.'f *• fti -.î'âso's'îSs-wfl,i»-t«*;» ~v -'}~"t<̂>ŵWiB-i(t*M'»f̂.«t*"itKi*i'<ŵ __ ,SSSSiti5i»«^ . * -t - ̂ J, , B ^ JJ« 1.;" ■!-».-,* s . Ss ̂' 'y « t >. as « f £34.-<'4t iSi, a ̂ ^ Riiipiwupiii II . I a},„,5̂?Ŝ5s r-.̂'7 'Viur l . ' . . WS8»JS%« -V 4 ■Bv :> 4 At ̂ / *S4«r w* vf «<(M V ̂ ^ ■i>̂ i y! I id <rt̂ S,■'̂ 'y* t 'H'-T .41̂1 1̂ *»I i «f,* > ■■ »i ts#!ai.mS5SS«̂?i «<WM)MiMlMH iBttWWilNwllW T H E W E S T V A N N E W S M»y.27. 1937 'WlSTTJUt'imfTIW € « » « € « . Biif, BUUt.Wiliia* MIiM ki;<-«. • SPwWiWBHBIJIr •.' w lias mM., 7:1S |»4it Schi«L*ad.- ■ 10 am* ■ atiTAiiftrs * Vlilt«mi Wikom#* lea,the Hair Cut That makes the Hair Stole ft A ft tyz*tzIhP̂inRjr Ji JtO A. wAXiMf KkIn̂XE. fMIlT̂ ▼« 9 Mr JnCAsOT^f Jj«dra.«| Suitday 6crvic4Hi 10:00 9.111b--Church School in elodlagr Adult CI«S9 11 am. A 7:80 p.m.--PrekchJnir I Sorvioo*. A hearty welcome to nil Wilh<j'ut projK-rly lapcred eml« iimi hair t ut wht-rc.you want curia to fall, your permanent ie a fail ure., For aurnmer you want a permanent that will look chic without havini; to have It act every lime you awini, Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Crealora of Hxcluaivo Pfrnanenta, 1046 Marino Urivo Weal 117 HOLLYBURN HAIL Hth and Duchess SUNDAY, May 30th, at 10 a.m. Sunday Schotd and ' Younjf People's Bible ClasH SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:39 imiGHT GOSPEL SEKVICE SpeakerH; MliSSItS. Gordon & JOHN KAE TUESDAY at H P. M. Prayer and Bible Stody Everybody welcome. C l iU ^ H EDIFICE 20th aiul Bautttnait, lioUyboro This Society is a Branch of Tha Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bbaton, Massachusetts Sunday Senrvice: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May .10th, Subject: "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Meumerism and Hypnotism, Denounced" K'" Sunday School at I0:0y a.m. Testimony Meetintf Wednesday, at SaS p.m. The public, is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetinsrs. WHITE HPOHT COATS ami SUITS arrivingr daily from the East. Exclusive Sample Blouses now on sale. WHITE SIX>HT DUESSEK and Pastels in all the newer weaves! CHit; CHAPEAUX inJVIute and Pastels ' ̂ ̂ ̂ . if . «• , . .MEKCUKY HOSE styled by,Van Haalte with the new 'TOINTEX" Heel. All Beach Apj)arel now mi. display. Generous reduction on all ■ . PriiilH and Sheem GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive - West 562 i m . G. D , H . S E A L E * D.D.S., I*D.a ...." '■ D E N T I S T " Hay Block, 14Ui and Marina Dr. Ofllce Hours 0 to 0 p.m, Evenings by appointment. ' Phone West 72 . l)NITi:i) CHURCH 21hI & Eequlmalt Ave. . Rev. HiiHs Wright, Minteter V Sunday Service.s 11:15 a.rri. and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. ■' BeifiiihinK next Sabbath, a new communicant's class will meet at the same hour as the Sabbath School, y .The mini.'iter will preach at both morning and evening .ser- „ vices next Sabbath day. The annual Talent Money Tea , of the Women's Association of the United Church will be held at the home of the President, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, 25th and - Ifaywood, on Tuesday, June 1st, at 2^15 p".m."Annnter€.stinfir and • yaried program has been ar- ° ranged. Poems will be read by , the; members, explaining how they have made the money, and there will be a.musical program on which Mrs, Frqud and Mary ' O'Donnell will sing. Presiding at .the tea urns are Mrs. Hillis ' Wright, Mrs, Turnbull and Mrs. Rusii. Serviteurs, Mrs. Tfirner, Mrs. Ajello, Mrs. Bissett, Mrs. EMtnbiiMhed uii North .Shore 25 Yeara (Lady Aasiatant) HARRON BROS, l/H ). f u n r r a l^ i r r c to r s North Vancouver Parlors 122_West Sixth Street Phone North VH ' Vancouver Parlors 56 'Penth Avenue Elast Phone I'^air. 1B4 ED. BLACK WEST 6 8 C O A L -------- W O O D D U M P W O R K SUBS S4.do cord -2 cordi $7.50 W o m e n ' s M e e t i n g c Come and Hear R E E V E J . B . L E Y L A N D ' * AJ THE ORANGE H A LL SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 29th a t 3 p .m . E D Y T H E M . T U R N E R L ib e ra ] C a n d id a te THE LIBERAL CANDIDATE ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev.- W. J. Millay, Pastor . Phone West 540 , CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST Mrs. Edythe Myrtle Tiirn "ANCIENT AND. MODERN NECROMANCY, .ALIAS MES MERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED"' will be the\sub-' SPECIAL the Liberal candidate fo'r Not̂ ^ Low Mass .-- 8:.̂ 15 a.m. . . ^ __ ^ Vancouver, has. been a resident ■ High Mass and'"Sermon--^10 :15 .lect of the Lesson .- Sermpn in- Condon,--Mrs. Lane, M ̂ "-"of . the constituency for "bvW lO" a .m r' -. vv mm. all Churches of Christ, Scientist, J ' Mitchell, Mus ̂ I mhp, Mr.s< Tĥ ^̂ on Sunday. - ^ .i i jpmsim, -- --Engl i sh------r--p^mi-- ^ -----------The--Golden~~Text~i s : ~ am ' Charles Merrick. -- V narpntaofp. 'Bpr fnt ViAi' hpinor ^ ' ' ' . _ ». . . hisldle. Fir.............|5.50 per cord .SInb» With,Bark $4,00 per cor'd HEN'S"CHtJRCH" : A. Ramsey parentage, her . father being Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 with thee to save/thpp^ -and fn___ f-oporatoi': ̂ I ' ■" i - ! ' ■-- ^deliver .thee; saith the;> Lord? --Si4H)H-4b45tlgptirs~$3776-ptir7t̂ SAWDUST I'H1TAM'S PUEi. Phoi^e North 620 . Ferguson 7 R e C K - U ' 'Sunday, May 30th. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion, n :16 a!m.--Matins and Sermon. 7 :15 p.m.-r^Evensong;, ' St, Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild {);45 a.m.--Matins, of a fFeet of ships between New-- Week-day Services foundland and the New .England- < Mass, -- 7 :Q^a.m. T̂-Sta4ieŝ -4ffld--her--uncl€- -r- Friday.sW .mayor of Halifax, Nova Scotia. --7:45 ' the terrible." (Jeremiah 15̂ The Honorable Clyde Lake, Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 20, 21). ■ r ' Minister of Marine and Fisheries " to 8 :30 p.m. " ' - Among the citatiohs which Apd I will deliver thee out of the han^ of thejw icl^d, and I -will__ -d - for-Newfoundland, was another close relatiye of Mrs.= Turner, and coming! fjoni a politically AN HONEST BODY'S PRAYER L v ^ Vtist Van, -k a.m, & 3 i^ni. --LvrWancouvcr-t tnioiTTiSr̂ iTpTnt. " liV.Wan., Saturdaya. t n.ni. only >Vcar85 ■ Doug. 429 ^ BAPTIST CHURCH Mmister: minded family she has made-a-- Lord,-jr>ifrkc.old folk toiera-nt- - study of political affairs, giving^ Voung ,folk-sympathetic, particular attention to the ' - - - comprise the Lesson - Sermon k the following from the Bible: "For th,e mystery, of iniquity doth-alreadjy-work: only he whir now letteth will let, imtil he be Rev-Wilfrid-U-McKay-^ and problems of women and ^usy folk patient, -ehildrenr----------------------------- ■ less. Poor foUTthankful, lit Hollyburn Dressmakers UB90 Marine Drive .SiON£-.WEST-S83 MI88 D. H. HORIE . 1645 Duchess Ave.- ,1_. '-Before corning to.North Van-# u n d ers tan d in g , cQuver, Mrs. Turner resided in ,Ŝ tr6nir.folk,g en tle . "Living in the Ultimates" will Calgary where she, was a leader p ra y e rfu l, be the subject of the pastor's, in Red^Cross^wnpjk:--d>ir-ing-- sermon Sunday morning. Thei^ World W ar., She is the mother P»y folk th o u g h tfu l, will also be a story for the boys of six children, three boys and fo lk kindly , n in d -girls.--The evening-service-- three-girls,-and-has one grand- folk-good^ . The Lesson - .Sermon also in cludes , the following passage ' from the Christian Science text! book, "Science and-/HeaIth with ~^^y~to"the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "As named in Christian ^ience, animal _magz_ nhtism or hypnotism is the spec- W ill o p e n w i t h . U i ^ e . _ u s u a l . b r i g h t c h i ld , w h o s e p a r e n t s r e s i d e - i n - G o o d folk p lea sa n t ^ ------------------ -- - -ific t e r m - f o r e r r o r * * o r " m o r i a l ■ N o t w i t h s t a n d - . (A nd m ake me w h a t I o u g h t 'to -b e ) . m in d . I t i s t h e f a l e b e l i e T t h a t H i s a t l e d T i V e t e r a n i " ASSN.-(i921) MeeUi'^^n Secoifd Tuesday each month IN THE FERRY BUILDING -All Ex-Service incn eligible, either", full-or-associatel . 'r ic e r ir t 10 o'clock.__ There are - giving special a ttL tio n to social like . • How wouH vo» «fore powerful. classes fo r all ages, including *»ne to have your wife ;and child re- - - qual i ty adult,Bible-class. Strangers and' .Vancouver city arid she is well- Nw o" Llririius^U® vKsitors .will. r<^.i.ve a cor^V#, known for her-efforts- on thaf Jo^e " -v7„ u ■ , ' - » - welcome. behalf. » .. r . P̂ uch, mdeedrniahkbehalf. T he .Young People's Society The past three' years during do" ̂ ^ onion rubbed oyei will meet on ATonday a t 8 which time Mrs. Turner has been L'syriuice Agent: "But you o'clock. Ken ..Vernon will have of the Liberal Associ- surely agree to ttiking out. un in- charge of the devotional,' and atioh for the Provincial riding of surance policy t_o_ cover your Elmore Humphreys will speak bn North Vancouver, has'brought buruil expense ?" ̂ '^"Changed Men." " v several advantages to the North By the wav ' f - . Pmon. ruDDed oyer you supply the wife and child' " ' wnwaj.^ w ill im p a r t a.Y^onderfulenua . . to it. " . ■ f < u n O * ..XT - Men." ^igoveral advantages to the North . 1 ̂ - On T^uesday evening, May which Mrs; Turner has -nucht be lost a t sea: the Mission Circle of the Baptist ^'fsponsible but her natural .Church. oelebrTited--tboir - 13th modesty has prevented her tak- Elect Let's bust the Patronage'Trust. Vote for a North Shore\M an.' 99 . wa West Van < Ft)bt|ab«Ml-Kvcry Thursday , ■-4'; ' Publisher • - M COVEGBOVi^-- ;------rhoni-WesUMS -- . Busiiuissi and Editorial OlTicc: 1704 Marino Drive Phone West 363 . ■ - ' ,----- ims a helpful message, ~ \ torcefulness and sincerity Mrs.-YernonL presented -th e , Pi-esidenL Mrs, Stevenson, on of th t _behal£ o L th e J a d ie s - o tp i^ ^ leZ. led to with a DiRniontf Jubileb pin.'. A splendid offering was received her, knowledge for support of Indian. student their .and a social time .was held a t the S ee a n d H e a r close. hUin-e"^^"^ member of the legis- North JVancouver Office: l'23-l4cnnsdale Ave. I The monthly meeting of the Udies:. -ffission Circle of the Mrs. H. Thorpe.of Jlorseehoe ̂ Baptist Church will be held- in Bav and Mr - n/i ' k -- --̂ the-church on June IsL a t 2:30. R idW and . 1.00 « > • - by a y a „ ■, A l^ ie o . interested cordially, in- A L A ®fher speakers I May 2W SPE aA L NpTE--Conserv««v.a'nr.L,. ' ^^36 Manne-Dnve. 'y ^ A t wUTE-Conservativp Wr.!.! ' ^ a n n e Drive. ̂ ommittee Rooms Monday evenin?^M?v*<?f^ to attendra-iaily 'artET ' a, may.dlst, startiog-at 8 p..m. l i i m •"A lii iw.w.itAtaiii[>̂ l i i