West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Jan 1937, p. 4

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/ 2 w . . A -..TOE WIBT'VAN'NEVVS January 2 l! 1 9 3 7 . w m r VAN lUfNITBO CBVBCB lUv. HUlli WHfht» MUatUr - 8tiii4ii> 8#rfl«tf 11:16 AJa.. 7:16 p.m. BomUy Behool uu! Blblt Class 10 s.tii. Strsnaerg A Visitors Wgleoms* Concentrate on Tt y ■ ■ ' • ■ y*n * jHair t i e a u t D BAmST CUimCH Mliiifier Iter. W* L MeKty. B .a B frd o * 10:00 tt.m,--Church School io- ' cludini; Adult Class 11 s.ii). A 7:30 p.m.-~Preapbinff i .Sorvicts. 'I'ht'ro is nolhiriK that can mar your appcaranctf quickly aâ (lull, unhealthy hair, lu'ulthy hair has kIokh, vitality, j'olor utui with a low stearniinf« time permanent will retain its beauty. Have a I t fw steam treatments or' eull for a "home ,lreatrnent" at the BT, STEPHEN'S CHUItCH AnKlIcsn H am t a n d Pulton AVer-..... . H:00 a.m. - "JIuly-XommumoH"; Every Sunday; , ■ 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 1st S. in M.--Holy Communion 7.J5 p,m.--ICvensonfi' & Sermon I'he Hev. P. A. Uamsey, 1..S.T,, Itector f WEST VANCOUVEB.I ' * Chris tiaii,l Science Society I Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreytUira of Excluaivc IV'rmanentH, jr>Hi Mitring Hrive Weiit il7 O R . G. D . / / . S E A L E D.D.S,, L.D.S. mJrmitJn A *191 A.. ̂ lisy Block, Hth and Murine Dr. ' ' onieo Ilodra 9 .to fl p. tn. KvoningH by appointment, ------------Phono-WeatTlf-----^ l^tablialied on North Shore f 25 Vcara (Lady AHHlstant) HAKRON BROS. UVl). JFuiieral 9 irectiirs North Vancouver l*nrlors .T22 West Sixth Street •' Phone North l;M Vancouver Parlors {)5'Tc*rith Avenue East ■ Phono .Fair. IJFl HOLLYBURN HALL I'Uh .and Duchesa to , ' A lterations on the building the Children's Service on Friday evening, Jtxn, _22od,.also all .Services, on Sunr day, Jan. 24tli, will be----- - - Cancelled. CllUHCH EDIFICE ■ 20th and l&quhailt, HoUyburn This Society isjs Branch of The Mother Church 'n^erPtrst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, ..- J - ,M » » * * c h u » e t t i i■... Sunday Service; lji:30 a.m. Sunday, January 241 h, Subject: " T R U T H " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony' Meeting Wednesday >(■8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In* vited to attend our services and meetings. , January Clearance Sale GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive Weat 5$2 > DreMsi's goinu ul Half*Price. M'c must rNllirc our stock. Com© in and sec these buys.; Sec our .Special S2.v:> Dressc.s. Just the thing for in*|jel"ecn-scasoiisi, • CtEAKING BVEUy EVENiNr $10.00 Coihe Early and Get Yours." Blouses., $1.00 and ^̂ 1.05 iTnd..>«»05 Borch Frocks. $1.50 (Specdal) .\rtisi Smock.s . . . . . $1.0o Skirt.'. . : ........ . - Apruijs* ... ..... ■' CleuriiUr H/d ami Scurf and Muir.Set.s .................... '^2.50 t.'h'ariiig Hal find Scurf Sets jit ...A. - .$1.50 Agai)^ wo are specializing i„ Special Orders. Drop in iyid have u chut with Gwen about your now Spring Suit and Coat. Dpn't forget we are the exclu,sive agents for Mercury, Hose stvlod • " " t $ i .rby Van Raalte a t $1.00 per pair in Semi-Service, Crepe and Chif.' ■foil. All shades; three leg lengths. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. I t. a . Ramsey V UNITEt) CHURCH , 21st &; Esquimalil; |Ave. Rev. Ilillis Wright, Minister January 24th--ASepluagc.'<ima Sunday. . 8:00 a.m.--Holy! Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Serrhon'. . Preticher, 'J'he Very Rev, K. 7 Armitage, D.l). 7:15, p.m-.-^Even.song and Ser- • * mon; Preachpr, The Rev; J. Thomp.son, R.D. Monday, St. Paul'.s Day; 10il5 a.m. -- Holy .Communion; St. "Francis-in-the-Woods Sunday, 9:45 a.m.'-- Holy Com- , munion. ' ' There will be .speeial preachers M n. F. Knight-Hodge ' Tuition ill I'iunoforte,'Violin and Theory. Special atlontioh given to Bcidnners. ■prciicstral "anil, Rhythm 'Classes. .Pupils prepared for B.'C. Festival , and all Exams., ; ■ 'i . STUDIO: 1332 Dbehe.̂ s AvonueV . : AlTENXIQNLI^-Ex^j^^^^ C anadian L egion B ro a d ca st every W ednesday, 7 p .m ., over. C .K .W .X . HEAR SOME OF TH E R EASO NS W H Y YOU SHOULD JOIN A NATrONAL O R G A N IZA TIO N -VERNON- FEED STORE -A. e,>8BAIlLB Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds V Wood, Coal. Builders* ShppHes The kind of hu.sband a nipdorn girl at St. 'Stephen's both morninp^ want.s'js a fellow who'll bring home SVmrbiv Sr»rvip̂ »-- 1T* 1B n m evoiling Oil-thi^Simday arid . t}]̂ bstcon ami then" go in the kitchenbeivice.s-: 11.15 a.m. The Very'Rev: R. Afmi- " I k , „ . ' ' ' Christ Church Cathedral, pv? 1 7 Vancouver, in the morning, and Lxplorors,-meet on Monday at the. Rev. 'J-.'Thomp.son at night, , uCoii , I rp • . The Rt. Rev. E. M. Cms.s, Bi.shqp H'lv nf ̂ Spokane,,_ and leader iii the I u; i" 1 i Dioqesan Conference, on Febru-'G G.T.H. meet Wedtie.sday at ary. 1st. will preach the follow- * ■ ' ' -^-aaiy-JAt,--\v411-prea&h7on-Suiiday--TTfUle Study and Frayor meet- mbrnfnD- Tannnrv in^ .Wednesday at 8 p.m, . - Social' Choir practice Thiir.sday at "8 P.11L------ Ilie/Explover.s Group of Roys GUARANTEED Radio Repairs Experience'insures, satisfaction, -JBrown-&-Manton-- 1 5 4 2 M a rin e D riv ei ̂ , .;..y ■ W e st 3 6 6 -.•-Evening in Inglewood Sun- dajr^Schi^J" ask th a t the i a ren ts of boy6 aged from seA'Qn tc^eleveniwho are mol attending any other-organiza- .St; Stephen'.̂ W. A. auspices B A P T IS T CHURCH. Minister --tiot4^send-4^hem-Hii^t-4VIt)nday-- Rev Wilfrid'ITTSlcKav R A R T) evening to the, Explotera meet- / •" J 5 4 5^1545JDuchess Ave. -,7A. Vision^and Its Aftermath"' DR Y FIR Inside Fir or \ ^ K iiuljing...\/..... .$6.50 per cord '.2 C'oi'ds-'Siabs ami Edging.s $7.60 -- ':;sAtvDU8T PUITAM'S FUEI. I'iiuno after 0 p.m-.~'N<>H-ii (520- ■ W ,, ing in Ihe ' West Vancouver Church _ vvill b^ the pastor's subject Sun- ' ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC ' "S n Z n " S :l^ ^ 'Ghrist"" T S ' CHURCH' • church school meets at 10 o'rlnr-l^ H bllybuim " DRESSM AKERS . and CLEANER^ MISS D. H.^HORIE 1 8 9 0 M arin e D rive P h o n e 5 8 3 • R«-̂ '̂ M7iVIillHy, l ^ o r . • iriciucling„the adulT SlbC C l® Phone West 540___Z::__. Strangers-'anxl-^visitors will re- --------- ■ .. 9̂5>?'dial \velcome at all the t Sunday Masses ' ̂ ^ L - - L o w - Ma s s 8: 15-a:m.--- - « Y o u n g * People's Society ED. BLACK ■COAl. • 'W E S T * 6 8 W O O D- DUM P WORK S L A B S $ 4 . 0 0 cord 2 cords $ 7 .5 0 M A R X I M l -W atch our W eek-end S p ec ia ls ^. Friday and Saturday^ -- French Cookie.s; Butler Horns" and Cornish Fustics " -1-121 Murine Drive High . Mass and Sermon--10*16 Tii Monday at* 8 o'clock: w ore-H uT n]^ adcn. Rosary and'Benediction Catechism 'and Bible History Question, "W^ ̂ liv e ry Saturdayr~9:30 a. m̂ -- in Revitalizing the Week-day Services" Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. Chiirch-?- .vx«..a, u«uy-~r:ioa.m . _ is held PYidays -- Rosary, Benediction ' at 8-o'clock. 3 :00 p.m. . ' ' 7 « a . 7?" ----- -̂---------- Saturdays -- Confessions from olv to 7 :30 p.m.-to 8 :30 p .m r' - ' ombalmod wh'Sle.' When she Disabled Veterans' assn.- (1-921) Meets oh 2nd and 4 th Tuesdays eaqh month in.. Mr. Blower's ôffice- ' . ^•ServiceT"mhifflIigihl^either full or associate. son to repreien-t tkem as a Com- i--missiorier-of Polieer--™ - The Mode of Nomination of Candidates Shallv B e 'as follows: ■ The- Candida,tes shall be nom- , ■ inated-in--wigt:pg^the-^u4ttag-- shall be subscribed by'two elec- - tors of the Municipality as pro­ poser and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Of- Ticer a t any time--between, the' t^^t^ of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination: The said _ Md^hgjnayihe-ih-4:he-for-m-num---̂ bered 3 in the~ Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Acty-' -and _shall' state th€_name_s, residence' and occupation dr description of; returned homo, she rushed to her l=ThTins-and-said:r"OK7T>avr ^ALLY^CRAIG 2117 Argyle Avenue Money is a' bother at' any time. If a *wbale this a you haven t anyT-̂ '̂uu w<)nT̂ be"lin'prpy: î"' "indeed o fv, -until you have; and if you have much mnvino- r,-' ^ I'eply- "In the Jon.nBJt.--Trenlo„-€o*fa.=Sa«SHr5?--Mve'i: .'.i,, - Furnace an- ; Thin, streaked clouds mean .Avind 6r rain. • f * *6 i. h. -- -r TBB W e s t Vail N ew :s s mm Published- E very Thursday ~ '7 * mi . . PublLsher F, F. LOVEGROVE Phone .West 363 BusineM and Kditoriai Office: 17lh and Marine brive r (Next to" HoUyburn P. 0. y Phone-West 363 -Mail-Addrew: West Vancouver Twenty Yeais. Ago. fuel supplies In^de BusITFir............$5.50'coi.d'- Bark on , ^ _____ __ nv" .Fir-.$6.00 cord -Pire-Pli^" i5iabs, Edgings, Alder. .GOAL B. C.<-.oai -- By ton or sack ^ , sawdust ' CHARLIEJTJIOMPSON -j;^gST '582 . Phgnej 3VEST_gR9 . each person - proposed, - *in-7suoh manner as snffigielitly to idk- tify_ such candidate; Mnd^in the event of a Poll b%rng necessary, such Poll shall be opened on "SATURDAY, THE 23rd^AY O P-JA N U A R Y ^3Y r 'between the hours of|-8' o'clock " m. a n d '8 O'clock-prm. -of said Hall,- cor-day a t the Ambleside ner of I4th~Bt,reet arid Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B, C.', -of which every person is hereby required.to take notice and gOA'- ern himself accordingly. - - , ',^^ven under my hand at the Municipal Hall, D istrict of West ■-y couver,__this_7th "day -of JanQary;.-1937. WM. HERRIN,- ; - TT , ' ' Returning Officer. ^pllyburnr-B ;e;r^------------------- 7th January, 193.7̂ C O N T R A C T O R S First Growth pir Wood' ^""^^^ation Worfc-- -- P. O. Box 61, Hollybum, BlC; Nbrth Vahcouver _Offl_ce: 128 Lonsdale Ave. - ^ T£ftch c Q e a u ty S ^ lo n T E A R O E - 7 ; & - ; S 0 j ^ ii tg ? har7ne drive ------------------- ̂ p h o n e ::wEl5Xr84 . 1562^Marine Drive • -•LOO »-year Keen twice ot satisfaction ' Come in and talk to us ahLt'^lL.J^ by-carrioK. •Si.OO • year-' S '--------- - We esneej r̂ ' • W t sour Scalp _and Hair -hy-mallr-------- -----̂ ĵ fijp rey andJlve<i-H«ii.^_________________________________ I TT* I. Bottles, Sacks i « 'Highest prices for evervf;,;^!' Stoves, Furniture. Etc.^ignest prices for everythinc, L." . Stoves, Furniture, Etc. ' .BURjRAEDlJtJnk;_^q .̂̂ :-=-- -̂----- Ĥ gltop-sma llr nothing to'o'iarger- ^ est Vancouver '• P h O t t f e THE CORPORA'tib N OP THE DISTRICT OF WEST - VANCOUVER ' PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given t8 the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp­ oration of the '"D istrict of West ■iVancouver, B. C., th a t I require ' J the presence of-the said Electors ' at the Council' Chamber, Muni- --cipal'HBll7'West~V'ancouver, B7C., - ON MONDAY- '^^he 18th day 'o f January,* 1937, - a t 12 o'clock noon ̂* ' for the purpose of electing per­ sons to represent them as Reeve" and Two Cpunoillors arid electing twtf persons to--represent them ' ris School Trustees and one per-