*3i!arch 18,. 1937«;»» Woiemmd M arch Sale i Uur «tore MniE,ett|ttr|f^,tojaccoi»modato grflwitaff bU8iii«ii« w«» p ;iu. clearing out our stook of - ^ I O iuw anteed Used RadUos ■§ tif luako ri>oiii_..,i!or ■ncW-.-Marchaiidiso. - Tliia- ia- your ■-opportunity " to'i)ur»" k I hast' that radio a t a real saving -- .Many models to chooae from, .« From $9.50 up, 1 BROWN & MUNTON. V! ),vi2 Marine Drive . • jgg ' Members Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. IWfiRltIH® 'I H If I' I |< .1Ml E v e ry th in g t<ir Any k in d of ■ ^ . B u i l d i n g at ASTBURY LUMBER CO, LIMITED 16th and Marine Drive (Opposite the B.C., Electric) Cull Phoiie West 19^. Estiniates Given Free. Complete Service. ̂ y o u r o w n t o w n l u m b e r Y A R D•' Si Sale Contiiiues 1516 Marine-DriVc ' * P^pne V e s t 710 B A R G A IN S = = = & Oliesterfield Suites frorri, $45; Odd Chesterfields , ftom $29 Easy Chairs, smallr from $6.50; large " from' $9.50.; \ ; WINDOW'SHADES ' -- " CURTAIN RODS 1. Furniture Repaired and Re-Covered; Baby Cars Renovated. CLEANERS 161 ThJinks. for y<j>ur patronage. We call.and d,eiiver )• Mr. and Mrs. ^im m ons have- moved from Vancouver into their ^hbnie^at-26.26^Beirev-u 1443 Marine Drive- Ambleside , _ Phone West 340 FVenings, West 143 Listings Wanted ReaLEstate -B nancfc-Ju tti ... LILIES vye ■ oft'er» you; b00" blpoms of"~ the very finest* Lilies tha t caiv^ 'possibly be grown. ' Every plant of medium height, veil proportioned .with":zblooms - and^btfd'sr ̂ ^ Carefully handled. Carefully delivered.- , Free delivery^ where in West or iNorth van- -couver. Miss Phyllis Parkinson of 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Joh»i.son, 2373 , 20th ̂St rc't4. coiivnlt^cing ̂ Hay wood. Avenue, hftvejppyodto home after her recent oiieratJoB Vancouver. *"■ in the North Vancouver General ♦ * * Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Price and their * * * „ son, 2}372 Haywood Avenue, left Woixl has been recMjivcd from yesterday on the R.M.S. Aorangi - H, M. Bruton, who formerly re- for New Zealand, where they cx- slded here, that his mother, poet l-o reside in future. Lady Bruton, died on-25th Feb- * * • ' ruary, at Bournemouth, England Mr. amhMr^, Vic Davies rec- 1 - * ♦ 4. ,, .. cntly moved from 2466 Bellevue The West Van, Cleaners, 1429 Avenue' into a house at 1750 Marine Drive, have purchased a Haywood Avenue.. .4 . ' ' ' lino new delivery van for use in. , ♦ ♦ ♦ ' their business. * Leslie Willington, 1331 Clyde * * *, Avenue, is a patient in the North Mrs. D, L. Gemmill, who has* Vancouver CJoueyal Ilospifnl, been spending the past year and where he recently underwent an a half with her son and daugh- operation. . ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. ♦ ♦ * Gemmill, 1512 Esquimalt Ave- Miss Marion Bluif*, 1527 Gor- ■ nue, left dn Monday'to return doivAvenue, rclurned ,on"-Tues- . to her home in Bnldur, Manitoba. ■ day from a' t r ip to B'anfi* aitd * * , Calgary.' ' . The big display of the Recre- ♦ ational Centres will take- place Mrs.,, E. Bulterwortli; 2590 at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Lawson Avenue, is a patient in the Seaforth Armories, Kitsil- St.' Paul's Hospital, having ano. . . undergonetan operation! Ni" » K< ■ Vic . Davies, 1750 Haywood'; Mrs. A. C. Baglcy and-MrsrW. -'..Avenue,'.;; lef t .Jast -w celcf or ...the.:; ...H, - Vass - were - co-hdstesses a t a west coast of Vancouyer Island, delightful Qvening of Scotch where he expects to.remain for country danciiij? la s t ' Saturday , . / aurnber^of " m mith^; orr;topq--;_eychii^^^^ -" graphicahsurvepvorTc-"--:, ..... br71772'Ing]ewod(irAvehud^ r. A-!' 1 ^ud Ml'S. W. F, Fiddcs of the _ Captain W, R. Clark, 2300 b .q . Scotch Country Dancing BeUevue Ave., entered Shaugh- Society in Vancouyer were over. nessy Militar;^ Hospjtal as a pati- and kindly gave instruction, ...en t_ .la s t.S u n d ay .^ - ................ -Mrs.- G'! Alexander, acting- as ac-- ' companist. During an interval Mr. and -Mrs. L. E. Kyle, 2008 ;Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove was heard Bellevue Avertiie, are leaving for two vocal 'solos with Miss a,mo.nth:s,.trip,to the s o u t h . - V a ^ s i o f New-Westmihster a t thlt ' p i a n o . D a i n t y ' refreshments Miss .Margaret Saunders, who were served a t the clpse of the ha&been-on- a.-trip =to-Banff,,-:haS' -evening';.--------- ----------------- - returned to '-her home a t 843 The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. 22nd Street. " . ' ■ .w.._E. Fiddes, and_Mi:._and_Mi:jl..---------------- ---,----'->1;--̂-------- ■-- •-- Aiqbleside Pharmacy W. L. KEll, Prop. . 1401 Marino ' ' ' Phono: Drive West 323" ' FREE DELIVERY Stratton's BAKERY O R D E R Y O U R '1 .HOT CROSS BUNS.? Fresh Friday Morning Note Address: ^ J468 Marine Drive, ---------- Phone West 27 WEST VANCOUVER - ^BUSINESS MEN'S ASSN. 'FiTAllens; alFof VancouverrMiss 7 Vass of New Westminster, Mr. . and Mrs. AT'^Cromar Bruce, Ma.ior and Mrs. J. E delston, Mr_ ,̂ Perennial Plants We now- have, a stock;-of Pansies,. Polyanthus, Daisies, --Geum,--^Hollyhocks,--Gaillardia,- Oriental Poppies, Iceland Pop-^ pies. Wallflower, etc. .THE ____ _ West Van Florist 18th & 'Marine' West ■ 3U5 Th^e"WAS7aTroticeable~spirit-- and~MTS7~J" Bahks7"MTs--B--M-;;-- ' of enthusiasm Arid good fellow- Grady, Mr. arid Mrs. L. Burley, ship at the organization m eeting ' Mrs. G. Alexander, G. -Blanch- : of the West Vancou.ver Business fieTd,. C. B. _CleggKMiss_Jean_Bag- ' ?7MenLs;^AssQcia:tfon:^w,hi&h.:4;adk^ev-.^Ca,ptaij3;^andJ<CrfejF J 7 L o v e -^ Not/hing too. Smjill ■ S tarting Friday, March 5th We w ill^ay for EMPTY BEER BOTTLES 4 5 c FO R TW O DO ZEN Nothing too Large We alsQibuy other, kinds of B o ttle s J^ c rv -T - ^ .- JL. , H ignBIPrices Paid for Everything.Stoves, Tools; Etc. Call W est 91 :_andLwe.-will call_ v' at your door gs, Sacks, Metals, Purniiure, "Tid for Everything: Burrard Junk Co. place last Morid/ay evening in the grave; Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Vass, ' P.D.Q. Cafe, 1512 Marine Drive. Mrs...A. C. Bagley. The election of'officers'result- „ -̂------- r ---̂------ --ed-as-follows: , - -- Hardly a CDmplinieiit 7 , President; Captain F. F. Love-' come fn, Miss Olediitm!" ̂ -- ,------ said--the--smiling--doctor-,---And-- Vice Prudent,TD^ ATBarbour, 'how areyou-feeirig today?'- Secretary-Treasurer, Tom Brown or much better f" -T T he-subscrip tion was set ^ 1.00 per year, apd it was decid- ic vpaiiv remarkfible" . ^ed to ro id meetings-on the,̂ ̂ The doctor, rubbed h is "han^is . --aH'd-^4a:d--Wednesdays::=of£.ev:eiLy=^o=grg^^ month-nt 8:30 p.m. in the P.D.Q. gjad/' he replied. 'I t . ,, , won't 'b e long now before we'll Prelimiriary dtacusaiuii Luuk be having you looking your old place on the m atter of nre pro- ggjf again." tection and insurance rates, also " "Sir,"- 'she glared at hirh on the question of :the disposal angrily--"what do you mean' by of garbage, and committees were th a t? " . / appointed to investigate and re- ' ___ 1_ . port back, a t the mext meeting. "This," said the literary man, Following adjournment re- the age of the short story." freshments were served. • "True," replied his- friend. Hbllyburn T heatre THURSDAY .1111(1 FRIDAY u ik l s a t u r d a y m a t in e e March 18th, ̂ IDih and 20th . PAT O'JIUIEN _._HriW-EUU5Y--ROBRimS---- 'The China Clippei^' • also ̂ ~~ Nows."Cartoon." etc. " ' SAT. EVENING.arid MONDAY - March 20th and 22nd - KATHARINE H E PB U R N ' ** MARY OF -^^O T tA N B ^■>. ri _7(iA--beau ti f-u 1--and-6xci ti n g:-h i s-- torieal masterpiece. Lastinj?' . over 2 hours) ------ ----New.s,.Cartoon,-etc-- ----- ' TUESDA-Y & WEDNESDAY , March 23rd and 24th*' wr ROBERT TAYLOR " PRIVATE n̂ u m Io r ; (Once only at 8:20.) ^ also ■ "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" ... TENNIS CLUB "Nearly every man I meet tells me how short he is:" J. A. Humphreys,." 1165 14th Street, has moved, into a house at 1X51 24th Street. TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE in W est V ancouver! TheYbllowing petition is being' circulated all;byer 9^«ada I t was prepared-by.F^Re_v. Mr. iSpringeft, Doniinion Commissionei tke Israel World Federation'^Toronto>7--^If,-on-reading--this_car 'Would likei-to have a part-irr-petitiQriing-"o,ur government, for ^ ^ ; Nafidnal Repentance and Prayer, please sign if or when to you. Many ' have'%een canvassing 'West^Vanc^ver^ but has called on you yet, blanks vqll - be found a t McNeil s Drug 14th and-Marine Drive. Please act promp,tly. - , „ w h e r e a s all thoiightful people are profoundly concerped over _ present World-Wide-Coriditions-of'Chaos;- ._ _ _ -- A-ND--WLIEREAS^the D o m i n i o n and-Proymdal-Government^ are - -- acimittedly. unable to__solve the grave'fiimncial, -x:social problems confronting Provincial and Dominion Autn , : AND WHEREAS there 'can 'be .found no other solution of the^e -Dominion and~Worl(l-wi<ie P roblem s save., by ayNational Ke to* the acknowledgment oi the Sovereignty of Almighty O Obedience to the Divine Law, '■ ' ' " YOU are hereby invited to " join with ns in .a P c tit^_abou t^ to____ "-"-^-he-pr^StM trithri^Pnirie M inister c a l l i n g " u p o n T h i m / t o pppomt ' > a: Da'y of National' Repentance, and - P r a y e r .throughout ^om- _ iniop^and also to take, steps a t once to set up a Representative Men whose Duty shall be to examine the u --. as given - in - the -Divine - Constitution. with _ a-_yi:?w__ ̂ , -- - ™niediate--application -tol - and-' Administration . of our_ w ______^ ----Economic' System. . ---- - _ * _____ "rr---7ArH--€nthu^idst-ie---4uo€Uo the WestJVaueouver Tennis Clujb ' was held in SL^St^hen's^ a r ish H^lLon- Maroh 4thVwith a v6ry - gpod/atten^ance. ^ ^ ■ .The electiori of officers for ^ r t ^ t t j l n p o u a u i d t '^ ^ STAINER'S -'^. ' .. ' .coming' season resulted as foL lows: . . ' President, Vic Griffiths,. ' ■ Vice President, Miss Sybil . Chapnian, . - Secretary, Mrs. F. H. H.~ . Parkes, __ ' . Treasurer,'Miks Elva' McCurdy Executive:' Mrs^'V>\Griffiths, Mrs. Dick Tilley", Geo. N utt,- . Cecil White. ' -------- --̂ - , The membership fee for the " season iS" '$10.()0 single, and "$17!50 for-married couples. . ̂ - ■ The""club"is hopihg'to form a North Shoro Tepnis League this ;^ e a r and play will commence as ^ o n .a s the-weather permits. will bo presented by*-the.. WEST VANCOUVER UNITED CHURCH CHOIR - at the evening--service, 7:15, .March 21sl, • W E S T VANCOUVER H O RTICU LTU RA L ASSN.' FREE PUBLIC LECTURE - By MR, ANDREW WHITE, Eminent Landscape Gardener, Subject: , " Effective Planting Shrubs and Perennials: " --------------------------------------- -- L e g i d n r H a l l T ^ ---------------------------------- Tuesday^ M arch 23rd* 8 p.m. EXPERT- Watfch and Clock --- -------- HREPAIRINGt-- ------ T. CHRISTENSON - • (formerly with Birks Ltd,* " Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive HOLLYBmN^^ DBESSMAkERS ■ - -- ."LatFsi'^pTin'g Style Book has arrivcdl CHOOSE YOUR DRESS' FOR EASTEkl i890-Marine Drive PhONE WEST 583 M f S S D , - K : H 0 R I E ^