,_ A lJ^ £ .e k L y - Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave ^'■"° Park, Caulfetld,Whytecliff, Etc. , & per copy . t new„t.nd,. Voi. XII HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B,C., THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1937 N o . 5 QOD SAVE THEIR MAJESTIES! THE CORONATION Xuxt week.'West Vancouver in common w ith the rest of tin* Empire will celebrate the jporonation of bur new Kini? and (iu('i'ii. A ji'umber of festiv ities-have been arraipfod to take pluce here, and it is to be hoped that alTour people will make ■I point of attendiiiir* them,,^^So only may we do'-our share towards eonvincinjLf .the nations that the British Empire is still one and undivided in' its support of a limited monarchy, as so only may that united front be shown to the world which is the surest t,aiarantee of continued peace. Our sympathies and prayers will go out to King George and tjueim EJlizabctn. They havfj'come to their thrones under . . peculiar "circumstances, and'in troublous times, in the midst , „of a world filled with' wars and rumors-;of wai\T and uneasy. --frnm~rrgrowinVdisrespeet~for-all-aut;hbrftyv-- -- --ir--- -- '-- • , Theii's'is a position none of us,;wbuld care to assum e/ Al- '" ' must alone upon the earth'they occupy thrones'; but thrones from which idl authority has been taken, while yet the respons- ■ ibililies remain. And all day-and every day-in a steady blaze of publicity they m ust live up! to their high calling, kiiowjing- themselves to'Tbe that cornerstone upon which the whole arch of cmipire rests. ' ^ . For it is the throne which binds' the nations o f the British Commonwealth togeth^', and not parliaments.^. The latter ap- i___peiilJo.j.he„.reaspn,_bj^^^^ ̂ King to our hearts'." And outside ' "■'■""WrhmTlers., powerfuf ene1mies-^wait--for-anyfweaireTii^^^^ .strange tie, which shall be the signal for them to jump and destroy us piecem eal., r------- ----------- ----a ■ , . Let us, therefore, next Wednesday acclaim King. George and hiS'\Queen with all our hearts to the confounding of that ring of hungry enemies who watch outside and of the disloyal within our gates who consciously or unconsciously work., for oui* downfall. , - ' ■ -- '....... - ' COMING EVENTS h'riday Evening, Miiy ^21st -- Pianoforte Recital by senior and junior pupils of Miss Marguerite VVilcox at (he-M. A. "Kelly Music irouse, 05}) Granville Street. • in m iSH . ISRAEL Sunday, May <)th, 2 p.m., Am.ble.sido Hall, T4(lf anti Mar ine. Mrs. Brefeion will speak' on _theJIibl(i-in.*the Heavens. Psalms 1!): H. « ' ■ *1** CORONATION EVE CIVIC BALL ARRANGE MENTS COMPLETED CONCERT BY W EST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BAND --̂--7The:jWestr-Vaneoiiver-^School~Band"is~:igivin^~a~boncert~at~ 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in the Ingle\yood Auditorium, when they , will be assisted-by -th'e3ptty^t^vehrdish-Dancers.-^ - - - d The following is th e program : JACK HAMMETT A well-known resident of West, Vancouver who p)ays with the' "Home Gas Players'in the farce ' comedy, 'A Little Bit of Fluff," when it is, presented a/t the H0I7 ■ lyburn Theatre, Thursday, "May 13th, at 8 :30 p;m; patrons may obtain tickets free 'at any Home Gas Service Station .in West Vancouver. Committees report that eVeryjv • : dhiiig is,in readiness for the gahp' , . event to be-held, in the Holly-' ANNABELL McKENZIE • burn .Pavilion on.Tuesday. May Pbpuliir soloist o'if OTo Home,"Gas-" "HT~-dvjrs: ■ ATrErA'oung' with' a" ' * Hour o f Music who plays a lead- .strong committee will" have ing role in the presentation of (.iiorrrp-nf fv,.. i " the Home Gas Players, 'A Little / . ^ , a:. Jd-^^oshments, Bit of Fluff," V hen it is present- " m the Mas- ' ed at the Hollyburn Theatre, ■ 0111c Hall a few. feet west of the Thursday, May 13th/at 8.30 p.m. will be to the CORONATION NOTES I -CdC^^N-O As , 1.--Doll Dance --3.-^_Waltz -- :5V=HdlarT^V-- 7.--Tarantella _î 9.'.==Nuvjelty=lI =ParP=A Major Harold Brown will de-. liver the address at the Corona tion service bn, Sunday... Owing to the impossi^jlity of 'ayilion. IHood .used to direct guests ' splendid buffet supper planned by the Townswomen's Glui Id as sisted by the Younger Towns women. Mrs. W. B. Small, con vener the Decorations com mittee, repbrts that thelia ll will be SI ' ' ' 2.-- Water Sprites ,-.^4.-- Holla,ndaise • - -- '""'^B7=Russian HandkefcEiH Dance __8.=r==Tap-Ry-thms-;;-- --- " Mrs. Steeves was unanimously endorsed at the C.G.F ~tron~held'- M a y ^ casion--e^ ^ C r-J --ATClJeFTCC:; report.s that, there will be ------- '̂^'EfftTe- Stuck Up." ---- 10.--Nimble Feet IT--Skipping ,Rope Tap; _ ' 12.--Coronation Parade. .... (West Vancouver Pupils of Betty Cavendish) ..... 'Part B. ' 1--March-^"Passing of the Regiments" .. A. W inter 2.--Concert Waltz-- "Jasm ine'̂ ------ 7q . E. Holmes ^̂ ^ p B j^gjan-^ v erattnt!;e=====̂ T)h-^̂ I. :Afdnierrlcor= couver as candiaate -Tor the _N.ortJi_SJftbre_Rid ing-.- at -coming rPrwihsial" el^t1on. .If^i^-hoped supervisional teachers, parents - " t M o m van-, -ibie. havp :^hiWvan ■ ltobe-.(Jross School of Dancinc .sible, . to have children, accom; pany them. A tzt h ̂ conclusi onmifcJdi e-ser .. . . -ancing and that the-program is now ar- ranged jd r dancing from 9 to 2 ■w-ith Frank Bolî ioy," and his 7-" ■t6 open the Commiftee Rooms by-the BoyT' Band orchestra. rCommissionair-* on Saturday next at 1412 Marine Loud sneakers are beincr in - on-hand to direct and ' Drive; and there will be a meet- stalled and seats will b turovid' inforibatidn tcL-those-iit-- mg for-all club members at this invalids and elderlv address on Tuesday, May -11th,' ^ is arranging for tlans n o X -N0 velty- Numbef-' R ex Howland- -atp8±=p7im^ETei'y3?i^nbbrr3e__^^^^5i^l^uner-::Lav.eLbuse'i will leave Ferry Wharf at 2:30-p.-m. --Festtval-Overture- Otis "Taylor' - '̂ F: Bevan attend this important campaign ^meefangF====-^=-^------ = ^ 37̂ : = :: 6.--rBaritone Solo-^"The Flight, of A ges" . _ 7.--Selection-- l'Sounds from England" .....................0 . Langey - 8.-^Accordian-Solo-- "Selected" C. Carleen - • . . . 9.--A Suite in four parts-- "Don Quixote"-. e. V. F. Safranck No. 1-^gA-Spanish V illage" No.- 2-- "Sancko. Panza" No-. 3-- "Dulcinba" No. 4-- "Don Quixote" Waltz-- "Gold and Silver" --.r...........Fra!nz""Leha?r - IT-^-^arch-- "Chevalier" .............u..............E. ■ Holmes. EASTER STAR^CHAPTER ARRANGES TEA AND SAlJE ---JMb^hants-mnd--housekolders^w-^^^-y^l..,^^^^ __ are again requested to decorate' cause%:in- their premises in a manner ap- u ' propriate to the Coronation sea- benefit, all re- son. ̂ over actual, cxpenses.going . ------- Bonfires for Wednesday night 'Members- of Naomi Chapter should be solidly built well up No. .26, Order o f the ' Eastern the shore" line-ow ing'to 'the star,' will; hold their 'annual .• rr. j c 1 should be lighted promptl.y. at 9 Spring Tea and Sale o f Work on p when rockets will be fired Friday of next week, 14th May, from Ambleside and Dundarave the opening ceremonies -being, " wharvet; ' '■ performed at 2 .̂ 30 o'cock^by Mrs. Ĝ̂ r g e T f̂ CI bfThe^GraiM'"Chap'te"fTqftBrrt1 l̂F Columbia. The affair will be held "at" the' home of 'The Worthy -■ to this noble fund,. Many parties are being-formed,arid everyone is asked to get their tickets early. ' The general; convener, '.'John v Fox, w ill be glad to deliver any tickets ordered by simply -Tele--̂ phoning West 457-R-2; H ~any- -- to hclp_-by--buying--a-- -entedThe cqmmtHee^wiirbe gladCONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE . -- Jack--Lcutet vvas"chosen" 6 onT-- ̂ jy_mail-or--per- - Matron, - Mrs. Duncan -McMillan, r772 20th Street,. wkc.'wlH receive_ the guests assisted by Mrs, J.. . W. Neill, associate- matron. The general convener is' Mrs. J. R, Mitchell who, will receive-dona tions,. Assisting at the various stalls are: Fancy Work, Mi's. J.. -RTA:HaT[7TV[rs7TivT>pTh"om"p W i^ Mrs. L; T. Meglaughlin ; Home cooking, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. G. • Cramwell, Mrs. J. Duncan; Door, Mrs. J. McGowan, Mrs. R.- B. Cripps ;"DecQration of Tea- Tables -Mrs--George-Payne, - Mrs--Gr B7-- ' e fn ^ n to n th u M ' Tue'tav u "xrtooni.,1, °n f c i h V ^ c o u ra No ..ffdo jed sixteen tickets, foi- evening in iNorin vancouvei i\o bis friends across the inlet-' Mrs vote was taken, Dr. F, Dorches- Smi.nwy»Ari i y - v̂irs. ter who was also nnmin'Hpfl rlo J ^ '̂ " WOOd of Lawson Avenue, ter, wno was .also nominated dc- has ordered fwe-nfy for her narfv cLnmg. in favor o f^ . Loutet.- hoped be ordered before the night of in̂ - ^ sonal delivery. CORONATION ..TEA -The--ladie.s'5=:of=̂ SLi=f3.tephents---af^he^dooLsr Over fifty.Church are holding a Coronation Tea in the parish hall May 14th at 3 p.m. -A musical program has been arranged. This is the second of a., series, of events In Grateful, Memory' Greenwood; Afternoon Tea, Mrs. W. F, Pochin, Mrs. J, Lowdon, Mrs. F. R, Gorlick, Mrs. J. Fid- "des, -Mrs: W~ Reid; Mrsi RP Creighton, Mrs." A. Lestef-Tay-' ing of the.Duiidaraye Branch of the"Britl^h^lFraePW'orld Feder- . . - inemhers ^dmmittee are w : t i^ k ^ T l^ ball-; â y ypurishare^b the indebtedness on the church. ' " . ' B. - I. MEETING At the regular weekly ~nreet:- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MRS. TURNER LIBERAL Th"p w ,7 -------- ----------------------- = ^ -= iS 3 ^ N D A R D -B E A R E R --loL Mr.S.' W ._L.-GroutyMrs. J. K. tne £>ii tiisn - laraej vvuj ju j'tjuv:!-' e Horticultural S oc iety are ' ' f h e L T berar Convention/last'^' SrfiithpM rsrJ: Brooks. A skell'to-'-^ tion ,-H ~ R ob in son --'w ill-b e "the - t>Kingfor donatiATio ------- ,r,___TjDiir are nresent errand of-' sneaker, su b iect. "Bible N um - Aiiing tor donations for lo w e r s - Tuesday-evening^selected 7Mrs.. pour tea are present grand of ■ lowering shrubs in the Cor- - Turner as LiberaLcandidapafterV.ficei^,. pa.st grand matrons, anc onation colors as they infen/i tn severa l. ballots had been--taken ?«W>:ate._the Hivh s V w " flual.count ^ defeated Frank W^alker, 2455 speaker, subject, "Bible Nurn-' erics,"" Monday^ May lOthr, - All- are welcome. - ' *** âte w ishing to K ing's Avenue, by one vote, the St 695!l ^̂ Phone-Mrs, Allan,- 7 .count being. Mrs. Turner, 72, F. Walker 71. and matrons of the current y e ^ , d'ir-̂ ectedrbtyjyirs^J'Ieill. _ --7-----;-- A fine musical program has "'"Miss Phyllis'Moore "o f Victoria" been arranged by Mrs. Mitchell is spending a two weeks' visit and there will be tea-cup read- with Mrs. J. C. , Young, 2092 ing. - Marine, Drive. " NOTICE , Owing, to next .Wednesday being Coronation- Day and a public holiday, it will be neces- sary for all copy fbr our next week's issue to be In our hands by noon Tuesday, instead of ncHwi Wednesday. Will our ad- verti^ rs and all organization^ kindly make a note of this. --Editor.