T ■i tOtJTISt.IiB8T,BRAINS m POLITICS ; --Bruce Hutchison North Shore Conservatives Make nn Appeal to Ke^oo Final Hally Ora^iL Hall, May 2dth, Saturday < LeEoy«i^u^ell Robin's eg^ blue chiffon and its complementary tones, formed the wedding ensemblo of Dor othy Violet, only «daUgh^r of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell of 2967 Marine Drive, _ for "' her recent wedding, to Mr.l^jeonard Stanley Felix LeRoy, son of Mrs. A. Hampton and the late Charles Felix Lelloy, which was solemnized quietly a t 2:30 o'clockMen and women of the North Shore will decide on June first this afternoon at the Churoh of who will represent them in the Francis-in-the-W ^d, Caul- next legislative assembly. Of the three political party representa- Moulded on graceful lines, the tives, the Conservative candi-\ bride's .dress was full skirted date has refrained from making from a fitted waist, and slightly rash political that he will support sound .sane ,,̂ ,(1 niatching tone spon- governmeiit policy. sored a. Ilornl mount in pastel The unanimous choice of blue, pink and green, and she North Shore Conservatives is. carried a colonial nosegay of Mr. Jack Loutet whose iNJcord as summer blos.soms which repeat- a member of the house will stand <-'0 the pa.ste) shades, Mr. Uus- the closest 'investigation. For sell gave his daughter in mar- 1 has refrained from making noin u nueu waisi, ana sngiuiy I promises and mouthing ioi tralrrr-Avhlle the slocwes, wide .leal poppycock, he has aaid thirty years (he is only 61 years old) he has lived among us, and has been a good neighbor. , H,e hits raised his family and proven his worth as a good citizen. ̂ Mr. Lioutefc has a wealth of municipal, proVificial-and busi ness , experience and; i ̂ a life ihernber of the Union of B. C. Municipalities, an honor girant- ed him for his good work as President of th a t body; Whilst serving the North Shore in the House the remarks of the well known editor of the "Log of the . House," will be of real interest. Briice Hutchison on March: 3rd, 1933, in the Daily Province, quote: i*>ago. , , , A reception iolloweil at the home of the briite's parents, whei'e Mi\s. .liimes Russell ami Mrs. Hampton presided a t the flower-decked table. A tiered wedding cake embedded in pink tulle formed the centrepieCe, flanked by four small vases of pastel-toned flqwei\s. Mr. John Russell proposed the toast to the bri(le,' and Mr. W. A. Clreen to her parents.; ̂ A Corbna'tfon. blue two-piece ensemble formed the travelling 'outfit of the bride, with navy hat and iiccessorie.s, and a silver fox fur scarf. Following their wedding trip on ..Vancouver Island, Mr,' and* Mrs. LeRoy -will make their'7*̂ : "Jack Loutet was the chief ____ speaker-for-the-back-benches^and-: YiZm<riTx^wisi Vanoouver. his speech while not ornamenta.) 7 .. ...... made most of ,the front bench...VOCATIONAL CONFERENCE speeches of this or any other . , . session look'silly enopgh to be . A Vocation - Conference in tragic. Mr. Loutet has one of which grades ten to twelve par- the best brains in politics when - ticipated, took placq last Wed- .. it comes to grappling with reali- nesday afternoon in the Ingle fine" YTT.-nî . Oiint.ni.inin; And in wood Hifr-Vi SnViohl Tho oliioo.ties" (Endi of Quotation. And in wood High School. The object a letter to Mr. Loutet, Bruce of this conference was to give Hutchison had this to say : quote the senior students an oppor- "No private menaber in my ex- tunity of hearing eduoationid _pmence^has had half the-effect -talks on- the vocations in which on the affairs 'of the house as they were interested. James you have th is session." Bruce Gordon, principal of the Kitsil- HutchisbiTiVknown across"3an----ano-High-Scho6]sraddressed~thF ■ ada for his sound observations conference for the first twenty- on all things political and his five minutes. • The remainder, qf log^f^t-he-"House-^is-=^-read-^bj^-^fehe-day--was-^m dedHnto~four thousands of British Columbians^, periods,_thexell\L-jtllawJD The ' niorning newspaper"'*' of student to hear speakers in four March 3, 1933, made the follow-' different vocational fields. In ing comment: "Mr. Loutet put -each group a student chairman, his finger accurately on a num- secretary and reporter was in her. o f unsanitary blots on our - charge.-There was a wide range financial jig-saw puzzle, and al- of vocational choices: DieselEng- though he is a little ahead of the ineenng, Chemical Engineering, Itimes som^7day7tImse^ going to .be w iped'out by men CommerciarOpportunities,Lurn- 'like Jack-Loutet." And a repre- bering, Shipping,-^ Journali.sm, sentative of-Labor had this to ̂ jlursing,_Department^Store-Qf)- in the P rovince of April 15th, porfeunties, T^ephbhe Operators,. 1933, "In closing I would like to - -Library Service, Dietetics, Dress- thank Jaok'LLoutet and his as- making and Commercial Art. A sociates in The house, who sup-^'̂ om m ittee assisted by Mr. ported the resolution condemn-^ w ^oks and Miss Maycock- made ing the measure (P.C. 2Q6) .this first conference a success, thereby assuring the fishermen Tea was served to the speakers of B. C. their living." Business, by Miss Gastell and a group of and Labor know 'that in Jack^*"studentassistants. ,tefrthey=haveani3(Sxperienei5dT inisffator--who-€ao-be-tfu.st-- o work fearlessly fbf^the e-:=^=i4Do=y-o u=^th in k= t̂4Kr- let offers. Unisteel Turret Top Bodies Iw Fisher, for beauty and.protection. Self-energizingBydrau- lic Brakes for safety. Valve-in-Head Engine for per formance with thrift. Knee-Action (in Master De Luxe models) for the matchless "gliding ride". , Fisher No-Dr^^ Ventilation for health, and clear; in,wet weather. Safety glass in every win-s jiowTor peace o f^ in d . See--drive--the' complete car. in the lowest price /rfiejd today!, Buy on low- monthly - payments, through the. General Motors Instalment. Plan. 85-H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE UNISTEEL TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER - comrhon good., Youngoirhien and "women are asked to join with their elders and elect a liiari who stands for . ' pi*ogressive democratic govern ment. Mr. .Loutet-st^nds for a High way to Garibaidi,7 the program o f i)ri . Prank P. Patterson, bet ter roads and a highway commis sion, economy in government, a ̂ Workable Health Insurance plan, he is out to smash bureaucratic "control as now practised by the . Liberal party. He will .seiwe you, well and faithfully. Elect Jack Loutet the Conservative candi- ; date. ■moontaih a ir will disagree. wifF me?"- " Hubby doubt'if it would dare, my dear." 1__ His*-Orders " ' " He wa.s on sentry 'duty for the fir.st time. An. officer approached. - ed. "Haiti, Who. goes there?" he shout- . "Officer of the day." And the ,of- ficep continued on his rounds. But he hadn't gone far when the sentry shouted again: "Halt! Who goes there?" - : The"officer halted and looked back -furiouslyr^--- = - i------ "W hat's the idea," he snarled, I I '-K McMlLLAN MOTORS LTD. 3rd a t Lonsdale, NDrtlrVancouver North 454 ^ Master 3-Passenfer ness Coupe /tehv^ad tactory, Oshawa, Oorem- ; went taxes, heeaae andheight addiinmaLsubject to change :W$thottt̂ notke.p C-I37B' The bride'was shopping'for. a" vacuUmr cleanei!7 and" the defk was exhibiting several different: name o f-tha t 'one?" she inquired, indicating "a machinO. ___ __ "That is the BeFvidere,' "halting me.twice like this? W-hat!s the idea?" . : "Never you mind about the idea," said ' the sentry, "My -orders ' Ls to 'H alt' three times and then shoot!" re plied the clbrk. The bride gave him, a wither ing glance. "And qan you reborn- mend the Belva ?" she: inquired icily. . Home ' Cooked Meals . served all day. We specialize in - C Bdckenm es P . D. Q . G A F E 2 Marine West 616