West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 May 1937, p. 2

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m r *■* « j | •iMM Mgnrfflr Ai THE WEST VAN NEWS_ I W W VAH WHITBO CHURCH Riv* HUiii Wrifbt, MInlfWr BaadMy Bcr l̂ewi l liI6 t.iM., 7:16 p.m. Sunday Scbool iinidl BIbl* C liii JV »>m. „ , Stranferi & Vialtora Wtlcoittti. - f ' Introducing Duart Cream o f M ilk ami Creme Lip Sticka , The oiU of w}ii)l« hoii»«' ilHiry «< ronm, which will io in̂ ; liiit'k the «ofl, youthful fi'crthio'WH I loti ordinary »'0»nu'lica and h<ta/ai lutvo removed from your hkin. ■ ■ at the Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creutora of KucIuhIvo I'ormoncntH, 1540 Marino Drive Wewt 117 H A P T fS T C H U IlC Il Uev. 'W . ftIcKay, B.A« B.D. f ■' wnliir.-TTliiilixr.-M' . Sunday Servicea thdio a,mi--Church School iat. cludiriif A d u lt Claaa n tt.m. & 7.JJU p,m .-- l*rcachln« ServicfB . A h e a rty welcom e to all 'I' HOLLYBURN HALL nth and DuchcKjî St*NDAV. May lOth. at 10 a.m. • Sutiday *School and VoLinii l*t'oi)Ie'M Uihle ClauH Sl^^'l)AV KV-Sn ING a t"7;:t0 COHI'KIi ShiltVICIC ' Speaker: M|{. AI-KXANDKH SIMI'SON rriCSDAV ICVKNI.'̂ G ulH p.ni. I'ly^er and. Dihle Study [■:vt«ryhody welcome. ' WESTVANCOUVii: Cbristian Science Society . C U U K C l lV iD lF lC K 20tb a n d E aq u im a lt, H ollyburn Thin Society is. a Brunch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, ScientiBt, in Boston, MaBSachusetU Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May Kith. Subject: '* M O R T A liS A N D IM M O IM * A Iil7 " i Sunday. School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Mceiinif Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public i.s cordially In- .yited to attend our services and meetings.' Entire I GWEN'S GOWN AND Sport shoppe 1730 Marine Drive West 562 DR. G, D. II. S E A L E ' D.D.8., l ,d ;s . DENTIST : ; Hay Block, Mtli, and. Marino' Dr.' ' Olllce lloura 0 Ur 0 p'.tn. KveninKH hy"o|)pointment. , I'horie Weal 7'4. IINITICD CHURCH lil.st & Ksquimali Ave. Rev. HilliH VVrlKhl, M inister Sunday. Services: .I .Mrin. and'7: la ' . Sunday School a'v' Biblo CIu.s.s ml 10 a.Ill, KNtiibiiMhc'd on- North Shore 25 ' YeurB " ' ' V Kii»dy"A'KHiBrunl)" HARHON HROS. c m funeral 0ireclorB TO BAN Q U ET s( lio o iiS b a n d "Phe Civic airthoriiic.s ai-c go- honor the We.sl Vancouver S c h o o ls B a n d , w h o h a v e b r o u g h t N e x t " s a b b a t h m o r n i n g ' t h e s u c h h o n o r , to . th e m s e lv e s a n d iicV . J . W . F i e l d i n g o f H u ll , K n g - t h e m u n i c i p a l i t y . . F u r t h e r d e t a i l s l „ n d , . w i l l - p r e a c h . ' w i l l b e g i v e n l a t e r . T h e y r e c e n t - M r . I ' i c l d i u g w i t h h i s w i f e , a r e ' l y .s w e p t t h e b o a r d a t - - th e h e s r nu) a trip arouial the world, iiav- tival. 'Tng'VdsTtmi'N .... ; ind othyi* points on their way. ,, TIiW aid now on a visit to Mr. iin d'Mr.s. .J. F. Durbin. .Ml-.'h'i(-lding is a boloVed pa.s- a n n o u n c e m e n t « ."pill ......... ...... < THE DIAMOND REALTY ' ifc,,. ■ ........ ■ * Wish to announce that they a re now open f o r b u s in e s s ' a t 1395 Murine iB-lvc a n d 'would g re a tly a p p rec ia te L is t in g s o f W e s t V a n c o u v e r property, ^ I,mnhke hu.s been o p e ra tin g in G re a te r V a n c o u v e r since 1900 and Mr. Sharpe has been c o n tra c tin g a n d b u ild in g fo r 13 y e a rs . We feel that with our experience w.e can give you e x c e l le n t 's e rv ic e . New Low Summer 1 kates Effective Now PHONE FOR D E T A IL ^ , KNILL'S FUELS 9 WEST • 3 9 Saturdays--Half day only. Ordei«'early. -.NORTH 9 4 NoVth Vancouver Parlors 122 West S ixth S tree t;, Phone N orth Kid -.Vancouver PajlorH 55 Tenth Avcliue E a s t '. 'Plione Fair. Kid 1.1- ill th<' B ritish Methodist Chui-ci). Come and hear him. The m inldor w ill p reach -a t t h<> <-vrning service. b a p t is t c h u r c h ■Minister: " llcv, Wilfrid 11 McKay; I5d5 Duche.ss AVe. ED. BLACK WEST 6 8 GOAL - WOOD DUMP WORK SU §S $4.00 cord 2 cords $7.50 ' "'rh(- IBuivenly Fire" -will be t he ' jiastor'si. siibject Sunday morning. The church .school-wilT hurel |)rioT*~ti) the nioi-ning ser­ vice. In the evening,. Key.< John Hart, \yho has only., recently ar- lmv7Klb^TL-Qmad<4-- f In.suit* F ir ................$5.50 p e r curd S lab srw itb ilai-k $1.00 p e r cord 'S lah.s &■ F.(le-imr.s $.3.75 n e f cord ------SAAV DD.S1------- HUTAM'S FUEL I'hoiiv North (»20 after " \ i^ im r '-̂"Adst^^ preach. 'Ihe clibir will lead in . the worhip of song. Alex. Rolld will sihil a'"".solo': ' ■ The -Young People's Society -̂ w4i4-444eot---Ak->n.(:ia]y' -■ ;U.--B-o'c;.lork Thcjdevotioiial will-be taken by MissY\'lic'e Humphreys and Phil liashtinKwill give an aildress on ' - F e r g ^ i ne ' L.aimciian n a p u s is -ui ' In d ia ." * 1 1 ^ The .prayer m eeU n g w ill be - p | | ^ | P Y R U O T L l ^ ^ liV. West Van, .S a'm. it .'{ ii.ih. . iidvl "\\'e'dnestlay-TTt-8-trclt)ek-;-- -̂------------& i i i ^ RT. AN^niONY\«'GATHOLIC 'Lv. Vancouver n a.m,-<t •> jTlu, Lv.. Van., .Salui'days, 1 p.m. only • West 85 - Doug. I2'l ' ' CHURCH" ' Ref; \ y . J. M illay , P a s to r Hollyburn Dressmakers ~T 890" Marine Drive ~ • •PhONE WEST 583 MISS D. H. HORiE^ ■■■■- ■ ••_-V .......... • ..----- ---- T 0 :x l5 - 7:45 ̂ ASSN.. tl921) Meets oil 2nd and .lUKTiui^iys each month h | ^ IN THE FERRY BlilLDlNh^ All Kx-'Sernco mon eligibU'V either full or "associate. * Sunday Services Low" Mass --- 8:15 a.m. Hlgh^Mass and Sermon a.m. Rosary and Benedictioiv . '■ p.m. V ° _ Gat-et;hishi alkl Bible Class-- 00 ,, p.m; ; ; ~ - -- - -- - - .Week-day^er-viceiF====?^. TTMaks::^=^fl0-4uni.-- Frfdays--Rosary. Benediction 'SafurlltiysS -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. , The world's smartest̂ skfest, mo^iamous caF body . V . Only on Ghevrolet in the Lowest Ericer Field! CEDAR SHAKES ____ of all "Vindŝ wanted. "-HViftmt--fo r̂-4Uiboi4--AIi?N a i f WILLIAMSON'S S1T:V1CE MILL . 120 Esplanade ______ North ..Vancouver - KyoningSj West -IIS-R, v st .,;b t b p h e ;n 's c h u r c h " Rev. F. A. Ramsey Whitsunday, May 16th. 8:00 a.m.--Iloly ConmunionT ' --MiiHns-and-Seiunam -- 7TT5npmi;~Eyenson?f. FAMED TURRETTOP . . , Smooth-flowing for- OTaner streamlining. A. single sheet of solid Steel, it puts nnequalled- =Tt>totcction overhead. THE We0 Van News Published hN-ery Thvirsdny i^ancis-jn^the-WoodSj Caulfeild 3 :0 0 ^ p - m .^ F v e n s o n g y - .... ..... ................"""77- HOLLYBURN HALL I G.G ER._R0_0>11ER i n t e r i o r s . ■ ■ Take - a tape mease re with y6u s and actually checlg the CKtra 'inches of space. Twice the beauty . . -with glorified "Body by FisheF' style. Smart and distinguished, from neyr "diamond" radiator grille to the capacious built-in trunk at rear. ^ w i ^ the safety , . ._with Unisteel construction -7-^=^rQughout--steel-side^, steel-floor, steel-co-wl,-Steel Tugrret T o p ^ and'Bafety' frlasa in e-yery ^window. ■\Twice the comfort. . . with wider^^seats, .flat floors, improved visibility, new spacious room all ways, ̂ fuU insulation against heat- and cold ̂ and Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, of cours^ . Chevrolet has 'JBodies.by Fisher" in thie-- lowest price field. And no other car priced so low gwes-you-all these other matchless advantages: Valverin-Head Economy engine . . . Knee-Action gliding ride (in Master De Luxe-'Models) and Perfected Hydraulic Brakes. You get the most for yio.ur_money_when-yo%cho,o6e-a-€hevToretr~A8k-us EVERY C O N V E N k ENCE . . . Gjmplete instrument pahd and a convenient parcel com­ partment. Many other - atiractivp appointments, : Sunday School an^ Young . , People'si'Bible Class will be held a f 10--a .m ^ ie x t -Sunday, 16th, in-Hollybuni- Hall.-^There-- will be a Goipel Service at 7:30 w-ucw-yuu^ciiopse-a-tinevTOieiT--A8JS.-UB----^ .about the low, monthly paymenta- on .the-GeneraL-- Motors Instalment Plan. Master 2-passenger J5at/««r - Coupe delivered at factory, Oshawa.\ Government taxes, license and, freight additional, a {Prices; subject to Change ' - ̂without notice.), ~ ̂ - P u b lish e r * i>L n e x t ' Sunday^ when th<v_ I nonivWest^RKl-----------------rrspeaker \vilFbe-Arlexaitder:Simp^ B usiness and E d i to r ia l Office; ; ~ ^ ^ l "-n04T M arine 'D rive " Phonic West 363 ........ , . ......-- ;5impi ^ 'Tu^dAY _at 8 p.m.-prayer and Bible study. Everyone wel­ come to these services. _^J^o^oini€al t r a n s p o r t a t i o n C-II7B North .Vancouver-Officc^- 12TLc>mtdali> Ave $1^10 a y e a r by ,c a r r ie r : $2.00 v ea r by m ail TKe~Hews McMilla n m otoHs l t d - 3 t d - « ^ L o n s d a t e r N o r t l r V a n c d u v e r N o r t h 4 5 4