West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Feb 1937, p. 2

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February ii. WMfftyAH UNITED CHURCH R«v, iniUt Wrifbt, 1I;16 B . m . , 1 : U p.m. Sund«jr School »tui Dibit G ats 10 ' S tr tn r tr t A VltlU»rt Wtlcomt. Latest in Hair Styles IWPTISf aiUKCH Irllaittcr Kcf. W. L MfKty. DM-, DD SattfiJijr Scrtifc* 10:00 ti.m.--Church Schw) in­ cluding Adult Cla«» . U a.m. Sl 7:ii0 p.m-- Preaching Hcrvkt'8. A hearty welcome to all Again w u bring you the laleat in hair Kiyle- fm r n the 1!).'57 '*I*wra(|i' of I'ahliiona*' in Scaltl'e where MImb' Kthel Uoht*rj,B J iuhi been htudying from AmenVa'» leading,, h,uir*alyli«tH. Gwendolyn' s' : Beauty Shoppe Crealort of Hxcluaive PermanentH, < I54G Marine Drive , ' Went 117 .-I D R . G . D . / / . S E A L E, D.D.S., Î .D.8: DENTIST liay Ulock, 11th and Marine Dr. . f)|})e« Houra U to (1 p.m. . KvtnlhgM hy appointruent, I'hohe Weal 72 ' HOLtYBURN HALL Mth and Duehf-•»8 1 RIDAy I- VEMNCj i<'el). I'Jth, ut 7:.'j0 You Mg I*ea{ilit?'» He;wiee ' - .llluhtn^tuil hy lunler fig viewrt, S , , Subject: "Seven Ne'«• '1 ehtament ■ Henw^" ________ X Sl'NDAV, i"eh;' Mill, IIt 10 a.III. . Siiml ly .Schdal und V(iung'l'<■nple'.s Bibb ClUK.S ' HI.'.NDAV EVENING ut 7 :a0 (JOSPEL SERVICE , *■> i* • ^licakei". .MR.. HAROl.D SI/MMER8 W EST VANCOUVER , Cfaristiao Science Society - CDUttCH KDIPfCB . 20th and Eaquimalt. lloUyborn This Society a Hrur.ch of The Mother Church . The First Church of Cluiitl,-.- Scientlst, in Doslon, Maaaachu.sett» Sunday Service: 1!:>T1 »»•»>• i îinday, Fthfu-'cy ) 1th, Subjects . • " S O l M - '* Sunday School at 10:00 a.ni. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at'8;55 p.rn. ■ The public i'H cordially in­ vited to attpnd our sorvicoa and .metftings. N O W is the time for a Smart .Print JEnork, Xiw arrivals just in from East. . _ -J. "ni. '̂TirE~TOWN'- PEINTO*^-^iit-EEAli- 8ILK.rtCC O ut' ■'<**•'*** ̂ , .. . .. .....I.. ' " I ........ ................ ...mm... .... 1 „„l civir iiiKi Semi-Service Hose $l'.00 per pair ' ill 'I'auiicinifl, imil Smoketonc, Stroller and Saunter, GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT S H O P E| ,7 .. *' > ' ' wStlel'}7:f0 Marine Drive Minister: Kfv. Wilfriti L. ■MclCay,IJ,'A.,B.D. 1545 Duchess Ave. • • UNITED CHURCH 21st & EsciuiiniiU .Avc. Rev. Ilillis Wright, Minister Sutlday-'Hcrvu'cfC l l : ! '"' o.in. Siimliiy School ;il Ih a.'ni. , K.xplorcrs nicd .Nlomlay 7 Trail itaiiger.s niccl Tiu'.'̂ day 7 KatahfiaKeiS on North Shore 25 Yhara ' (Cady. AflslHtunt). HARUON imps. J/ri).; f utkrai SircctorB T-" N orth V ancouver l*a.rIurH 122 West Sixth Street ' Phone North DM Vanebtivee Parlors 55 Tentir Avenue East JDioiie Fair. JIM ' t Itanger p .'rti. . , , ■ . ^ C.U.I.T. meet Wt̂ liic.̂ day at / R . S E E D S - Grocery, - Hardware Amblcsidc Phone West 28 •m Suvicu - Voruc and Free'Delivery to West Van. Residents SWII T'.S HKOOKFIKM) HlilTER .............................................dJbs. 80c- v w i r r ^ rUK.MlUiM HACON. sliced u.s you like it .............. ........ 85c lb, <\\TI.'rs IMUKJKFJKIJJ KCKiS -- A Lurgo in cartons........... 28c dozen' SWll'T'.'^ .Sll.VKIt I.KAl" I.A III)--J lb. curtons..... ......................... . ]5(._ SWIFT'S .IKWKL SIIOKTKNING-Best for all cooking....,...... 2 lb.s. 251, iiOl.I.I'ID OA'i'S- Koliiii Horn!, large pkts........ ...................................... 20c 1»1:FI'T:D WIIFA'T-Lai'gc pkts .......... f.-........... .............................10c- ' roK.V F1.AKKS -- Quaker .................. ;....... ;...........................25c "• SHKKDDFD WllMAT ..............................................;........ 10c pkt. I'liFNTvS ■-- 2 IN I'ki .SiuiLa Clara ............ ;..... ..... ................................ 18c Hardware Roofing -- Alabaktino -- Martiti-Schour 100%-Pure Paints WindovN' Glased cut to size ; . 4'riw'-I)astcHv.will-.he>i:jn.a seiTe.'i-- ................................ ........... .. ()f rti<\s,s«gL'.s ()ii iTie Sf*ven.\yoT{|/s. ' 'i i r i l Wnd from 1 lie.(;ros.s, Sunday 'bvvr The lir;dt wiI],bo.'"A..Call.l'r.om llu*: -Cros.s: Cliarity." Jn Uie evening .nn.vOi.dlnAtnm .tiirl imimnun niARI.ES .1. thorCey ..... VpASSES '̂AWAY......... . The only way to become -a. success- ...'ful • money -lender -is-to -take-a .great ' . dciil of interestln your work. .r Cros.s: t.nariiy. Jii uie evening 'i . .o i h / r - aiid Nelson,Avenue, dlod oirMon-' Hie .subject-will be, "Why He-, ' l|J(leFs wiIMake p au. a m Vancouver come a Christian The choiT Ueneral llospHid, aged, 8Q years, under; the .•I'eador.khip,'Of Miss fV I',.- The deceasc'd was a member ol , t he S ons ' o trhvng lan l l lK ie r u ) ( ! , leau e i Slop, 'iji ivn.i.'i u ;n ......i,.- U 'im nT ri!(|-U reak}!, .w ill, load in ; U -m i«l 11' n d ; ■ Ui,-woi-.shi|. 6 f HdhK. - ' . I'd ' " 1̂ " J«'."l- 'I 'he Cliiireh School wdll meet . •'̂ ei vice... ^ at 10 (I'Cloek/ It i.k hoped that VERNON FEED STORE A. C.; SBAUliE--Phone Weet-O .FertilizerB of All Kinds _ ̂ _ Wood,. Coal, : HiiHdera* SuDoilies many who have Uam ' «'*' STEPHEN'S CHURCH will b<'.out again Sunday, E. A. Ramsey The'Young Peoplo'.s minding," '■ -- -- . - " ' •will be vvitlidrawn Monday even- ' . iiebruary 14th -- Lst Sunday ing to enable the membor.̂ j to at- in Lent,' , , , • d'eiKlTrValcnrnie'SbeiYd̂ in̂ ^̂ ̂ -- 8:;0()-a7mr--Ilob^Cblnmunion.. Ju b ile e I.o d g e N o. 2 3 7 p u n d e r w hose au sjiices th e fu n e ra l-w a s held y e s te rd a y a fte rn o o n a t 3 o'clock; ill .V ancouveiv th,e ,R ev. A. E . 'W liit 'e h o u se o ffic ia tin g . In te rm e n t w as m ad e in . M o u n ­ ta in Vie^y, C em ete ry .- yT ■ GnffifhV M EAT M ARKET 2152 Marine Drive Opposite Marine Motors (P'orm̂ rly located in \Vest Bay. '*■ Store) ■ Free Delivery HLIJU <l «VCUUII.tUiU gJUl i.cll lll.-̂ X'a*!. ******* , ..view Hhpti.st ('luirch, under the l|:15a.m ,--Matins and Sermon., auspices (>f the Executive-or the "■ ' V: 15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- • Ibiiitisi-'City Union.:,' ■ ' ' mon, , Tlii|g>nii(l-w,eek '.meeting for • _I)raye)̂ and4jrais(LAvill_jm_eOt__o]r__ „ , .Y , •Wedne.fcy.at 8 o'clock. Wedne.sday,. 10:lo a..m. -- Holy ^ The 'linmial meeting, of - I1ie . ^ Communion. . . ^ 'Baptist Church was, held on -Jagle-: .\V"'edne îday, Eebnniry 3rd. In rp\ spite of' the. severe weather a ■ * h.uraday, 8:Q() pjn. -r-:Lenfen -gpod'-represcntalioii ol' tlm mem- ' ' Miss A.' U. Colfie and Violet ' .Poisson wrote the Council re -■ shack on d îrk Lane,' and road leading to 2946 Park Lane.- - The ClerktvYiis 'iiistruc'ted to reply-as regaid.s-the-shjaok,-^arid- , theY Chairman of. the Board; of- Works and the Engineer re road '• fori'wqrk file.- RELIABLE RADIO REPAIRS reasonable W A LLY GRAIG (Over 14 Y ears' Experience) 2117 Argyle Avenue -T'»: DRY FIR liiHiile ̂F ir or K i n d l i n g ' $5.50 jior caul 'A Fn'r'flx. Sluhs and lOdgings $7.50 2UU -I UPIC,̂ CI1UU1UM UL.^Iie iMcm- fr V'h 1 TV 'n -- -- . . ̂ :--------------;----------------------------- . ■ Fr4g1- 5 Child..,:,..; . ATTENTION! - E x-Sei^ ce •; Men !- :r, " Canadian. Legion Broadcasf ^very over C.KlW.X. HEAR SOME OF THE-REASONS WHY YOU . SHOULD: JOIN A NATIGISAL ORGAKlZAyTlON be . gregation sYrdqwn- tiAa splendid - ̂ . dinner prepared , by the ladies -' .mi - under the direction of Mrs. A. ■ I ho Very Kev, Cr S. Quajnton, -H,. llibberd. ' , , ' U.U., wilrcOricluct a~speeial ser- After tlur dinner-'the reports ' on Tuesday Eyening at 8 ----- ...... ' • • ./)'cIock m SI ■ Slephen'.s. Church-AV(>i:o--given-• and--iweateiir-iii^ -- gross all along tlie line, J'he ^ cordial invitation is'extended,.. cJeilc-reported-t-wontv-four-were-- LFial.teud.--Jl'here---\\'ill--be-- . . -SAWDUST =l'klT-AM'S FUKD Phono uftor 0 p.m. North 020 ED. BLACK WEST 6.8 COAL - WOOD DUMPWORR ™ SUBS $4.007:ord 2 cords $7,50 LWH'LHUUUHl LO llilS- , Z n ■ xwuiouc .sioii.s ancP-beneyolcnce. 'Nearly and all children with $200 had also been spent on the . '̂ heii\paren,D> are -invited'to-the"il<U,l itlJSU UUVU SpCIlL oil J.lie . ---- LU'Liit: chureh building." All the auxili- • o.n ..Friday afte'rnoon at ary • organizations reported â 4:lo oclock.' llollybiirn DRESSMAKERS ' and GLEANERS _ M I S S ;D .- H * _ H 0 R 1E 1890 Marine Drive Phone 583 year of real • activity and pro- S t.. Francisdn-the-Woods gressj. with a balance on "the---- - . . Caulfeild ̂ " • right sidei On the recopUon pf ' .Sundav, 9 ;45 a m - - -M-iHik mvl the_choir report .̂leathor bmmd - v . Sermon' ' copies oftho ire\v'Baptist Hynin- »r . _____ _ . nary Avitli tlieiiijiames engraved ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOT IP 111 gold letters' on the covc-r, CHITRPH ...were, presented to-Miss-Winni-- - -Rev W f MilHv ------- fred Brenley. the choir-leader; . Phd4 " ancLMr. Elmore: Humphrevs. tho ------ B E S T ASb' hiP'U'h7«'pcomT jVhtl iilli.nc- tivo menu IW-school ehihlron'!) lum-h, (hop in ami tnlk-jl over. Wo - apocinli7-o. in hoino-ipmic chicken iric.-i. P r D .- Q r C i T F E 1512 Alnrinc W est 616 piTranist^rfppcedatipn-oFthe^ Sunday Masses ...JoyaIiuid.efficTeiirserv]ckrto-'S - • --church. _ * . High Mast> and Sermoii-ir-l6";l5"' .. . The election of officers folWw- • Rnc„re';,„i r ' • j- ,■ ' ■ff,4he-pre.sontatioh. of repert.s ■"■!.";l Benediction -- 7:15 . .: Hind closed all evening filled witli n, x '.good fellowship. Catechism and "Bible History ~-- - . ' ...........____________ - - ^ i 9 ^ - S a i u r d a y = 9 T 3 0 - ^ - : i ^ ^ OSSIBLE SE R V IC a t the ̂ L^nibertoii & Son offered, til'd , Louncil for purchase, for'sinking F'rida'vs*-" Paco ' j- • . . . . the Hind purposes $2,000.. Provinct' ^rOoTn; Benediction, Publiihed Srery sTliuradiiy : 7130 p.m .;fo '8 ;30 'p̂ nv-̂ ' f -ft --* PuUhthcr Ff F. LOVEGROyK Phone West 363 ̂ BusineMT and Bditnrial Office; .17ih and. Marine . Drlca (Nwet.-to HoUyl^rn P. 0.) Phone West 363 MallT̂ Âddreaai A Sl'ECfXL LENTfIn SERVICE TH E V E R Y R E V ; C. S. QDAINTON, M.A., D.D ST. STJI-HEN'S .CHURCHT'-TOESDAv: FiwiL.ulV 16th SOO" "•'H ' ' ' ; ' ' "W ncuda.v, 10:15; Thursd,..v, 8:oo p.m.: ■ p rid a j, 4 .la p.m.; Sunday a.s usual, C O S T -PvO.-Bor-,61, JQollybanif B.C. "V North Vancouver Officer 123 lKmsdaJ_eAve_. 11.60 a y ear by carrier: $2.00 a year ' . 5 by mail. T h e W (H 'ld D ^ y o fJP ra y e r l e c m i c United^Churclr; FRIDAY, February 12th, a t 3 p.rif. ;A cordial it^viiation is extended to all -w ^eti; ' G'vV 3-3 6 . 'U a VC