.... . ----------------- ---- : rn0m i'll I T O E W E S T V A N N E W S ' Nov€mWr 4.1957 THE mJUNINH HUSH Hj Hubadar ..-rt»W I rl • alJ !' f? 'i t [il ̂ . ' V} ̂ , L' i i. 4 .j}'!itl̂ i III-'-- §CI Slillh'T.'-r' M- * Ig'ti' Jt wfUJH l<j intt a Kc^ntWman Kiild over the ru<lio tint other day that all hurnaiiH Were eilht?r MUckerB or chlKolters, iintTHe* w;&ijfi a ja'rHo/) of aoaie i'oii>n?<|UCfiice with a paiia<'<*a for Kavint '̂ dem« .oci'iicy fr{»fii Hwlf. I think, If niy /tienifiry aervea nie riKht, aa till' witne.sH ohaerved after Ki*U li»iK two yeara for perjury, that fliU patent /rH'didne wita called, l<rljnoc-i'ui>y, a thin] f̂ rny old Ijemipieci!..eaiinot Kraap,^ All I can make out.of it, and I may he wrouK jit that, in that a per- Kon lot,s for doin^: very III lie, wliicii pula it out of my cluMH entirely, la*aideH makinjf me very .suapicioim. You know that every Uau' 1 liave thouifhi I waH on to an eany thin/^ I have KoL HtiiDK Kood and proper. Like he;uil)comhinK and playing: the Htocks and 1o/jk ahotH, and joba in'which you ait around waitinu for work and tlie-payroll that. ■ never arrivcH. It never do('H arrive under thoHe circuniHian- ceH,'*and HonietimeH even when a peraon iiaH aweated blood for' it. Now are you, brother, a . .sucker or ,a (diiaeller? ' The dic tionary having refuned, I take it a Huoker is a kind of a human bi-valv(; win) K<HiH forward by Huction, arid don't I hate that br-ecal a,ml don't they profjrreHH? yVirence it appear.s that a-sucker J h really a chiseller. Therefore,,' the lei'ms mean tire sarne, and <dllier the persmi of conseVpience or myself must be wron^* Any way; you can't prove it by me,, so i'in leaving it to old Euclid, who, if 1 knovv him, will prove it's absurd,.....■ ♦ . -♦ ' A person can't help-wishiiijf at times that Lloyd (icorge would explaiti how the politicians nearly lost the hist War, and how they're going to lo.se the •next, if they, have as much to say about what rs-to be done as they apparently hail about what was done between 11)14-1918. This blaming of. generals and admirals who made messes be cause they had to follow plans of FOR THE FOHRTH SEASON ANSWEUINf; A CHEDITOU JJi'jir .Sir: . , Jri iifS'ly to your, rcount und more jrcnil rc(jUc*HtM to jujiid you u dieque, 1 wiHli to inform you that tho p)'(*Hi*nt MlintU'ri'd c'ondiliuii of my bunk uc- Touiil iimkf.s.it impottHibic* for nio to liilu' your ro(|uo«t soidoualy. My present tinuncial condition ia due lo I lie elfeeta of Dojilinion Ijaw,M, Pi'o- vincial I.awM, Municipal L iwh, County l.iiw.M, (Nn'poration Cawa, Liquor Jaiws, 'I'niM'ie I.nwH, Jly-l.nwH, ihaaher-iri-' laws, ,SiBter-in-IawH, Mothf)--in-lawH lUid'OutlawH, all of which liuve been foi.'di'd upon an uiiHUHneetlns public, Tlirouifh all these laws I am com- peJIed to j>ay a Ijusiness Tax, Sales , Tax, Amusthnent Tax, (Jas Tux, School Tax, Water T)ix, Kxdsw Tax, Iricoine 'fax. Auto Tax, Ilydi'o Tax and Syn tax. . , . ■ In addition m tlufse irritutinji' tuxes, . I am Correal by the stronj' UTpi of the law to jfel a pej'mit for thi.s Ihinp; and a permit, for that thiriK. I am re- <inired l.o„^fet a Husiness Licen.se, a . City Ideense, a Provincial License, a SiKii License, a Dok Liceiise, a JVloto)' License, a Radio l.icense, a Li(pjor Lieeiise not, to mention a Marriaije Lieen.se and innumerable other licen- se.s, , _ j I nil) also re(|uesled and reemi^j) to fontrilmte to every Soeiet.y Jiium^^an- iz.iiliuii, wliidi'the inventive geniu.s o f' man i.s eapabK.* of biinjfinji' into Life; to. tlu! Society of St. .Jean Haptiste, the Women's Relief, the Near Last Relief,7llie Unemployed Relief and the -tinkl.Dii^gers Home; iilso every llos- . pit a I and every Charitable Institution - in tlie (.:ity-~the Red Cros.s, the Rluclc Ciai.ss, the ' White Cross, the Green Cro.sH, the Purple. (Jioss, the Flaming ( I'osK and the Double (h-oss. For )ny <mn safety, J am i-eipjired moned, Jiried, conimamled and eom- pellud, until all 1 know is that I u n i suppoHod to provide an inexhaustible supply of money for every known need, desire or hope of the human lahe, and simply because J refuse to donate to each und all, atid go out and beg, borrow or steal money to give away, I am cussed, diwus.sed, boycot ted, talked, to, talked jihout, lied' to, bed about, held )ip, held down and. robbed until ! am iieaidy ruined. I can tell you honestly, Mri'Man, th)»t failing u miraele yon won't be fmid Just now, and the only reason 1 lim holding on .bi life is simjily to Sifc what in Ifoll is coming next. Yours I'e.speetfully, B.C. ELECTRIC S Y M P H O N Y H O U R ALLARD DE RIDDER, "CONDUCTINĈ TUESDAYS 9 TO 10 P.M. ALFHED E. BOSHIEH PASSES campaiK.is Mneoivud b v p o l i i l c i - to cui-r'" urri,,»ui.m.c.o, i,i„bility l„: itlLi^tL-pmUy-- poor_j=iimiL______ aurahcê lSuT̂ flajt̂ y ' C, J5 , only HUCocsHful leader.s rTiavc ,1 fought, for or again.st had a long practical cxiTcricnce iji actual scrapping, and were fi-ce to uhg it, and I've been in a few, cam; irghu:.y.-I n s u m n cer-P-i'O iiertr In.suTmri^Rent' Iiisuiv)hce," Fii-irim sura,nee, iCompen.satioij In.surance", Ac- Alfred Elli,s JL>.sliier, ll lf j Jef-' fer.son Avenue, {jas.sed away la.st Saturday in Uk; North Vancou ver (Jeneral Ho.sijital, aged 54 .years. The decoa.sed was born in London, England, and had U been a resident of the numicipal- ity foi: nineteen years. Besides his wife he i.s survived by Two" .sons, Stdniey atid Billie;' three, daughters, Doj-otby, Ida and Bimty; a brother in Windsor, Ontario, and a .sister in Edmon ton. Funeral services* were held at 2:30 p.m."ye-sterday a t the now jlollyburn Funeral Ilome, 18th and Marine J.)j*ive, the Ilev. Iliflis W right officiating, and in terment was made in Capilano View Cemetery, the,officers of King David Lodge No. 93; A.F. & A.M., being jn charge of the senuice-aLthe-gmve.s^ide;----- ' -- "T FORMERLY C R C V llr in g in g y o u ' th e w o r ld 's f in e s t m u s ic J th ro u g h y o u r ra d io I D n G e a r g e S . M q c d o n a l d s D E N T I S T 'H-tS: Specializing in full and partial dentures--■ { (Plate Work) Royal Bank Bldg., Hollyburn Phone W e st 446 lUl'l -pirtgiLH--of- cidout Insui'aiiee, Collision Lisuranee, i-ain Jnsuraiice jiiui Busine.ss Insur- uhee. The Govei'Jiment ha.s now .so- gov-. i'J.t i ' ■'i ■ i. TriTrouS' ■kfrrdST'̂ N'O'W-- =tii'had-,nw-JM)H)ne..s.s. aio oji.sy,-- Cioorgc sticking up his opinions -- ' uu, .sus about Gibraltar again.st an ad miral who ha.s proved himself to be a real admiral? If I were an M.P. and Admiral Jveyes, I'd get u p-ai I d-s ay-t Imt^-wlien-t h e-h onoi*= - . M'v- vv.w, in.tiUDjiL'LHUU, HUS* pectccL ui.sroHpocted, examined; re- examined, informed, reciuired, sum- SPECIAL lu.side F i r . . .$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4,00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.7'5'per cord SAWBUST ' PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Land Clearing Excavation Work ^ _ ^Sole "Agents for ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT TEAROE & SON, 1427 MARINE DRIVE PHONE WEST 8 4 able WeKshman had quite finish ed talking, we'd get down to r-b u s i n OiS u t--they--d < > i iH--s ee n v to talk, in that kind gf a wav in VVeatinin.ster. Is it that an M.P. I i ; : Ki* ' I Vi t In the Mother oi-Parliamcnts has a license to talk on anything, whether he is (lualifiod fo .spoak about it or not,,.or are they ju.sl. polite and patient? I never yet argued about plumbing with a plumber, who had proved he knew bis bu.sineas, and, if he gx:»fam^hcW pluhibeiv -and still did not argue. You J«nw v-a-person7m irfn7rive (priTo a" l ) i ir OMnmrlv fA rtl ♦..)). C a n ' i' big enough fool of him.self talk- •=ing about what he uiider.slaMds without starting up on what he doesn't. ' foi* as low as ,7;'. 5 2nd WEST,VANCOUVER SCOUT TROOP t r S L l i if■gyV:ITJ fe . ' S.' The regular meeting of the 2nd West . Vancouver Scout Troop was held on l\iesdav, Oc tober 26th;,. Scout Mack .Mhiions was presented with his autb- ainechanic's badge. A new patrol was formed of new riicruits with to'L-'Joi'daii as patmLJeader. I he pntroL. was callod the Cougars. Gordon Jefterys, tlie Cub^ ^raster of the ^"ancouver 41 oop, was there and gave the. Ix '̂k J.. ■ ,: a.. ̂1 . ■. ' ■ / vNr • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ - , Where will you have it? N Upstairs? In the bedroom? In the livihg room 7 In the kitchen ? Mvi^ ,a talk. Gordon' SI: sm̂r ,<i uim. uornon m \y(>| Kiimvn to tliose boys who wer. at Cfunp Byng this "year. V f:^•«j - '. j 51: Ferguson's TRUCK LINE Lv. -West 'Van. r . 1 * V--- ̂h*ni. (& 3 p,m. Lv ̂ P.ni. ^ IV.. ̂ only;W®st.*h5: - Doug,. 429 I n s t a l l a t i o n C h a r g e N o w 5- •: 7 - . - > ' . ' 7 ' 7'-7."7 v'-y .'.■'•v5:"7 '.'7, 5 7 7 . , 7 • • ■': 7'..-'iV"'77-'.77""7-'. ■ ; ■ 'g'T:: ' V • :̂ 5 BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHO^NE Co m p a n y