See these Fine Radios a t V E R N O N SIT^OKfj* H. K* "Par«dice, 1420 ArfJ:yle" Avenue,' who has been ill for a tM>uple of weeks, is up and Jiroumi uKaiii.♦> * * Mr. ami Mrs. R. Joiinsoij, 2206 limier ivir. ami Mrs. it. jonnsou, Marine Drive, gave a \ i party at their home on Otibber 191h, ill honor of-MjUtiU#i»Mrs. Jilpin of Rapgor, mu'lhern li*e-( BROWN & 42 Mar' »'"*-- J , . 1542 Marino DjTivo Membors Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. MUNTON West 366 Burgess.& Walker, ' Landscape Contractors Formal and Informal Gardens planned and stocked to specifications Estimates and designs given. Experts in Alpine apd W ater Gardens. Phone W est 560.̂ , A fter 6 p.m., West 98L1 -a.. u n d er N ew o w n ersh ip BON-TON CONFECTIONERY 1734 Marine Drivcj Hollyburii (Two Doors from Theatre) Carrying a Large Assortment of: FRESH IIKJH GRADE CANDIES; CIGARETTE^^^ I'AEM ICE CREAM, "MOIirS and GANONG'S. CHOCOLATES." Drop in before or after the show, or on your way home from town, and mt*ntio7i your favorite confection i-- if we do not have it in stock we'll endeavor to g e t it for you. . . ^ , DELICIOUS HOT COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, TEA or 0X 0 for the cool evenings. The Hardware Man BARBARIANS RUGBY Says: West Vancouverites should be -in-the-market-for-some^good-^p- tp-date_ui'niture at-ci'ty prices, sd'we will t r y ^ n d stock what, they want and :be glad of sugr gestions from them as to what additions to make frQmi time, to time. Barbarians continued" their winning ways last Saturday, when they took Ex-Britannia by -a-seQre-of-4-l--6r--Thm-game-cOM-- p^e^ed the first'half of the league' Barbarians having won five and lost; none,' thus being three points ahead of Saturday's rivals, Ex- liind, who lire on,»their honey, moon trip, during which they have travelled extensively in Canada and the United States. They are at present staying in Victoria, from which they ex­ pect to go to California, Mexico, and Florida. Mi*, (lilpin is one of the leading business men in Bangor, while Mrs. Gilpin, who comes from Portiulown, belongs to one of the oldest families in Northern Ireland. ♦ i)< III Carter--Moore Married a t Englewood on Oc­ tober 16th, Miss Daphne Carter of Capilano, to Norman Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Moore of 2195 Jefl'erson Avenue, Rev. Gillard offioiating. III' W. McK. Tufts, notary public, hus joined the office staff' of C. J. Archer, Ltd. Mr. Tufts served during the Great War as"an of­ ficer in the Royal Flying Coi'ps. .Mrs. J. E. Fitchett and two Sons of Harrop, BtC., are the guests of Joseph Tite, IGih .and Marine Drive. ,. * ♦ Hi " Mr. and Mrs^ Wall 'hiive re­ turned from Vancouver and are occupying their own homo a t 24th and aliywood'Avenue, Mrs. - York, 668 16th Street, has moved to Vancouver.♦ ♦ Ji< Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Lopatecki ' of . Altamont, have moved to Lynn Valley. Mr. and Mrs.̂ ̂A. J. T. Taylor left on Saturday for a motor trip ~tosCaiif'OEma" f6rrk's w in " mnthtnin fi huir*hotirly iservice throughopt next Thursday, Remembrance Day. The first Imut will leave Ambleside Dock at 6 a. m. and The last at U:20 p.m. The first boat from'dhe city dock will be 6*:H0 a.m.; the last boat leaving there at midnight. West Bay buses meet all bouts. The Sun­ day service will be maintained by the upper level bus.4i ♦ ■ ' • ■* ' ' B ■ A daughter was born last F ri­ day/ 'a t the North Vancouver , General Ilo.spital to Dr, and Mrs. E. Therrien, 2657 Lawson Ave- . niio. ■■■ . . . \. SEARLE FertilD,ers of Ail Kinds, ADCO Womi, Coal. Rullders' Supplies HORTICULTURAL ASS'N West Vancouver Chry.santhe- muni growers should stop feed­ ing their plants now and keep them protected. D*om aiiy hot sunshine, cold winds, or heavy rain, inW der 1o have them look­ ing their best al the Parlor Show on Tuesday, November Dth. That isvthe advice'being' given by' the Advisory Commit- > tea to all amateur ganleners this week. ' ; ' . The. Secretary i'e(|uesTs ' th a t all public spirited re.sldeiits in­ terested in a iKseful Horticultur­ al As.sociation prepare their noniinaiion.s foi' the 1928 hoard, the eleHfbTr"lo"F which takes place on Noyember 16th in-the, High School Annex. The nomin­ ation „ committee, under »thc .chairmanship of i Mr.Si . .W. K.' Woodcock, .assisted -by Mrs. J. Leavens and A. J. Capbnj will be . grateful for the S,ugge.stions of all garden lovers.. Further par­ ticulars will be gladly given by Mrs. .Woodcock at West 522-L. The forthcoming Parlor Show is to be free and open to all. No entry fees, no prizes; line flow­ ers or sick flowers and> plants are welcome, as every effort will be made to advise exhibitors how to succeed. Gome and hear pro­ fessional- growers give their Stratton's BAKERY ir..irjhikm. jrir?i j . . K l t f IMIk i jM im lJiSB ' JEpJHik JEja ' FRESH DAILY Tun vm-iutkvs to milt ovury taslo Muat PluH -- Ain»lo TuruovcrH EccIuh C'akoH ~ IkiNl.rjea.__ UiinH and UoUm Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre TIIUUSDAY, FlilDAY and SATURDAiY .MATINEE Novi'inlu'v Itli, 5t)> and dth DON AMEGIIE "FIFTY ROADS TO TOWN" alfo) "SINBAD THE SAILOR" "UNDERSEA K1N(SR0M" . . No. 10 * * ♦ Mr. Watt, 267.7 Marine-Drive,. has moved into a house a t 2389 Bellevue Avenue. -Secrets of Success-.-'- ̂ Entries ■ for the following classes may be made'to the .Sec­ retary a t the- show from 7 to 8 p.m. Class 1'--1 vase 'Mums, Bronze SAT. !']VEN1NG ami MONDAY N()vuinl)ur (5Ui ami SLlv ̂ . SIMONE SIMON .fX'MES S'I'EWAKT " Seventh Heaven" "HONGKONG T H E vH U li O F T H E O R IE N T " TUE.SDAY nn(l,'WEDNFO.SDAY : Novunihur Slli.aml lOtli LORETTA YOUNG- " Cafe Metropole (Onuc only at 8:15) ila£L CRAiWLEY &-BARKER. Britannia. 'The game was Yery •closely contested,"' Ex-Britannia fielding a very strong team , bu t Barbarians can do a lot better, especially the scrum, -who played Shower Mrs. B. Harrison entertained recently, at ,a miscellaneous .shower in honor of Miss Isobel Bailey, whose marriage took like a bunch o f drug store cow- place this month. The rooms boys.___________--- " -- =-- t;----- -w-eroidecorated-in-pinkrandAV-hite: Bud d'Easum was the big point- and • lovely autumn flowers . shades, 3 stems. Class 2̂ --1 ̂ vase Murh.s, shade, 3 stems. Glass 3-- 1 va.se. Mums, Yellow - (Shades,. 3 stem s;. . _GIass_4=:7l_.vase_JM[unis,_Ay;hiLi:-- a h ^ e s . System s. " "R ID E R A N G E R , R ID E ' Harold A. Eager & Son Builders & Contractors "HxmTCfrof ■ Di stiiretiunr . getter, kicking a penalty' goal, throughout. The gifts were pre- seoi4ng---a--t-i-y--ahd- af-Gonvert--to---sehted-to4heJ3ride=elect-b-yLMiss annex 8 points; Chuck Miles get- June Harrison. Those present ting the other 3 points a fte r a w^re: Miss Isobel Bailey, Mrs.| B; Harrison, Mrs. G.-Gustin, Mrs. J" % A Nevy Home An Addition, or , % Repairs to the old one ppK« dandy rum Next Saturc|ay's-gam e is at Confederation .Park . in North -- Vancouver a t 2 p.in. Anyone McRae, Mrs. G. Gibson, Mrs. M. who turns out to watch will be Mrs.. treated-to some good r ugger, as P* Barbarians-are playing Rowing ^ r s . E. Sander, Mrs. C. Wil- _Class 5-- 1 vase MUniS; Ited = shades, 3 stems. Class • 6-- 1' vase .'Mums,'~S^iirgre""' any shades, 3 stems. -Cl-aij^T-- l-vase-dHu-msY-Pompony Alterations Refiairs Re-roofinjf 825 - 22nd Street ' :A stJ^^_Luirtkei^ ubf=-arnd foliowinff^-t-h4s^Qeea-s-.^-^^^s,_Mrg^^E;_-^a^ k i ^ ^ ionals""play All-Blacl^ ^ ."Harr-isony-Miss- any , shades, 3 stem.s. Class 8--1 -yase Mums, Bronze or , Yellow, disbudded, 3 bloom.s. Class 9-- 1 vase Mums,'Pink oi' Red, disbudded, 3-blo6m.s. Class'lO-- 1 vase Mums,- White oî Cream, disbudded, 3 bloom.s. GENERAL Builders* Supplies Coal, Wood and Sawdust WEST VAN. .BUILDERS" SUPPLY 2̂~l'57HVl^trlnc Drive---- )V-cs<̂ 5G0-- Co., Ltd. for-Senvice-and-Satisfaction-̂ - .-roQters will certainly help Bar- | ^Bafens go to town, "" Pafe, Phone-West 199 Night Calls-- A. ROLLO, West 672-R ga§Biglgll5R»H8Hl: D r V T A ? i W ill m eet On Tuesday, Nov. 9th a t the H ighlands AVEST̂ ^̂ V-ANCQUYER, BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N feet, any foliage -Class 13--Mum.plants in box or _ tub, any color. -Glass 14^A ny othenseasonal <Vx- Why Go to^the City when you can get BETTER VALUE at 1516 Marine Drive Phone West 710 Purmfnv^^n^" Uha.irs - Ottomans, - Stools--Built in the British way Re-covered. French -Poli.shed. Needlepoint Mounted ........ .. .... The regular meeting ,of the 'West Vancouver Business Men's , Association will be held a t 8:30, p.m. next Wednesday, November ' 10th, in the P.D.Q. Cafe, 1512 "^Marine Drive.- A large attend­ ance- of members is asked, as, matters relating to the proposed series of band concerts will come before the meeting." --A- reply has been-received by the. Secretary-Treasurer from - Uhe-Secretary of State, and it is hoped that arrangements will be sufficiently forward by the date malt Avenue7"has pas.sed his speond class . radio operator's ex'ams with a veryji^igh average. - Mr. Hutchinson of Vancouver,' hibit.For further details call the . , ,, ^eoretary,. Mr. Parkinson, .West is buildi^g^hou.se at the comer 286-R. of l l th 'a n d Mai'ine Drive. 'vi ■ r ^ ' ■ ■■ ■ - Horticultural Assn. PaWor Show and Lecture « CHRYSANTHEMUMS " v INGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX, 8 P.M., TOESDA ^N OV. 9th ' Door.s open a t 7 p.m. - V No'En'try Fees "No Prize.s Secretary, .J, VV. I'arkinson, 1393 20th Street. -of the--meeting--tQ-t-ak-e-oven--th-e- NAOIMI CH APTER Q. E. S charter of the West Vancouver Board of Trade. Madam boss Jordan AledaIlisti(London-Acadeihy-^--Music--England)- Pupil of Seveikand Alfred Gibson, Court Musician. PIANO -- * HARMONY fiellevue Avenue - ^ : After 1 p.m. EXPERT Watch and Clock _______ REPAIRING . _ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) ' {1.5,22"Marine Drive A n n u a l F a l l B a z a a r In the MASONIC TEMPLE, HollybuJn Wednesday, Nov. idth, at 2.36 p.m̂ Y Fancy -W ork----Home- Cookingr--{--Gandy,-- Grab Bag-- / - White Elephant, Guessing Contest,, Afternoon Tea Musical Programe Tca.'cup Reading i, mam