West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 May 1937, p. 5

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THE WEST VAN NEWS a West Vsmcoii W is stepping Out Be ssilse aotfJ Modem liie ~ l ONSl'l/r UB ON yoUH aUILDlNG I'UOliLKMS , ASTBURY lumber CO, LIMHED • NIGHT CALLS-A. ROLLO, West 672R AGENTS FOR lOHN S. MANVILLE PRODUCTS Marine Drive l a r k s P h o n e W e s t 710 Km-Miture Making, Repairing Recovering, French Polishing WINDOW S H A D E S A N D C U R T A I N R O D S .Needlepoint Mounted ̂ j i - Loose Covers. . Exnert Workmanship at Low Prices Naomi Chapter No., 26, Order of the Eastern Star a n n u a l t e a . and SALE m a y 14th, at 2:30 P. M. .'it the home of the Worthy Matron, ,Mrs. -D u n c a n 'McMillan, ^ 772 20th Street ... Musical Program Tea Cup Reading At tlu* High School concert M iss G a rra rd , 1300 20th Street lust Friday there was an inter- has moved into a house at 2586 esting ceremony when Glen Me- HaywootP Avenue. ' ■ ' w . Donald, Alan Fraser, Ted Sproule * * * and Jack lA*yland were decoral'- Mrs. McKay has moved from ed > with individual ribbons for Vancouver into a liouse at 20th the throe championships gained and JelYorson Avenue, in the recent Inter-High School * * * Ski Tournament. West Vancou- M r s . Stainsby and family have ver Iligh Scho^ now holds the moved into a liouse at 1300 201h 'Vancouver Ski Club eup for Street. Cross-Country; the Woodward " r. * A'up for jumping and llio Spencer Mrs. IN. 1). Allen of Vancouver, cup for Shilom in Inler-High gave a party last Saturday competition. James Sinclair, a evening at the Guest Cottage, former member .of the .stalf, Sherman, in honor of Miss Ethel who was the original faculty Clements, who is leaving shortly sponsor of the local High School for Montreal. , club, consented to come forward ' ̂ ^ from the audience and decorated An unii.siially line display for the team members. these latitudes of Northern *' * * Liglits was visible last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. C. Iliborn have evening-from West Vancouver. BABY FOODS P h b lu w -- D e x t r l • M«UoMt' ' Mf'udfi'rereiit --■ Nt'Mie'fi RofituHonV (ilruatH Barley ■' 0 . Ambieside Pharmacy W. b. KKU, Prov. 1401 Marine Phoni*: Drive West 323 KKEE DELIVERY ' " moved from 2657 Lawsoii Ave­ nue into a house nt 2627 LaAvson Avenue. • iK iK * ' . Mrt|. Gordon Grant of Vanc6u- i ver with hep children, has moved to Cliir Drake, West Pay, whore, Mr. ahd«Mrs. E. E,. Ntdson, she will bo at liome to her 968 15th Avenue, have nioved friends. Stratton;s_BAKERY Fruit, ami Meat Pies, All kiml.s of Cookies Apple TurnoverH DuiiKlimitH V I?cc les C u k ea WedtlliiK C'ltkea a Bpecialty W e n m k e e v e r y t i l i n g r l g l i t oti (he ))i'einise.s, F rea li D a i l y , f r o m H ist e la a s in g r e i l ie n ta . Note A ddress:. 1-168 IMarine Drive, . I»honc West 27 fiftIXYBURN DAIRY THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL . ^ PAR - VAY ICE CREAM (Frozen Hard) in Seven Flavors "45c"per-Quart--- :-- -- ---_ 25c perjpmt , ■ g^ T neB " vi^ 's ^ p e r fdiTanriouncewenrre Phone and - ». Free Delivery Mr. aiui Mli^nitd^s^ Kahv" loops, are .occupying a hduse' at 177 20th Street;, - ; - Mr. and MTS'. Harroway have arrived from the city to spend F. W. Phipps, 1245 Nelson the summer a t , a liou.se a t '19th Avenue, has moved into a house and.Bellevue Avenue. , at 160 24th Street. ---------^ ■ . , ♦ , ♦ * CORONATION CHOIR Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roth well All those intending to sin g . -oM he-P.D.Q. Gafe, 1512 Marine__ with the m a^setU^Q iiijDr' lh e„ into a house .at .2342 King's Avenue. " , , 1 t(t * Hi ,T. G. Martin has moved tfrJm 3094 Procter Avenue inter a house at 3380 Marine Dri♦ ♦ H< BEDDING PLANTS b„-t I S ^ v e r T h e t t ^ t r i r r i f . ' S X f / ' ' S S supply y o u a n y t h i n g f r o m m ix e d d o z e n s t o f u l l p lo t s . yVo o o w h a v e a ? r l c T f o i ^ y o u r V d e r s , B e d s a n d C e r t i f i e d Seed P o t a t o e s , G r a s s S e e d , G lo v er , G a r d e n S e e d s , -E tu PLANT THE BEST . v IT I'^YS ' . WESILVAN FLORIST '■ , W e s t 305 18th arid M a r in e Drive, are away on a short holK Coronafion^ervico next Sunday day motor trip in the south, afternoon are asked to be at the ■ The business in their absence is. United Church Tor .practice at being conducted by Mr. and Mrs. 8 :30 o'clock tonight (Thursday). Prest and daughter Cecelia, late ̂ '■ 'of the P.D.Q. Cafe In North Van- SWIMMING CLUB - couver.' - „ ' . The annual, meeting of the - • -I West Vancouver Amateur S w im -■ : The-Rev.fF. A. Ramsey y'ester- • ming'Club will be, held at 2487 ' day underwent an operation for King's Avenue, Friday, May 7th, ..appendicitis at the'N orth Van- at 8 :15 p.m. AiPmembers are couver General Hospital. V asked to attend. 'Mr. - and. Mrs; Frederick C,. COMPETITION _ Aubrey and their son, F.^G. Aub- - ,FOR CHILDREN..- r.ey, whoJiave l^ n-spending the . The Duncan Lawson Chapter winter-m onths in -th e city, are . pf ---I-.O.D.E. have sponsored a - Gl^e^gles^ ' Hollybiirn Theatre T U U I t ^ D A Y , F U I D A Y , S A T U R D A Y M alin i'i' Si. E v o n in g M ay llth, 7 th am i S ll i FREDEUIGK MAKCU OIilVIA 1)E IIAVILANI) ANITA LOUISE "ANTHONY ADVERSE*' {Hail'd t liu Ih'hI p iv lu r e o I' i'.KHl) :TEN N ia jlL U -B ^ U nder-the-auspices-of-St,-Stepiien's__Churcb,__ Vancouver School children rela­ tive torthe coming Coroif^timi. FRIDAY, MAY 14th, 3 P.M. TKĈ Wast~'V̂ ancouver--Tenhi.s-r--book dnlled"The Coronation _A1- MONl,)AY and TUESDAY . . May 10th and I Hli V ..Sl'ENCEK TRACY .SYLVIA SIDNEY "FURY (O ncoonly a t 8;20) f f - * uIso'~ ~ " ~ "THE rSMAUTESlT GIRL . IN TOWN" ' ______.............. WEDNEsllAY ONLY May 12lh . PlIlMl'niUSTON "THE BIG GAME " ^ so ŷ1THE*SINGING COWBOY': M a L i n w i f . i t r a in s . - Afternoon Tea- Musical Program A dm ission: 25c. - Club will opentur plâ ŷ ̂ Competitors :are -divid.(id into urday a t 2 'p.m. Tea will be 3 groups with a .priz_e'fdr each' se rv ed during the afternoon and group ̂ (a) Elementary School: ̂ an invitation is extended to all -- Grades - 4- 6; (b) Junior High -p-ros-peetive- :mem,b.er&lJto -come School; (c) Senior High School. < and get-acquainted. - ;___Prizes to be the same for each group. namelV7-^d--and- a medld to commemorate the 'o^asion, Rules.:-- Book must hot con-' JUNK Wo buy'Bottles,-Rag.s, M etals, ■Furnitui-e, etc. H ighest piicos paid. . ' • ; P H O N E W E S T 91 .lUNK tXL ..: ----- - ■ J.V A H tiO C. ■ ■ : r̂-.^he=^Gl€ctiQn^of-J:heA.E3-7 ,̂May--jsist-6f~moi^--than---l-Sd̂ ^ja-ge^in----^, said tin- onTor, pausing irTTfilTr Queen and h^r,entourage, last competitor's ' own hand writing. ' • nnkn-the ^ ^ ^ I d a F T e s i n t e ^ - f d l l d C T ^ T t Oueen-elect, Ruth Parnum ; ...... - "T here's a .sort of hu-inp o n - ^THE Present i i A LITTLE BIT OF JJ A Farce Comedy in 3 Acts . ^TnrK^HOELYBURNAtHEATRE, 8 :30 p.m. -PatrotK-^ay-ebtaii^tick^s-Eree at any Home "" Gas Service Statiwin-W^t-V-a^reouA^er----- -̂------ Queen-elect, up; history, neatness, etc. c l i p - . h u mp i s t h e r e ." . Maids of Honor, Ma.ry; W ilson« pjĵ gĝ ■ illustrations, sketches,' - 'T k n o w y o u w i l l , '! s i g h e d th e c u s - and Jacquelyn-Zemel, of Ingle-_--diagrams and-, pictures all are tp m e r . " T h a t 's m y p ock c^ --h ook m wood-Junior High; Crown-Bear- p.ermis.sable^__ 1 m y in s id e p o c k e t ." " . e'r, Peggy Thompson, >5 Pauline Johnson School; Chancellors, David Barbour and Frank Haw- Fletcher, PaulineV Johnson School ;:_Kathleen^Collinson and Donna .Brothertbn,,,. Hdllyburn "School-L-Cuards of Honor,uGlladys Wilson, Eleanor Nelson and D or-, eeh Kearns of Hollybum School, and Isobel RusiJell, Jocelyn Simp­ son and Kathleen Bucash of: Pauline Johnson School. Reeve _Leyland officiated and drew, the .-names from a container in which were all' the" names of those' -chosen Jby th e school ballot. - ^ ^ e n d id "W o^ ess-w as report-, -ed by each Committee at the weekly meeting and every effort is .being made to ensure a'^cqn- tinuous program'of fun and mer-. , riment for May 24th. - '• ~ A do-natiohs §nd prize lisUhas been opened and MrsTTJ7"R7 "Pat- -4er-so^and-^M-r-sJ^-B.--BmaH-.wilL WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BAND. - I n J n a l e w o o d 'A u d i t o r iu m FRipAYT^M AY-7th, a t-8 p,in. - a s s i s t e d by B etty C avendish Dancers ADMISSION 2 5 c . c hB-gIad-to--j^eGeive-either--from_ : possible contributors B u rra rd L a u n d r y : EOR l a u n d r y ser v ic eDEPENDABLE ^ ̂ ^ DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver ̂ pTesentasye^ Phones -- West 6 9 1 ^ or North 1310 • EXPERT--- .-- - - Watefai and Clock _ EEPAIRING ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with. Birks Ltd., Montreal)- _ ; 1522 Mariaa Drive ' IN AID OF B.C. CANCER "FOUNDATION W e s . t V a n c o u v e r 's O w n r̂ "-.L.~_sJJnder ihe-lvinOTary-lfMtronant-Of n' ■ • JUs Honor Lfeuienant Governor and Mrs,:Bric W . Hamher ____ Re£v«*an<l-M«-L _ H o l ly b u r n P a v i l io n D a n c in g 9 ' to '2 " Dre&s O p t io n a l ' R e f r e s h m e n t s , ^ MiiSIC BY FRANK BOLNEY SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT'STAGED BY .' .and Ws ROBE.:eR.OSS-DANCmg- - .O N L Y -'7 5 C ' PE R - P E R S O N ' lo r 7 brent UauHr: - - • S e c u r e t i c k e t s from - M r s . F r e e m a n 's . G r o c e r y ; C u n n i n g h a m ^ D r u g ; ' M c N e U ^ D r u g S t ^ . B .C .E : S t o r e ; A m b i e s i d e T erf R o o m s ; P D .Q r G a f e ; L i o n s 'rO a te C o n f e c t i n- e r y ; C r a w l e y & B a r k e r ; A m b ie s id e P h a r m a c y ; H o l ly b u r n L a r b e r S h o p , ' G r e e n w o o d G r o c e r y ; M a r in a C a f e ; W e s t V a n C lp a n e r s ; .S m ith s g r o c e r y , .MPTnber.s I .O ;D .E .; M e m b e r s ^ e g i o n . W . A . ; IVIember.s T o w n s w o m e n s G uild r:«\viTm'fti>e;'HolIvburri P a v i l i o n , o r W e s t 4 6 7 - R - 2 . . ~ 7 ^