West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jan 1937, p. 3

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io»iiarv 7, THE "WEST VAN'NEWS' *■fr I ^ T v m ^ m A T L o m K s ^ the STORE.of quality . , Sale o f B o o k s J a i l . 7 th , 8 th 8c_ 9 th o n ly ^7intt reduction64n. POPULAR REPR̂ ̂ .... Slasnii t, c h il d r e n 's ANNUALS and BOOKS and DIARIES. . D O N 'T 1^0 Morlnc Driva MidS THESE BARGAINS " Phone Weit ^ 7 < >li *1* >!<>!< ►!* >!< ii< *H ►!# *1< »I< •!< •!< 'i"!< '!< *i" ■• >;< •:<' L o ca l and P erso n a l M0̂Am f ' ■ rilM ni91yiliM ^^ Ji aiyrX^fiP Miss Peggj ̂ Beavis ̂ daughter of Captain Beavls, 13th and __ _ ______ ___ Clyde Avenue, was rushed to the piqved int.p a.huasejat Vancouver General Hospital last don AveiiueV " Sutujrday, and was operated on * ■ * * , . for acute appendicitis later that Hlay. '<f f f * t'f* , **. O eFO R EST ()B0S1>EY ■ -1 9 3 7 All Star Series Featurins world-wide -reception, ■ fvlew Noise-Ff-ce Metal, Spf^y "Tubes; ---- ; ' Distinctive DcForcst C fo s lcy ' ■ ■""Cabinet Design. , ■■ ■■ I. ■ . . . . •■ ■ ■ ... ■ ' M Mniipl illuHtrated is a six-tube console' giving 8-tube performance. $ 1 1 4 . 9 5 b ro w n & 1542 j2 b w s' Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. ^ West 366 Buddy McGinnes of Vancou-' ver cracked his hip on Saturday while skiing on Holly burp Kidge and, after receiving first aid treatment, was brought down the trail and conveyed to the city..,^ ' Mrs. Chisholm, Sqn'r, of Ingle­ wood Avenue, was taken to the North Vancouver General Hos- Mr. and Mire.. M# -• Bucttuia^ 1421 Duchess Avenue,^ have ^237 Gor- Miss Mackay, \yho has been the guest over the holidays of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine DnVe, has returned to Langley, B. C.1*1 9 ♦ * .... . Harry Normand, 1455 Esqui- malt Avenue, is now able to be out and around again after being injured iii a recent auto accident in Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs; A, G. Proudlock Mrsr Breckenridge of -West 'Bay, who is a p a ten t'North Vancouver .General Hos­ pital, is making good progress^.. ... We received :;last week ;a friendly letter from Eric Hoyle, formerly' of 1443 Duchess Ave­ nue, but now of Southport, Eng- . land. Mr. .Hô l̂e, who some_years pital on Sunday, having become have returned fron\ their honey suddenly very ill. , moon and are staying with Mr. • ,.* * and Mrs. J. Haydn Young, Ihe Mr. Mercer, 1235̂ Duchess G{lbles," Dundarave, until they Avenue; moved on Monday into leave for England.. a house at 1133 Esquimau. Ave- , nue. .' , Mrs. Leckic of Vancouver,. ♦ * * ■ was the, guest of MisS Kilby at -- Miss 'Barbara*'lleid, who has -- Caulfeild over the- week end. ...... been spending ' the Christmas holidays at her home here, left ' With respect to itep appear- to. retufh'to B. C. ing in our laktU^ue r^ Dundav- * ♦ ♦ ave Garage We understand that These, are hard days for the Mrs. Huff purchased t ^ a n d and birds, more especially the gi'ound also purchased from Mr. Macri,,.. varieties such as towhees, winters( Pherson the balance of his lease, wrens, varied, thrushes,, chicka- ■ *' . dees, juncos, etc. ■ Bird lovers Alfred Dickinson, keeper -or ■are asked, therefore, to put out... the First. Narrows^ Lighthouse, food for them in order that they who has been,Ti patient jn Ihe-. may come through the winter North Vancouver General H os-■ safely. * . pital, has made good progress , ' .* * ♦ ' towards "Kficovery and Is i^^w ^ " 'Mrs. Hilda Lloyd of Sherman> the Seaview Nursing-Home; ! ^ • is recovering after undergoing . and Marine'Drive. '̂ a serious operation in the North - * * ' Vancouver General Hospital., - »The ■ regular meeting the ♦ * . * . West Vancouver ,Y; W. C. T,. U. The Rev. Father W.'"J. .M illayw ill *be held at the home of Mrs. Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino Phone: Drive Wcat 82S FREE DELIVERY . Stratton's BAKERY Fruit and Meat PicB,- -- AU kinds of Cpokioa • .„..Aiudo..Turno.Y.l6.r«. l)ouiirhiiut» , E|cc1cb Cnkea Woddinff Cakes a Specialty, * Wo mnko everything right on tho promlBcs, Fresh Dully, from Ih'Bt cliisa ingredients. 'Note^Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Ph^e^Wesl 27 "U:. district o f w e s t VANCOUVER snap of himself taken w ith the .. A ^ t VancouWiv -"part-^ . . S ectors- duriig the latter's English toupIs hereby, given to the Electors a n i has now resumed the rector- . Avenue, next Tuesday, January ship, of; St.-Anthony's; Church:-. 12th,-a?t-8-.p.m.;-A..real._welcome PUBLIC NOTICE : of the'Municipality of the ;..,oration_ofJhe.Pjstnct Vancouver, B. C., that I^oquire --thê presence of Ihe.jsaid. Electors. ■- at the Council Chamber,, . cinal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C., DO YOU NEED DRY WOOD? PHONE N Q RTjfT l74 PftOSPERlTY ON MONDAY _ the 18th day of Jainuary, 1937, at 12 o'clock noon, for. the purpose of electing per­ sons to represent" them as- Reeve ■ and Two-Counoillors and electing -iwo-jpersons to repr^en t them r ,as School Trustees arid onejier- son to represent~the~mTS^T'Com=-- * missioner of Police'. • ' - The Mode of Nomination of _ Candidates Shall Be as follows: '.Tte Candidates shall be nom­ inated--in--writing; the writing shall be &ubscribed~by two elec- 'tora_bf_ithe.s Muni.eipii]ityias: pr o-̂ ^ O O b L U T A R l l ___ ; -Mill ■run'-'F'irvWood**" $ ^ 0 cord .Mixed. Inside F ir Edgings, d r y ............. !............ $3.75'cord ■ Mill Inside Fir--old growth ■ Fir _L^.;..... $5.50 cord The Rev. Father N. J. Corley ha^ .awaits all y.ouhg ladies who oome . been tYarisfeffed tô Wisoorism̂ ^̂ along, ' "'i ~ ^ " . Engagement' ̂ . • F-"T. A. NEWS . Mr. and_Mrs._W. C. Ruj^ll, . The next m e e t a ^ - o f ^ ^ 2967 -rivixTo fhia wpelf me Johnson P.-T. A. will, be h delivered to the Returning Of- ficer at any time betw ^ n the date of the'notice and 2~p.m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be m4he form num-j beredrS-in-the- Schedule -of ' "Municipal Elections ' A< -shall state the names, ri and occupation or descriptioi _ ̂ each plrson- pro^sed,/riri suoh .. manner as sufficiently--fo-iden-v- tify such ^candidate; and jn~the-- _event of a Poll being: necessary, 1®' f,inpp'VTi the Best Co=operate in. the Interests wedding will take place in the ^ :|.he Child." All early spring.^ ^ . parents, and frjends in Pauline - i--underwent-ah-operatlony-is-now riieetuifc. • . • . Hollyburn Theatre ' -THURSDAY and^PRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ......,lnnuary-7th, 8th iuid 9th- 'BEYOND BENGAL' * A romance of the jungle. The ■ „ moat powerful picture | «£ ""icificl ever made. You will wipvt ' tq see it a second time. ; ■ also ■ "THE BIG NOISE' SAT. EVENING, MONDAY and - - . • TUESDAY . - January-9th, 11th and 12th ■ -^an^Francisco- such Poll-shall be opened~6ri-..-̂ -r̂ SATURDAY, THE 23rd DAY OF .JANUARY. 1937, ^ between the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. £̂ nd 8 o'clock p.m .. of said day -at-the- Ambleside Hall,"=-cor--̂ ner of -Htfar^Street and Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.' Q., of which every person is hereby, =requ^d'to take'notiee~and-gov^ -ern himself accordingly, -- " rGiyen uridef"my hand' a t the Municipal Hall, District of-West- Vancouver, this 7th , day °6f January, 1937r * . a January 20 ■ •• , ■_ ..__ _ A ll c h a n g e s for th e dVlarch^issqe of the_ Greater Vancouver lin d___ _̂__ New W estminster Directory: m ust be made by this date." convalescing in' St. Paul's Hos-: W INNEI^ OF LEGION • JCHRISTMAS DRAW , Some,members of the SchooT Band will provide the musical part of the program.. Don't for- ; .get the time and place. -t TiTd7"91-6=0; DEATH OF-THOS^BR(hOKES -deri:fch-=pecur-red-ori--Wed nesda-ypWveek-in-4he-Nor-th-Van- G eri^ar -Hospital~Tof---'-timster-t^OrJ-96^^ box of ̂ n d y ; - Thomts- Brookes, of 278L LawJ 9 ^ g o m . J^ id M electric iron rN o ;'915--K. Rus­ sell, roast-of beef; No. 935 -- Greenwood^LjGrpcen?, box ot -oranges ;-N6.Jf9.5: .T E AN ETl'E" M ACDON A LB ' ' CLARK GA'BLE -ht'TilUjud 9:15 r WEDNESDAY^NXX Jan.YSth " 0 N C E 4 N A W- alao MARY'ELLIS ,̂ WALTER pioGEON "FATAL LADY" (Once only at Sillr) w'-'-vi""**. .. c - soh-A-venue.-'-'rhe-de'î eased,_w_ho.. had been in poor health for some time,-is.,.survived- by^^his wife. -TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD . The next regular meeting of _ >rv box of - r X ----- the Townswomen's Guild will be Tt'r^r^ST^ibpr ' Funeral-services were held at the Clacha'n tomorrow " ----- '• '^91 ""T 1-30 p.mr^lasteSaturday n m""" '. box of cigars; N o.-521--T.^iur- Vancouver chanel of Har- (Friday), at / .40 p.m. .. ^ ^ ; ■ ,.y T7̂ A nPll/a (YllPFif: f̂?T)PRlCCr~-Of .th.6_ron Bros. Ltd.,. The Rev.G. c a k e ; - ^ inter-- ^veningi will be . Mrs, Edward --^^=mentwas-made in Capilano-View. Mahon, .President of Proyincia • Cemetery. School Trustees- Association. -Christmas Uheer; No. 396 Lumfhe, chicken. DEATH-OF-MISS MABEL L: McBAIN: MisV Mabel Lois M;cBain, daughter '̂ of'-̂ fehê '̂-late Mr. and "Mf^Jbhn-McBain; fonner-lj^of^ Orillia and Chesley, Ont., pa$'sed away ""'Wednesday, December 30th, at her .home in.Altairiont after a long illness. ' She is sur­ vived by her sisters; Eva, Mary, arid^Edna,_ateJipine; J- Auspices D u riw rb awgon' C hapter -lrO nD-E> x- YOUNGERTsET DANtE 1 ^ 'the Orange Hall,"CFRID A Y T^'/g^tr^^ - Dandug 9 to 12.30 * TICKETS'35c. Novelties - Refreshments WM. HERRIN, ^ „ - Retumiiig Officer .̂ Hollyburn, ^ -7th-Januar-y^937. B.X;mEEE0NE C<k -Ewart j i& a y ^ a n i - 'M illei^--V an cou ver; .M ra ,Jdhn -Riaeh-ah(r"Mr&.-J4- G.-Tlobi^te^ Edmontori; also'her brother^E -ArMcBain-and-W:.-W,„McBai^^ Edmonton. Fuiieral seryices S - A w b u S T M. B. King's Siwdutt can only .Be-purchasca Fuels." None of mY customers :Will go cold, but only my --̂ ers^lLbe protected.Mbne KNIliL'S FUELS for Fir Sawdust, Home Oil Fuels. J'fr _____ .n___v.n-v/3vorsed.- All phone calls can !be -r^€i*sed^ NORTH' 9 4 . wWe.held at '2 i>.m S^urdjy' in North Vancouver, the Rev. I^bs. Wright officiating, ^and. irfter- ment was ma'd^in Capilano View Cemetery. , . , T H e.^ren cJr cB eautv A a lo n 15,62-lMLarihe.Jftrive Invites Your Patronagel Gait with the assurance of satisfac4t>n. After the' strain of the 'holidays try a" facial- and see- hoW„diff.erent you will feel. 'Phone for ah appoint^ntWest 212. We specialize in Fine ĵlfey and Dyed-Hairr------- i EaCPERT, JiVatch andlv Clock ' .^%EPAIRING " T: CHRISTENSON (formeffy with Birks Ltd., ----- Montreal) --i-i_1522-Marii -̂3)riye_ : i' _ HOLLYBURN GIFT SHp^ B.C. ■---- Hours 8 a,m;\ to 8 p;m. , ■ ^ " Lhdies-and*^entlemen, J o y s and ---- ^L-lbv-of-tadyship WooL' .__v.aof "Slfwran.'?.. Time-'h.f, hp«it "Slosran." - Time-has been extended to JanuaryJ iw i r M dt^rai#T l67rd to 'rine ' DrivenWptrV2neo„v«r, ^ n n e r t nartTwill b. published iu W # Van News early in February,; ■' See our NEW_ STOCK OF DRESSES -- Long and Short/Slgejcg, - sizes 14 to 46, New Style "SMOCKS" in all colors, DRIVE .2 Phones:--West~6 6 l7 -«--Wesfe^359-R- IN /- '-T-rf- mmm M: 1-- ---J--_c- r r ,'V . -- -Gf-