__ :̂ ._„:̂ ^4.-W e e M y -- 'N ,e w sp a p C T ^ Circulating in the-District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. CyptCSS P a fk , C a u lfe ila ,W h y te c liff, E tc . #« per copy at newsaUnda. Vol. XI I* fi , '*' HOLLYBURN P.O.. w est VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 11th. 1937 No. 49 THIS FREEDOM OF DURS BRIDGE, TEA AND MUSICAL IRISH CONCERT Owing to the possession of a certain sturdy independence of character n o t . possessed by other races; we peoples of Anglo-Celtic stock have always been I6vers of freedom. Long before the rest of Europe had ever even thought about it, our forefathers had begun to curtail the absolute power of their , kings. It' was a long and a brave road beset with battle and executions, civil w ar and sudden death, but in the end the will of a race willing to die for freedom triumphed, and a parlia ment, elected from the people by the people and whose, edicts were supreme, ruled the land. In modern times, following the example of the. Motherland and driven by the same insistence ■ on freedom our colonies became dominions subscribing to the - ,snme form of government. Together w ith th is desire for freedom there is in the libart of the Briton an inherent love of fair play. He does norHke to see the under-dog browbeaten or maltreated by the stronger and so,, when destiny gave him dominion over many COMING EVENTS On March 17, St. Patrick's , Tomorrow, Friday evening, Day, the Duncan Lawson Chap-. the United Church Choir will ,ter, I.O.D.E.," are holding a preaeVy^the West Vancouver Bridge and 'Tea -at the lovely M ijye^uartette with assisting seaside home of Mrs. Grady, a r tis ts^ n a concert of distinctly .,24th Street and Waterfront. ' " ----- There will be a table of home VQOOking including novelty bas kets of candy for Easter, Those who do not play, bridge should Irish flavor. The program includes solos, duets, quartdltcs, double mixed quartettes; ensemble,. commun ity singing, readings anda-touch' Thursday, April 1st -- Sketohos from "Our Mutual Friend," by Dickens Sketch Club. - Monday, April 5th -- West Van couver Orchestral Society's Concert in Orange. Hall. THE BURNING BUSH ■ By Siibadar come for a cup of tea and enjoy of blarney. The concert will the musical program. .Reserva- s ta rt a f 8 :15. Refreshments wlH tions for bridge should be made by phoning Mrs. Wm. Blair, W est 107-R or Mrs. Robt Thomp son, West 379-X-l. be served. . . Silver collection at,the door. of "the lesser-breeds/' he Only insisted tha t the la tte r keep the white man's law .. For the. rest, he felt that these subject i\aces had^.the'ri^ht to liye their own lives in their'own way, that they should have the same freedom which he had always demanded for himself. - ̂ / •> .t'bat. is why the British, a re .tbe best colonigers .history Jias ever known, as it "was alsb the reason for the great rally .round the flag in ib l4 , which,so astonished the. world.' The Dominions knew th e ir own self-governments to be in danger, the African black had-seen his brother under the whips of German sergeants,., and ^the Indian princes had been, called. " '6o61ies'̂"'by-young~German^staff*officers'ind:he-'Boxer^Rebel- - lion. They all recognized their several liberties were a t stake. Freedom is a tender plant. It is not'raised easily/ it heeds, -constant bare and -watching to ke^p - it- strong -and -healthy,-- and with carelessness, can easily degenerate into a weed called license* " ......... Of late years we in Canada have become careless. We have been "free* so long as to scarcely realize the privileges w e '. enjoy. Enemy agents and many of*our own, misled by them;-- have taken advantage of freedom to preach license, and' they hav^ been largely listened to because others of us have within the law taken advantage, of Ih e same-fi:€edoin to -oppress, their iellows. I f we are to- become the united people we. used WEST. VAN. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. g e n e r a l m o t o r s OF CANADA /Over in Junction City, Kansas, they.are alleged to have formed a Doting Grandmothers' Club, where the dear old ladies as semble to dote together, over their grandchildren, which may be. a help, if they take the kids with them. Educationists, please iiOte, that, the 'm ethods,.of. re - : ceiving doting m ght' be added to the B. C. Schools curriculum. Personally,. I hate the word "'dote.", .It sounds musby like,, mashed potatoes or sleepy pears. b s h ^ a , Matob̂ ^̂ ̂l Miotbrs' of Canada, Limited," At the meeting held Monday-, closed the end of February in a night in the CouncibChamber it gratifying position as fa r as car ; was.deoided to postpone th e .re - shipments are concerned, it was organizing of the Board of Trade learned today from C. E. Me- ......... . .and to form a West ..Vancouver Tavish; general sales manager.*^ ■(.)nce in niy cub reporter days I ' 'Business Merils Association. Notwithstanding the slackpipg was sent to a house for a story . The object of such, an a^oci- of production in January'; en- on some social event--don't re- ation will be to foster a spirit a forced by the shut-down of vn^omber now whether it conceal- . American plants which supply ed a wedding or a funeral--imd certain material, the shipments was ushered into a big libr^i^ of oars from the beginning of and asked: to sit down and wait, the. new model- year in the Fall A-The ' only: persons there-were of 1936 until the end of Febru- veiw fa rm in g old lady arid -- of ~co^operation among local ", m erchants for the mutual bene fit of all, to help-in.all community - - efforts^- to make t|ie citizens "West Vancouver conscious," oi i »od unui me enu oi rem u- veiw cparming om mqy uuu « and generally to strengthen,the j' ary are much higher than ship- , |ittl^"uevil of- a four old community spirit existent in the ments during the, same period a boy, ".whom I was informed at municipality. - year ago. / •.. once was the heir. The old lady __^_JV-meeting_:of^he new associ- Schedules at the Oshawa fac- doted for ten so,lid-minutes-while ^^ation for the purpbse'of e la tin g tory had befen-considerably ad- -- the:.-kid-climbea-from_the.-back officers will be held a t 8:30 p.m. vanced and material had ' been of the chair all over me, pulling to"be, the activities of these.tw o kinds pf-offenders against the eontinuation„of-our„freedpm vvilljh'aye to be .put a stop to and, that soon. : ' ' " "lAry ' ~ ". i Oiir Canadian forefathers worked'Torrffeedom "and some- toriM=died^for=freedom7=^reulizing-it"xould^only^be^bbtained, a's it'CSan. only.be retained, th a t way. But we, their descendants .of today, dp pot seem to th ink it necessary to- do either, h ^ in g -a-k-ind-of-idea-that-itois-ours-by-divine-right-and-that-none-can rob us of it. uiiiucin will wc iiciu o.uv jti.in. vanceo ana material naa ueeii îi. niv yuoii wyx.i i.iv., next MondajrfMarch 15th, at the b!?ought in fo the limit of stor- \.my hair,' rumpling- my; collar, P .D.Q; Cafe^^l512 Marine Drive,_ age facilities, so th a t operation grabbing my watch out of my . vvhen'a general/discussion, will âs'̂ ̂ possible here during the pocket and almost b re a k in g ^ e take place 'on m atters affecting' joPg period when the Americ'a'n chain, and^finally biting me in local bqsiness.'^'AMohg-the sub- plants were closed.- " - - ' the ear for good measare. She ' jects to- be brought" up> will be;. - - said he-waj/%uch:a;lovingJittle -- ' 'f The Federal Parliam ent recently indulged .in much heart searching over the defence estimates. Some o l our legislators ^mf€ssedTo"b^fraidl;hafT)anadiansTriighTbet6rc'ed~to again" ; fight in Europe, so. showing the ir own ignorance. For there is a-danger, existent on this/Pacific coast'recognized by all," -and-a-still-greater-hostileTforce'-resident-immediately-south-of^ .thevGreat Lakes in the United States, of which fevv Canadians rates,' also the disposal of gar- some - ^9^ b ag e .. I t is hoped th a t .every, ̂ his-head, becau.se they were =meri:hanP=will-maJce-a-pointj-of-- -- big_-pots_local]y_and_had-tto be attending, so tha t the Occasion, S S e " n is ovc/too Anyway H.S may be a real get-together meet- relatively the case in the. United ^ ing of local business men.-- , States. The^ demand- is good' in Canrid% salesf^bvving A grepef- peh ierita^ of increase; o v e r^ e ; previous year thmi in the FOR "LIMIT" "Statesv^ CORONATION D A N G ® ^ " ; A rlarge and representative =grbup-of--West-WancouveEr-citi , w %.• -- ̂ *s ^ ^ • • / 7. ■ mother came at last and I got my~story. . I went Out of that house feeling like an over charged soda water bottle. "knoC If either should aot, fhey^ w iiracf together,'"'and^l:hen we are miick'more likely to need England's help than be send- ing^hrer'assistance. At, this day and hour, vvhen our freedom is endangered from both without and within, it would be well for us Canadi ans -to wake up,Aost..we suddenly find it rudely snatched ffon^ us. , ̂ ■ ■ zens are on- a committee plan ning the Coronation Dance and Celebration to be held' in the Hollyburn Pavilion on Tuesday .evening, May 11th. " ' Plans are being made to dec orate the . Pavilion w hich» h a s . been ieased^fo r th ^ NORTH SHORE TABLE TEiNNIS / , TOURNAMENT A North Shore Tame 'Tennis Tournament is being tield a t the Horticultural H a ll,I^ sd a Ie Ave- nue and 22nd Street, N p r tf Van-' Qouver, from Mondaylto 'Thurs day,--March 22nd - 25 thr*P lay . commences at 8 p\ni. -West^Vancouver has some first .class players and is, quite justly., /proud-of the-fact. I t is that the West Vancouver boys - will send a big representation to this tournament ah4,,if they do, " ilL^Mld inot be surpHsing-should- quite a few of the laurels be brought back to West Vancou ver. .. . There are a variety of events: men's and .ladies singles, doubles; mixed doubles, open and handi cap. Handicaps will be fixed, by a Handicap Committee with, rep resentatives on the commjttee ^ i^ e V i f y ld ^ r ie a g u e ^ d f h a ^ ^ every enthusiast/ whatever class , of player he or she is, dan be assured of a chance to get into 'the final play-offs. . , ^ -- Itis-also hoped-that-there will be a large turnout of fans to sup- ■pdff the local boys and girls._. Any further particulars con cerning- the_jtournament'Wvill-be: given With pi^sureTbjr-IL W - -Greene, _w_hose.-phpne:/number 'IS, W est 150-R-2. , . - ■ occasion7 May 12th, Coronation day, is-ex- , pected tb b e . proclaimed a holi day, and it was felt tha t Tuesday The case- of Chevrolet, Mr. Mc- Tavish pointed but, is a good ex- ample;- Shipments "of new' pas senger models from the begin ning of the model year up until, the end of February -show an in - ' brease of „25% over the same period a year ngo. In the case^ of Chevrolet comriiercial cars. Ontario's speed -limit of 35 miles nil-hour on the bpem road- is, more -honored in., the breach - than in the observance, Jbut the Ontario Motor League feels th a t the law is"* the law, and the -speed4imlt-m ustobe-so-regarded-- There is, -howeyer, a definite ,, , . sbntiment in favor of a change there was no sh o r te p of niater - ̂ wHich-wo-uld-be' fespeoK aay, ana It was leit m at xueaucty al in January, with the result rirfvpr and evenihg was the-ideal-night for tha t shipments in the "actiom in^theLegiflhtureto'make the dance. under review are 70l^sJPreater sujh a change ista irly certain to ' ^han a atro. be/takbhtThe entire/program inay be J than a year, ago broadcast over Bydsthe, end of February, ship-, the Ontario Safety League, «nrfn hv th l W^^ ̂ qidsmobile Six, as op- g . G. Fester, is on record as be- ' to shipments of this model j^ieving tha t "a maximum speed ---^^noouvei-:GGns€^^^-Ass^^^^ a.year'agorwvillTshovv-aiT^ milerBn-^lroTO^r- atipn the a ff^ r wm of 3 1 % .- ^ " - - , rounded with suitable restric- LThe» best showing/by pastorir- ger cars, however, is made by Pontiac, shipments of .which a t thb7erid#f^Fbbruaf^^^ non-political arid the comiriittee .will meet shortly to decide on a worthy charity to receive the -net--profits-from the sale of ticr. kets. Watch The Newe/for full inform ation.,-- - ' *** tionsTnjvbutd, m€e\ every,, useful requirement/: and - if vigoroUsly^ ̂ enforced, would have the sup-' p o r t 'b f -95'/?;: o f- the -motoring-.-..V- ----------- - pui t VO/O' 'Di mt; iiiwlwixjib above shipments during tl^e sam e.; public." Meanwhile,- here are TTiP following story is given West yanconyer Municipal. Ferries __ irfS, Half-Hourly Ferry Service ■- until further notice. 4-- V . by Sir Frederick Bridge on the= .authority o l a university profes- sor/inScotland: . . - A pooFTIigbland~soiater~wss ill in hospital at,M alt^ and was expected /to nlj^.F7The period a year previously. The^demanrd for G.M.C. Trucks ~resultod~Tn an uptrend-in-ship- m en tso^ nearly--50Q%7~iu4icat- ing- the\^i ncreased -poP.u lari ty of this commercial lirie. the operi-countiy speeds , in ̂ the other provinces of the Domin ion/: ̂ Prince Edward Island,^ "Carieful and priiderit"; Nova Scotiar^^'-reasonable-andproperl!- -tr- (40); New Brunswick, 40; Que bec, 30; Manitoba, "careful.and ____ _ surgeon asked the nursing sister on duty how the man was, and.was told he could not possibly recover; but she added, "One thing- be asks before he die^,--he would like to hear the pipes again." The surgeon was going out, but told_the__s.lster to send to the A fter inspecting a number ol prudent"; Saskatohewah, when „sets in thb wireless shop,' the passing, 35; Alberta 30; British young lady , approached .. the Coluriibiax 30, o,r a t rates pre- counter. * . - scribed by/highway signs. • - Colonel for a p iperrT he surgeon on his return -'asked the, sister if the piper had been. Sh,e replied , th a t he had come and played,up r *and-tiowllK^he corridor fine, a^d -the-soldier .^as.,gotting better. "Why, it's a miracle!" said the astonished doctor.. .The sistor re plied, "I t i s indeed; but I am T want to^buy a'W irele^-set-, on the instalment plan," sh^told'^ -. the assistant. . _ ^ "y^s,"OtiiSdamL/! he replied,- "I ̂ th ink we can arrange that. Have " you any references ?" "Oh, yes," she replied, "from oiir last dealer." ' . ."Can I see them?", the assist- , ant-asked. , 7" ' 7T, haven't any with Tne,'-' she told him, "bu t-I'm siire he will "Tell me," said the romantic young girl, "do you eyer get that far-from-the-maddening - crowd -feeling w h ^ y o u a re entirely cut /ofltTromTfh^busy \vorldT' ~7~ * . "Yes," answered the business man," it "sometimes happens, to me in a telephone box." ̂ sorry to toll yoa all^the rest of "the patients are dead!" ■ "These eggs of yours are ex- .tremely srriall," complained a- ..vxu _______ -- young Wife to her grocer. "It be glad to^tell you tha t there • seems to me that they have been w asn't a scrtatch on the cabinet taken- off . the nest^ much too when he tQokvit bkek,'-' , . • soon." __ , . 7