fW-1 Niiii» illMSI'lCBIBiliffWI THE WEST VAN NEWS May 18, 1937. * SMITH'S MARKET W eat 46 R E D A N D W H I T E - P h o n e W est 46 ssi»i'; r iA * ,s ri,l'-MS--W«'d i»r r tf linage, (in lOc < I'auiUtf*,. Hlifid I'INKAI'I'I.K .'('l.argt* lH*o/. Tin>* . 25i? ('Ol'i KK/»-*Atiii( Mary'n Mh. hag 2' r J,\M -- Hlranl»t*rr) v»j(h lulcli'iJ J't't'liii I III. I In (He • <',\'r.sri* 2 i2«i>z iioMifH' iyc (h ia i'IvM ' is m ,a k i :h 2 pUtM. 21c HONHV - Mailirnim Nu. I So. Hi/ (in V" , 25c I'MArni'JS' -Jiiilvcs 2 H(jt, tiiiN 23c .. fucked in ll.C, ,■ " . lied AL WMte Mnirid 'fOMA IO HOUI» 2 (iiiK ' ,15c lied X W/iHe HAKINli I'OWDKK 12 »/. (In . 17c- ' 'Hiive llie cmipuiiN for Viiliuililc ̂ preiiilimiH. „ , lied A While VAMU.A, 2 o/. lint. 1.5c Will .Jioniake ot/l. lied X While W lin iC COII.N • 2 No. 2 (liiM ,, i ......... lied AI; WJiile IMCAK, .Sieve 1 2 No. 2 "I'inh • lied X While, (jIIJCKN IlKANK ■ 2 (itiN :, IIHI) .S/MlINi; SALMON I'l Ih, fill M eals---P hone W est 370 FKIIM Y ANI)*KA'n"HI)AVr.MAV Mfh & 15th' ivf I? A npis■ ■, It JH ,l2/-OL„ ,1 ^roi» STEER BRISKET, Ib. I2c (:n 'rJ 'A(;E IIOEES (Fine.sl) I'o r II) 24c' / . '• ' ..... . I , •• aitr vt.M̂ v vvuJi m.u iin * BRI'JA.S'r OF VE.AE, i>t*r Ib. 12c <•(} to the rear of the .scliool and r 6 ........................ CORRESPONJ^ENCE Bear Mr. Editor: . On Sunday, May fitb. our Hikrh- Sohixd waa open H> the public, to kfo the very ..spleiiUid wor,|i of art done by <Hjr diiJdreii in honoivof the Coronation, and to attend the Coronation Service. Being an interested parent, I wifiit through the school, whioli indeed was very worth while. Having a few rhiniites to .spare, i went outside , H' about, 'rbe building was very littingly d<'Corated. ThelawiVand flowers an? very well kept.but as I roam J e f f e r ie s ' S u p e r io r M e a t s , Government Inspected Only COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DEUCATHSSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PHONE W EST 3 Hi >A STI.\(; C H IC K EN , Ih. .'lOc viewed th e plny>rronnds I wa.s : i s z B C I .k 'p i c k l e s , th o p u g h ly dl.sgir led. T he play- (.Mu.sfard and Sw eet M ixed). , i^Tound.s a re no t level, very poor- i*,.r If,. ,'fOc ly di'a ined -- w a t 'r ru ts alLover « N «L r f # :« h ff V f 1 • II i> « /im/4 I nil «i rumt* 25c 27c 25c.V ' k ■ ibc IIE I.N / D ILLS .'{ for 10c VEAL LOAF (N o rth S ta r ) I'er Ib. 25c F I ,E 'n T IE R 'S HO N EY & SIMCLT) b a k e d HAM, 1'er'lb. ..........................00c Fresh" ( 'ml, .Sahiion find Ila lih u l : Daily, .All ,Me;i(.s in thin .store are , Top (R ialily -i (iiiverninenj In.spccled • (TIRREN r EVENT'S FORUM Next I) i Nc I INS 1 on--:,S 11 -dp w n Strikes , (H C R riiE s ()F ciirlst ;, SCIENTIST it, and in all, a \(*ry poor,ryay- ground for football, basefVall, etc., that are plfiyial by />ur .sludent.s. , / Now, our .schpi 1 ■ are foij the ehildren and their t'duention and fis we consider .the front and flu* rear grounds/iof the sdiopl .th e eye of the puldic wa.s aiid is tile first eoiisidei'fdimi. "The mpral o f this story is:-- I'ai'ent.si have ; i , look at t he sdnxd ground.s and lei ns .see if o u r School Bmird wmi'l da•.s(,)rne- lliing to better this sitnatibji. ' A FAitKNT. Service L U M B E R «tuaut> .SASH & h o o k s ' SHINGLES PLYWOOD'S I.ATH ' THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE. FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER ^UMBER CO- LTD. ̂ 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 A D S The rate for ChiBHified,Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minimum 2.5 cents. .Except in the case of those having regular accounts, ail classi- fiedu are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds iii the West , Van News get immediate results. T'hrc-p ofgani'/.af iorj.s ■ which "".M uirrA L S AN D IMM.OKT- ALS" Pill b'(' l!)(' .subji.'d of th e IIOUf^EHOLD HINTS LANDSCAPE, Rock Gardens, Pools, Fencing, etc. Expert planning and maintenance. Millan, West. 121-Y. ^ c ru m i,led -u i, Iicny»pap«r is , m a id WANTED - Good, plain cooly.v,. In...n w riT in K n iM lK '« lu - A c r u n .. ......... , , , ___ _________________________ '■-•■rntTnnnhwor)crd"'rliKOVrSfiiirt^^^ ̂ ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tw ~outr-P h on e AV est-390;-- - ■■ lynf'-ovmil.s for, th e parti tw d v o • ■ ' --.niciiil liJ^pnH.HH-fTTorrn th tf CuT- -- Hu- Ihvdi r.-iiliim WonT,. n- :..... : i „ ,ou u , . t I l in bAMIIEMUMS for yoiu*Char^ MARCEL SHOP •--> Thermique Steam Permanents.' Only best materials _used. Expert operators. Phone 104, Royal Bank Building.«^'i -Lo s t ----^-jSilver"chain~-braceletv-en«-- graved '̂Audrey." West 699-R-l. rcnl Evmil.x Forum which wa.s " yoi'gfini2<'d .o n A*pril 2f)th. The} folhiwlng wore dooiod oiricorH; L. W. .MakovKki.'^d'rortident; Dr, Koberta V̂ fm.s, T'n'a.siiror; II. ,S. -- ' ' Silvii-AVIuto, Socrotary. • ' Tlio ado(|Uficy. o r inado<|iiacy. of tli(.-prosont JL -C . H oalth Jn- .xiinmoc A ct wa.s di.scu.s.sod and 11 wa.s gonoralljV ag reed ' . th a t ' l)oj h i h o . plohi.scfto' find 1 h d ficf /...^wonld provo (olally inadoipm te w ithout fin ich-inori' in fo rm aiid n fpid iim ondm ont. . I t wfis docided ' '.....ul Hu* ■ c u rren t yofir tho "'■,)^?;j^"di1cm l)or«hip .siib.scri|)ti(>n slipuld /o rm 'o C .^ u p iily in g one I'hd floslT 'cfulnoi pli'iiM- (iod. lJul. Vo ,'fO;o',Diot 'in tin* bill ill I lu' fSpint, if .so Ih' )ti;.il' lljo Spirit of God dwell in .v<iii." (.iionifins S: 8. 1)). • v 7 Aiiioiig I h e ' c ita tio n s which cniirpn'M* tii(' Lesson - Serm on i.s lh ('...fdl(»wiiig from tin* Bible,: ' 'T!i(> 1 .o i^ k iin w e tli the dfiys of " t-li(' iipri-giit-: and th e ir in h erit- fUU(! ,Mliall be Ioi"evi*r.." ( I'sfdm s '87;-]S)V ■ ----------------- ■- ------ rile Lcssoji - .Sermon filso in,- ■ chilli',s the followbig- p;issago\ troin the (Tii'i.sti-an Scuhkh' te x t book,-"Science find Ileallil) with' Key to tjx: Scriptures" by Mfl'rv Bukev J'kIdy-_:-d:-.Mortals- an; nol- dam p b efo re it is wiped w ith th e . pfi per'.. . » '■ . ' A very easy way.,of gettjfig a k n o t ou t ..of a .th in gold chain •is to tak e tw o pins, hold w ith one find pick o u t w ith the o ther, f f a m eta l ,cpllfii)sible d rink ing . e u p 'is . tak e n a p a r t you will find th a t the pieces nnike excellent dough c u t te r s ,foi-' bi.seuits. - C rush '-sarae 'l*gg^she ir in to ' a " tine ))0w der and siirinklc . it 7on a .scrubbing brush', and you w-ill tind -thfit th is is an excellent' (ienf.linest varietica, great n o ^ ty free with early orders., Cowl North l-t()7, ■.......... TO RENT -- Furnished 3-room suite, modern, $16.00. Box 17, West Van News. . LEGION HALL FOR ifENT--Partes, . meetings, phone West 647-L, Arthur Capon, manager. 7 ■ LOST -- fLAdies Blue Oxfords in zip per-bag a t CfiYonation ball. Phone West 69.4-X.---^|^ • .___________ INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. Paterson,. West, 108. WEST _VAN--STATT0NERS=^ --s- ■ Varied ^assortment of Sun Glasses .just in -^.from^25c up.,' Complete Film- "Development Service now available, 'Eour Star Finish. Satis- ® faction guaranteed. We sell Films. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- ♦ t r y , way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, " North 81f^R-2. FOR- RENT -- W ell. funii8hed" sixr room modern: bungalow -- June 1st, $45. West 547-L. •'••■VI v'a«i«v' M' 14 II AVr ill/' ' ' X CIK, UtXX C*&1.U V V̂V4 • MV ÎVi 1 p rep a ra tio n to clean woodwork. - Complete Stock of Stationery, Mag- ' A ■ i;.. uu j ' azines. School ' Supplies, Greeting A Silice of onion rubbed, .oyei;:̂ . Cards, carried a t all times. AjendII* . ... 4 I I r*-.-_J, ....... 1 . .1 . /* 1 ' 4 . t ' /»!.• ' ■ i 1 • I'x . f» elifiij* t.(> I urni.sir.L luiiquarlej-.s...r to - -̂i-k-6-̂ uujiLQ)-î f'RD7A"t'n>a-Û '(b hi -: -f 11--(-) j-̂ f -hw--Far mu ' vi i' Hi e TcTcrT'H"--bei iTg "a 11,; tin\varo7AYi_l_J.J.mp^rt_ai\VOnderful.^__, ing_Library Rates; ,65c..monthly, 3c . .^ p̂ j^.l AaVNS FE .shine j td f t : ^ • ■. ' - _^~\"dairy,. .J,680,.-Matune^.E>veaWejs^87^::b:j:~^ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- Ladies Stockings, Children's 8ocks, . Handkerchiefs, Mending ' Wools, Buttons, Elastic. ' " • FENClNGjind- General- esfrSM * ul)liou.He-i tj-t-he-old- sc h< ml h mi ,sr-- w Jll-fi t Inrn■ (:n '■ I.•'()n.sc 1 (;11 sI)e,s,s' IIV 1 l)<» m'Tt'nJ Ifb- al.N ehsoii ai.id 27tli, find tlia t a fuct an d di.sapiK'jirf ;Vnd jlu* real t(*n cent c o n trib u tio n would .sen.se of hi'uig,. perfect .-ind for- coilccted a t,e ac h -m e e tin g for the- - ty o r in tact.-w ill a im e a r " --fHi^po.se'- (Tf: ciTrrmit"'h"xp'nTTf1'i w i-'e'. '■>' ■ .. Till* n i'x t , m eeting i.s to take ' T m nvfr-M,.i .. . ..i. . i- i m place in tlie .se ;.(niarlers on Mav ije en pushed in tn i'L jw Jtl'^ ^ 20 a t H p.m . T 'he'.subject fo r di.s- s tij ' in to u U io ttle wink -cii.s.sion will j/e "T he Sjt-D ow n ' i t on ,Htnki\s-;;.-T)u'ir Econom ic; Social ho ttlo l*uliticiri' Iiiwl4ea4-kai,s - - - J f infiTri"ckatld m ake an aoro^-- FOli SALTS-^ell player-piano, value p lane th a t would trav e l 'a t th e $L300, can..be played ,-as ordinary ■■ • piano. West 524-R.-- -JUNK~t\kr-bu5LjeveE^(lmtg"^f~valne. T O R SALE -- 1926 Buick Sport Road- B"urrard. Junk. Co; •^- license, $55.cash.-^1541-EsauimaltrAye^" ---.speed-olLfi i-atlio-w averw hich-'is- --hSerOOt) JntU*.s'l)Ti~rt'ec'ond, 'th eh • LAW'N"MOWERS SHARPENED'-- th e Moon .would be reached in Special_ machine;, repairs, parts. CLEAN UP--- The inferior oL-'ĵ oiir hom.e before the hot .weather comes -JH ab^ihe. M ure^o'andTed Seal ■ 1 1" 3 second.s and the Sun inpu.sneii ipouuJ)o k* wh e i A o •...... rV, . . ̂ t ' fill&t, lak,'. ii 1,,,-ilon. l o W r - ' 'a i i U l f e J B u t- I t woutd 1 11 sti-iiiK' a.m t,1n.|, in to Ihd 7 " " '^ 4 ,,vear;;-Ci2 ^ n g a t th is 0. T Iu-ii. mill til,'- ci.i-k UD ■">'-?"« ' ' ' '! '0 'i,speea to reach th f West Vancouver 1449 Marine. Machine-Shop, ,:Ka!lsomihe tr i a lt colors a t Crawley & Barker, Hardware. up WfETr, , . , o.F (h^ ^ i t f rk . __ tlui aiu ut' a . h a ip iiv pull- t he window ,{uim*.s s t r in g -wliich i.s ;itl;u-hod tn ih o Victor w h o jy a d ju s l r 'r e ictrazbiiliXMHiivc^ ̂ with cloth w<'i with J io f vincgiip. - iJUtlon? and tin come out. cork \Vill sooh' ' London fro m Holly- m M ^ A YRirZ NURSERIES I _Announcu th a t_ j Mr. M. Burge.s.s, .2872 .Iclfcrson Avo;, hits "been ap p o in ted 'to " -- th e ir Land.s('ap<.' Dupt.'^for th e N orU i _Shnre.__ •wood buttonholed a':^riend in the s tre e t one d ay and ta lk ed in te r m inably ab au t :hiETecen"f%iu;efess ' in th e State.s, th e -firm s he had_ . s ta rre d in. etc. , , F inally he ..stopped a'nd said ' graciously , "OH, b u t I f e a r IhA ve talked, too. lo n g ..ab o u t -m y-self. ' __iNow, I.e.t's' ta lk ab o u t you rse lf--̂ ■ how (lid 7ybif like my last pic.- LOOK! Made-by, ENTFIRFRI^E CREAM ENAMEL NfCK-EL-^RIM- $59S«.STRONGLY BUILT COAL - WOOD' ' OIL or SAWDUST _ ~LiberaI.=A41owahce "on your old ' Range, FORSTS LTD. N- MORRIS,-Agent 14/6 Marine. Dr. West 711 - ■-also a t"66 Lons'^ale Avenue ' North Vancouver FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Manne, Phone West 55__ "Burners installed; furnace repairs. Phone G..Mel^ruhi,'1103.-Lonsdale,I North Vancouver. - .____ ', • - Jm -R O N E CORSETS, Surgical Belts; . .dressmaking a n ii'alterations. Mrs. MacAuIay, West 408-R. I.DESIGN a n d RLANjyour_home_to " "cjyour- satisfaction. W. H. Higgins, Contractor & Builder, West 556-R-3 GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solici tor, 1447 Marine, by' appointment only, West 403; 510 THastings Street •. Seymour 4199 afternoons. il"eicwriiig" ""i E x c a v a t i o n Wkmk^ " " t i i r e '?" Sole .A.cent's for............................ ARMOR CIOAT WATERPROOF CfEiMENT PA iS t TEA ROE & SON, 1427 MARINE ^RIVE p h o n e w e s t R il 'L ^ tra -n d n iece"s f e r i v f i f ^ - ingrthe ypiifig people'dance about' 4 hem. ', you never saw am-'- dancing like that, back in the D̂ne4 ies, eh,'uncle?",, 0.ncQ 'but the place* waî raided." •• .' , WEST VANCOUVER (22nd and Marine)ORANGE- HALL. MONDAY, MAY 17 th . ....15,^ s p e a k e r s : I a K R A L .C A 'N h i r x s f E - ' : : N 0 R T H V A N C O U V E R O O N A G jJ Y , ■G O O D. M U S / F R A N K W A LK E R , C h a ir m a n F or S a n e , S t a b l e , p r o g r e s s iv e Go v e r n m e n t VOTE LIBERAL 1 'LH* ' ve r ^ m e nien never .caught ahv-' thing in-their lives- but a .cold, but an awful lot of fellows have getting at Bill Smith's .. ̂ staying with .he smoked one. ■r̂ nd listen,--you don't need to niortgj^e_^:ouL_Chicken Ranch it costs else Thp^v ̂f than anywhere ̂ Van Motor Pel- w a n t e d -- Odd jobs, any kind; windows washed, etc. Phone West HIG(j INBOTHAM, 1522 Marine, Op tometrist,' Optician, 'Wedne^ays 10:30 to 4. West 458-R.for 'Appoint ments, CHIMNEY SWEEPING A Sawdust Burners 'installed; furnace" repairs, pione G. Meldrum, 14th. St. East, North Vancouver. -ropobacc^o because Bill GroSt ?Sud I'l f ^^^Ses ot rearaiue. 111 say*; they are Your ild pal ANGUS. SMITH'S SMOKE SHOPS ', -'̂ mbleside Tea Rooms West ,yan. Ferry Our Molto: •'Dependable Fresh S todpr MASON'S. T A X I -- -Day and night - Passengers fully insured- W est'512 ■» '~^^^HpVA-SSj=^€hiropractorr-Suite- 4, Hollybum Blocki ' d r e s s m a k in g ------Ladled" Suits, , Children's 'felothes. Boys'- Pants. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine. West 619-R. . Wa n t e d --̂ B̂edding, clothing, boys and Men's shoes; Welfare Associ a t e West 690. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best ma^ T«r-ial--and--workmanship at7 "Fox'sr 14th: a t Ferry; ' T l i e H i g h i a n d i 1393 .Marine Drive The Home of GOOD FOOD W iU Open M ay 1 7 th -Serving- l u n c h e o n - AFTERNOON TEA - DINNER Catering for Private Paffies . - - West Vancouver's Smartest.Place to Âleet and Eat. S