West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Nov 1937, p. 2

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®®ili '̂ M i l f c i i i p i i p i ; m p ' { 'i "*■ I } It 41'fi'̂ i\V J I 4 ;;i illSl:. i"rr ' t , r l r ^ it;*; V . ! ,rl-:]: IMM liil W:WM̂'iigsSSjSf 4-4',: M 'i j . 4.r ;, i» S : ' 5tli#;f: 1111: sj-'jifei't--' I i S * istes*if®p5ii^ 'i:f4r̂ J: 'Û i sSlif-'̂ m wim* tAM m rrm cmucu R«r. Hillii WHfht; M iniiUr, Bund»y 0frfl<«t U !l5 «.!»., 7;16 p.m, Sunday 2kbo<»l and DibI* C1«m,,K̂ BtranrerattA Vlfitora Waleoma. Condition your hair for gour Chriatmaa Permanent B A M ISf CUl/kCU M lniitar 'Bar; l^f;'f*r'liieEai*;"'B.'ii;r Sunday SN r̂vIcea 10:U0 tt,m.--Church School In* ciudiiur Adult Claaa 11 n.m. & 7:30 p.m.-^-Prcachinif Bcrvicca. A hearty welcome to all Healthy hair Ih the huKla for the Hum'HK of any hair atylc. No foiirure euri Ik* uttruetive if the hair i» dull utid lifeleMM. 'I'here Ik JuHt time' for one or two rt**eonditioMin»f treatmenta hefoie ('hriatmaH. Theii with a Duiirl Permatieot and a chic liairHt'yle you will he all hcL for the litdiday HeuHon. G w e n d o l y n ' s B e a u t y S h o p p e Creutora of Excluaivc Permanenttl, 1546 Murine Drive Wcat 117 O R , G. D. H V ^ E A L E D.D.8., L.D.8. DENTIST ; Hay iilock, 14th and Marino Dr. Olllco Houra il to 6 p.m. EveniriffH by appointment. Phono West 72......... HOLLYBURN.HAEL Mth and Ducheaa l 'IIIDA,y, Nov. 5th, at 7:15 p.m. f.ANTICKN' SKHVICE for Hoya and GiriH (.'ondueted by Mil. JOHN HAK .SI NDAY, Nov. 71h, ut 10 u.in. .Sunday .School and Younif Peojdti'a Hible (JIhhh SIINDAV, ut 7:30 p.m. (JO.SPKI. ADDUK.SS ,S|)eal{er. ■ ,MK. IIA HOLD .SIIMMEH.S -KltmAAVNov.-5th,~K;20 to 0:20- I'rayer and Bible Study. WEST VANCOUVKB Ciurii t i u i Science Society 20th and Ea<|uiinHlt. Hollyburn This Society l̂ a Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Sciential, in Host oft, Maaaachuaetts Sunday .Service: 11:30 a.w: Sunday, November 71 h, ' e ^Subject? , *'AI)AAMNJ» FA LL P:N M AN" Sunday School at 10:00 u.m. Teatimony Meelinif Wednesday • ' ^a t 8:16 p.w. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our scrvicea and mcetinfira. ■ S m a r t A rr iv a ls f r o m -th e E a s t .Many mo:e Afteniuuii Dreasea and Evening- Gowna. induditiir i,„ \ u n u t d " m x i l ; : U:E4 those model" led in the Fashion Show nponsored by the LO.D.E. Ju order to make room for thoae new arrivals we are deii»i.,„ nunibiT of At'THIlKOON m„i EVENING IJltESSES a t Krcatly price,s GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE Wtst 5il2 __J 1730 Marine l)riv<. ....................... C. JORDAN - - First WINDOW SH A D R S- VENETIAN BLINDS ~>SviNDOWS WASIlUij Our Prices are right. Let uh send d man to give.you an estimate. We Clean and Kepnir. Phone; West 719; Ites. West. 74-I.-2 • West Van Blind and Awning Supply • ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOIJC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Millay, Pastor ____ ;;_Phone West 5<10.......... ;;___ UNITEI) CHURCH 21st lilid lOsquimalt Ave; Rev. IlilliH WriKfRt, Minisler J0:ir) Sunday Service.s: 11:15 a.m. . • • • • II ' ' ' 'Z 1 hlstabliNhed uii North Shore * 26 Yoara (l.ady AHuiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. j f u n e r a l D i r e t t a r s N orth' Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street V- Phone North. 134 Sunday. School and Bible Clas.s at 10 a.m, ' ■ 'rile Fxpl(h'(ir.s will meet Mon- - (lay at 7 pnit ' . ' ' 'I'lixi.s (iniiip'meet 'I'ne.sday at 7 p.m. ' " . ■ (IC.I'T. meet Wednesday at 7 p.m'; ' . ^ Prayin' meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. (Jioir meet fm* practice Thurs­ day at 8 p.m. r Vancouver Pafloi-s ■ Sunday morning the choir will ■ " V- 55 Tenth Avenue East e Phone Fair. 134 si 1)g . the ■ iinthem "The Lord Is Mv Shepherd.'" Miss „Joan Dur- . jJjin will be the soloist, , Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mas,*; and Sermon - a.m. Ro.sary, and Benediction -- 7 :45 ..p.m. Catechism and Bible Cla.ss--2:00 p.m. , Week-day Service.s Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction --7:45 A T T E N T IO N ! Tile Disabled Veterans' As.sociati^n invite all ex-service men to their meeting a t S'lfTn. next Tues- -da.wNovenvbe)'-Othrin-th€~Highlands-Cafe;" A-special speaker has been pj'uvided in the person of the Rev. llobdeii of Die John Howard Society, who has a vevy iiilerestiiig. topic ('oj' liis subject. , • Ph'iise make a special effort to attend. to.8:30 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH^ Rev. F. A t Ram.sey....... -- "November 7th--Triidty XXIV 8 :00 a.m.--Hol.\' Oomhiunion . 1,1:15 a.m.--Holy (k)nimunion. 3:00. p.m.--^RenKunbrance Day Service. Engagement » , ' , Mr. and -Mr.s. F. C*. Groom, 2541 Marine Drive, announce the engagementt-)f their only daugh­ ter, I.sabel Lilian, to William Henry Levvi.si eldest son .of Mrs. F. Lewi.s and the late Mr. W. H. I^wis, of Cardiff, South Wales.. ,7'he marriage will take place at St. Stephen'i; Church on Decem­ ber 5, a t 2 o'clock. THE HIGHLANDS 1393 Marine Drivtr "Where Good Food Is Served." This e.stublishment is availjibiu during the winter season for pri­ vate pa rties , and organization ntcetings a t reasonable, rates. Hollybura Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drive .PhONE_WESI_583_ M IS S D . H . H O R IE 111 the evening J. Addy will be ' the soloi.st. V • ' "1 was glad when they said unto me 'Let us, go unto the house of the Lord'.'̂ T he WonnntS^s A.s;.̂ of̂ .i?ll ffpi o f . 7:15 p.m.--Evthisong, Tuesday, NOv. 9-~\V.A. Business meeting a t 2:.30. Nomination day. St. Francis-in-the-Wdods, Caulfcild 3:00 p.m.---Evensong and Ser­ mon. . h ■ ■ E)XPERT RADIO RiEPAlRS . ItE A SO N A B LB WALLY CRAIG (O ver'14 YenrH' E.xporionce)" 2117 Argyle AVertue the United (^uiroh^held ^.tlieir regular meeting J.n the Church Hall on Tuesday afternoon, the pre.sident, Mrs. O'Donnell, in the CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ̂ SCIENTIST FUEL SUPPLIES WOOD -- COAi. -- SAWDUST Bush Fir, Dry.............$5 J)0 cord Mill Fir, Dry,.:...... ,̂....,$5.50 cord Heater, Furnacu and Firoplaco Blocks ,.„$,4.2r) curd Slabs aiuj Edging.s.....$.3,75 cord 3 cords for..... igll.OO Mill - run Edgings .,....$3.50 cord 3 cords for....... .$10.00 SAWDUST -IMncc your order now for September-juuLO^ober deli very,MBgahM-.i.'it .. . *............-- -while prTCOH~nTe low. - . . "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" ,;chair. Arrangements were made will be the subject of the Lesson- lor the Annual-Bazaar which Sermon imall Churches of Christ, will be-rheld-^iti Lnvsthcy77-Bec= Scientist, on S u n d a y . * ^ ^ <'mher;7th. - , The Golden Text i s : ' "It is the ". . : spirit that quickeneth; the flesh BAPTIST CHURCH profiteth nothing." (John 6 r 631 Rev. ^Wilfrid L. McKay Among the citations which 1645 Duchess Ave. " Lesson - Sermon is tlie~following from the Bible: See your local agent on Forst's Super Specials, Best City Prices on 1 Radios, Ranges, Refrigerators Oil Burners, Washers, Furniture on Forst's Easy Payment Plan. FORSTS LTD.n P. D. 0 . CAFE Best Quality Food used;^Silex _Coffee with a. reputation "fm-_ goodness.^ •' You will enjoy our - 40 cent Lunch and Dinner. We special­ ize in Home Made Chicken Pic.s, 1512 Marine West 616 >̂1 W. N. MORRIS,_ Agent 1476 Marine Dr. West 711 alsb at 66 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver North 625 The French B eau ty Salon For Work ,of Quality 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 The pastor will speak on "The ^ t - ^ ■ - ness with our spirit, that weFruits of Love," continuing Lis l . series on 1 Cor. 13. The Lord's ̂ ! Supper will, be administered at then beirs; heirs of j the close of the .service. In the Tu'nt-heir.s w.lh evening a service will be held 17). ■ ' - th e Lesson - Sennon also in- b a r r a d e l l *s C L O S E -O U T S A L E in keeping with Armistice Day. i j ^ ^^csson - &eraion ai.so in- Tho subject will be, "The Bless- 5 tf.^^owing passage ings.of.Peace,", The inembers^of 9^«T l"'\tian bcieiic^ text-- the Disabled Veterans Assoda- and Health-with Tlie choir willJead in the service of song. , . his earlie.st stage ot existence; «,'i'he Yotingz:PcQp{e"s "Stnztety-- pot he s i I^urther Drastic Reductions to Clear the R em aning Stock L A S T P A Y S a t u r d a y , N o v . 2 0 t h ^CHARLIE THOMPSON 1141 Boilevuo Ave. tVost 582 ' W«st 382 . .will nieetW M oh^ay a t 8 b'c l o d f ^ ^^rhls "°The--devQtiontvl -will be t akeii^bT--l^ t̂mitisLe£fttj4u^ n e v e r mor^* nnr loco fUaii >> ~STgR E F o n R E N T V FIXTORiES FOR SALE Misa H elen 'C olpitts and the ™ Hess tj^an man." 7 | ' ® " '®'.™ E E D WINDBREAKERS. Zipner Front . .WEST VAN _ Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39, Furasce and Range/ Repairs, Sawdust Burners pastor will give an-addresa on " The Life and Hymns of Ira D. Sankey." - ^ The midweek meeting for prayer and praise will be held on Wednesday a t 7:45 p.m. BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE W 0st Van N ew s :____TY'ama P VV L T Pts Ganadiens 2 1 0 1 3 Dudes ' 2 1 0 1 3 Maple Leafs 1 0 0 l i W. V. Siziders 1 0 0 1 1 Three F 's The Girls Auxiliary to the BaijDarians Rugby Club are hold­ ing their regular monthly meet­ ing next Tuesday evening, Nov.̂ - ^ ib e r 9th, at .the home of Mi,<?s Doreen Bernard. 2604-Mathers Avenue. All members are re­ quested to please attend. ' to $1.95; $1.79 Any Dress in the store OPPORTUNITY FOR KNITTING Crochet Wool, reg, 18c Purple HealhSr, iS e Z Z ' ' .... . ■..... i ...... .......... -.................... 7c ball Mr. and Mrs. Stanley have moved from " 197 Argyio Ave- 2 I To i , i e ' J£!' PubllHhod Every Thursday W: * ■ ' Publisher F. F.- LOVEGROVE Phone West 3i63 ■ § i .tf „̂z Bu.siness and Editorial Office: 1704 Marino Drive Phone W^stz55 North Vancouver Office: 123. Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year bjr carrier: $2.00 ,n year by mail 6@ 0D READING From a Nodern Library Copyright Books for Sale SpIciRl Rei>riat Solettions at rn and 90c. at .-oo, oOc Office f n d '^ u 's & , '/*■'?, «c. Orders for MncL i ' %<l«irements^. Badminton Su"pph'"^"~ ' ' " "'"® "'ings WestWan Stationers and Librarv--N e a to Royal Bnnk -PhonTw ;.. 7s7 « '2 5 . • ^ C O R S E T S & CORSET ETvrp^ ..... ^ ^ p l g R E P E and SEMI-SERVICE HOSE.... ~ ^ c M£N:SWO^ H lR T S .r e g . f l ! > ^ - C g b ina tions. s ^ m rh n n l / . r »5c; 69c gar g'ables of Bargains ------ ...................... ;Z r i , ........................... 10c to 15^8 MARINE DRIVE