# S 'i '̂i ̂ "' •fflrw ts f r s y y g ■w mil................................................................... f-- ■--- Phone R E D A l<3D W H I T E W « r 4 6 Phone * - W e e t ,4 6 9 » M eats-- Phone W est 370 ><l>K<:iAl'.S -- I lllDAY AND SATI KhAY. MAHCtI l 'J & 20 MAHMALAHK M a rc h 18, 1937. T H E BURNlN<i lU By Subadar i Kftl K Wh(U Tin JAM --llftl rluw. Addt-d iVt'tiii MIt. f ill l|f>Ni;V Ontario No. I ( low r 2 Hh '< «*/. r«i» 37c 3SJc J.KNTKN KOODS W'llOl.K < l'/A.MK~ NuMth Tall 'I'iii OVHTKHS -Naholj, i.ar«t* inCUHINfiS. < iitiadiiin in 'J'iihIy 'lorniilo SAKIUNKK. raimdiim , 2 tint* l*c |{«<d A Whiff SOrKKVK'SAl,MON Ilf tin Mfc tih I Or .tin Hit*; c o i TKK -- Alim 1 II). J'-iit hu^'f HI ri'KO WIIKAT HOMAN MKAI, Hkf. . .3 In 3r»fIH Mary'h 25<' - i^iintif r, pkt Or Dr. Jiirlthon'H 2!»c .m if)irn:N iN o - swiffN.rriHcpnf I Ih. Ciirfon . . U r . SAI.MON- II.C. I'inh 2 fall II»Ih 17c Kttl iV Whiff HOUK A HKANS . . . / H..y-k' liiiH 17c Wilh 'Tomafo tSiuicf. MEATS They are a great ^ WaziriH, and toujih They have W be to liv<' A^ectjon o f i h e A fghan buid ii» ' v would .reali'/." who nAs th ere . Vou knoWi** who acford- .iioiice,' of* r .E t; OF I.AMB . Top (liialily lb. 2Kc SH O lJhD K K OF I.AMB, lb. IHc C O rrA ( ;E ItO EES Ib. 2.'k* B H F A S r OF VEAL lb. 10c anyone ever been b ro th er, th e crowt ing to a recen t piiTS fered 50 rupee.s, whu- b nnu h.»\«, et).st Home i>erHc>n tee th , tw o young tn most of hi.*< ',;i! niiiJfleii.s. Iiefferies'S uperior Meats Government f o s p t ^ t e d ' O i i l S r v -- • V . B E E F :. -!• P O R K V E A L D BEICA fJBSSEN ........ h a m s «:* hAM B ^ 0 l , D M EA TS.O F A h h k i n d s 1 S t o r e a t H o l l y b i i m , n e : ^ t T h e a t r e ITIONE WE^T 3 fimi a w ar e lephuiu in fo r one B ritish oflu'cr killed Hi ambii.sh. were being generous accord ing to th e ir lights. - s|kw)- ally a.s e le p h an ts are nol sto len , even by such c'>'Pvr s a-"* F re sh Killed Flum p "BOILI.NG FOW L, per lb. 2 ic I'heirthose lia iry gen th nuhr. oh ief's re fu sa l to de|ivei' over to S a s h & D o o r s i l a a t h , S h i t i g l e s T B u i l d e r s * S u p p l i e s Y,m r b u i l d i n s i s j u s t u a sound a s th e lu m b e r In i t . -r You combine SA FETY and fi nuiterials. Lum ber Kil>FEHEI) HEKBIN O 2 lbs. fo r 25c F IN N A N IIADDIE, per lb. . Kic I*i;jtE l 'OHK SA lfSA G E 2 lbs. fo r 35c B E E F SA U SA (;E 2 lbs. 25c All M eals in Ib is s to re a re 'I'op (Jiiality JAMES' CANADIAN SEEDS how in stock (ir;alh th re e b rave men lor an am lnish w hich " was ,so .Mieees.s- fu l" w as typical. !hat . corre spond ing , to a .succes.'^lul deal m th is (jountry. Souiuls cold-blood- c(i, I know, and all tiuif kind ot th in g ,.th o u g h tlTL* coldci't h ood ed devils I ha \T rever met lived in (-anadian olFices .aiiii' wore spa ts . L ife 's p re tty ('heap mi the A fghan border, and mucli^ too dejir in civ ilization, when it .s all you a re allowed. / \^£ST VANCOUVER " First here lo se rv e you * 15lh & M arine Drive* CO. LTD. Still serving you best." Phone W est 115 c l a s s i f i e d a d s Tl... r ite for Clasfiifiwi AdvwrUhcmenta is 2 cents per word, mlniinuni Kxcept In the ca»« of those payable Btrictly in 2.-) cents. Kxcept In the ca»« of those haying regular accounts, all claHsi. Van* News get immediate results. N O im l;V A N (v 'O I 1V E K - - FHOVTNCIAI. U B K K A L AS,S()CIATI()N . W(')uld any kiiVd friend kindly • -MpBKA A'MO.V I AK'ES-- ...jfoUy wood To* i)i|X!' down on ' " , COMBINED TO'LE „f the publicity flow about * tlurprivate liwes of niovie stars^ ■ iF̂ WAN73<:I)..-..3,v cnorKidic ^ work, ua.v kital. , Pt-t . Wi'.sl HI. . ' ------- TTIEAI* CAR WANTED in good con- ....edition; givo-.terms*.andLprice..-Box . 34, Wc'kt Van News. '* ' , -• W inning- th e cross-coun try -A -m uH m K -iy t.-,d /.iv rra««oc .alinri m is.hH d . .;il l.luj K ,l . Iidl j,,., Tom ' Mol.ruiiluii won Mi-s (,. lu i'- ■ u , . , H u m i p i o n s h i p pi* ■■ mo- prinn.lmK, 111' on; llio inofit- Vi.n.'oiivi'r SIti Clul) Suiidny. ing opened lo r business M rs, _ T iirn e r CdJclied' tipon_llie P^hh- . .......... . ^ iiK 'or omrortlio-*n^ th n i(.ap,!,l' Kt.'i fuet on __r.dx'.i'a) I a d y , .]. Willos I. l-.ogmi t,].. lii-.st-drort^bdt-ii l'uII'-oti:his_ ..... .......... ■ . . , jmid It very n ltin g tn b n le to a jninp forced h Jitb /jn to T ilk e a k y ^ I cmisideiv ks . . . T h ird po.sitibn beid tho p re t t ie s t and mc'ist charm ing su p p o rte r of th e p rineip les of Y oung anil Ihm H arstad , whp. , g irl on th e screen, prefers, to be; ..... j.......... .. ........ HOIi JiKNT - - Two I'ooin* suito ̂*in 1 g o 'to see Sw eet William when- . . .oningi-' lfHll- Suitabje for offices. <'ver he appear.s in a 'TiO'W-.rilm;'^.'"'"WL'.srsn. ' .."__ I. _ -- jm'd enjoy . every ' m inute of.-it, .... -po j>iii{(.:nASli'or LOAN TO RENT • completely For month of April, furnished ' waterfront cottage..jVjfailabJje„March„27.th>JVi;&t- 160-L-l. i.ui I anvVonlly no, inUrostud in w h eth er o r not he likes* •wld .,*r,i2-H. , _______ ____ ________ -,j. ,, West 74-L-2. rh e event W;is li(.*ld on H ollylnirn ' suck ing pig off th e jot. Person;.. 2 l l2*.Mnrinc -i- .s. w ally. I-don 't, b u U h a t 's-no r^iason., " K^ter Carets, Noveltie.s,--^Toys, hOR-SALE why he ,'̂ houldn't eat all* he wanl.s -of. it. '.What.is it to* me if Totty- No'tions, Crepe Paper, Napkins, etc. -Y-our-natronage earnestly reiiuestcd. Coal and Wood Range. See Chisholm a t Sandy Cdve. ~ . ' m an who wa.s alw ays a s ta u n ch o f tlu lib e ra lism . KOR..SALB -T- Brands Ny>y Stanley Mitre Box Saw No. 242, with 22 inch saw, co.sl $30 for $15. 1243 Duchess Avenitv,,. WANTED-----^Baby's - H igh- Chai r-in- good condition. W est -308-L-l. -- in tjera iisin . vvere lirsi ;m<rsecond respOctivo- kissed in th e a fternoon to the - --Dueness Aveiiti,y^ KeprosiuitativL's fronV th e jy---- ..*-.--1------ :----------- ------- because the Galifiirnian----i-.()sT-*_^Bench'-Ax Y oung Libcj-als wi*re pre.serTt an d - . IliHaik-d r e s u l ts : ' V n ig h ts a re so cold ? S'he'tl Tievcr'- School. Fimiei^^ki Slated (hat (hey would again Ik J iirtjgl 1 t-i n g-._foi:ce_-i i id:h(Ti2<rnrnyu i P ity . . ' G.- modernFive room' bungalow, partly furnished, newly; decorated, garage. West- 514-R. ■A- Ax e nea r-I I oil y I) u r n- Kindly" phone West -Class A r--- .(-::rbs.s.-ooun try ': h _____ , , . ..... _ _̂_____ ~ M 'o b nTa lTuT-=2f--'lhTruT^MTnTyr^i=--l i ke'-m e-a i" a hyTtime"^^ . S ta n I.orentzen. ' Ju m p in g : I, or n ig h t, I know , hml I'm n o tg o - TheToIlqwi'ng rc.solntioiis w ere E ar) V oung; 2,. Ben Ilu i's tad ; **3, ia g to Hollywood to tijid out,' [)n.ssed . . . . . : - v G .M phraatm i, , L. yyiJ ik(liThij-JAlhjks^U^ -- - A-- -- -----------^ U 'b rks' be reipiostoil to put,'M ar- CJas.s 8 . Cross-TJountry ; 1', . c rue lty to-anim al.s,'especially old Reward. West 5U-R.'------------------ ine Drive- b i'tw ee ii-t he Indian---M ariu .s SveiidlVal**; 2, Syd. SjoiiJLh: i .xinimals w ho'vc seen th e ir-b e s t LEGION HALL FORTiiilNT--Parties, lv<>s<'-rye 'and-G ap ilan lfin to a 's a f e 3, B rian * rriHO-. 'J jim p ia g : 1,. days. * 1 learn t, m y ..jesson a t meetings,'phone W~est-647-Lr,'Arthur. =^m i)itim i.-- M^)-:see-th'^t14;vork-()>l-^Jacd{-Abra^hT^r>rt-:--2--.^:£^Ijtrillfi'Svcd--- ^r}Too)77:wJie7gi;~riftAi;iE.Q;7xip,^ ̂ T .Ô .Bga^ .MageL.:7i:zzL.-- ~ (hieeh'S"lCoad1)e oompletjKl nuik- . j ia l . ...Com binedjJV larius S v e d h a L » p a r ^ u l a r l y hectic football rush GORDON ROBSON, Bariaster, Solic ing ' a t l io rn u g h fa ro , hetw eim Cla.ss C ~ Gross-Gountry':- 1, b ^ p r e t t y drastic- m ethods, I itbr. 1447 Marine, mornings; 510 PROFESSIONAL GARDEN SER- VICE, Pruning, Spraying jind Tree Surgery. J . W. Parkinson, F.R.H.S' Phone West 286-R. ■ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust Burners installed! furnace - repairs, -^Phdne--G.-;Meldruhi!^14th" S.t~East7' North. Vancouver. > .Combined : M obraa-/ W hy .ta n ta lise a, fcllou: by talk-'^, lo st -- On Thursday, between* 22nd --̂ illg--so --^mucĥ --ai3l)lTt~tH-=^IFs----- TmdHPinTy7Wh^77small-brown--fui*7- WANTED.i-- Girl for housework; plain cooking, used to children; four aLou)3-dail-y..-:̂ State-Avages-expecte(L Box 25, West Van News. a tliornughfaro, hetwei*n I.K)Msdale jind.-Capi!aifi> Hoad. C. J. ARCHER LTD have a select list of _ choice building |o ts a t attractive prices. -Inquiries invited.* ̂ -Wdst 225 ̂ 'Seymour 5954; " • - y'- llrucG KhowKon ; 2, Sam Williv k , nvftrhf>DYvi_fj-iiif|:rLnv Viv.dlfDd ■bv4v- . 4 . . -Hast.mg6-.St,r-Seymetiiu44ti9.Laiter-i noons. MASON'S TAXL*'-̂ ^̂ ai>d night. Passengers fully insured. West fil2 c* rea.soi 1 rpKP'tTfHi v i ng .' ' k).r au m. -i J utn pi ng -■ A1 Boimett; 2, Ted Sproiiloy URNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses , 10 R e JIouses, lots, and acreagY for "sale. "yJahh Lawson, and Marine. Phone West 55l ^ WANTED -- Rags, Bottles, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc; Phone West 91;: S tarting PridaV, March 5 -- we-win-pay-fDr~empty~beer"hpttlesr 2 dozen Tor 45c, Burrard Junk Co.Things like that sink ■ in, when you are only fifteen. ' INSTALLATIONS--Electric Reoairs. FRENCH BEAUTY SALON for work, ---------------------------- ------- -̂--------------------------------- ------ ------- of-quahtyr~Ph-on-e-Wost~212,--1562': -Are - you in- fav6rTof the Profit out of Armament Manufacture? If so. writiv to the Right llonnu!abif iMaeken*/,ie King that you are in favor (K eotuscripting all itulu.striMl plaiUs in (laniula engaging in the manufaellire of iminilions of war. " - ' ' . (t.s.suoil* Ity t he Wi\st lituMnivcrrC.C.F. (3ub) "Yes, .my man, my advice to yon give^ti-p^d' convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson, West 108. '■Mariiie. You may then live to be over eighty."' '* _ * . tJ-QQ--l;i4rv4hii-a-f-i ^ ^ ^ r rrm*^ E=S=£r4TeTTtfri:_ _ Permanents. Only -best' inaterials used. Expert _ operators. Phone West 304/Ro.yal; Bank Building. ■ W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suited, HoU-V-bum--Bionic. - "Oh, no. It's, never, too late." "It is with me. I'm eighty- tivo now." - . . • CHIMNEY'SWEEPING -- Old Coun- DRESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suit's, tryw ay i .Guaranteed, Brick and Children's 'C lothes', Boys" Pants. _ stone .repairs. Palmer, Capilano, . Mrs. Robbins, 2791 * Marine J i^ e s U -North 811-R-2; . *- , 619-R.- - ^■W VUJ Don't miss this .wonderful line upYof used radio bargains.....:;there's'no excuse'for any borne being without the " million dollar" broadcasts of todivy vyhcii reconditioned sets can be picked up'at these unbelieveably low prices. Sec and-hear them* at thc'B.G. Electric Store • - 'v'Y . . ■ M if je s n e : 7 - tu b e ...... .....~ ...................... S J i r S O M a jes tic , l8 j:£ ih e ........ M a r c o n i 7 -tu b e ........... ........ j 1 9 .5 0 Hfe5f/n^/iou5e, 1 0 - tu b e ..................... . ? . $ S Q . 0 0 General Electric Mantel, 8-tube....... $37,50 B;C E17ECTHIC STO v™ P h oWest Vancouver LOOK! BRAND NEW ' BEACir ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS -Rcg;^199FeO-N©W^$ 12 9 .S O ' --■Reetilftf^faTHiiU'u. "EitiiV Tefrng F P R S T 'S SG.Lonsdale Ave.. North 52.5 .1486 -Marine Dr., Ambleside' E --- 4 rooni bungalow .on, WANTED*-- Bedding, clothing, boys' large lot all in garden, garage, vieW' .j T<Trd:ritJen's shoes. W Associ- •of English B.ay, riear bus and stores,* ." "ationii-West 690. quick sale $1,700 cash. West 340 oT' **■-- ^ --------------------------- -- ' 143.__________ __________* SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts, - ■ dressmaking-^nd "alterationsr' Mrs7 -- Mac-Aulay--West-408^R.------- - -- -- erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Perry. , ^ ANTED -- Woman exp'ericncpH at cutting and making loose covers -for-- " Chestcrfialds. Wcst-710, LAWN;-IVIOWERS-SHARPENEp^^ Speeial machine; ■ repairs, parts;^ -- West--̂Vancouver ^Machine Shopp 1419 Marine. ' ~ ' AVANTED Clean, light housekeep ing roonr for_ respecta^ble_nmn:L$10 - month. FruTneirest 177-R. - TO RENT JOHN Abercrombie seeds ltd? ;V Pretty Color'Group . New Godetia, deep sixJmon rose " Coimflawer,- dark -bliie, Calendula, canary yellow, 1 pkt each L5c. W, I'ARKlNSON, F.R.H.S. 1393 - 20th Street Furnished house for six months -- April 15th-td-Oct. 15th"- West 204-R. * • i brin g Your Paint Troubles tb us, of o.ur experience; do the 3ob right. Crbwley ^ Barkr or. Hardware.' FOR RENT '7-Ropm Modern House with' spine furhiture,viricluding. elec-- trie range. Early possession; Lease, Rent $50. Ask for - Mr. Wells, .West 548-X. A. E. AUSTIN & CO, LTD _ 833-West-Hastings~:StrrSey-9131- Auction Sale -HOLISEHDLD-GOODS" AMBLESIDE TEA ROOMS -- Now ' selection of Easter ' S Hens,-Rabbits;- Du • Removed to -Hollyburn- Panlion" ' April 1st; :30 p.ro. V Carpets. Dressers, Chester- tield-Suito, C-ouoh Beds, 4-ft Beds, 3-ft. WEST. VAN-STATIONERS arid Novelties; Books for adults and children; complete bchool Supplies. Special-Two sets Monopoly (scarcely'used) StP. Chinaware, etc. and detaif^ ffoods, too numerous to i r i k w"'s?fe7.®'- -Marine b o w l - *'^^UB -- Applications for the * season of S250 will Stin time ^0 include your so'ods. T O U B - .Applications f„"r**tho . h o l l y b u r n FURNITURE EXCHANGE 1416 Marine Drive.- -Phone-WesCTli s |J ! n instant ----- M._ N._M0RRIS.- Auctioneer------------- -Street^ Inside Mill Fir......... $5.50 corT Inside Bush Fir..........'.$5.50 cord JBark-oh- Bone Dry Bush Fir,...$6.00 cord Dry H eater and Furnace " Blocks ..................... $4.50 cord Fire Place Wood....... $4.50 cord Slabs, Edgings, Alder. COAL All . Brands--^Alberta and B-C. Coal --̂ By ton or sack c s a w d u s t ' No. 1 F ir Sawdust, Double Screened for Furnace or Kitchen Range. Bulk or .sacked. Manure - Topsoil - Rock - Sand -Gravel - Dump Truck Work, -- ^ H A R Q e THOMPSON------ 1257 ClydeW EST 582 w Phone^ WEST582