>t.....>rntR>r 4. 1937^ THE WEST VAN NEWS ffrrrsssr: H ollyburn Funeral H om e, W est V ancouver The New West Vancouver Home o f Harron Bros. Ltd, . In exterior appearance the new funeral home has plain, straight lines, with a white stucco finish. Across the, front is a wide cover ed driveway, with ample space for all purposes, fitted with doors and heated so th a t in cold.or rainy Weather there need be no- discomfort when the cortege is preparing to leave for the inter ment. Principal entrance to the premises is to a roomy foyer with fireplace, full carpeting, in direct lighting and neat draping - giving a restful, impression... A t the end opposite the entrance is the office. Ceilings of all princi pal room s'are vaulted. Thp. central feature , of the A . E. Harron, President whole unit is the chapel, off tTie foyer opposite the fireplace, which occupies a middle position of the side street exterior wall. The chapel floor slopes gently with a drop of some six inches, in its > n g th , and a ramp rises to the "somewhat higher floor-of the rostrum. For absolute rigid- -ity-and-to-ensur-e_a-<luietefloor,_ laminated two by six cedar planking has been used for sup port instead of separate joists'. Chapel lighting is, like ail lighting throughout, indirect and j^l-L-snffused..:.JLb is s sconces. be raised on either side of the. --chapel~'entrance;--Still-more-ac-- commodation is available on the, ; righ t side by opening jthe win dows, which. give access to a , wide hall, and on the other side to the covered and enclosed : drivew ay.. ' Perhaps the most striking architectural feature of the new " parlor is the way in which alj_ the several units have been locat- ed A îth respect-to each other so th a t there may be a minimum of trav e rw ith a maximum of privacy ■ and unobtrusiveness when required. ment. Two resting rooms off the right exterior aisle of the chapel are installed for the convenience of those whose loved ones wail.-, obsequies. While many doors have been ' placed where needed, in eyery case where these are, not required open afefies are neatly' side-drap ed and these drapes, togethei* with a narrow stencilled patter|i, between the wall andy..,.ceiling drop, make up with the indirect lighting fixtures the sole reliev- mg ornamentation of a simple style of interior decoration. Above the resting rooms and ~bTheFr^iW l>n~this"&̂^̂ cated two spacious showrooms for the convenience of those who come to arrange for interments. A large cellar is etiuipped with 'an air-conditioning machiine and furnace fed and stoked from the ,- bin by an Iron Fireman Auto- --matic-Heatirig-Stokor, f 'i u {X along the whTTs completely hide .4he actual lamps, casting the light upwards. The stucco finish of the foyer and chapel is' artis- _tically .±reatejd, its pitted surface sh o w in g here and there a tinge of metallic oxide coloring in .an effective and .original wSys Win dows with leaded colored glass in appropriate desigmare -spaced_ dowTf the sidewalls. Neat*5vood- en pews for 200 people are in place. , Carefuhplanning has provided means for e3g)ansion-of--accom modation In several ways. While the chapel itself has ample space ^.for those, attending a private service, about a hundred people -can7-if required.-be-ac0omm,odate- ~ea^h" th e ^ o y e r ty the opening of two large panels which can To the left brthe'rostrum , as;; \seen from' the chapel, a family room has a private exit and com plete facilities, with everything " needed for the special care lOf the bereaved provided, for. A public ~ ^ i t n^arbjrwableis-llTe-congre-^ gation to pass quietly by the bier unimpeded. On the other ' side of the r9S" trum is the pulpit. Ah illumin ated glass panel a t the centre rear can be equipped-as-r^equired- with an emblem of any lodge or - order which may be conducting fraternal services. There, is an organ room large enough to accommodate a choir ■ .should such an organization ,be prpg^-nt. A door leads from the A deep pile carpet of uniform . pattern has been laid throughout the premises where required. 'In some of the smaller rooms, especially vyhere a hard wearing , -and-dmpervj.Qua aurfaceiajiequir-, . ; ;ed. Masonite- floors have' been . installed. : Rising two storeys .'above the garage spaces a t the rear, unob trusively set back from the side --lines-o£--the-parl or -prem i ses,_Js_ =^ibUW(^ms-TisuaHTtthe"equ ment of a mortuary 'establish- a_ ^ m p le te modern residence; ■ Thiis is so designed that while providing for privacy for the oc cupants--and . ,q u ietness;- for ~the-- funeral home, immediate and . - constant service and supervision of all details of care and manage- ment are available. ' . The Public are cordially invit ed to call and inspect this modern and up-to-date building. We will be pleased to show them through , a t anyzdimK^ HARRON BROS. LTD. •. NAOMI CHAPTER O .E .S .. ENTERTAINS -Shower Following the l a s t ' regular communioation of Naomi Chap ter No. 26, O.E.S., the members entertained a t a social evening when Military_.Whist was much enjoyed. John McGovvan acted as Master ̂of Ceremonies and the prize winners w ere: High, Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. J. C.'L. Hunt,-Miss-Casey; Low, Mr. and Mrs. T. M cGregor,. Mrs.-Marling, J. Murefi., Dainty "refreshments were served under the convenership of-Mrs. Walter^ Gray. Recent hostesses â t th e ""^wing Circle have been Mrs. J. h- Mitchell, Mrs. A. W right, Mrs. J. Norman Leggatt, Mrs. . W- Neill, Mrs. W. Slater and •Mrs. Duncan MacMillan. winner" of the : Vandals- Basketball Club's Clock Contest was Al. Garrod, Johnston's Na tional Storage; the winni.hg 'tim e teing 41 minutes, 38 seconds. Mrs. M. McManus - and - Miss May Harrison entertained rec ently at . a miscellaneous shovyer a t the home of the former^ in honor of their sister Eunice, whose marriage' took place rec ently. The rooms were decor ated in yellow and . white and lovely autumn flowers. The giits were presented to the bride- elect-by M iss, M argret ^Gibson, Miss June Harrison and Malcolm ;; McManus. Those p re se i^ were: Miss Eunice Harrison, Mrs. B. Harrison, Mrs. C. Gustin, Mrs; W. McManus, Mrs- Blair, Mrs. Pirie, Mrs. Newton, \Mr^. A. -Cow-an; Mi-s. W. Cowan, Mrs, h . Ellis, Mrs. M.,McManus, MrS, H. P Tearde, Mrs. G. Williams, Mrs. ,F: ' Kotfilow, Mrs., C. Barwise, ■'Mrs. J. Gibson, Mrs. W. Gibson, Miss May Harrison, Miss A.^Mc Manus, Miss Isobel Bailey, Miss -Ada Bailey; Miss Betty Cowan, Miss-A u d rey -G ib s.Q m .M i^ M an<^ Pare, Miss Joy Tearoe, Miss Marget Gibson, Miss June Har rison, Master Malcolm McManus. At the Eleventh Autumn Con gregation of the U.B.C. held on Wednesday of last week Lachlan F. MacRaei B.A., of Caulfeild, and" Miss Jean A.-Hood, B.A., daughter of Mrs.' A. Chilton, 1089'-15th .Street, each received the degree; of Master of Arts. Miss. Jean K. Hill, daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. J. McC. Hill, 1535_ Fulton Avenue, was also the re,- oipient of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce. TO OUR READERS W. C. T. U. Y. W; C. T. U. The West Vancouver.JV.C.T.' U. will hold their regular month-, ly meeting on Wednesday, Nov ember 10th, a t 2:15 p.m. in the vestry of the United Church. Please note the change of date on account of the holiday. ' The regular meeting of the "Y" will be held a t the home of Mrs. McKay on Tuesday, Nov ember 9th, a t 7 :45. p.m. All young women are invited to a t tend. " Any householder not receiving a copy-of.this paper on any and each Thursday evening, is-^e-- -- I __ quested to kindly phone us at West 363, in order th a t the omis sion may be corrected. We shall esteem an3̂ such phone as.a fav or, as it is our only way of check ing up on our deliveries. Our boys have strict instructions to p l^ e "^pWen~on-*the-^erahdah- of every house on their routes. --Editor. West Vancouver Municipal Ferries HALF'HOURLY SERVICi! -- R e m e m b r a n c e D a y S c h e d u le . ' ' - - ' I, ' C.- - AMBLESIDE -- F irst Boat leaves at 6 a.m. Last* Boat leayes a t I I :30 p.nm CITY DOCK -- First Boat'leaves a t 6:30 a.m. JLast Boat leaves a t 12 midnight, -West Bay Buses meet all ferries. Upper Level Bus---Sunday Service. \v J 1