AJWeelcLy-Newspaper Girculdtins in the D istrict of West Vancouver-^^mbleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year- Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy at newsatanda. jj, V o l XI HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18th. 1937 No, 46 OUR DEFENCES 1. 0. D. E. Commerce and the making of money have been sinc(i modern times the main preoccupations of us peoples of British, .stock. That is to sd'y, they have been and are the essential forces behind all bur actions. One might state, of course.^ with truth that the same observation could be made of the other races in Europe and America during that period, but it will have to be admitted that the .trading instinct is developed in us to a much greater degree.' Bonaparte, a conqueror with^ the lust for conquest for its own sake which is the chief characteristic of his type, reoogniy.ed. this when he scornfully loferred to us as "a nation of shopkeepers." We are, indeed, \'cry little interested-in our soldiers and sailors until the war bulletins lift us off pur» office stools, and .we. as soon forget them. , . . . . ' , ■ " The phrase "modern progress" is on everybody^s lips today,'not only among us but throughout the'whole so called civilized World, for op account of the leading liolitiop in affairs to which we. have attained we have infected all races to, a gveater or lesseir exterib-with -the,- virus-which -eats us, - And-- modern progress, translated into plain words, means, not iiflvances in the spiritual or t he arts._but simply„the. acquire-... 'ment of greater riches.' BOARD OF TRADE RE ORGANIZATION MEETING O.E.S. ANNUAL DANCE It is that Lwjhich ia,behind all mechanical .invention apart from engines of war. When we talk of "developing" a country the development of trade within its boundaries is what we -are- thinking of, and not the happiness of its people or the . development .of its arts. -For-example, we Canadians - have.. developed^ th i^ land of ours to, sonqe purpose, yet, when all i.s said, and 'd6ne,„.it.î ^ ̂ than doubtful w;hether"fhe Indian "tribes, whom we dispossessed, did not lead a happier.existence than is* our§ today./ As an illustration of this 'take our idea of a sununer.^holiday, which for tho'^e of us who, qan afford it "is a picnic or a lazy period of reŝ t at some lake ̂or sea shore. With a few hours of'easy effort for. fishing-or hunting most summer d a ^ were'a picnic for the Indian.' • ' There'^is always money forthcoming for. trade but little for the a rts'. Why is it that hardly one great piece of music,- The Annual Meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., took place at the home of Mrs, W. B, Small on Friday,*Feb-' ruary 12th, to celebrate Ikiund- , ers Day. The officers elected for the- coming year are as follows: Regent--Mrs; w r Small, is t Vice Gourlay, *• 2nd Vico Regent,-- Mrs'.-P. Wait, ' Secretary--Mrs. J. McIntyre, ' Corresponding Secretary -- Mrs. R. Thompson, - Treasurer*7"Mrs. K. B. Forster - Educational Secretary -- Mrs.- Hillborn', - ^ L..___E.c.hob.S" Mi ss„G.JDauphinee, : Standard Bearer -- Mrs. K; One of the social events of the A meeting having for its ob- season will take place tomorrow, ject the resurrecting of the W est. Friday evening, in the Oriuige Vancouver. Board of Trade, will Jiall, when Naomi Chapter Noi be held at 8:16 p.m. next Mon- 20, Order of the Eastern Star, day, February 22nd, in*̂ the will give their Annual Dance, Council Chamber. It is expected This has always been a very to'hkv.e on hand for the meeting i)opuIar event, and should be ̂ the books and other documents particularly so this year after Mrs; Ŵ Small, of the old-Board, so that the - . the temporary Jjull in social cn- Regent-- Mrs. W. , necessary ijiforhiation will be gagements due to the long cold available.as to the procedure to apell, now happily past. The be taken to , re-establish the music as usual will be in charge organization. , of Garden's ' Orchestra, and • It is^hoped thht there will be daiicing will take place from 9 a large attendance of local busi- p.m.do 1 a.m. Refreshments will ness men-and others inteix3sted. be served (luring the evening. .. - --=---- Admis.si()ii; mhgle," 75 ' cents ;/ ...-- ANNOUNCEMENT........ couple, $l:25;r Admission^ i^ invitation only, and ■ the card Hirst, • ' Gounoillors Mrs. A. Gleam, Mrs. H. Vaughan , .The reports read by officers and conveners of standing com mittees were very gratifying,. and~gave a.good idea-of the v as t; amoLint-of work accomplished by the -various briahehes of the. Chapter.' The Regent reacl her report which touched more upon the idealistic 'and spiritual sidê of the Order. At the conclusion of her address,-Mrs. ,P. Wnit," _paat-3egejit,„prisejitedLMr6,_W:, -..MiSs-Jeanne .Lcttner,r.wishes., jnust_bci..presented. at:..the door...... to announce she . is starting Any who have not received their dressmaking ' at her home at* invitations, are asked to kindly, Mrs. J. Condon, 2327 Bellevue Avenue and would' phone the secretary, Mrs. Wihi- r... TT ' like the patronage of all her fuul Reid, a t 2 6 7 - L . friends. ^ -Bpring is just around the cor- . ' CORRESPONPENCE " ' her so why not greet it With a nice new suit, which can be made Editor We.sf Van News. to. order at a Very reasonable price" by Ju s t phoning West 664-%...'.V , PAULINE JOHNSON P.-T. A. Dear. Sir';--papers come, and papers go, but yours goes on for ever, (with apologies to. Lord •Tennyson). Well har.dlyf ever, , but long enough for tHe citizens )̂f West Vancouver to i*ega-M it' somewhat as' an institution. The" reason is not so much the "pro- Now the bad,.weather is abop^ over, the Pauline-Johnsem-Par- one great poem, or, one great'prose work that will liw ^ajs - b7 Smalfwfth a life ent-Teachers Associatidn"is ~pre-~'Tound subjFcT m atter~6f■ your appeared during the past forty years? , Genius h^s not died;...- ""'and in a.sh(>ft address expressed Paring to cO-operate m an effort editorials, or the controversial ■!4-. T̂oc( Jkrtrk-M'-CTWi Kononoa n'F 4-Viri VirvocjilMli'f'iT' 4*Vi Q+ ; / Hpj}rCCi&tiOll Of thO IHGlTlfê rS f*,]ATI 'TWapIt .ITI A'f ViAll V pnlllTHmInstead, it has been'smothered, because, of the possibility that the appreciation of the members make Education '.Week , in "edge" of your columnist""Suba its works-would-not-show-a--profit7--Andrso-we-have-ragtimer -"--for-iifr~:l(}yal and untiring ef-'~; West-Vancouver-an unqualified dar," -but tb the riever-failing crooners, sex novels, bar .room brawls misnamed./'wrestling forts during the many years she s,access. All parents who live regularity of its delivery;.;As.^one matches,- and- evefyJ;hmg-,-else appeals Aor a- multitude ' has held ,office,->it!lTs; Lawso'n, Pauline Johnson School are who is out in all 'weathers,..! can apparently* not greatly different fSom the Roman mob whom X lion. 1st Vice Regehti pinned on cordially invited to becjornemem- appreciate the temptation the --------- .-- _ ^ î_h -̂|..|hdges7-nndJMrs7AV--Gbnr̂ lfly' bers--of the Association, Any bc^s must havp had on night.s Air th1s"effort f&r "developing" .the world was very'rudely- - interrupted in 1914. It annoyed us extremely that' we should .haverrto-fight--for-what'-we had quite legitimately aoq'uired, and, when it was over, we determined that it must nevfr occur - agani. - ' .-Unfortunately, being, as we 'have said above, essentially, business peoples, we'missed the -significance of the saying ' that only a- strong man_-warmed keepeth his goods. We in- icreased-our-gbods-arid^crapp"ed'lour_arms,Jbecause-.fhey_were_ expensive, whereas our formei; enemies reversed that process^, recognizing with cold logic the oninipotence^bf physical force-. --- Thus-we are now agÔ H 'greatly- annoyed- at-being told -by our governments'that.great sums are once more required for defenpe'̂ purposes. ;"We are honestly shocked at the very idea -of-whatseems to -us-suoh-a' useless-expenditure; ■ also presented-'her .with -a. sh[e"af" of̂ ̂daffodils and violets,...^ ... Among the guests were Reeve Leyland, Mrs. Ash^ and the Weston Glee, (3lub, who during the afternoon entertained the .merhbers with several.-selections under the able direction of Mrs., -Colih-MacLeanr---- ---- --------- whbMralue-^th"e-welfnre-ofTheif=="= '̂ch-as-we-nave-^^^^ children '.should* make, it their" last six weeks to abandon their " ,business_ to attend, the meetings task and 'leayo you in theiurch. and therebyJtielp-t-hemeetves--t-o--But-mo,--t-h(2-papei?^e<)rnes-a-nd-we-- HoWever, if we protest loud enough and long enough, the governments we have - elected, who are-̂ after all the' same - kind of men as-eurselves, will-be compelled to tell us some- thing_of-the-infor-mation-undoubtedLy_in_theirJharids-COjicem ing what our enemies have prepared for us. ' And then we ./shall'no longer be shocked but afarmed^ * Incidentally onb "would have; thought" that the., rape of "Ethiopia, so recently perpetrated' by the same two.national brigands still loose in the world, s%uld Be-a 'sufficient warning ■ for any sane man. Reeve-Leyland in a few well _jehosen, words expressed his ap: preoiation of the invaluable work . of the Chapter to the Municipal- - ity. - • Mrs. Dundas read a_most int eresting. and instructive paper bn "The Romance of "Western ' Canada," -which was very much enjeyed"by/lthe members. ̂ " 7 Votes ofi thanks were proposed to retiring' officers, Mr.. Chilton . and the Press. Tea was served, and the birth- a better understanding of the look for it to acquaint us with problem of their chilcj.ren's teach- r bur neighbors' joys and sorrows, ers. Any who wish to join are And marvel at the esprit de corps" asked to kindly., phone. West/, that must exisit,. among your 5.49-X. c small-staff so as . to make"^this Jiaper possiblpv' R. m-DUNLOP TO LECTURE.r Yours truly,•: C. P; PtjWELIi The .program which is to :be 'given in.'the United Churbh oh Friday,, the 26th instant, under the auspices of the Women's Association of the West Vancou ver U nited Church, should be one of great interest to the com- munity. wisTONlANS The Vandals defeated ^Knox United Senior B men in the final game of their series at McDonald U ym Monday night, and, earned the right to* reppsent division twoi in the Cbmpijinity Basket- / b a ir League championships. Knox United won the first~game by a close margin^ 18-17; Van- NAT-IONAL EDUCATION physical education "bUrrroularacjtiviDesr %nd extra- ?A11 members" of the cbmmun- / The popular lecturer, R. W. Dunldp*, F.R.G.S., is already familiar to W;€st Vancb ences and the selections of . Scot- day nake-with 17 candles was tish music and songs wh mh ac- dais won the-second game ..easily ̂ cut and served~~by-Mrs. Lawson company hi's lecture will add to 27-14, and the third game by the and Mrs. Wait. The meeting the interest of the. evening. score of 23-18. The Vandals now then adjourned with the singing Come and bring a friend. meet either Arts Cub or Spen- of /the" NitibrialTn^t'nem. Thb" ";̂ . --^ - cefs iirfH€"Blaybff^ .Prom February 21st t^ 27th ̂ ^o furibMn to a next, Canada will agSin observe .-Dominion-wide broadcast over -. National Education W eek,'and: station-CRCV next Monday, Feb- > through Jh e sponsorship of her. ^.^^ry 22nd, at 7:00 - -7:30 p.m. Departments, of Education, Vancouver time, when-Dr. G. M. next meeting will- be held-~on Monday, March. 1st, at the home of Mrs;'K, B. Forster. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E:, attended a Civic Ser-̂ in the United Church on . TO WNSWOMEN'SUUTOT J'he'^ annual. meeting. of the Townswomen's Guild -w ŝ-held a t the Clachan on'Friday,^ Febru- , having defeated the Meralbmas The Westonians scored a fast minute basket to break a 21-21 tie with the Meralomas and won the serie.s in two'straight games. , , 1, , --j. ' i. ,.............. ....... ;---vice *m tut; ujuwu v̂huiv.ii vh ary 5th. ̂ onSaturdayby 30-25rThe^Mer- -jeac.ners,.schpd trustees, parent- Minister of Education, will Simdav'February 7th the Rev. __/^xplaining the origin and the alomas edged out the Westoni- t-eacher associatio"n^and other-" be^tKe~guestr-speaker,-while tire==-DilliY"WrigHPofficratife------ wbUcing---of-7Fairbridge--P"-arm---a7 iS"for fifstTlaceYn the league educationally - minded- groups," Chorr7u'nd7rlhe 'baton' . will ask her-citizens-to m anifest--Ira Dilworth,' will contribute r io R T irm TURAI SOCIETY -.-,a special ...interest. in_ the educar-- ■■musical-^eleGtionkTand^^ur^bi^^ ' HO K 11CU L.1U K L b u c schools at dhy time during that Canadian Teachers' Federation, wood -High' Schoprnext Tuesday;schoolQ af jfr.xr +Vis,+ . r - , ' . T e a c i h e r s ' Federation, 5n#Yihi#sflK provided for the training of ' Whose--subject-wiU* be School at, Duncan, Vancouver-Is- standing,S and the playoffs lan(3, Major Harold Brown gave brought the West . Vancouver- a -most^Jnteresting^lk--toA^he--team-their^revenge--In=t4ie^effl4-- Gui ld. . ■ - " - finals, they beat th.e Nippons B ^ uxxiip uui.aii6 -Ijanaaian leaciiers reutsxaLyu, 8 b m" - when the -̂=̂ eriod to become-raore thorough- - will convey-the-.official greetings ®^pakers will be^Df^cT E Bay-" Iv fnTYiiliav TTrifii --- - 11..1 1. - 0+speaK ers wm xie u i, 'j . su.-Da.y. Reports, on th.e .year'.s activ- „cisively:_.39-26, and 26-16. They, ities were given by the various, now play.-Sparlings in the finals i>Ljamiliar_jwith_jthe.ifacilitiea of the Intermediate A champibn- ship. children. While parents are welcome on* any convenient day," Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schools LANTERN LECTURES , -11 i, ------- -- ------------- DUnder- the..-ayspices of St. ' ™ he officially ."at home" on -Stephen's A.Y.P.A., a lantern ^ . z z ^ ^ ^ d a y , .F e b r u a r - y - 2 5 t J i , - w h i l e h e presented' in th e * 8 t Senior H igh.Igt;-Stephen's Parish Hall qn ■ ® ̂ receive visitors on * Wednesday, February 24th, at February'^4t% rPn -eight o'clock.̂ Jdi; aitemoon the Junior Red-r -/The very interesting work'of ross will sponsor a Tea and . a-Northern Mission will be pre=- T 1 n ̂ . t It XX Uegumes, their value to you," and Rbbert Battensby of the -Vancouver ParksDBoard,.. _who- will talk on "Spring Pruning." An upper level bus will- leave xonvenersTnand '"Officers 'elected^ for the"; ens_uihg_7yearIwere'.Mrs. J. B. Leyland, honorary presi- - dent; Mrs'. A. M./O'Donnell,, hon orary - vice-=president: , Mrs^^^. Cromar Bruce, president; M rs.. A. C. Bagley, vice-president;- views will be held at 7:30?p.m.- Mrs. J. Ro^se, recording secre-. tomorrow- - (Fridayl ̂ -in Holly- HOLLYBURN HALL The usuahYoung People's Ser vice illMtriited with" lantern Wwk in the Inglewood sen ted-on the slides, the epntinu- Auditorium. On Friday evening, ity being given by E. Slater. y 26th,'the High Schools " -The A.Y.P-.A. extends welcome Amb]e|idp._W;harf a l8 p.m., Bisset, correspond--.--burn Hall, when the speaker, W. -there, will be the^usual bus a t ing-~s€cretary ; Mrs; J; T . F o x /, Wood, WilL take as his ..fubject 10:30 the treasurer;- Mrs. "F.. G. Hewitt, '̂ St. U aul ' the Apostle." Next liberty. U . / / " , . '"^membership registrar;-Mrs. L. . Sunday a t 10 a.m. Sunday School AJjb^ited"amount of time.^will Wrisberg,' press; elecjted as .and .Young'People's Bible Class. ->be affo rd after each leciture'-for councillors, Mrs., A. S. Young, ' At the 7 :3d p.m; service" pext questions and answers. . Mrs. E._Uierrien, Miss B^row, .Sunday there will be a Gospel rwill It is h'oped.that aj lahge_nunir- Mrs. A. T. Cushing, Mrs. D. W. Address, the speaker being John ber of residents; will take ad- Graham, Mrs, L. Rankihe, Mrs. Wilson. All will be hearfily wel- present a program o f .to aH interested in this lecture.; .v a t^g e of this opportunity. T. .Turner, Mrs. R. Frqud. ,- - come * ^ . _ -- -A-