'"■i,ffî î Ŵ̂ f̂ " f̂*< ........... '* .- -I r f ̂<r " e «W J*«̂ W*W M m INK j-i'/sW A Weekly News .,f, , , , . . . ̂ _ # ' • '. ^ ' " • ' .jn- , * ■ . 4 , , ' j Qirculating in the D istric t o f W est Vancouverr-Ambleside, Hoiiybum^-Weston, ■ D undarave Cypress Park, Caul/eild,W hytec/iff, E tc.*1 .00 per year. 5c per copy at newaatands. ' Vol. X I1 HOLLYBURN P:o., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. MAY 27th. 1937 No. 8 THE PILOT STEPS DOWN CONSERVATIVE MEETING C.C.F. MEETING On Wednesday, May 12th, King George and Queen Eliza- hotli were crowned in W estminster Abbey, while all over the FniDire their many peoples 'crowned them in their hearts, niif there was another crowning th a t day, th a t of a great ciiro('r of public service of which few probably thought. Sfniley Baldwin, the old pilot of destiny, knew then at last tint ho had steered the ship o t state aright through one of Ihc worst storms it has ever had to'face. ■ , ' ^ It was a supreme tes t of statesmanship, for, in spite pf iĥ i vorv large sum he had given the nation during the War, iinnv accused him of pandering to a fear of personal monetary losM ' However, a sturdy old Englishman himself with hjs feet ,„'otod in' the soil, he knew.what fundamentally h ii own people would want once their, anger and disappointment had cooled, and; Secure in th'at knowledge, clo.sed up and grimly held to the course bo had set. " ' , > . ' * There is a curious destiny which watches over the Anglo- Celtic peoples, a destiny which has enabled us to achieve A Conservative meeting, dur ing which the audience twice sang "For he's a jolly good fel low," was held Fidday evening ' in the Orange Hall, L. V. Makov- ski acted as chairman the speak ers being J. Loutei, Alderman^ Wilson and C, H. BjQiziej^ Jack L'6ui<%/ Mr. Loutet said he was West Vancouver's ,first broker,.having sold property there 30 years ago and ever since. The City"'and 'D istrict of North Vancouver went bankrupt not by iniaman- agement but because the Harbor* Board had bought 4 miles of ; waterfront ahd had never paid ' Mrs. D. G. Steeves, A. Alls- bury and J. S. Woodsworth, M. P., federal leader-of the party, were the speaker.s a t the C.C.F. Campaign meeting held Wednes- REEVE LEYLAND'S . MEETING empire in spite-of ourselves. Its whole virtue lies in 'th e --^taxes.as'agreed,^ wh^ the 2nd Minl-irent abflity to produce, whenever the necessity arises, "^N arrow s ' bridge had been prac- Iheone man n^ded to lead us pu t of any impasse into Which , tically stolen from them by; the our muddling has brought us.' Which is'not'seldom. It acts «Tuall7 dn"the-iield; and'in- the-counoil cham ber,-A nd,-w ith a complacency th a t makes other nations not so blessed jibber, we call it luck. - ,. ,, i. * , • ,. - Today, with'an Empire more firmly welded together than . operative marketing, but to the *ver we can thank" God for Stanley Baldwin, and, now that marketing act, whiph .was the government.' He was not op posed to health insurance but to the present act7 witfi ite deduc tions from salaries, nor to oo- ,he has stepped down from the bridge, will wish him many ■ h a p p y years in-':his,retirenient.-, Men of his calibre are;not made in a day, as was said last week by a leading American writer, which coming from such a source, should make some of our ranters do a little hard thinking. ' Meanwhile,^ let us all, pray th a t some leader, like the old pilot may soon rise up amongst us, for there* never was a tim e , in our history when Canada was so sorely in need of such a ont s SCHOOLS BAND MAKES . CLEAN SWEEP AT FESTIVAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SPORTS RESULTS School of highest aggregate -Vypst VahcbuveFs'̂ Hiay^«t>d:he Phta "" MiiScal Festival. P layingj v worst type of bureaucracy. He : believed in ,.the-ihihimum wage. The present act, however, was too hide bound beyond hardships. Independents were 'only of two 4ypes, those ■ who spent their whole time log rolling and, those who were ignored by both sides. ■ He had no quarrel with ^the C.C.F. .and largely synm^hized with them but-split-dw r the ir policy. If elected he would,look after the public business as he looked afte r his own. / .. A ldei^an -^WiBon-' ̂ ̂ ' ^ e said the candidate while 'TS^A^iad4)ressedgfolEt4iPrGa^r" ■"■'lleeve77l^^tk^ylah(^s.inboting*' last night in the Orange Hall, was tile la rger, held here so fa r ______ _____ ___ . in the campaign and whole- day evening, the 19th instant, in heartedly behind him. - Geo; Hay ' the. Orange. Hall. Mr. Siebald ' acted as chairman, three others . acted as chairman. ' . speaking besides the Reeve. Mrs. D. G. Steeves , (knincillor DickiiiKoii Mrs. Steeves stated we had . 'Pile (knincillor said he was politioal economy but not eco- convinced tliat the Reeve Iqid all nomic democracy, the .conces- the (lualillcations m?eded in Vic- sions to the people like social toria, where lie would work fer services, etc., being little more t!u' Nortli Shore as he.had work- than street qar tickets. Big busi-. ed for West Vancouver, ness profits did not allow of (laptain Archer ..^b.eaHh insurance, so the Liberals Captain Arclier stated "a nad offered the present abortive, chance was oirered to"^elcc't a act. Labor was dissatisfied be- West Vancouver caiidhlate, who cause wages had not increased had tlie interests of the North proportionately ,to the wealth Siiore" at heart, produced and greater living ... Roy Hunit*r . costs, while capital was not feel- Mr. Hunter said the Reeve was " ihg seou f7 ' Wi th "debts up "50.0 % itoI;"] aitT uir by-irparty- in aoh i n Cr- since l9 l4 while revenue had iiot, a iiromissor, but a man free ■ only increased 150%. Public to act unci (lualified to do so. ■ works do not pay di vidends, and , , Reevcc Ley land ,B.C. was only making 1%2C Per ' The Reeve said the Noi;th \ acre out of the forests, now being Shore " had _bcen dominated too'; depleted by big business,, to $6 ,. long by party niachines, th a t ' o'btained by other countries, things could and should be rui.i The C.C.F. policy was, not to tax the small man, but to use the -profits of big business for the people's benefit. ; ■ J. S. Woodsworth The speaker dealt chiefly with Dbrhihion problems, saying small group controlled the gov ernment and business of Canada. The small man could only Uye, in -Victoria on their merits as in ^rrmnicipalities. He doubted if his plectio.n expenses woii'ld ex ceed $400, given by good friends. ■ who asked nothing in return. " Ilis platform was; - Finance •-- .Pay as you gd.'**I'Tovincial-(lebtr-' should be backed by Otbivyu ,tp; reduce interest ra te s ; 7-Social , Services -- 100/^ responsibilifi^ . must be A different agesJtheJWest VancOu- Boys of highest aggregate baldi Highway and the-establish- ver-Schools Band carried.bff the score -- Penriant; Hollyburn;^ ' ment of subsidies for municipal three-first--prires--In^-fhe-morh^-- -- G irls-p f--highest--aggregate---i^i-^L|e£yico.s,_„and-.,would_coiirL ing session the junior boys, ' score -- pennant: Pauline John- ,smer the welfare (rf the people if a t ail, a t a low standard, and__of the state; Grants -- ,.v -- the yburig could find iio-jbbsvr- Ip .^^&tored= an#Mncreased the past the opening West and Yangemeiit with Ottawa Edu- ■"̂ oyganized yiess - th an ' a", "year," son;® -befbre party. Th€~vitaHsOT€TwaB" played well, winning fiir^ place H igheslj|^ iv idual score, boy - by.orie point over the New West- --cup: Maicmih Douet- (P). School- B an d .--In -th e-- ^-Highest individual score, girl -a-fter-noqn--the boys under 17 ^ u p : Ruth Franklin (P). years of age also placed first a-^ ' * ' .head of New W estminster and BOYS the growth of debt. " C. H. Brazier He,, as a young man, said his generation had little use for party. The Liberals leant to dictatorships as in 'th e S.P. Act surplus goods. Noyr. with massed but burden on land reduced, production and decreased buying More vocational tra in ing ; Health power distribution was o u t of I n s u r a n c e N e c 0Kssarv_.. .bul̂ ^̂ ^̂ stepr' New Zealand . had .taken present a c t; Roads -- Independ- ■"6verM)ankjng--and--er-edR^im4^=^nt--TI-ighway=^Gwimms4mi-;^o bought all dairy products for ex- political roa,({fl; Garibaldi--Glad port... His^party would take ovei the big monopolies for the ,use of the people. ̂ , .. Mr. Allsbqry's address was on similar lines tq the t,wo other others were supporting, i t as he- had* done a t every opjpqrtunity. Tourist Trade --=-'-R,eturns merit- ed Tull support of it. He made no prorfiises,' but :wnnld dn pip b^st- ---- ' Although being generally much younger than ' the other bands _competingjn_theIevening-S€SsiQn_ -for--players -under- '21-7years -of_ -̂ iag_e,__tb_e West Vancouver boys 1, M. Douet, (P),; 2, S. Currie (P) ^3,-G.-Jones_( H)_ and-the-Gonservatives were the" more likely Jo save, democracy. C.C.F, FINAL MEETING ■n;. COMING EVENTS" showed tha t finish iiTpl^?^ ing-d'emanded by the adjudica-; " top^and " we r̂e "awaMed~first" place with 90Tpdiht"s77^nd""the" handsome Conn C h a 1 l e iTg e 100 yard-Da^h--Open ' 1. W. Breeden (H) 2, M. Douet (P) 3. S. Currie-(F ) . Junior Relay. 300 yard^-- _ P.J.--̂ H. Johnson,' S. Wilson, D.- Barker, G7"Sangster, R r The-final-meeting-of-t-he-GTCr^--Saturday--June--T2t-h--"-=^]Torti 12 & Trophy, ' Having won. the High Schwl Junior, championships _at -thê WghcTQuver "Exhibition last summer..-, the_W est--Vancouver " 400_ yard. Senior Relay- ' 13 years-- --- PT̂ T--School----M.-Douet,- D. JFohnstone, A. !l^ngham, S. Currie. -MitchelL-B^Nutt.- Ju'mps, 6Tand 7 years-- -- 1̂; DHBarbour (H ) -- 2, V. Cue ( H ) - . - 1 3VD: Sm ith'tP) .- E. JW-ill -take_p]ace_j,t_8 jq.m^ next .Monday, May 31st, in the Orange Hall. The speakers will--be-C cultural Show in Inglewood Auditoj^um. G rant-'McNeil. M.P;, Grace Mc- Innis, and, Mrs. Dorothy Steeves, the" C^.F.-candidate. - -ThTn^ay7JTiTKrl7th=S en's - Inglewoorcl "W.~A. Mid'^ Summer Tea. Jumps, 8 and 9 y e a r ^ SOFTBALL "Band now holds firs7-place for- every competition open to Junior Bands in British Columbia.. . „ The Civic Banquet to the Schools Band was held on Sat urday evening ininglewood Aud^ Ltorium ̂ a num ber. of the boys' parents being also, present. 'A happy time was spent, and speeches made by Reeve Ley- land, Trustee McDonald,; and Manager Condon, the la tte r act- l^g. as chairnian. The Reeve-ori behalf of the Municipality pre sented Conduotor Delamont w ith a,very fine suitcase, his wife be-r lug .the recipient- of a bouquet presented by Mrs. Leylandr'The j ̂ parents of the boys throilgh Ex- Tabloid Team-- - - - 7 ;H . S.--W. Breeden. G. Jones, ,Ru^sell_,_presented Man- F. B raden, TTPick, R. Part- ington,-E. Dawson, B. Tea- roe, W. Sloan, J. Layton, E. White, R. Froud--28. points. P .J _ A . Bingham, R. Bone, P. Waite,_J. Hailstone; H. Ros- etti, G. Bayfield, B. Uilde- - meister,,,D. Johnstone, M. ' Douet, S. Currie--23 points. 50 yard Dash, 6 years-- 1, I^Morrisoii (H) - 2, A. C,ue_(Hi___ _ 3, H. Johnston (P) ' 50 'yard Dash, 7 years-- 1, y . Cue (H) • 2, ,M. Benson (P) ^3, S. Wilson (P) • ' 60 yard Dash; 8 years-- - ITDT^BarkeyrCP) \ G. C iie-W ^3^MT.vB_tain^jM®=:L :=r^IE^onsv-TQ.st ^ t h e i i ^ f i r l ^ games last week. On Wedhes- Jumps, 10 and 11 years-^ 1, A, Henshaw (H) 2, B. N utt (P> , 3, -B. Hunt (P) " . -,v- GIR'LS. • - 50 yardfDash, 6 years-- , ■ L B.^Nield (P) - - 2,-V. W a rd W 3, D. Cruickshanks (P) 50 yard Dash, 7 years--̂ 1, V. Erikson (P) - -2, M. Murphy (P) D. P latt (H) 60 yard Da^sh, 8 years-- -1, C.̂ Gruchy (H) 2, P. Reid (P) 3, J. Garner (P) ^day7viMa-y-^19th--at-Maben-ParkT- ^Red &*White defeated, them 12-̂ 4 \and last Thursday at-Amblesid^? ■Park-JWiBiamson's Dairy ed them S' to 7 in an eleven in ning, tussle. -Taylor and Zielski did the "pitching for .Tritons and "Taylor--hit a-hom e-run- iii_the_ seventh Tnning. , WOMEN'S MEETING Reeve J. B. Leyland will hold -a women's meeting a t 3 p.m._ oil Orange Hall. ^ \__ WOMEN'S MEETING 60-yard Dash", 9 ^ a r s -- ager Condon with fi'verv ig e fu 1 ~ "̂ rD -Clem ent (P) vlff a^v^r-y-usei-ui^---- 3, I. Smith (P)shape _qp a heavy- b e l l i n g rug, Mrs. Condon r6- a bouquet from the band. . 'evening Russell Es- ^xylophone ,^olo 3hieh-wasTnuc,h7e„joyed.taLi ■■ - ' ■ .v\ I,:, ■ui'; i-./L s;,.- ,l,_X_Atwa-te.r. 2, J. Cranwill (H) :3;H.iStamati& Tonight a t Ambleside Park at. 6:30 p.m. Tritons play Red & ' White. Thi§ team has just-come up the junior, ranks and show p rom i^ of gi ving an ...ex cellent acdoqnt of themselves in senior company. Don't forget Softball every Thursday night a t 6 :30 o'clock when jarge turnouts are hoped =-forrr"!__________ ______ ______ ̂ The C.C.F. Campaign Commit tee invite the women ,.of.,We.si Vancouver to hear Mrs.-Dorothy Steeves a t 2:30-p.m.7ombrr(/w- ..JF riday), in the Legion Ha|l. - -Refreshments will be .served. - • f PiREMIER PATrULLO TO SPEAK HERE T h e^ HonT ■ T." D. ' P'attullor" Prem ier of B.C., wiB be among the speaker.s a t the--Liberal meeting to be held a t 8:„15 p.ni. tomorrow* (Friday), in the Or ange Hall. Other.s who will m - know*' i - '<?"shingiy)F-'Irdu- about y l u / - a jr e a t deal siUv"w®" '.'(a*>sently): ' "Pos- thing-"̂ ®̂ K?Y® 60 yard Dash, 9 years-- 1, -G. Cue (H) . .2,'-J. Bingham (H) __ _„_i_ 3, G. Grout (U) 60 y^rd Dash, 10 years-- . 1 ,R ._ Mitchell (P) / -- 2,"G. Mitchell (H )- - 3, A. Hibberd (H)- 60 yard Dash, 10 years-- 1, M; McTavish (P) 2, G. Jenvey (P)-. -3 , F. Parker (P) ; 60 yard Dash, 11 yO'ars-L- -1 ,-M.-t)ansey-(E)- W omfcisinath in g-bu La rrag. a bone, and a hank of hair." "M a n js nothing bu t a brag, a grban/^nd a tank of air," spealL-will_be-lMrs.-JEd £t ho^Tur-: her, the Liberal candidatc7 and rJ.-Edward-Sears.-Therc .will.ajso. be good musio; 60 yard Dash, 11. years- 1, A. Henshaw (H) 2, G. Mitchell (H) - 3; D. Chapman (H) _ , 2,^J-^Jessiman (P) . 3̂ D. Jackson (P) ----------- Jun io r Relay, 300 yards-- P.J.--B. Neale, V. Eriksen^^P. .Reid,.L Atwatbr, G. Jenvey, M. Dansey. p- . (Continued"on P a g i^ 8 )~' / " - * . 'T m sorry,* sir,7-said the con stable, --"b u t you'Ji -h a v e - ta _be_. summoned for driving a t fifty mi.ies an hour ;along ,this=-.road." ■"̂'Couldn't you charge me with driying eighty, officer?"--said the culprit.. TT want to sell th^ car, and it would pu t the DR. PA'TTERSON AND J. LOUTET HERE ON'SATURDAY up , Dr. Frank P.. Patterson, Con servative"leader, J. Loutet,* thc- C onservati'vecand idate , and others will address the Con.serva- tive Victory- Rally a t 8 p.m. Sat urday, May 29th,- in the Orange Hall. .fa