jif- r.-'û-j- "f"!- .«WAW> MDM THE WEST VAN NEWS A lecture* on Chrlutian .Hck'nc ,̂ en titi«*M; "ChrialWn Kckm#! It* Inex hauMtibfii* ronipe^iWitiorinr^ik* d#Hv* **r«4 l*i»t iiundM>' «fU'faoiin, May^J^Ird, if) fh»« Ilollyhurfi Th««trt' by Wlllkn) Wallace barter, C.H.Il,, of New York, Mijiober of the Hoard of U'ftureahlp of The Mother Church, 'Oiif Flrut . Church of ChrlHt, ,H« ivntl«t, in Uoaton, MuikHuchuodtii, under the auHpicea of ('hriKtiofi Hciem-e Hotriety, ,We«t Van- Entitled' i C l f d S i a H 5 c i £ n c e j - I t s . I n e x H a u s t iB I e 'C ® by WILLIAM W ALLACE PORTER, o f 'N t'\v*Yark. a f 3 ¥'}/If fir couvir. The lecluref wuk InttfaJufied by Mrh. MnrKari'l K. Murah, who «uid in part;-'. . The OiKcoveh'r and Founder of rhrihllan Kcience. Mary Haker Piddy, »ialet«\on Piiifc r>7 of her Textbook, "Science and ll.eallh with Key to the ScriptureH"; "IIupnlnesM la HpirltTual, hiirn of 1'i'utii and Ij<jve»'-i It ia un*« hidllah. therefore it cannot exiat lilone. hut renuiteM all mankind to ahiire i l / ' The jflvlnjt of "thlH i,<>cture 1m our opportuiiity to ahare with olhera the 'I'.'iifki lulilfli (iiiu lirniiirht ' H(k tniieh Member of .t|:t« Board of Ijectuceship of the 'Mother Church THie F'irst Church of Chriat, Scientist, in Bonton, MaHsachusetlH. to".If", Trulli wln'cli hoH brtiUifht ho much fiiipfiincHD and HO many hleHHin|(K into (Ujr liveH, ' • - ' '.Sometime ufLor tMki)i((,up the atudy of Chriatian Science I wait troubled with a very painful condition of the eye <liaKnortc«i by an F'lye Speciulint Identity and individuality of peiBons and thiiiK* are truly known only aH. the divine Mind, or Go<l, unfolds in the understandinK the idea which' IninpH them into view. PVoin thik' it Ih Hcen that all Identity and Indivldu- ality tiiUH deftned, claHHlfied, und_ Imiividuulixed exint,■primarily, not oh iiiateriAi ohjectH 'or phynlcal modolH, vj>ut as idea; and that, an ideaH, they cxiMt forever in the* realm of under- Htandinu:. They never become materi ul.phenonn . iihenomena the realm ' Material lienee tliey.havp not the KuhHtance of UH. the reHult of liieoloj'ical doK' rna and tradition, 1ml only as-tiie individual, through scientilic trans: lutibn of thought, enters into proved htate of'consciousness, in which health, huppineHH, ami prosiierity are experienced,. . . . , , , All right trariHlation of lliought re«tH upon pure desire, or prayer, rather than upon tiic dogma ol aUtli- okity. The whole lli«-ory iliat aullyir- itv i« included in untii|uHy. in dogma iind in mere tradition, involves suji Tlift the Tiii.s latiguuge clearly, siiows . understanding of true being, or eternal realty of things. We are told in the Bible that spoke as one Imvlng i Jr woi'ds of Jesus were not the wo is of one who rnyrely assumed a ><de oi aulliority. Nor .did he speak as one who liud lieen instructed jjj say certain wor(is. Me tiutn . c ..II plenriv. Atul tills cloai' »aw clearly the unreality and the reality of that which wa» before liim .. . Christian ..,.Science.«penetruUf8 th# veil of inystenr which has been thrown over this healinjr act of Jesus at the IK)ol of 3cthesda, and it shows that divine, or God's, thoughts, are always 'moving upon the waters of mortal mind, hoaling the sick and the erring Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 2164): **If you venture uix»n the quiet surface of error and are in sympathy with error, what is there to disturb the waters? What is there to strip off error's disguise?" It should bo understood that Christian Science impels mortal thbught.s to change its.premise; and in this troubl. ing of the waters the sick arid the sinning are healed and made wliole. No longer is it necessary to owiiit the seasonal troubling of waters. demonstration of Christian Science 'Jienlihg, and, its immediate avail, ability, has removed the pitiful super-- 'stition which has limited, in belief God's healing power to certain .seusoiis nr "Now.** writna Piml <ii« UH-jiker of the eyehull'r^I apjilicd tp ,' rcjiHiyr .Spiritual Ideas are eternalt IP' M ■' It CliriHtian .Science Briictitloner for lieatmeiit, and when it hecaine clear to me llj/il the diseiMHi' from which 1 . was Kutri-Tinjif was ri6 hart of the real ' man, made in (!o(I'h image and Itke- m-HH, m'y healing wuh complete'. .lesns Hail); "Ye Hhall know the 'I'rutli. liinj tlie Truth shall make you fr.ee." ritriHtiai) .Science Ik today iti" ■f'■ ■ V' interpreting the wordn and works of Our WaHter, and Ik thereby bringing Kt ■ 'V:i;T"'.u'l to mankind freedom from four, sin, "diseaHe, limitation and sorrow. *' Mr. Porter Kpoke subHlantiuliy as , folloWHI . PKKMISKS. ...... In order that OiiriHlian Sclenee may lie; of value to humanity It »;niist ,do something or bring sometbrng ' to liumanily in a eornpenHaling afid ap preciable way.' - . . . . OhriHtian Science detnouHtrates the propoKitioiv that health, peace, har mony, and pro.Hiuii'ity are the natural concomilantH of iJfe, Mind, or God, like' the-origin,' or Mind, which they relleet; licnce they are Kub.Htuntial and real. It niUHl lie aiiparent, then, that wln*re llie'.spiritual or true idea ap pear,h, -defined in part by Webster as "Tile immediate object of understund- li^Jj®-here. Isthe realm-of the real! Ueferi'ing to his eternal identity' Jesus Haldfc "And now, ■ 0 Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with tlie glory which I had with thee liefme the world was;" and again,- "Verily, verily, I pay Unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." I'ointing to thin same, unchanging. I(lentit.y Paul wrote,'"Your life i« hid will) (Jirist in Ood." ' . Whilst Mi'h. Eddy has i.tenned tlieHe eiiiigiitening words, ", . . the intelli gence, existence, and.cofitinuity of.all"", individuality remain in God, who is the (livimily creative Principle there of" (Science and Health, p...513)', Through the scientific tranHlatioh' Miml of thought- Christian Science is teach" "̂ ^̂ ^ ity ,, Hence the scieiitilic ̂ tran.slatipu of mortal mind is a li iie fnoc(-ss, divinely conceived, directed, and au thorized*. , . ' The purpose of, religion and prayer is not to force upon thought the nc- ceptance of an as.suined authority, liut to eKtabljsh tiie recognition of suiircme authority or Princiide, which operates in a ,compensating, way witli resjiect to the good or Halvation of the individual. SAI.VATION Oli SCIENTIFIC ' TRANSIvATlON In con.sidering the subject of salva tion, men and-women seem to look, urion thi.s ip a somewiiat distant light aiid its a so;newhat remote experience; , On pagan 115 and JIG of "Science' and H ealth with Key to the Scrip tures" will be found two tyitable divi- sion.s of thought, Wliieli have been designated by M-Ss. Eddy as-the "Sci entific Translation of Immortal Mind" and the - "Scientific" Tran,slation of ft is the higher mi.ssion of Christian; ience to translate human'thought ut of l;.he'sUttcs and stage.s of mortal, "T. which belong to all alike. These de - . , j Hirahle ami welcome states are not 5 , , '"V!!' Science to translate human'thoughttile result of eluince nor of ii, su p e r-. ,*'**'t*uu.aHt|yjn though#, this,tiue .. f - - - natufal .impulsion, Thev are the nat- n|entity , and individuality of all thingS;: and in this tfari.slating pro- ccHH thy;* compensutingv: vulue.s iof ' Oilri,stian Science are brought toJ ight. ■Because th identity and iii-' diVijluality of al 1 things reflects the |icrieot Mind, or Idfe,. which is God, it can neve?' depart frohi this perfec- ural fruitage, unfyldment, or scienllflc tran.slalion of the divine Mind, or God, 'to the'human'understanding. Too long luiH human thought been d rifting under the erroneous n«sump- tion that exi»tence is controlled by elrciinifttance .and chance; and ̂that material belief into the realm of the -real, where the tpue identity , and- eternal .individuality of all thing.s are revealed,. In this scientific translation Science. Jesus was led into a higher undoi*" • standing of tlie nature of (lod, JU»t ns Moses was led into a higher uiid«f- standing -of the npture'-of Huity. .Jesus tlien undertook to bring some thing of the true God into Fuu^es whore ritualism ami eceleHiasticism had for so long a time obscured the true idea pf H.eity. In this he was 'misunderstood, and lor this ho was hated, per.secuted, and finally crucified. He was crucified, not because he was taking away something,^ but because lie was bringing someth mg true con cerning God into the lives of men .even into the lives of men who were trying to 'obstruct his way, and to slay him. Ignorance, humap belief, ami superstition do not readily make \yny for the'advancing idea of Truth, or- God. But this unfoldment of God --the advance of a higher understand ing brought by„.J.e.sus--was inevitable, as witness the words of' Jesus' in John 7; 16, 17, 18: "Jesus ;^nswcred them, and said, Mv doctrine is. not mine, but his that sent me. "If any map will do his will, he shall know'" of the, docti'ine, whether it be of God, or whether T speak of myself. ■ , , .1 . , , . . , ."He that speaketh of himself seek- of thought ^the ^slck, the erring, and eth his pwn glory: but he that seeketh v"® - s t r i c k e n .are uplifted and his glory th a t: sent him, the same is healed; and for the 'discouraged and true; and lap unrighteousness is in hopeless the doors of peace and pros- him." „ *■ ^ I'raiislations will be The capacity for'scientific discern- u-juiiure; nor can it ever express any. - found, the-̂ -eocact Drocass" tif hnraan - is . set forth here_ in the most .siipenmtural theories of religion, _ of these liniitntion.s-. The understand- advan^emmit or fhe-'^v-of-Livafinii' "'ilrec t and explicit thinking the world" ^uniLnHioughtrseem s-tt)-lm vHost----jirt^ntid-clctnon^'trtrtion'^of--tdiiar-tiiro----" n * ~ the 'only esenpe from thi,H must be tion. It cun never be sick,, nor is perity are opened found-througliHie hypnotic ohannelH ■ poor; j t is not discouraged, nor is it .. In these two t of matter ,niedlcine_and_-the-belief in .a.failure; "nor can it ever express any - found, f bp-.PYnrt and Health, p. 45S)w ]IISCOVERY AND DISCOVEIIEH From the time of her early interi m ittent writings, in 1802, on through-- the year 1866,--which year murks the first steps of Mrs. Eddy's healing, a healing shortly thereafter brought to a full and .happy completi,p;i,~on" through successive stages of ^demon stration, Mrs. Eddy was constantly enlarging her experience, understand^ ing, and spirituality. Let no one think for, a moment that Christian,, Science, as it Is known today, was unfolded a brief hour, or in a quickly passing year. The slow years coming and;going found Mrs. Eddy faithful!pursuing^a^goal which was always kept foremost in her thought --this goal being a 'comprehensive understanding of God, and the prac tical value of this, understanding in its application to .the healing of hu-"^ manity's sins, sufferings, and sorrows. It wduld require a sturdy chapter of itse lf»to tell of the patient steps,, taken one by one, to find the basis of Christian Science," and to perfect this Science, a^, it is: today.• ■ ■ ■ ■ . »■.... • In Science and Health (p. 476) we read: "Jesus beheld in Science the',* perfect many who appeared '.to., him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's -own likeness, ̂ nd. thi^ correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that -thd ' kingdom of God .is intact, universaly- and .that,.man. js..pure'!'and,-hply.'.'.* ,Has' sight of the eMsential _ation_ or_.ex]slenco -harm ony; a mi it~lnnr ever Interpretation more^HittioklyT^ ib id^B e the theory of diHcord comes from trying 1 tain material sense of things iiUo the renlm of the creative Mind,' and then ■yussnming:' that' God, is the' cuuso mortal concepts as to try to make the fiuidamenUil law of numbers the 'author of all mathematical errors.. This procedure builds u|) a false seiise' of the creative -scieî fijeallissS;;̂ ^ :man at the expressed in ~words-- obedience to Jesus! the scrip- se of these d ' i 'h r m ' o ^ Here one is VfiL lu ■ coming to this age that by. outstanding, . I his is as reasonable holding thought consistent!v and evC, which invite experience w itli equal .f e r ta in ty the Mind, o r God. which involve^ ib .iP i.: f p r o _ b l e m s tiTm T -nm U 'rialitiv am i i i i i c e r tu in t r in them selves in the fo rm IK 'lly. SW rtlnK (.;om th l» fn lw J rclat.i.oM of numbers, one learns to .mansion? And. if hL.does.not. l i ke-- - ' ' V t r u e identity tures; for . they are> hey which . tile Place, Ke can mbve slong s n a - » a f ' mdividuality "of nil, t» n g s -a 6 .̂ ' te s tify -d r m -e7' Iwked" long' î^^^^^^ 's. finding conHnually n e w ^ ' ' Bible, looked lo n g 'into-'the teachings and inspiring objectives chapter 5, that and works of Jesus; until she,saw which invite attainment. The-neces- there was in those days a t Jerusalem there, clearly;" :SometKing- that phil- s itv no longer exists to suffer under a. .pool called osophy- and ritualism had never re- the mi.sJeading :and discouraging "Hethesda, having five porches;" and weaIed---a life governed by th.e sim- sonse that' man . is conti-olled by these porches-Tay a g rra t plicity.and lucidity of exact, demon- chancci and that'existence is a hap- ^"'^Ititude of sick folk, of "blind, halt, slrable Science? • ' ' _____ hazard x'xperiefTc^ ~ -withered., waiting for the mnyiripp-Aii----- nr* * if rjTQc* on.iA ' .o-m ■ _ . holding thought cpnaistently and ex' aptly ' to thp, rules ' laid down in Christian Scienco,"b'no may expect 'tb »■*• > ««»■ ' * * " lap,k;;y-Uo..--Qne.-̂ -eiwlj4y:-agi^^ the ignor- ' ftntyevil beliefs~\vh"i(5h control mortals impos.Hible to sec man and the uni Verse otherwise than as subject to the enpric.e of chance and to the ex pectancy of evil. ■̂ ^mT(r7atteriy~niiTWOTthy~aird~undesir̂ -- into-the-pool-; the "water, angel Went down at certain seasons For' it wa«? «sniH ' an , ^ ĵuwugin, ao smut '.I of -Jesus 'Wate'r;. should be dog- " m '̂ ha^.these" should b r iu b - whosoever, then after---the'trouiii- S o r ^ S o n S ^ t S ^ S ' ning. '!^en wha t was his concern? springs in various., part.of the world purpose.^to teach? That • PRAYER AND AUTHOlHTY The question mav be asked- iT n« «"««-. i^oc mirequentiy. a per.son'is urst s^eppea into C h M u r Sdenc^^ ̂ dedai?>s' ' - - who -even-T g o eS T so r-fa r-^ as^ to --P o o l ̂ 'was-made-whol^ of what- Here iM^ehcountert'd "a wide orevasse imirtal mlndT bo"^tforriin7 w h ^ try ta^"' finS^VnP^Tf ® world-would be^aTnucli f^lrL^Mlf^^^^rhe-haa.-'-'--A t-ce rta in before which humanilv ha,.s paused.' work out."of it? Why try to work ' ! f W fvn.mi .Sonuvreligionists have tried to bridg,. out of. .something which does ■ not - J S o S o S t f n s this ehM»m between God and man e.xjst? r utpioiaoie quiriities.- Ah! u lif !llinL^^o' h!);;. i T f Oiiyioualy a mortal,, material sense lave Beaune ««̂ i»»»g.«j_.__which,_rlmcats over and over _ t L _ ! n ^ = "'vn! U)1 nUiKeshlftjrf-Hlhoisni. .stabilities of matter or 7«ortn!Jtv™ ' Colitmuin^hi^uKSeci the village wiseacres will tell one to catch the, bubbles as they copie up, because.-according to uncertain tradi tion or Superstition, the bubbles are supposed to possess special healing human thought m i ^ t find appreciable value in his teachings, he healed the sick and the sinning. The purpose of .Jesus in this/healing work then began to unfold to the woman, this purpose either the way of aupernaturaJ the ______ ____ ________ _ ju-ntiifi' Tv,n trouhliof- m- being to turn thought t oward .God-- .stabilities of matter or mortayty-- , it is obvi- these waters is caused natnrallv^ ^^oward the-F ather; th a t by relating ------- ---------- ' human desire. thougTit m advancing out subterranean gases finSn^ v..r̂ f consciousness to the Father, men umy. thing does through-the pools of springs ^ JPifirht'begin to grasp*;the idea of-Gb ju^__ ^ ^ ^ e r c b y enierge from_afalse-sense An incidm^ nf ^ , likeness; and th a t men might t o d „ - -------------------------without attempt- ?!\,^Bmgs^ ^l o jllustra^^^ ̂ "-oncernin'^^thit'" ■ definite relationship, or'likeness, > , / tp '-uiiLiumid inarkf'L *^A *r»<3T»fo?v. i'rtuiei, jii s>norc, tnai s ; that he is free from the "*wVii,.h h-u! an nature of man's "true,.being might nuflueiTar^hi-s.evil-M iB f: L̂-ight v e a l^ T? he however, that he .Jesus seeing Eddyscaught, th^ .destructive ease, said "Wilt thon hf Jesus' teachings and she has presented, this recogni- *"3de whole?" it to this- aee in language v^ich will: define new objectives will advance step by step-Iho im,k.r,.t,„„|i„e, T„ c,p,.'i,|,,""(i.',^ , '™ if> b le .iii- l& i V k f w i l l ,,dvi111 auV- other imumiu- tiuia as thus ■■ I'bat .t-onscfouslv anrt hnno auuio known to the uiBierstun,lin.I ^ «r prayer.'does not d e S e S f tlrm l t ^ volve.s a false, mnlorial, and imcerta tf »'c|'potuatof bu% on the contrary, dis- qualiHe? are . .sense of Deity. From this false n ^ those dogmatic beliefs and tra- Ivorthv in and mor, ^ je iid in g -and uncertain sense o /b d tv ' hamper the translation - mine his existence H s ovoryedtluMlo.Uructive Theory thaV tlioughL Otherwise prayer and ' The person who n H n n t c • uwiH*. thtv Hkon*>«t' »K.\, - Proin'css o^vould• ^ nnfjHmnist.fn fh« adopts these scien ' A* * v '* **̂ '̂**̂** response to insistent pure desirOji aloiur thA wnxr * tir spWtual or true idea , o-Wiences; that he i ? ? S g h ffpS®ter of the Imok of Gene.U „„.i i:. of Life; .Mmd.,or God, unfolds to' the of limitation and K m Se^ness a S understanding the nature of man's gaining the eom oenShig v S . ? .he being. In this tranfiguration the health. h a p , S ? ^ n d p ® -erring ai^ wHcji ^ fe continuallyIppeadng along , ,, T® nijin,_ when the water i.s ^oubled.-io put meTnto:thfepbbl:7but:' V :^ ie I a m com mg,'-another steppeth T hT T m u f u pitiful' case. ihe water , ceased to move .................. odv /hpo season, com-pamonship.s and- the s lrT n lr jn matter,. All is 'infinite Mind and Its. infinite manifestatjons' for Ĝod 'A.n-in-all." As one ' learns ia Christian Science th a t God is, indeed', All-in-all, he ceases to seek Ks ow.n or faulty u n d e r^ n d in g --and Science--glory--of Pfmciple7 ^r~ _Gpd, IS revealed, and controls con sciousness. • ill \,uv iirsi * Jk** Iniok of Goiitvsis and up t o ' the sixth?verse of the second chapter «» ---......-- ------- - the 'V"*? beinff; In this tranliguration the ■ health; happ'iness '^and"*' \'hieh, alone satisfies - the healed and the-erring mv which r»iiTif;«.»oh.:'____ P®f t̂y,.universe cne stranger who had addr^Sed him spoke , again in . a firm v o iS ; "Ri^?, rflJ m..n ia a.,... b . id tii-ta f S.'i,' MH, P ' r ;sa-' ■" ' t "0 i<l«» «f infii.? ..Almdr Life, or GoiL .-ki: TRUE __1 DENTlTY_7yVND INDlVIDUALifY Whence comes ^ true identity and^ndMduSlU^^^^ all things? It IS perfectly clear'that these are not seif-crent-imw- , , . , Through the healing of hi8 'sickness, his sin, and his suf fering one learns that these are neither real ,nor pecesstiry. He has now entered-41-higher sU te of eon- soiousnessr-th -whjeh- he looks with great expectancy and certainty to the experience of health and pros perity, .take up thy__bed-and--walk^'-- Im~ When Jnade whole. ' nnf spoke these words, he « a he" s ® t ' X i s "jw l ;1 S " ";. i r Sometimes Mrs.-Eddy has been sub -jected to criticism because when her book, "Sci'enee and' Health with Key ^ the Scriptures,*'*, is referred to by, Christian Scientists, in a .public way, It is always followed" by. giving the author-%-name.""'~'=' The' reason" for this is that the specific textbook, "Reipnr».p and Health - .1 JESUS J Iv'therp^w'fi*'^ him," and consequent- Key to the Scriptures," shall al- B^^'̂ P N o r to the ad- enij in his be associated with this partic- a t o l l h . - m i y e l s » '« author.3Bd_vi5e^ei^ j ie J S B u it . the-nineteenth cpnt.tii>« ti.» > |q|.T . r P.Qwer from tho t roubled-- t oday wlien the terffi Jesus' _ teachings' had--̂ been^hiddpn sense of man clinging to Science is used thought under a burden of s^ p e rS S i^ s wo " ' Savior, ^ g f d i j - once-td-M ar^Baker-Eddy. Christian, Science is used thoughtjj.. ship.- These~Vearhing'^^hp;=^^^ Snd T <^hee;7% £iend Discoverer, and Founder; an(i Clonrir reflected n r f t 'im i T "' n "' **■*» Mary .Bnker Eddy is , being'-- so clearlrrevealed the dfd is tro u b le He- the author of the Christian of man's true " f t say-Lie down, rest vcmVt̂ Plf "Science textbook, though ris-im m edi--,- a tdy -a^^ of; Christian Science: What does this signify?- Simply this, tha t one^ the most iniportant events in human history, the advent of _ChrisH--- ii0t