F e b r u a r y ' 1-- eeiiw** LK(iION NOTKS War Veterans Assî tatict* ro m fn is '- i« n Phone West 46 RED AND WHITE Phone West 469 that S P h C IA L S : M e^ts---Phone West 370 - . r K h ) A V X M S A T l- H |> A V r P h h ' ^ **̂ *̂** (M-r ll». III. 3Hf »■' 39c Ific IImJ a While I KA TKA Aunt Mnry't ItwJ A Whllv .MAKMAI.AOK I III. till JAM, "N iiIkiIi, I 'un* l(aH|ilM*rry 1 Ih. (in H K A I.T IIO A IS .Mi'lloKnun littCKc «t, III. ,|ikl. <̂*c ( ons ri.AKKH K i IIokIT'm CHhii - Tiisl) 'parkaKi- Me H.-d A While JKIJ.V I'OW.DKIIH .f'iiii*u|)iili'., KuMplwir), l.i'iium, i*lc, 'I |ikt H 19c rirK I.K .S H»n ( Hour .Mixed, ('how, Hmir ( how, * ■ l.iirKi* W ti l. jar . 25c HOlil'H -- llcd A. While Camii'd SoupH Huy. (hi*m hy IIm* (lorcii. , 'I'oiMiito,'\'*'Kc(uhh'; ('lain ( holder; ;i (liiM a,!ir;' lio/cn 950 lUd A Whilo r i. l i l 'H - - A Moriltohu Hard VNhoal Moiir; 21 llî Hack $1.07 .SHOHTKM.N'fi SwIM'h CroHConl I Ih, ( 'urtOM , I Ic roH.N'Kf) HMKK I Ih. Hu 10c I'KAHI. IIAKI.KV 2 .SOItl* MIX . .IhH. .41'UT- I'F-A.S ' , . r5c r ' M E A T S FOWI> . jb. 21k* CIIOK I*; l»OT HOASTS, II). I k* C()'l"]'A(;h KOIJ.S, per II). 2le X H il{ UOASTS, per ll). I Ve K0LLI*:J) I'HI.MK HIHS, II). 25c FIN.NA.N HADDIF, per H). Hk SCOTCH CCKF HADOIF .FIFUCTS, per ll). i.K.s rKN .m iH iF S 'noN .s JH'd A Whil.' I.OHS'i'ICU, '/<h *1 TNA ri.SH. I ill itto: '/in . lin'l'lc, ( 'HAHMKA r- - lo r ('(Mktails or Haliiii*., 'ji*, nil ' ' ' a Nahoh 21c 22c 2,2c WHOM*: ( I.A.MS. Tall 'I III l.'lc It is iiitere.sti):).'. to . of lh'nslonVmTCp"'.'ft',*t ■'••'.-".1- in . roniioctiuSi ^ M.rn.a¥rhhCWOl|l{l.h;̂ "-C.ona'.h •about it. ' , , ■'A fe e l in ir h!' fi;:;ip|»ouia))'.'lH aixl unrest-' 'prevail" HTvire men due t- 'i;o C<*'. OmI estimates wei*e siihmitlc'l to Hie House of.('ommotK wiinoiii iimy provision 1'or uiK'n.iiloymant as- ,̂ i,stand*. This maMot* was <hS' cuss«m1 at a mect̂ imt "I l«'»wvi . Îainlafl(l hrandu'" of ihu l.eKion held in Vmiconvci* MoiuJ:,tyx wiiere M hran(;|,i'weiv i'eiu'e- senled, and a str'Uiyly wfii'qeu n'soliition wa.s (iisiiatchen t" ■ I.<'j.p'on lieadijuarli'r/' .'it Otliiwa- to the eflVct Ih.ai I hr JlleetUljr fell it. 1 heir duty on lirhaK ol all nneiiijiloyed yelerans.,. tu"Ui'K<';' that so;n(' recom'nieiiilaHon la* ulj'taiiual Irofn Ihr War \'rl(*ran."' ( 'ominission and t hat it. la; iniiiha-. niei,it('d hy remedi.'il measure's, 'v JEFFERIES' SUPERIOR M e a t s HAMS . U.MB •• 0 F 'X L L .K IH D 3 -« * 1 Store at H otlyburii, T ■ ' phone WEJST 3 POUK VEAL DELICATESSEN next Theatre S a sh & D o o r s , L a th , S h in g le s ,! , '3' ^ : Builders* S uppH ^ V I nllrliiiL̂ is ju s t as so u n d as the lum ber in it . ^OIII .,nd ECONOMY, w hen you use ourmi combine \ .om .materials, L u m b e r V ŶEST yANCOU'VEiR LUMBER QO. LTD •First lu.*re ,to serve ym( 15th ^ Marine Oriye Still Serving you best." Phone West 115 CO.NSCMFUS' LEACUE ̂ (West Vancouver) roHIlFSPONDENCE l»IN(; I'ONC HFAtiCF lu Al the ri'Kular husine.sH meet-, ,--iuKt ollJ tiio- ahov!e Jeajcue.'JlKiliL. la.sl Moiiday,'an hivitat ion from ' ■ ■ the l"ri(*ri().s of Ha* Soviet UnioTi was received, askinkr for nomina- H *-editor, ....................... - -- Wefh Van New's. I)eai* .Sjr: Truly Ihe'aKo of cliivalry Isn't ' alldKether'death With 'your permis.sion', I wTUild like lo record an incident, which. : tion.s foj--a deh*Kate to 'he .sent.' 1 think, slii uid he piihlislied. to llu*. (LS.S.K. this coi'uinjjr May -to-repja-'s<*ni--t-he~,-\V.ommhs (Ji'K'- ani/alion.s'in Ih C, Mrs. It.yi); Hoiiclietle -Wiis nominated-from thi.s.branch of the Cnnsumer.s' I.ofiVne, I'liectmn To.laki* place Fehnuiry Hhli a( llu* ..Women's JIuildiiiK, Vancouver, "riu* (lele- -linally elected will la* sent 10 I hlyJL 1 ..S.Ih.ut t lie <'X|am.se of the hut dui'ijiK'her .so- W'liile walking dow'ii Fscpii- malt on Saturday afternoon I joujl'M in that country will he the* kriiest of« tlie-'Soviet Union, Fol lowing the Women's Ck)nKre'.ss being Ireld in-May, the dviegatio'p -W'.ilLbe airdrijL*(.La_sx_w'_eeJCiWitoui'_L of- the .SoVret Union.- The- co- iuid to stand asi<h* a.̂ wi'll.-as 1, Could-01* g-et splashed all over by thret* car.sTliat,'piySsi'd. Along caiite ;,mol her, anjl I was'lOoking around once'more lo get off lh(*.' road when' tl;is car sIow'(;d down ■ and h'( nu-; pass in .saf<*-t.W k*". was tla- lad who (Irivi's iMi*. 11.̂ ■"I7rimT"f]TnrVaTrau<r"'I TakF'l Iris'" oijportunity of • .thaidu'ng .him V<*r.\' much for the --cou.rLe.sy!- 'slio.wii',. . (Iralefully' ~ ' uuNCA'N. Teams ■ •■lieavH'H.;........ ' Maph.* Ivcahs"̂ '- AV,.,y. Si//ders jJea rc a F s Caiuidieus , ■Wh V.-hcgLoii "The Hig Six;' ' ' 1'layers I' J. FidclesAkv.s)___ l.S F. Muslermau (l!vs) 18 II. Wells (W.V.S.) 18- A. Crievo (C) - 16 A. Ma.sierman (Ml,>) 16 S.-Ilaxli'i* (ML)Wd! it; I' W' L T I't.̂ 3 . D .(L .U. 0....») () 1 () 4 ■ '»)f) ') ' 1 .* 0 4 2 1 1 0 ' 2H ■ <) 1 *.> '() 2 •1 () T • 0 0 : C L A S S IF IE D ' A D S ' . r .-riHHsined-Advertisements is 2 cents ,per word, m inim u^ * "i xcc^t in the case of U^ose having reg u la r accounts, all cUssi- juij'able Mtricdy F .ug^yjfjai Van News get im m ediate results.-,, Kctncmber.ClaHsaKSis . j ------------------------------------ ^ -----------^ ^ T ! MASON'S TA X I -- Day-.a'nd night. • WT()\'I*: N\'00.1.) . Pussengbrs fully insured. West 512,.. <i;r. (Ill W'l'Ht " X ----------- * ^ ----------- ------ j r r r z w e b u y -- Junk , R ags, Bottles, w- n v a s H,'(;biroprac(or„ buiio .........M etals,.,Furniture,_ S.toves, Heaters. ■hcill'vbunuHloek. ■ , B urrard Junfc Co., W est 9T Suitŝ - W It; 27!U Marino., 14 12 " i). - 8t.) .78 '78 75-" ,(4) 5() Cliildron's- .Mr.v;. K'obhiiis., 'nili-K. FOR RENT -- A ttrac tiv e lower suite, m odern;, good location near ferry. .,$ 1 5 .0 0 . W est 511-R. ' I.Ori'r -- \ DJin; ... -'curly, s-iUcy'.bladi fur on back;,.sable, Ool'lie Male, white .chest, umlerr.oath; '■ white?. feet. WEST VANCOUVER MACHINE SHOP -- -R epairs, -Bpray' Pumps, Household A rticles. 1449 Marine. Answers "(.-aiitain.'.' .Rowaref.-AVest _______- i r '- IT.);- B RA D LEY -* T U R N E R -- Painting,' Kalso'mining, and P ap er Han'ging. W est 3B0-X-1. HARHARIANSfDANCEl Iti VERY SUCCESSFUL and .spile of /lie l)ad wcartior ho goncral, pi'cvalonci* of (O lil) \vt)()l) SPECIAL - - 40 lo '50 - Coni.s good, woll-seaspned bemloc-k, '■$2..50 -in busli, or $3 .5,0 delivered, 'rein'ot! Ai .Son, West,..8h;,, ., __. -s i c In 1 (*ss--th c r e--wa?;'-h--I; i rgc*- a t-- ]!:!() Esquimalt tendance*'at the-third'amuial ontinc Dance .given Jiv t he Guils'* Auxiliary _Barbarians WAN'l'E p .--- Bedding, clothing, boys' -- a n d "■ M -'S hoes r---\V-cl fa re-i-AssocJc- alion. West G9j). . HANDY ANN SH O P, 2442 Marine - Valentines, School Supplies, Toys, Notions, H ardw are, Marshall-Wells "Paints, ' Turps'. Y our .patronage' earnestly requested . ̂ •'________ ^ SHOE r e p a i r s -- Get the best mat- _^er-iai__an4---workmanship._at_F_ox_a,_ • 14lh at-Ferry*;' *i ' . :l_- 'PRENeH~BEAUTY~SALON-for-woi*k- of-quality . Phone W est 212, 1562 r Marine. - , _ opij.ration of t.hc ciliy.cns-Qf'WUt.st- Vimcouvcr is .souglU ill order, to - help tlur lyiiag'niiHn-.support-I]!,' CHURCflES OF CHRCT, - - ' . SCIENTIST ____L- al.so ('U'cti'd, to aU<md the special conference being called by tlie Indu.strial and EPiployiTroiirCon-" roreiKH* lo (kal -with the cost <)f liyiirg, thi-s c<)nforence to bi* ti<*l( 1 - ih tlm Orjingyi-Akdi next Sumiay a t 10 a.-nif l lwino' to illne.ss and ~ ^ s 'OTid.y' w ill b irrfiirs iT iij e c t o . , , tl.io Li'.̂ ŝdn - .Sermon in 'all Rugby team i-ame'ovet"-*tr) the (.'hurches of ■*4'iirisl, Sci(*iitist; ■ dance. Jho \ alentiiie-molil was Kugb'y Club last.Friday e,v6ning _____ ___________ ' .dv .th e T lo lly b d lJ j -.1 d i.d inn ,, IlJ F-air-sized residential a d d itio n to th e m an y local y o u n g property, preferalDly .waterfiont, peop le p r e s e n t a m im b e r 'o f m em - . west of Caulfeild.JNa agents. Box'. _ - b'ej'.s of-'t-Iie--New-^'"\\T;sl h iiust e r >V E-SELL. y o u r _fav_orit!ybran_d_ pf_ Cigars, C igare ttes and Tobacco. O ur'en tire stock is k ep t fresh under , ideal conditions/ ensuring satisfac tion when you-' ■ • ' ' SMOKE .SM ITH'S SMOKES -- --:r--~AmblesW ~ bad road eonditidns the Consiim- . - m i 'C L i iu K i iM lu a . i io a i - U u a b lc .J .r . hi.I.I .iii.v imWir moutijurs.. A.s (ompii.se thu l.o.-.so,! 5*soon ns conditions permit a -^..liLibJjt Se,rmoi.i i.s from t Mso ivnlHi for fm-thei- imli.... 'W"'*'; «'o>'>(H..t>r(rHT-2£-hp-iKoaut V of liohness. 'oTi Sunday. • , . -The Colden Text is: 'Trujy , . ni.v soul.-waitetli upon .Cod NXrom • "gfig^d-in pb'i.v'mg.Riigh}', and .a Him cornetiT .my salvaTion." vcu'.y'jolly-evyihug wa.s-spent-by (Psalms ()2r 1).--' attended dancijig to the Ajmong' Hie eitatioms whieh * Pi'(ivided by Sine ' N h e jih ertP .s-^p iq -ju la r--o rrh -c is tr^ the following from the - Piibl̂ -!: • f w e r e ŝerved Be- ..r^;........... I\. IK . I , . . . 1 -' ' - • j r r o r y danc('.'+.' ' IT)IT SALE ! Beautiful HudsO^ ̂ Seal (!oat; F urrier's -cTaim-c-ou-ld-not-be Trofn-ineTit trrthe ])refty'(1elWa-'V^ (imdi.cated-̂ Dr-less-than-'Taobf-size- tions, as, - als'C)- some "figures^en- ..4.0-cash..p'ricB-.$80,...,'W.est 326-X. FOR SA LE --- One child's walnut crib and-m attressr IPhone Westr23-7Jl.T.-.- HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B.C. -- Friday and isaturday - o House Oresses-98c; Cocktail- Aprons - - 59c. 1678 Mai'ine Drive. ■ LEG IO N -H A LL--F o r R ent--Parties, m eetings, phone W est 647-L, Mr.. -Capon,, .m anager. - - -LOS'I--Thursday Eve., Feb. 4th, wire - haired ;pu.pp!-^whit,e. with ^black- : inarkings. P lease ' return- to Mrs. (OUNCIL NO'I'ES (Psalms 29: 2). ' T h e Le.sson - S e rm o n a lso in-, e lu d e s ' t h e fo llow ing ' - passag .e- f ro m t h e C h r is t ia n S c ien ce ti3xt- boQjc, " S(*ienee a n d H e a l th ,w i th In re g a rd , to th e ■question df te m p o ra ry re s id e n c e s fo r b u ild - in g im rpo.ses ^ K e y iC> t l ie SoriF>turt>i«-k>r»M arv ed he h u ild iiig liis iH * c tm ^o .,re - 'H a k 'h r 'E d d y : ' " Soul,' o r ' S p ir i t , ■- p o ri all case.H sm e e 1941 w h e re ( k k l , - u n c h a n g o a b le - a n d etc*i'- Jial c q ^ x i re f le c ts S o u l, Q b f l : f o r ipai^ is. CkKl's 'in i i t^ e . "' unfair mivan,t'ag<? liad-bee'if taken of tin's clause in the Huilding Ry-law.' "V......... - 'riie_ Uouncil ileait _ wiTli nTi? Engineer's report as follows; 1 , S _ S -- I'tHJiivVi a p p lu ia tio n re thune ..Lot LL .Hluck' 5, D 1,. David. Morgan and .fainily-wish to thank tliefr nian.v friends .th'i'ou-giiGuf--(he. nuinicijiality..-for thoir. very fsitui inquides-iiy '])hoiic and 'othcrwi.sc iluring his severe illness ,for the Ja.st.? ten (la'ys, and 'Oc glad to .Mi.y tliat hojs_ nvakiug_ a .good rec^ovei y and hopes to be ni'ouMd-al no di.-tant date. / " Gleed7«89-15th-St7 Synopsis of k n 4 Ad nue-SBtpxioNa^ 'design, see J. Teppema',-'Builder 2;.136. Lawso'n Avc.j W est 575-L, T^ACANT,' imrMerve4::: rary'eyed V IdnH* rn*.v he ■ hv' "Crown" HA Your Ilom li planned .to Suit .vour lot.:. For good construction apd ■J. Teppema',' -Builder, . . ................ . . .» idnda m(iy b« ; pre^ British :._subjects,: over.'-:18:;.;;ireftr#?'̂ .-and by f rkC-'i' c I - • r -- aliens on declaring intention to' become IjUo I oclnier CJarionet with. case. ; t^. BritiSb-ysubjects, ' conditional - upon resi- .Reward $5'.' -West 93-L.'- - dence,'dbcupatlon "and/iinprovement. ,■-< - "7̂ --------- •• ' ------ Pull--Information--ooncemlng--Pre-emp-- 'FOR ,SALE'-- .Gasbdat, 23 fe&t,-beam._ 8'̂ e? ' ta.BuUetm No i.i •;,:__(i.ff,_iO in., 4 h-p-Easthope,'cheap ■ to fte-empt Land/ copies.oi for-cash. West 181-R-3. DOUHLE-JIEADED-^VBLE TIE left •at Mrs. J. HaydiV Young's.-home on 22nd December. Owneriplease claim; " I'm trying to find my uncle, l le 's- beon m issing-three'w eeks. Ho dis.ap-" 'l knirw=Avliere-)m4&r^ W e s t v a n s t a t i o n e r s ; -. ,\ijlentiiUis 0.1 all kinds, from Ic u]). H A v f p i lW 'r f > • i. j *uHeadquaiters for .SehnnI .cinppijni -- E-C MEN 1 for-furnished three- .......rent and s-ile • bulioom house"'from "MaTch"~"15thr ' i l ^ r y f t a momhh" Archery lYOTT^ ." Lost eh?'.' - Monopoly for class Lending 3e pel' djî \. itvMr-MTTrmeyAW'st. i;87 whicb can be obtamed free: of charge by addressing the Department of: Lands. Vin- lorla. B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Infonna- ilbn. Victoria, or any Oovemment Agent. Records viU be granted covering,.'only - . land suitable : fwr; agrtculturol purposes >n*ithln reasonable distance of road, school and marketing taellltiea and which ts nottlmberlajnd. Le.; carrymg over-5,000 board _ feet per'acre east of the Coast Range and •8.000 -Teet per acre weei of that Range. Applications ifor- preremptlons are , to- be .^iddressfld - tf». f lu id s Commissioner ol ' KeTT'nx'ir b iw k J o llio (jfia.ir- ■ nm n o f t;ho RbaWl o f AVorktUaiiii . the EngimvV" AVe.si2, . Hou.so' munlHU'ing, ILiy niul yicinily, ■ " V ' 2 That thi,s matt<M* rpforv̂ pt / J.o .(.he„JilAmioipal Clork lo havo a' H(\uso'Numlx'ring Ry-liiw pft*- juu-eU covering D.L-.'.s' 557 aiui Sep IKS first - ELEGTRIC WASHERS Lou.sdale Ave., North 525 1486 Mai*iho Dr.. Amblesido West Vancouv̂ î A U C tlO K .Î .ANR l>- EI.CE, B.C. Land Surveyor------ __2ijid :Civil Liigmeer.- West 79-Y-.^ pr-. the Land -̂ Reeordmg Division m wnlclT'prapplieililor -It situated, on printed- Marinef-Drive ' ()n Mcdno.sday, I7th Fobruafv 1937 _________ ___■•U-I^O-pTm;------- ^ ' -LOR SALE --- Oil Stove and Biimen, : paiAicularly good condi- tion. rironu M'est. (((m-Y-i -- . M ILL PA RENT S of Child who toek- ^:jnrh-"ft'oin-o"utsM (ri2o^ip-BelIe^ obtamjed . from Commissioner Fre-emptmns must be occupied ,for five .years and- improTements made to value Pi Si 0 per acre; mclttdmg . clearing *nd^uim rating at least Dee acres, before s Crown Grant can' be received. . . Pre-emptions cuuirylng pisrt̂ t ^ condi-.tions of occupation ,are also granted. PVRCHA8S KMIIUEASB. "(By order .Mr. Cai-ley, wlio'is nioying) Ami-Eltoc'K^. iiu'lnding: Walnut RT7tr»F u r I'eturnH)< 2-lth Street. ' - to -■ Barrister, Solic-* for purchase of vacant and--unreserved .prown lands. not being tlmberlaad. for ARrlculturw purposes. Mmmiurn ixwlofc^f-. fgst-P'®" ' (arable) land "le IB per a ^ -and secopji" _clasŝ '̂ (̂grasmiS)̂ ^̂ l jg-W ^^gyneUn ■NdT'lo.'LM'dr8«rlear"Po»ehMe andTeW- B = u rT a rd v = ta u n d T 4 & ^ -DKPEND.VITL-E-T.A1INBRY $i»LVlCE ; DAVE ANDERSON, West' Vnhcouver. Representative Phones -- West (>9l-L'Or Norfh 1310----- 'inverted MUO .A., OilC h,.08. T .ori'ti'ino* ■'T'a.'sL-. -i\ rv- * . fi-ii. • v «Onn, Xj&I S A lW D U S T "Tx ^^ '̂y<^Bst'eah only be.purchased through Kiiill's -Euels.v^N'one of my customers Avill go cold,-but only my custotn-i" ers will bo protected. " , ' "Phone KNILL'S .FURIiS for Fir Sawdust, Home Oil Fuels"' ■ . All phone'calls can be reversed. . ̂ « KNILL'S F U E tS NORTH Q A HAROLD MATTHE\VS LTD. .■Viictioneer.s m a r c ^ s h o p T».n. • steam of Crown-Lands." As s'lpartlal relief measure, - .̂n lands may be jusdolred by equal mstalmenta,! «tt)i v|be s-.ispended for 'twa years, -are -paid.^5h» due and.improvements -made.:.durmg--theJllnt -'tW€L_yws. o* ___ less than 10% of tb« s^pralsed • value- _ Mill,, factory ' or mdustrli^ -®«®*mfty timber land, not.'axeeadmg 0 be- purchased or leased, tne eondit including payment flC stnmpage. Unsurveyed ■ arcM, ' noS l-.ndc. S,. REAL ESTATE 'For Strvice. in buying or sellino- ■ ^ '-- see ---' - A. EL AUSTIN & CO LTIY •; .. S33 Hastings St. w 'estf (Ask for Mr. Hill) --•v-W e^t - T O d - ---- iPhone ■-304, Royal Bank- Buildincr^'~ ■ ■ stone «•„ f (I- Brick, and __ North ail-R-l;? CapUano," Telephone:G«pnone: . Evenings" Seyinour 9131 - West- '\ y e s i 9 S -X -2 u nsurveyea, areas, v m •*̂ ®i**̂ nndi- "-acres, may-be leased: as bomesl̂ c n̂ ^ tlonal upon s dwdllng, bemg the first year, tltU icsldence and Improvem^ eonditloy ** , f .IlfiUed rand land has baen snrveyea. _-Jarge-l t̂ ̂H ^ °̂°JK-6u.ngalow-on' ■T'of English view .-q u jk sa!e-$1.7(Tn "" Bor"' _____ ________ areas no.t exceeding' 8W- - ____leased by-one ̂ poaon er n eompany. Under tbf divided mto graidng dl*t«" ^_„rpeula-range adrnmistered; nndeV .grM^ to inftC " tlons amended from * tm»e V® W per- varying conditions. " AonwUmits Issued based o n g r s z - rates per liead ol stodje. . stoct •intr- nrlvlteges~ IS"' ̂ Iven ' to-- . . stock-oimam msy ; *ormowners; ■: tlo"nsfor-: range; managmnept partially Free campers r- range. managOTcui.. guttlers I S S ® ^ sal