• w Z e n i t h U fetitiie W a s h e r - El,minate ihc drudgery of washday wiih this reOoluiionary new . TOP ACTION W ASHER Ut usshowyod^howus g e n t l e RUBbER HANDS w.vsli your clothes cleaner and faiier. A S LITTLE AS $5.00 places A NEW 2ENITH IN YOUR HOME easv on the balance. b r o w n & Local and Personal MUNTON West 366,\Ki'y Miirino Drive . ̂ _ Members Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. mm H O L L Y B U R N D A I R Y iia v b y o u h a d y o u r h e a l t h f o o d t o d a y ? . y ' If not. llKn oat our PAR-VAY Ice Cream; Fresh while you wait; .Doc tors ivcoiuiiiomi Fresh' Ice Cream. , ■ • . Driiili.s electrically cooled. -To introduce new'Coca Cola Cabinet, sixi,/| lim'» --- bottles of ('oca Cola ffiven free with every purchase of,_50c or more. W est-Vaiicoii v e r is Stepping Out 'Be w i s e ~ a i i d - M o d e r n i 3 t c Mr. and'Mrs. L. T..Spragpe of . Showers Vancouver, have moved info the A no-ho.st party, held<rc»centb'^ ̂ Lefeaux hoiise at 2211(1 and ^Helle- a f the home of Mr. and MrC' vue Avenue. James Uu.ssell, 2075 Marine * * * Drive, was in honor of-^Misii; 'Mr. Pcrcival, wlio eomes from, Dorothy Russell and Mr>.-JLenard the prairies, has purchased the LeUoy, wh"pse tnarriago will lake Bartlett .house at 1558 lnf?lew(XHi place on May 15. Among the Avenue. guests were' Mr.'and Mrs. P. Mc- * * * Dprinid, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dono- J. P. Flynn is huilding a new van, Mr* and Mrs. Welsh, Mr. house opposite his home at Idth and Mrs. R. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. , and Ingliiwood Avenue. A. Millard, Mr. L. Cowan, Miss * * ̂ M. Cunningham, Miss Bloom- Mrs. Wilfred Taylor has re- Held, Mr. and Mrs. K. Penn and s turned to her home at 1148 Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright. , Duchess Avenue from the-North Miss Russell was also honored Vancouveiv General Hospital, when Mrs. K. Penn and Mrs., bringing wutli her her little son. James Russell' (jntertafhed for ♦, ' lier, and the guests were Mrs. A reception was held Sunday Cartwright. Mrs. Robert *Leish- aftenioon at the home of- Mr. inan, Mrs. R. Weir, Mr.s. Norman and Mrs. W. T. Shellard, 2177 McLeod,-Mrs..Smiley, Mrs.Paish, Jlellevue Avenue, when tlie many Mrs; "^-iAVelsh, Mrs., K. Clarke, friehds of Mr. and Mrs, Shellard, 'Mrs. D. Palmer, Mrs. Fraiik Dor- Who were, married on Saturday Chester, Mrs. P. M(!d)grmid, Miss Evening,' gathered to extiMid Massey, Miss Rachel Green and their congratulations.to them. Miss Hunter. ■ " « Id , ------- l<' * „ . , -Mr. arid ;Mrs. BrazicM^-have' -. Mrs. WulteiUL Hamilton, 2198 ' .moved frorri the city into adiouso Argyle Avenue, returned yester- ^at 23rd, and Marine Drive. ' " (hw to her .lioine from Ncirth '**" *' * , Vancouver General Ilpspital, Mr. I-Jood of. Vancouver, is where she recently underwent a building a house at 21st and ŝ huous operation, from which Inglewood-Avenue.-- 1--.______ -___ A Tonic all the y e a r io w n d T $ 1 . 0 0 per hotHe Ambieside Pharmaiiy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino Phone: Drive NVeat S2S li'RKE DELIVERY Stratton's BAKERY I'riiii und Mcni Picu, All klndH of Cookies ' Apple Turnovers ISccIes CukesDouKlimits , WoddiiiK Cakes a Specialty \Vo make evorything-right on (bo promises, Fresh Daily, from lirst, class ingrediiinls, Note Address: ' . , " ' . r ' 14G8 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 >K ' . * )|i .♦ The RevV'F. Av-Ramsey4H do-.r--- -Miss M.ur£.'McBain,„ w .ing well in North , Vancouver , been-a patient in the North Van- General Hospital and expects to ■ eouver General ..Hospital, returii- Lp Virnnn . ôon. cd Tuesday to h(ii' home at 29th and-Waferfront. ̂ - be home soon. CONSULT US ON YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS astbury lumber CO, limited 41 WEST 199 . -Shellard -- Turner Mrs. S.; B. Willoughby has . moved .from the c ity -fo r the' 'sumrper and is occupying a house A very^ciumt ,biTt _pre.tty wed- '̂ at 1848 Bellevue Avenue. - ding was solemnized Saturday NIGHT GALLS-A. ROLLO, West. 672R AGENTS FOR JOHNS-MANVILLE PRODUCTS m HEARo J. S. WOODSWORTH, M.P. NAtlONAL'^eR ESfDENT-C.G;F.= =r̂ T=̂ "'-^Mothers-^evening^was-held^-of--St-r-Andrews-Wesley--United ;̂L̂ fedJ3î jLa.sl_o(rimrijLin̂ ^ ~of the Churchy offiemtintr. The hannv -Wst--V-aneou ver- C. Cl F. Candidate .■'8.00 J-V'Tm evening. May 8 th, at the home ' T. Mitchell has moved into a-. , of Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Phillpots, houses a t-1186 Duohess Avenue.' 1629 Comox Sereet, Vancouver, * when Georgina Marguerite, eld- ____H. Beaver.- who formerly re- , est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. . sided in Wesf"Vah(iouver, is oc- .f). Turner 'of Kti!rrilb()ps, and cupying a Hou^e.on Oxley Ave- Leslie'James She,Hard, eldest son ,nue, West Bay. ' ' o f Mr.' a^d Mrs.- W. T. Shellard, * * * , 2177 B e^ vu e Avenue, 'W est NAOMI CHAPTER, 0;E.S. Vanoouver, were united in mar riage, the Rev. WillarQ Brewing _Qf-.JiQnor,--Mre.--J--R ei(i-o f--Can-- = W l m M r a h ^ V I o I e t T E a p t e ^ ^ ^ ^ -haw, Scotland; who is bn an ex,-' , .Mr.'^and Mrs. Gavin' of Van- tended viist to her daughter, .eouver" have taken a house at T-. • G> Hamilton^, wa.^pre-^<^25th and Bellevue Avenue. ' . Hollyburntlieatre FRIDAY ON PA' Trr:Mnir-Htb----- EDWARD ARNOLD BINNIE BARNES '̂DIAMOND JIM " also yiNows. Cartoon, Spojtlight, Etc. SAT. MATINEE & eVe NIN.G and. MONDAY May 15th and 17th FRED ASTAIRE g in g e r ROGERS "SWING TIME" " A L PT N E -eU M B E R S^^ ^ R N A M B N T ^ '.TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May.-lSth and 10th EDMUND LOWE COME E A R L Y HEAR A VITAL MESSAGE, V o t e c . c . f S'ented with a'bouqueLof spiriirg flowers by Mrs.. J. Fiddes.. A ' V special welcome was also accord?; od Mrs' J.-B . Carter, sister-in-; law of the Worthy Matron.,, who - t is; visiting =.'from ' California. "T oI WARNING TQ DOG OWNERS North Vancouver S.i?*.C.,A,.,,hasj been notified by Game Wardens tHAj; various large dogs in W(3.st Vancouver are chasing and kill- 4ugr-deer. - W-i l T- 'THE GREAT IMPERSONATION ' (Once'"' orrly at 8 ;20) .al.sxi,: -- tTr -- 7̂ -- wg^-tfeer. w iir owners--ptet ^ -- Fanny D. McCIeei-y members r^- gtviVt.. |̂^eKLdidm3-ft3rf̂ ceived dosages of red ro ^ s nV_E_BE-EQXUt B R E A K F A ^ .^Overstocked, Must Clear^-rCash or terms. Highest Grade Chesterfields at low prices. F i^ T o t Art Easy Chairs,' Ottomans, Stools. - . . " 'Recoyeriiig" . , Repairing ' French Polishing -the--hand.s_of-..Miss-Xasey-„and Miss Edna Thomas. Two'delight T ^ h 'o t" ful solos apprbpi*iate~to' tIm"OC--; casion -were rendered by Mrs. Verna Jessen, whose mother was also present. Prizes for W,hist and Bridge . T, Hungerford of Vancouver,----- W ife-(at breakfast): "Could l ^ v e "̂nd̂ won^by^^Mrs.. J. is building two houses a t '14lh a little money for shopping today, -and-Jeffersoir Avenue; ' 4ear ?" UJ.O'VVIX XV/i- ,«.xav* , . Reid' arid ~ Mrs:y Tr G: Hamilton, Burrard Lauri|di*y 1 LAUNDRY SERVICE7 FOR̂. DEPENDABLE ^ . ==DAVE,^NDERSO N, West Vancouver Representative. Phrmbw ^LiFWl^IrH59-l--L--01Lj!Tor^ you get everything TILE H eau tifu l Colorful D urable Im m aculate Visit our- , , - Modern Show Rooms and see* the nevyest irî r XileJDesign .■riie O'Neil Co. Ltd. -?87-HornbyTStr SeyrS&PT Husband: 'Wrtainlv Would you the special prize of'aT 'T T ^ ^ be-^ ___ - carried aw.ay by Mrs. Verna ' ...... , -- -- ........... - ■--=one- Wife: "A new one,' of-cuurse.- "Husband: "Here's Ihg one -- Pm $4 to the good.' I ^ T s e r v e d , by" Mrsv'RT'MaWea'mand- and . her committee, the ices being cut . by Mrs..W.*F. Poohiri-- -- ^ J U N K We buy Bottles, Rag's,,Metals, Furniture., etc. Highest prices paid. _ - " • ' PHONE WEST 91 . BURRARD* JUNK CO. ^ NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN SAWDUST SPECIALS " Sacked ........... 3 units_for $10.00 B ulk ........... ---3 units 'for $8.50 Stock up while prices are low, 4 f 0 G ^ P E q A L S - Mill - 'Fir"̂ r y .......... $5.00 cord Bush F i r ................... $5.50 cord_ • Furnace and Heater Blocks.. . ^ '* and Fireplace Wood $4,00 cord Slabs & Edgings..S-cords-$U.0q_ Alder $.5.0̂ 0 cord Topsoil Rock - Manure '\ Dump Truck Work =rv=eHARMdE=THGMP-SON----- West 582 „ West 582 ' m m m m M m m m m m M m . The Annual Meeting of the' North Shore Local Council of TOmen will be held-in the North Shor^ Club Rooms on Monday, 17th'May, at 2 p.m. when the ~gu^i$^p'eaker 'w.i 11 be.̂ G .-Ht-F. Logan, managing director of the - Fairbridge School Farmj_yM r:^ eouver Island, who will address the meeting, a t '2:45 p.m. .Rê - p ort' of ̂ tHeTProvinciaLmeeting heW in Victoria will be given and election of offioers' and couY^,; ers-will take place. Any mem- bpr of affilialCed organizations wilh4>e welcome. Stage leaves Ambieside Wharf at 1 :25, ^El^r and Consider R E E Y E j . B . I .E Y I .A N P Indej^endeni; C andidate For th e N orth Shore Mr. Leylalid will address tHe electors: rTuesdajr ^ M ay T 8th Friday : - M ay 2 1 st CKWX 1 0 1 0 k - 6 .4 5 - ] ^ - ] ^ J l - j ^ - - ^ u ^ I t } t e r - e s t 8 J P ! : i s c u 8 s e d - 7 - EXPERT W atch and Clock - - r e p a ir in g ' ' - T. CHRISTENSON (formwly with Birks Ltd,, . " Montreal) -- ~T522"Marrae-iDrive"^ W E S T 1 6 1 Is the rig h t num ber to call if you w ant to be p repared fo r the M ay-holiday, " * s u n s and DRESSES » . . . Called For and Delivered or ■ Carry & Save ^---- - - Ŵ ESTM^A^t̂ ^LEAT'̂ ERS - ■